Blue-green systems rendering

Blue green systems

Blue green systems are networks of connected park-like streets that manage water and land in a way that is inspired by nature and designed to replicate natural functions and provide ecosystem services.

These systems seek to protect the ecological, hydrological, and social values of the urban landscape and water cycle, and to provide resilient measures to address climate change and flood management, increase connectivity, and enhance access to nature.

Rain City Strategy objectives

Blue green systems first emerged as an action in the Streets and Public Spaces Action Plan, published as part of the Rain City Strategy.

Blue green systems are advancing Rain City Strategy objectives by:

  • Removing pollutants from water and air
  • Reducing the volume of rainwater entering the pipe system
  • Increasing managed impermeable area that treats urban rainwater runoff
  • Increasing total green area that treats urban rainwater runoff
  • Mitigating urban heat island effect

What's happeningCurrent planning and projects

Blue green systems planning is happening in three discrete planning processes:

  • Cambie Corridor: implementation of Alberta St blue green system, coordinated with the Columbia Park master plan
  • Broadway Plan: staff have determined a blue green system network to be implemented as part of the Broadway Utilities Servicing Plan, and will be included in upcoming public engagement
  • Vancouver Plan: staff are in the initial stages of determining a citywide network of blue green systems, to be co-located with greenways where possible

Current projects include:

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