Rendering of St George Rainway

St George Rainway

These projects are partly funded by the Government of Canada's Natural Infrastructure Fund for rainwater integration projects throughout the city.

The St George Rainway is the culmination of a long-term vision to construct a rainway along St George Street between 5th Ave and Kingsway.

Rainways are park-like networks of green rainwater infrastructure features like rain gardens that incorporate plants, trees, and soil to manage rainwater. These natural elements work with the pipes, the street, and other parts of the built environment to capture and clean rainwater before returning it to the ecosystem.

Project features

  • Four-block of rainway phase 1 along St George Street to manage rainwater between 5th Ave and Broadway
  • Improved sidewalks and pedestrian ramps to improve accessibility
  • Road repaving and traffic circulation changes
  • More street lighting to improve safety
  • Boulevard trees and low-level planting to add habitat, increase shade, and better manage rainwater
  • A new local street bikeway suitable for All Ages and Abilities (AAA) from 10th to 5th Ave
  • Car-free spaces between 7th and 6th Ave and Broadway to laneway to the north

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The anticipated timeline for the project is February 2023 to December 2024.

How this project may affect you


Healthy Waters Plan

Learn about Vancouver's long-range sewer and rainwater management plan.

Green Streets Program

Beautify traffic calming areas in your neighbourhood as a volunteer gardener.

Adopt a catch basin

Help prevent flooding in your neighbourhood, adopt a catch basin to care for.