Accessibility Strategy

Accessibility means being able to reach, understand, contribute to and use the places, information, and services in our city.

Persons with disabilities

Those who experience physical, mental health, cognitive, communication, intellectual, sensory, or age-related impairments, whether they are seniors, others with age-related impairments, or people with lived experience of mental health concerns or substance use issues.

For the purposes of this strategy, we will use the term 'persons with disabilities' to reference the complexity and diversity of these lived experiences.

The Accessibility Strategy reflects our commitment to support the full participation of persons with disabilities by establishing and maintaining inclusive services, programs, and infrastructure, and by identifying, removing, and preventing barriers.

The strategy reinforces our recognition of the rights, dignity, and independence of people with disabilities within our communities. It strengthens our ability to foster a culture of equity and inclusion that values and includes all residents, visitors, and employees.

What's happeningCouncil approves next phase in Accessibility Strategy

On July 9, 2024, City Council approved Phase 2 of the Accessibility Strategy (1.3 MB).

This next phase introduces a comprehensive multi-year action plan and a new focus on integrating emergency management and climate change adaptations.

Accessibility Committee

The Accessibility Committee meets regularly to advice the City on how to remove or prevent barriers and guides the Accessibility Strategy.

Report accessibility barriers

Tell us about accessibility barriers you've encountered or witnessed around Vancouver.

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