Evelyne Saller Centre recreation services

The Evelyne Saller Centre recreation department offers social, recreational, cultural, and educational programs for people living in the Downtown Eastside.


The pool table and coffee shop hours depend on volunteer availability.

Pool table hours

Monday to Sunday: 10am to 4pm

Coffee shop hours

Monday to Sunday: 10am to 4pm

Arts and music programming

  • Gathering Native arts and crafts
  • Movies nights
  • Crafts
  • Karaoke nights
  • Quiet reading room


  • Bingo and seniors’ bingo nights
  • Card tournaments
  • Wii
  • Board games night
  • Pool tournaments

Free van trips

Evelyne Saller Centre van

We take van trips around the Lower Mainland to visit recreational, sports, and cultural facilities. Spots are limited, so sign up for a van trip and find out the weekly destination at the recreation office.

Movies and TV

Entertainment is front and centre in our front reception room. Watch movies, sports, and special programming.

Special events

Evelyne Saller Centre also holds monthly, seasonal, and yearly events, such as:

  • Museum out trips
  • Health fairs
  • Bike out trips
  • Special sporting events
  • Halloween, Christmas, and New Year’s parties

For information or to get involved, check our Upcoming Events board at the Centre for more information.

Find the help you need

Homelessness services

Find details on supportive housing, shelters, financial aid, low-cost meals, and more.