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Parks, recreation, and culture
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Site Search:
Parks, recreation, and culture
Parks and recreation
Parks, gardens, and beaches
Bloedel Conservatory
Festivale Tropicale
Parks, recreation, and culture
Parks and recreation
Recreation facility hours
Holiday hours
Facilities and schedules
Recreational activities
Passes, discounts, and gift cards
Parks, gardens, and beaches
Parking at parks
Lost and found
Alcohol in parks and beaches
Stanley Park
Queen Elizabeth Park
Hastings Park
VanDusen Botanical Garden
Bloedel Conservatory
Location and hours
Admission and Garden membership
What to see and do
Weddings and events
Seasons in the Park restaurant
Festivale Tropicale
Photography and filming
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Chinese Garden
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Dog off-leash areas
Dog and other pet classes
Pollinator meadows
Park Rangers
Fire safety in parks
Plan and book an event in a park
Nature, environment, and sustainability
Improving parks and recreation
Contact Parks
Contact Recreation
Safe access for everyone policy
Arts and culture
Things to do
Festivale Tropicale at Bloedel
We will not be hosting a winter event this year.
Contact information, partner agencies, and website policies