Accessible beach mats are located at English Bay and Kitsilano beaches.
The English Bay beach mat is located in front of the English Bay bathhouse.
The Kitsilano beach mat is located between the Kitsilano pool and concession.
The mats were initially added as a result of feedback given during the public engagement process for VanPlay, a guide for creating vibrant parks and recreation over the next 25 years, where residents asked that beaches be made more accessible.
We have 10 water wheelchairs. They're available daily from noon to 8pm between the Victoria Day and Labour Day long weekends.
They are available on a first come, first served basis at no charge.
Water wheelchairs are located at the following pools and beaches:
Kitsilano Pool
New Brighton Pool
Second Beach Pool in Stanley Park
English Bay Beach
Jericho Beach
Kitsilano Beach
Second Beach
Spanish Banks East and West
The chairs require 2 attendants at beaches and 1 attendant at pools. The person using the chair must wear a personal flotation device (PFD) that we provide.
The floating wheelchairs have a weight capacity of 300 pounds or 136 kilograms.
Lifeguards may limit access to a water wheelchair due to weather, safety, and the ability of attendants to safely maneuver the chair.
Information icon You will receive an email reply within a day either confirming your reservation or informing you that the water wheelchair is not available.