Priority actions and initiatives

Accomplishing the Age-friendly Action Plan will benefit everyone, not just seniors or persons with dementia.

What is the City doing to make Vancouver age-friendly and to address the needs of persons with dementia? What else can we do?

From the Seniors Dialogues community engagement process and stakeholder consultations on dementia, we heard and analyzed diverse perspectives, and noted reoccurring ones. The dialogues informed our creating the Age-Friendly Action Plan, its six themes, and its 60+ actions, below.

Nearly every City department, plus the Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services, Vancouver Park Board, Vancouver Police, and Vancouver Public Library will lead and collaborate to complete the actions.

Action plan areas

Active and healthy living

We give caregivers of low-income seniors free access to pools and rinks. We will offer more dementia-friendly recreation programs.

Human services

We help seniors maintain or find new housing after fire and disasters, and award grants to organizations that help vulnerable seniors. We will collaborate more with Vancouver Coastal Health on seniors issues.

Physical built environment

The City is making streets, sidewalks, and homes more accessible, and securing funding for a seniors centre in southeast Vancouver.

Safety and emergency services

We will create a standard to locate missing vulnerable persons and designate all firehalls as safe places for vulnerable people in need.

Training and awareness

To make Vancouver age-friendly, we will enhance staff training, hold events on seniors issues, and create design guidelines for materials for seniors.

Coordination and monitoring

We will work with stakeholders to track and implement the Age-friendly Action Plan and strive for recognition as an Age-friendly Community.

Age-friendly Action Plan

Download the Age-friendly Action Plan

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