Kitsilano Community Centre

Kitsilano War Memorial Community Centre

The sauna at the Kitsilano Community Centre is closed for repairs until further notice.

What you need to know

Kitsilano War Memorial Community Centre, located near West Broadway and Macdonald St, has programs for all ages and abilities.

We have childcare, special needs activities, a youth centre, seniors' lounge, dance studio, ice rink, and fitness centre with a sauna and whirlpool. Outside, there is a playground at Connaught Park.

Kitsilano War Memorial Community Centre, Fitness Centre, and Rink

Register for recreation programs and services

  • Register for activities
  • Drop-in schedules
  • Recreation passes
  • Facility use requests

Register for, purchase, and view recreation programs and services

Fitness centre

Our fitness centre has cardio and strength training machines, free weights, and functional exercise props.

Kitsilano Rink

Ice skate at Kitsilano Rink from September to March and use the dry floor from April to August.

Kitsilano Pool

Kitsilano Pool is a salt-water, outdoor pool located near the beach in Kitsilano. It is open from Victoria Day weekend to mid-September.

Personal trainers

Meet the personal trainers at Kitsilano Fitness Centre. Find out whose fitness philosophy and experience best fit your goals.

Room rentals

Kitsilano Community Centre has a variety of spaces to suit your needs: wedding, corporate function, meeting or other event.

Follow us on social media

Kitsilano Community Centre on Facebook X link Watch the Kitsilano War Memorial Community Centre on YouTube


Free WiFi is available at this location.

Learn about #VanWiFi

Kitsilano Community Association

The Kitsilano War Memorial Community Centre is jointly operated by the Vancouver Park Board and the Kitsilano Community Association (KCA) .

The KCA works with other community organizations to balance opportunities and resources to encourage individuals and groups to participate in recreational activities that satisfy and improve the quality of everyday life.