Mobi: In depth

In 2008, Translink studied the feasibility of a public bike share system in Metro Vancouver. The study concluded that a PBS system would be viable and beneficial in high density areas with good public transit and cycling connections.

In March 2009, Vancouver City Council approved a motion directing staff to explore opportunities to implement a PBS system.

Public and stakeholder feedback was collected in two phases of public consultation in summer 2009 and summer 2011, and showed general support for a bike sharing.

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Developments with this initiative

Mobi passes 650,000 rides milestone and clocks over 2 million kilometres

November 16, 2017 – City to expand successful public bike share to Commercial Drive.

​​​​​​​Mobi picks up speed with Shaw sponsorship

December 6, 2016 – Vancouver Bike Share and Shaw Communications Inc. announced a multi-year partnership agreement that will see Shaw become the system-wide presenting partner of our public bike share system. The partnership helps ensure the bike share is successful long-term and stays a popular choice for residents and visitors to get around Vancouver.

Mobi passes 100,000 rides milestone

​​​​​​​October 28, 2016 - Annual passes are available again.

Mobi bike share program expands

August 18, 2016 – Short-term and monthly passes now available.

Mobi members-only pre-launch

July 20, 2016 – Mobi pre-launches to Founding Members with 250 bikes at 23 stations.

Introducing Mobi, bikes we share

May 20, 2016 – The name selected for Vancouver’s new bike share program to launch this summer is Mobi. Discounted memberships are available until June 30.

Suggest a station site for public bike share

April 8, 2016 – If you live, work, or play in and around downtown Vancouver, you're invited to suggest a station site for Vancouver’s new public bike share system.

City selects new partner for public bike share system

February 23, 2016 – The City enters into an agreement with CycleHop Corp Canada as its partner for implementing a public bike share system.


Date Milestone

April 2011

  • City calls for expressions of interest to implement and operate a public bike share (PBS) system

June 2011 

  • City holds a public open house about the PBS

June 2012 

  • City staff identify Alta Bike Share, Inc. as the preferred operator, and begin negotiations 

Fall 2012 

  • Council amends bylaws to help implement the PBS system
  • Staff hold four consultation sessions with external stakeholders to explore PBS impacts

Spring 2013

  • Staff continue negotiations with Alta
  • Staff hold additional information meetings to update stakeholders

Summer 2013

  • Council authorizes staff to enter into a contract with Alta, provided they meet sponsorship and financing requirements

June 2015

  • City decides to close the expression of interest process as the City and Alta were unable to reach an agreement
July 2015
  • City issues a new request for proposals for a service provider to implement and operate the PBS system

February 2016

  • City enters into an agreement with Vancouver Bike Share Inc., a subsidiary of CycleHop
Spring 2016
  • City engages with stakeholders
Summer 2016
  • City and Vancouver Bike Share Inc. launch Mobi
November 2017
  • City and Vancouver Bike Share Inc. announce Phase II expansion East to Commercial Drive with an additional 50 stations and 500 bikes
April 2018
  • Vancouver Bike Share Inc. starts Phase II station installations

Transportation 2040 plan overview