Safety and emergency services

An senior woman speaks with two Vancouver Police officers on patrol in Chinatown

Beyond existing Vancouver Police programs dedicated to mental health and elder abuse, we will create an organization-wide alert network for locating missing vulnerable persons.

All firehalls will become safe places for vulnerable persons and seniors in need.

Implemented actions underway

  1. Offer community education and support for witnesses with dementia through the VPD Elder Abuse Unit, in partnership with Family Services.
    • Training is delivered approximately 6 or 8 times a year to different systems or agencies. This training is not specific to witnesses with dementia, it is about the complexities of engaging older adults in the criminal justice process. 
  2. Link individuals with cognitive impairments or psychiatric problems to health services with the Dedicated Mental Health car.
  3. Create an internal alert protocol on missing vulnerable persons, including people suffering from dementia and other cognitive disabilities, in partnership with Engineering and other City departments.
    • The system has been operational with Engineering since summer 2013, with plans to expand to Vancouver Public Library, the Park Board, and other City departments in 2015.
  4. Utilize all 20 City firehalls as places where vulnerable people, including seniors, can go for safety, first aid, or referrals. 

Upcoming actions

  1. Resumed and expand the "Eye Watch" initiative to train key frontline City staff about enhancing safety: approaching or responding to lost or confused people (including those who may have dementia or other cognitive disabilities), and being a good witness. Two Eye Watch Video's have been completed: