Partnerships and initiatives

The City understands that to create a fully inclusive community, it is important to form strong bonds with community groups, and to be involved with initiatives that strive to meet our goals around accessibility, diversity, and inclusion.

Vancouver Foundation

In 1994, the City of Vancouver formed a partnership with the Vancouver Foundation. Both organizations contributed $50,000 to create an endowment fund totaling $100,000. Each year the endowment fund generates between $4,000 - $6,000. These funds are donated to initiatives that align with the City's goals around accessibility, diversity, and inclusion. In 2011, the endowment fund money went toward:

Awards and committees

Persons with Disabilities Advisory Committee

Identifies barriers and solutions for full participation in city life for those with disabilities.

Vancouver Foundation

Go to the Vancouver Foundation website

Vancouver Foundation has a partnership with the City of Vancouver's Hastings Institute.

Learn more

Right Fit Pilot Project

Are you a person who uses a wheelchair, and are looking for housing in Metro Vancouver?

You may be eligible for the Right Fit Pilot Project