Killarney Community Centre

Killarney Community Centre

Hillcrest and Killarney are 2 of our most popular indoor swimming pools. Entry wait times may be longer during peak hours and on weekends.For quicker admission, consider visiting a nearby pool.

What you need to know

Killarney Community Centre, located near Kerr St and East 49th Ave, has activities and services for all ages.

We have a licensed pre-school and childcare, seniors centre, concessions, billiards area, full sized gymnasium, dance studio, swimming pool with a steam room and whirlpool, ice rink, and fitness centre. Outside, there are tennis courts and a playground at nearby Killarney Park.

Killarney Centre, Fitness Centre, Pool, and Rink

Register for recreation programs and services

  • Register for activities
  • Drop-in schedules
  • Recreation passes
  • Facility use requests

Register for, purchase, and view recreation programs and services

Fitness centre

Our fitness centre has cardio and strength training machines, free weights, and a stretching area.

Killarney Pool

Killarney Leisure Pool is an indoor, wheelchair accessible pool, with a diving board, lazy river, slide, steamroom, and whirlpool.

Killarney Rink

Ice skate at Killarney Rink from September to March and use the dry floor from April to August. The rink has an ice surface of 200’ x 85’.

Room rentals

Killarney Community Centre has a variety of spaces to suit your needs: wedding, corporate function, meeting or other event.

Killarney Seniors Centre

The centre provides southeast Vancouver’s growing senior population with opportunities for socializing, healthy meals, and physical activity.

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 Killarney  Community Centre on Facebook Follow the Killarney Community Centre on X


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Killarney Community Centre Society

The Killarney Community Centre is jointly operated by the Vancouver Park Board and Killarney Community Centre Society (KCCS) .

The annually-elected, volunteer board of directors of the KCCS sets policies and guides usage of facilities at Killarney as well as fund programs, special events, equipment and capital projects.