Our goal is to make it easier to find parking in the West End permit zone without encouraging more driving overall.
We are working to make parking in the West End easier
It's hard to find parking in the West End resident parking permit zone whether you live there or visit someone who does. To find parking during busy periods, it takes:
- Residents about 5 minutes and over 1 km of extra driving
- Visitors about 10 minutes and almost 3 km of extra driving
The strategy responds to community-identified concerns and supports actions in the Transportation 2040 Plan and West End Community Plan.
Actions we're taking to improve parking
Charge market-based rates for new parking permits
Keep existing permit holders on the same rates
Create a parking benefit district
Divide the permit zone
Unlock unused parking
Improve parking enforcement
Let visitors park in residential spaces when it's less busy
Add parking meters to some visitor parking spaces
Convert some residential parking to visitor parking
Here is our process and anticipated milestones to create and deliver the strategy.
Community engagement
Feb 2017
City Council approves the Strategy
June 2017
Some visitor parking converted to pay parking
Sept 1, 2017
Market-based permit prices begin
Dec 2017
Council approves the framework for a West End Pilot Participatory Budgeting process
Sep 2017 - 2018
Data collection to inform visitor and permit parking space conversions
Feb 2019
Staff update of the participatory budgeting process to Council
March 2019
Council approves by-law changes for long term resident allowance
April 2020
Monitoring phase
January 2023
Enforcement improvements with the use of licence plate recognition technology
We are here
May 1, 2025
Division of the West End into 3 separate permit zones:
- West End Plateau
- Denman West
- Davie-Beach