Review links to resources in the following categories:
COVID-19 information and updates
Government of Canada
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Outbreak update External website, opens in new tab
For updates, information on symptoms, prevention, and other resources.
Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan External website, opens in new tab
The Government of Canada is taking immediate, significant, and decisive action to support Canadians and businesses facing hardship as a result of the global COVID-19 outbreak.
My CRA External website, opens in new tab
My Service Canada External website, opens in new tab
The new Canada Emergency Response Benefit will provide a taxable benefit of $2,000 a month for up to 4 months to workers who must stop working due to COVID-19. Application details available both on the CRA and Service Canada websites beginning the first week of April.
Province of BC
BC Centre for Disease Control External website, opens in new tab
Find information about COVID-19, how to protect yourself, your family and your community and what to do if you suspect you have the virus.
BC COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment Tool External website, opens in new tab
This online tool will determine whether you may need further assessment or testing for COVID-19.
COVID-19 Supports for Youth in Government Care External website, opens in new tab
Youth in care will not age out of services during the COVID-19 pandemic and those who have recently aged out will get extra assistance.
BC Coronavirus Information Line
Phone: 1-888-COVID19 (1-888-268-4319)
Text: 604-630-0300
Local organizations
COVID-19 Renter’s Toolkit External website, opens in new tab
The toolkit from the Vancouver Tenants Union covers questions like:
- I won't be able to pay my rent! What do I do?
- What can I expect if I can't pay rent during the eviction moratorium?
- Do I have to move out if I can't pay my rent?
- Can my landlord kick me out by force?
This Google map maintained by Limage Media and updated daily shows emergency food services.
Utilities and services
BC Hydro COVID–19 Customer Assistance Program External website, opens in new tab
Provides customers the option to defer bill payments or arrange for flexible payment plans with no penalty. Call 1-800-BC-HYDRO
ICBC Insurance External website, opens in new tab
Customers on a monthly Autoplan payment plan, who are facing financial challenges due to COVID-19, can defer their payment for 90 days with no penalty. Customers can apply for deferrals online External website, opens in new tab or call customer support at 604-661-2723 or 1-800-665-6442 to discuss payment options.
BC211 Resource Directory External website, opens in new tab
Free information and referrals regarding community, government, and social services in BC. Review resources online or phone 2-1-1.
Helpline for Children External website, opens in new tab
If you are a child or youth and would like to talk to someone, call the Helpline for Children at 310-1234.
Crisis Line External website, opens in new tab
The Crisis Centre provides emotional support to youth. It is a safe place to turn when there seems to be no hope. For 24 hours a day, 7 days a week non-judgemental and confidential support, call 604-872-3311.
Kids Help Phone External website, opens in new tab
Need help now? You can reach a professional counsellor at Kids Help Phone 24/7 by calling 1-800-668-6868.
Resources Around Me External website, opens in new tab
Find a program or service near you.
Suicide Line External website, opens in new tab
If you or someone you know is planning to take their own life or may be at risk due to the injuries of self-harming behaviour, there are resources available to help keep them or you safe. Call 1-800-SUICIDE at 1-800-784-2433 anytime of the day or night.
Food access
FSGV – Directions Youth Centre External website, opens in new tab
All youth under 25 years old, experiencing homelessness, sleeping rough, or precariously housed can visit our Drop-In Services Centre. A hot, nutritious dinner every day at 8:00pm and snacks provided throughout the day.
PCRS – Broadway Youth Resource Centre External website, opens in new tab
This youth service offers Vancouver youth aged 13 to 24 a drop-in centre with support workers, activities, hot meals, and opportunities to connect with other youth. It also offers drop-in workshops, computer access, and referrals to community services.
Free and low-cost food resources - print-friendly version (updated weekly) PDF file (658 KB)
Find locations to access free and low-cost groceries and meals in Vancouver, including food banks. The print version is updated every Thursday.
Greater Vancouver Food Bank External website, opens in new tab
Free food available for pick up.
Aunt Leah’s External website, opens in new tab
Provides housing and homelessness prevention for youth from care and families at-risk of losing child custody. Services include: rental supplements, landlord relations, tenancy education, shared / supportive housing, second-stage housing, mixed-income apartments, scattered site housing, damage deposits, suite set-ups, rehousing, and regular site visits.
BC Housing Homeless Prevention Program External website, opens in new tab
Provides people at risk of becoming homeless with rent supplements and support services. For info phone 1-800-257-7756.
CMHA - Youth Supported Independent Living Program External website, opens in new tab
Provides youth with safe and affordable housing, while improving independent living skills and supporting recovery from mental health and addictions.
Covenant House – Housing Support Workers External website, opens in new tab
Housing support workers help youth find and hold on to safe and affordable housing, and helps young people transition to independent living by supporting them in a variety of ways, including: housing search, moving day transition, specialized support, and life skills.
Covenant House – Crisis Support Program External website, opens in new tab
Covenant House’s Residential Crisis Program welcomes homeless, runaway, and at-risk youth between the ages of 16 and 24. They provide compassion and support as caring adults, and a chance to start fresh. Young people are often distraught, scared, sick, hungry, and exhausted on arrival. The program's first priority is to meet youth's basic needs:
- Medical attention
- Nutritious food
- A safe place to sleep
FSGV – 10K Supportive Housing External website, opens in new tab
The 10K Supportive Housing program, located on the 10th floor of the Kettle on Burrard Street, offers 10 self-contained bachelor apartments to youth ages 16 to 19 who are involved with the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
FSGV - Directions – Youth Haven External website, opens in new tab
Youth Haven is a five-bed house that offers emergency housing to high-risk youth ages 16 to 19. Their goal is to ensure youth with mental health or substance use issues are safe, receive the best possible care, and access stabilization and recovery support services.
FSGV - Directions - Youth Safe House External website, opens in new tab
Youth Safehouse is a nine-bed house that provides secure and stable emergency housing for at-risk youth ages 16 to 18. Safehouse works with youth to secure income assistance, mental health and substance use supports, find permanent housing, and get connected with other help.
Friendly Landlord Network External website, opens in new tab
The Friendly Landlord Network helps youth and families from government care looking for safe and affordable private market housing.
PCRS – Broadway Youth Resource Centre External website, opens in new tab
Provides transitional housing support to youth at risk of homelessness ages 16 to 24. This is a youth centered program where participants work with housing staff to create a plan based on your goals to achieve long term sustainable housing.
PCRS Housing Rental Assistance Program External website, opens in new tab
Provides youth ages 16 to 24 with temporary financial assistance while attending training, school, or work. Monthly subsidy of $250 for up to 18 months to help pay rent, utilities, or transportation costs. Phone 604-709-5721 or email byrc@pcrs.ca
PCRS – Youth to Adult Transition Program External website, opens in new tab
This youth service supports youth ages 15 to 18 in foster care to transition to living independently. The program provides outreach, counselling, and after-hours support to assist youth in developing life skills. Referrals are made directly by MCFS and VACFSS social workers.
PLEA – Lighthouse External website, opens in new tab
Lighthouse is a four-bed family care home for youth ages 15 to 18 who are in the care of the Ministry of Children and Family Development, and who are facing significant behavioural and developmental challenges.
PLEA – Next Step External website, opens in new tab
Next Step is for youth ages 13 to 18 who are in the care of the Ministry for Children and Family Development and who require short-term specialized residential care.
PLEA – U-LINK External website, opens in new tab
U-Link is for youth ages 13 to 18 who are in the care of the Ministry for Children and Family Development (MCFD) and who require emergency or short-term (6 to 12 months) specialized residential care.
PLEA – U-TURN External website, opens in new tab
U-Turn is a comprehensive and dynamic program for young people ages 13 to 18 who are in the care of the Ministry of Children and Family Development, and who are facing significant behavioural and developmental challenges. It is designed especially for those who have had limited success in other residential settings.
RainCity Housing External website, opens in new tab
RainCity Housing provides a range of housing and support services, including: temporary shelters, transitional housing, long-term housing, 2SLGBTQ+ housing for youth, housing for women-led families, and outreach based housing programs.
UNYA – Aboriginal Youth Safe House External website, opens in new tab
UNYA’s Aboriginal Youth Safehouse (ASH) is a voluntary, short-term, live-in program for youth ages 16 to 18 who do not have a safe place to stay. ASH is a supportive, non-judgmental place where you can focus on your own goals and work towards making positive change.
UNYA – Ravens Lodge External website, opens in new tab
Ravens Lodge is a transitional group home for female Indigenous youth ages 12 to 18 who are in the care of the Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services Society.
UNYA – Young Bears Lodge External website, opens in new tab
Young Bears Lodge is a culturally-based, holistic healing lodge for Indigenous youth looking to make changes to their relationship with drugs or alcohol. Young Bears Lodge is a live-in program, with five spots for Indigenous youth of all genders, ages 13 to 18. You may choose to stay in the program for between one and four months, depending on your needs and goals.
Vancouver Tenants Union External website, opens in new tab
Resources and information on rental housing.
Watari – YEAH! External website, opens in new tab
The Youth Excelling and Attaining Housing (YEAH!) Program is an 18-month housing subsidy program intended to support youth who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, have other identified risk factors, are in financial need, and feel ready, with support, to live independently. It offers support with housing searches, viewing places to rent, communicating with landlords, access to Food Bank, start-up supplies, and a rental supplement of up to $450 per month.
Zero Ceiling External website, opens in new tab
Zero Ceiling serves youth ages 16 to 24 from Metro Vancouver and the Sea to Sky Corridor. Their programs offer supportive housing, supportive employment, case management, life skills education, mental health supports, and outdoor recreation in a safe, supportive environment. They build strong relationships and support young people for as long as you need: just like a family.
Legal support
Access Pro Bono External website, opens in new tab
Access Pro Bono's vision is of a justice system in which having limited means is not a barrier to obtaining quality legal services.
Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS) External website, opens in new tab
CLAS respects the dignity of all in the community and works towards positive social change by providing legal assistance and advancing the law to address the critical needs of those who are disadvantaged or face discrimination. Can provide specific types of advocacy.
Society for Children and Youth of BC External website, opens in new tab
Providing legal help for young people who are experiencing problems relating to family law, child protection, a breach of your human rights, and many other legal issues. If you’re not sure if that includes you, call us and find out. They can help you figure out what you need. Phone: 778-657-5544 or toll free at 1-877-462-0037
SUCCESS - Legal Clinics External website, opens in new tab
UBC Law Students’ Legal Advice Program (LSLAP) provides legal advice to low income individuals who do not qualify for legal aid. This service is provided by students from the UBC Faculty of Law and is supervised by professional lawyers. This service is offered infrequently at various times throughout the year. To receive notification of the current schedule, contact ISIP at the Pender Service Centre. Priority is given to eligible ISIP clients.
Youth justice
PLEA – Bail and Respite Program External website, opens in new tab
The Bail and Respite Program is for youth ages 13 to 18 who are on a conditional court order, including a Bail or Sentencing Order.
PLEA – Community Service External website, opens in new tab
Providing youth ages 13 to 19 with reconciliatory work placements to complete Community Work Service hours.
PLEA – ISSP External website, opens in new tab
ISSP is a community-based, one-to-one service for medium to high risk youth ages 13 to 19 that provides an alternative to custody.
PLEA – Turnaround External website, opens in new tab
Turnaround is a community-based, all-inclusive program (90 days in duration) that operates in family care settings. Services are consistent with the requirements of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, and support youth justice program principles including safety, rehabilitation, and minimizing the use of custody.
Covenant House External website, opens in new tab
Covenant House’s Street Outreach team helps kids ages 16 to 24 who are living or at risk of living on Vancouver’s streets. Finding kids in crisis, the team builds trusting relationships with street youth by meeting them where they are and by being a consistent, supportive presence in their lives. Travelling on foot, the outreach team offers food, counselling, minor medical attention, and friendship, and invite youth to the Covenant House drop-in program for a hot meal or help to get back on your feet.
FSGV – Outreach Team External website, opens in new tab
The outreach team offers help to youth who are at extreme risk because of their homelessness, substance use, sex work, mental health challenges, exploitation, and other factors that create their marginalization and vulnerability. Five full-time outreach workers walk the streets of Downtown Vancouver in 10-hour shifts, seven days a week, carrying backpacks full of supplies including food, water, clothing, harm reduction supplies, and Naloxone kits.
UNYA Aboriginal Outreach Team External website, opens in new tab
UNYA’s Aboriginal Outreach Team provides street outreach and support, focusing on Indigenous youth under the age of 19. UNYA's outreach team will strive to meet you where you're at and help take care of your immediate needs.
UNYA – Transition Program External website, opens in new tab
UNYA’s Transition Program provides one-to-one support to Indigenous youth transitioning out of Ministry care and preparing to live independently. If you are an Indigenous youth 16 to 19 years old, and have a file with the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD), this program is for you.
Boulevard Youth Clinic
2110 W 43rd Ave
Tuesday 2:30-5pm
Thursday 3:30-6pmBroadway Youth Resource Centre
2455 Fraser St (at Broadway)
Thursday 2:30-5pmEast Van Youth Clinic
1669 E Broadway (at Commercial)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 3-6pm
Friday 2-5pmKnight Street Youth Clinic
6405 Knight St
Monday 2-4:30pm
Thursday 3:30-6pmRaven Song Youth Clinic
2450 Ontario St
Monday to Friday 4:30-8:30pm
Saturday, Sunday, stat holidays 10am-6pmThree Bridges Youth Clinic
1128 Hornby St
Monday to Friday 3:15-7:30pm
Saturday, Sunday, stat holidays 10am-4:30pm
(closed 1-2pm for lunch)FSGV – Directions Youth Centre External website, opens in new tab
1138 Burrard StIn partnership with St. Paul’s Hospital and Vancouver Coastal Health, there is an on-site medical clinic (no CareCard or appointment required).
UNYA – Native Youth Health and Wellness Centre External website, opens in new tab
UNYA’s Native Youth Health and Wellness Centre is a youth clinic providing culturally-relevant, welcoming, accessible health and wellness services to Indigenous youth from ages 12 to 30. Visit their youth friendly clinics for free confidential health services.
VCH – Clinics PDF file (120 KB)
Review a list of clinics in Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby, New West, Maple Ridge, Langley, Surrey and Tri-Cities
Body image and eating
Foundry External website, opens in new tab
Body image and eating concerns have to do with eating behaviours and how you view your body. When people change eating and exercise habits to change the way they look or to feel better about themselves, it can be a sign there is a problem.
Looking Glass – Online Peer Support External website, opens in new tab
Free, regularly scheduled, real-time online peer support service provides an accessible, anonymous, and non-threatening alternative to conventional support groups. Ease into a recovery community with greater comfort and at your own pace. This service is available to people of ages 14 and up, anywhere in Canada, who are experiencing disordered eating, weight, or body image issues.
Mental health
Anxiety Canada External website, opens in new tab
Information to help youths manage anxiety plus info and self-help strategies for several disorders.
BounceBack® External website, opens in new tab
BounceBack® is a free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress, or worry. Delivered online or over the phone with a coach, you will get access to tools that will support you on your path to mental wellness.
Here to Help External website, opens in new tab
Find quality information, learn new skills, and connect with key resources in BC. Explore strategies to help you take care of your mental health and use substances in healthier ways, find the information you need to manage mental health and substance use problems, and learn how you can support a loved one.
Family Services of Greater Vancouver External website, opens in new tab
The Trauma Services programs serve women and children survivors of incest, trauma, sexual abuse, and family violence. There is no fee to access these programs, but may require a referral from a social worker. For info contact specializedtraumaservices@fsgv.ca or 604-874-2938, extension 4141.
Foundry External website, opens in new tab
Foundry is a province-wide network of integrated health and social service centres for young people ages 12 to 24. Foundry centres provide a one-stop-shop for young people to access mental health care, substance use services, primary care, social services, and youth and family peer supports. They provide safe, non-judgmental care, information and resources, and work to reach young people earlier – before health challenges become problematic.
Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre External website, opens in new tab
Kelty helps families across the province navigate the mental health system, listen, and offer peer support, and connect you to resources and tools.
Mood Disorder Association of BC External website, opens in new tab
A Mood Disorder Association of BC (MDABC) peer-led support group is a safe place to share your story, struggles, and accomplishments, and to listen to others as they share similar concerns. Support groups are facilitated by trained volunteers with lived experience of mental health concerns.
Mosaic - Counselling External website, opens in new tab
Mosaic offers free, confidential counselling support and multicultural outreach services for women who have experienced, or are at risk of, abuse, threats, or violence in an intimate relationship, sexual assault, or childhood abuse.
Mosaic – Wraparound Program External website, opens in new tab
The Wraparound Program offers youth, ages 13 to 17 living in South and East Vancouver, wraparound support to develop their strengths and build on their resilience. Certified Wraparound facilitators work with you to engage in pro-social activities, develop healthy attachments to communities, and make progress toward your goals.
OpenMindBC.ca External website, opens in new tab
OpenMindBC.ca presents a valuable resource for physicians, parents, teachers, and youth to learn more about the support services that are available in British Columbia and across Canada.
PCRS – Indigenous Youth Victim Services External website, opens in new tab
This service supports Indigenous youth ages 13 to 24 to connect to healing from violence. This program provides cultural healing opportunities, outreach, referrals, access to counselling, and assistance navigating legal and judicial matters.
PCRS - Broadway Youth Resource Centre External website, opens in new tab
This service provides a high-level of support to families, youths, and adults. They encourage life skills, personal growth, and a sense of belonging and connection. They operate resource centres, one-on-one, and group supports that engage youth through education, outreach, and case management.
SUCCESS – Counselling Services External website, opens in new tab
Counselling Services assist families and individuals cope with stress caused by emotional and relationship issues through counselling, treatment groups, and help lines. They are committed to provide services that are confidential, non-discriminatory, respectful, and culturally sensitive.
- Individual and Family Counselling
- Problem Gambling Program
- Relationship Violence Prevention Program – Cultural Education
- Chinese Help Lines
UNYA – Clinical Counsellors External website, opens in new tab
UNYA's clinical counsellors offer individual counselling to Indigenous youth ages 13 to 24. Counsellors will help you recognize and positively deal with issues affecting your mental wellbeing. The support is non-judgemental, and can help you with handling stress, making decisions, and dealing with issues related to drugs, alcohol, relationships, family, friends, gender identity, sexuality, or with anything else that you're struggling with.
UNYA – Mediation Program External website, opens in new tab
The Mediation Program empowers Indigenous youth ages 13 to 18 by offering the support and resources you need to positively resolve conflicts or misunderstandings in your life. A clinical counsellor works with you, and others in your life (identified by you), to encourage and facilitate discussions so that you can find solutions to problems before they become crises.
VCH – Child and Adolescent Response Team (CART) External website, opens in new tab
CART provides urgent response (within 72 hours), short-term mental health service to school-aged children and youth who are experiencing acute psychiatric or emotional crises. Services include urgent assessment and consultation, clinical intervention, and coordination with community resources.
VCH - Children & Youth Mental Health Services External website, opens in new tab
Find a list of child and youth mental health services. This directory listing includes descriptions, contact details, and related documents.
Sexual health
Foundry External website, opens in new tab
Sexual wellness is a very important part of our physical, mental and emotional health, but it isn’t always talked about. Check out this section to learn about things like safer sex, consent, and sexual orientation. Includes tips and tools to help you have healthy sexual relationships.
Options for Sexual Health External website, opens in new tab
When it comes to sexual health, sexuality, and sex, it can be challenging to find accurate information. Options for Sexual Health’s mission to champion and celebrate sexual health means that they are dedicated to providing clients and patients with current evidence-based and client-centred information and care.
PLEA – Children of the Street External website, opens in new tab
Children of the Street offers children, parents, caregivers, and service providers the information and practical tools to keep young people safe from all forms of sexual exploitation.
Centre for Disease Control External website, opens in new tab
Information, data, and statistics on sexual health.
Substance use
Foundry External website, opens in new tab
Foundry is a province-wide network of integrated health and social service centres for young people ages 12 to 24. Foundry centres provide a one-stop-shop for young people to access mental health care, substance use services, primary care, social services, and youth and family peer supports. They provide safe, non-judgmental care, information and resources, and work to reach young people earlier – before health challenges become problematic.
PCRS – Vancouver Youth Support Recovery Program External website, opens in new tab
This program supports youth ages 16 to 24 experiencing persistent substance use or mental health concerns by providing up to 6 months of temporary housing in two substance-free recovery homes. The program features individual counselling, group activities, family therapy, home-cooked meals, and education / work networks.
Boys and Girls Club – Odyssey I and II, and Nexus External website, opens in new tab
Odyssey and Nexus are programs for youth and families affected by substance use. They provide a wide range of services: individual, family, and group counselling, drop-in, social / recreational activities, referrals, drug / alcohol information and education, and crisis intervention.
Covenant House – Mental Health and Addictions Supports External website, opens in new tab
Covenant House Vancouver offers an opportunity to address any counselling and psychiatric needs. Registered clinical counsellors work from an Attachment Theory lens which recognizes that a safe and trusting relationship is a basic biological human need much like the food, clothing, and shelter Covenant House provides.
FSGV – Directions Youth Detox External website, opens in new tab
Directions Youth Detox is a comfortable, home-like social detox. Young people detoxing from substances that do not require around-the-clock medical supervision can access this resource and will receive non-judgmental support throughout your stay.
PLEA – Daughters and Sisters External website, opens in new tab
Daughters and Sisters is a unique 6-month residential treatment program that serves young women ages 12 to 18 whose substance use is problematic.
PLEA – Waypoint External website, opens in new tab
Waypoint is a unique 4-month residential treatment program that serves young men ages 12 to 18 whose substance use is problematic.
VCH – Central Addictions Intake Team (CAIT) PDF file (126 KB)
Call CAIT for any questions or concerns you may have about services for youths ages 13 to 24.
Education and employment
Alternative education
PLEA – Genesis Programs External website, opens in new tab
Genesis has three alternative schools operating across Vancouver – Genesis North East, Genesis Central, and Genesis South. All three have been designated as vocational learning centres. They all serve youth ages 16 to 19.
UNYA – Aries Program External website, opens in new tab
Aries is an alternative education program for Indigenous youth ages 13 to 16 whose needs are not being met in traditional school programs. Aries will work with you to identify your goals and collaborate with you on creating your own Individual Education Plan.
UNYA - Cedar Walk External website, opens in new tab
Cedar Walk is an alternative education program for Indigenous youth ages 16 to 19 whose needs are not being met in traditional school programs.
Educational support
UNYA – Native Youth Learning Centre External website, opens in new tab
The Native Youth Learning Centre is a computer-based learning centre, supporting the personal, educational, and career development of Indigenous youth ages 15 to 30.
UNYA – School Support Program External website, opens in new tab
The School Support Program supports Indigenous youth ages 12 to 18 to stay in and do well in school. Get support with any issues that are affecting you in school. The School Support Program team has three areas of focus: individual support, group support, and outreach and engagement.
PCRS – Pathways to Education External website, opens in new tab
This youth education service supports youth grades 8 to 12 in Vancouver and Surrey to graduate from high school and move on to employment or further education after high school. The program provides tutoring, mentoring, financial, and one-to-one support.
PCRS – East Van Learning Centre External website, opens in new tab
This youth education service supports students ages 13 to 16 in the Vancouver School District who are working on completing grades 8 to 10. The program integrates academic, recreational, and counselling activities for students who require a higher staff-to-student ratio or modified coursework. The program also provides a Breakfast Club and a lunch program.
Vancouver School Board External website, opens in new tab
The Vancouver School Board operates 89 elementary schools and 18 secondary schools, as well as two adult education centres.
Public post-secondary education
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) External website, opens in new tab
Capilano University External website, opens in new tab
Emily Carr University of Art and Design External website, opens in new tab
Douglas College External website, opens in new tab
Langara College External website, opens in new tab
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT) External website, opens in new tab
Native Education College (NEC) External website, opens in new tab
Simon Fraser University External website, opens in new tab
University of British Columbia External website, opens in new tab
Vancouver Community College (VCC) External website, opens in new tab
Finding a job
Boys and Girls Club – Employment Now External website, opens in new tab
Are you between the ages of 17 to 29 and want to work in customer service, retail sales, or office administration? This new free program is focused on making sure you have the skills and opportunity to get hired. Boys and Girls Club provides training, gets you an interview with an employer, tour an employer’s work site, beefs up your resume and cover letter, provides training even after you’re hired, and offers to pay a portion of your wages.
FSGV – Culinary Leaders in Training Program External website, opens in new tab
Directions’ Culinary Leaders In Training Program (LIT) gives youth the opportunity to do paid work, acquire new skills, and grow in confidence. Youth apply for the program, then work two, 4-hour, paid shifts per week in the LIT kitchen for three months, helping to create nightly hot meals and daily snacks.
FSGV – Street Youth Job Action External website, opens in new tab
Street Youth Job Action (SYJA) gives you the opportunity to earn money, confidence, and skills, while connecting you to supports that lead to improved outcomes in your life. Participants work a 5-hour shift, helping to clean the streets of downtown Vancouver of graffiti, posted flyers, and hazardous materials like needles. SYJA provides training, all necessary safety equipment, clothing, and lunch. You are paid the same day you work.
PCRS – SHIFT Program External website, opens in new tab
This service supports youth ages 16 to 24 in Vancouver to achieve life skills and employment skills for culinary jobs. It provides eight weeks of training, certifications, mentorship, work experience with experts in the field, and job search support.
PCRS – This Way Ahead (GAP Program) External website, opens in new tab
This employment service supports youth ages 16 to 24 to gain customer service skills through a series of workshops and a paid internship with Old Navy in Langley, Surrey, Coquitlam, Burnaby, Vancouver, and Richmond.
PCRS – Work BC Employment Services Centre External website, opens in new tab
This employment service supports youth and adults age 16 and over to find or prepare for jobs, training, and connections to employers. The centres provide resource rooms, employment readiness workshops, specialized services for person with disabilities, services in multiple languages, professionally arranged job placements, and referrals to various supports including wage subsidy and subsidized training.
PLEA – ONYXWORKS External website, opens in new tab
Onyxworks provides meaningful employment and mentorship to young people ages 13 to 18 who are accessing our Onyx program.
PLEA – Q Program External website, opens in new tab
The Q Program provides employment opportunities for youth ages 15 to 19 who have little or no job experience.
SUCCESS – A Chance to Choose External website, opens in new tab
At the end of 16 weeks, youth between the ages of 15 to 30 will gain group based employability skills and work experience. Get a resume, employment portfolio, and certificates for First Aid, Food Safe, and Communications. Receive a training allowance of $12.65 per hour for 30 hours per week. For more information phone 604-474-3140 or 604-438-7222.
Financial support
EI, and income and disability assistance
Employment Insurance (EI) External website, opens in new tab
Review information on Employment Insurance benefits and leave information for workers, families, and fishers, EI sickness benefits, as well as how to apply and submit a report.
Income Assistance and Disability Assistance External website, opens in new tab
If you are eligible for income assistance, it may help to support you financially when you have no other options available. It is usually offered together with finding and obtaining employment. Disability assistance supports those who are designated as a Person with Disabilities. If you have trouble with any part of the online application, contact the Ministry at 1-866-866-0800.
Student support
Scholarships and bursaries
There are many scholarships and bursaries available that you may qualify for. It can seem intimidating to apply, but most students have more success than they think they will. Apply for as many scholarships and bursaries as you can and do not get discouraged if you don’t get one.
In addition to checking the financial aid webpage of the school you want to attend, visit Scholarships Canada External website, opens in new tab to be matched with scholarships.
Support for youth in care
FCSSBC Youth Education Bursary External website, opens in new tab
PGT Educational Assistance Fund External website, opens in new tab
Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund External website, opens in new tab
Student loans
You can apply for a student loan from the Government of Canada to help pay for costs related to school like tuition and living expenses. You will not have to pay back the loan until 6 months after you graduate or stop schooling.
Learn more about Canada Student Grants and Loans External website, opens in new tab
Covenant House – LGBTQ2S+ Drop-In External website, opens in new tab
The Drop-In Center External website, opens in new tab holds an event for LGBTQ2S+ youth on the second Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8:30pm.
There are 59 beds in the short-term Residential Crisis Program:
- 24 beds for female-identified, trans, and non-binary youth
- 35 beds for male-identified, trans, and non-binary youth
Trans, gender queer, non-binary, and two-spirit youth may request to stay in whichever space they feel most comfortable in. If you are in need of support or have questions, contact 1-877-685-7474 toll-free.
Qmunity Youth Drop-In (GAB) External website, opens in new tab
The Gab Youth drop-in is a place where youth can kick back and talk with friends. It’s also a great place to meet people who have similar questions about sexual orientation or gender identity.
Whatever Youth Drop-In External website, opens in new tab
Whatever is a drop-in in West Vancouver for LGBTQI2S youth, allies, and friends. Join them every Thursday for activities, events, information, resources, and referrals for queer and transgendered youth, allies, families, and friends. The Whatever Youth Committee meets from 8-9 pm on the first and third Thursdays of the month. Ask about joining.
UNYA - Two Spirit Collective External website, opens in new tab
UNYA's 2-Spirit Collective provides support, resources, and programming for Indigenous youth ages 15 to 30 who identify as 2-spirit or LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, gender non-conforming, along with many other identities), and for those who are questioning their sexual or gender identities.
PLEA - Trans Youth and Parent Group External website, opens in new tab
Access free, confidential, and voluntary support sessions for transgender youth ages 25 and under. Separate sessions for parents and family members take place at the same location (different room), at the same time.
Pride UBC QTBIMPOC Discussion Group External website, opens in new tab
Drop-in discussion groups are open to people of all genders and sexualities, and may include snacks. Discussion topics are chosen in advance by the previous week's group by popular vote and vary from week to week.
ALLWAYS Youth Drop-In External website, opens in new tab
Drop-in and participate any time in activities and projects in this safe space for youth of all identities. Weekly drop-in meetings are filled with conversation, guest speakers, out trip activities, and more exploring gender, identity, and acceptance. Wednesdays, 4-6pm, City Centre Community Centre, for ages 13 to 24.
Vancouver PRIDE Society External website, opens in new tab
Events, advocacy, and community for LGBTQAI2S+ youth and their families.
Big Brothers and Big Sisters External website, opens in new tab
The Big Brothers and Big Sisters mentoring programs provide youth with a role model to talk to and share the experiences of growing up. Through regular outings, a relationship is developed between the mentor and the mentee, built on trust and common interests, and supported by experienced case-workers.
UNYA – Kinnections Mentoring Program External website, opens in new tab
Mentorship opportunities for Indigenous youth ages 16 to 19 with trained volunteer mentors.
UNYA - Mentorship Program External website, opens in new tab
Mentorship opportunities for Indigenous youth ages 12 to 15 with trained volunteer mentors.
PLEA – Kid Start Teen External website, opens in new tab
KidStart is a one-to-one volunteer mentoring program available to children and youth who face challenges at home, at school, or in the community. KidStart for teens ages 13 to 18 is available in Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, North Shore, Pitt Meadows, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Richmond, Sea to Sky, Sunshine Coast, and Vancouver.
New immigrant services
Immigrant Settlement Services of BC External website, opens in new tab
Develop skills and confidence and meet other youth living in Metro Vancouver to talk about adjusting to life in Canada and becoming more involved in your community.
Mosaic - Moving Ahead Freerunning External website, opens in new tab
This program is for youth ages 16 to 28 who may be struggling with extra family problems, the stress of trying to enter the workforce, and seeking job skills training or further education.
SUCCESS – Immigrant Settlement and Integration Program External website, opens in new tab
The Immigrant Settlement and Integration Program (ISIP) helps immigrants and their families learn about Canada’s systems and services. It offers opportunities for immigrants to develop English language skills, learn about Canada’s labour market, network and develop professional and social networks, and settle into their local BC communities.
SUCCESS - Career Mentoring for SUCCESS External website, opens in new tab
Are you a new immigrant who is ready to start your career in Canada? The Career Mentoring for SUCCESS program will match you with talented BC professionals. You will learn about current trends in your industry and strengthen your professional network in Canada. Services are free. All eligible ISIP clients are welcome to apply.
Youth in government care
AgedOut.com External website, opens in new tab
Everything that a youth in and from care needs to know, including resources and training.
Federation of BC Youth in Care Network (FBCYICN) External website, opens in new tab
The Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks is a youth-driven, provincial non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of young people in and from care in BC, ages 14 to 24.
First Call External website, opens in new tab
A non-partisan coalition of 108 provincial and regional organizations that have united their voices to put children and youth first in BC through public education, community mobilization, and public policy advocacy.
FSGV – Transitions for Youth to Adulthood Program External website, opens in new tab
Supports young people ages 16 to 19 whose support services from the Ministry of Child and Family Development are coming to an end. Youth who are aging out of ministry care are provided with the chance to work with a transition worker to develop the skills, supports, and safety to live independently as young adults.
Public Guardian and Trustee External website, opens in new tab
The mandate of the PGT is to:
- Protect the legal and financial interests of children under the age of 19 years
- Protect the legal, financial, personal, and health care interests of adults who require assistance in decision making
- Administer the estates of deceased and missing persons
Representative for Children and Youth External website, opens in new tab
The representative’s advocates can help if a young person feels they are being treated unfairly, or if they think they’re not being heard. The representative and the advocacy team can also help youth who are receiving government services, or who want to receive government services. To speak with an advocate, phone 1-800-476-3933.
TRRUST External website, opens in new tab
TRRUST is made up of 50+ organizations working together to improve the outcomes for youth in and from government care. They offer a graduation fund and an opportunities fund.
Youth leadership
UNYA – Youth Leadership External website, opens in new tab
Connects Indigenous youth with opportunities to become active leaders, mentors, and role models. The youth leadership program allows UNYA's 20+ programs to enhance opportunities for Indigenous youth who show leadership potential. UNYA's youth leadership coordinator identifies leadership gifts and potential.
SUCCESS – Youth Leadership External website, opens in new tab
Organizes several innovative leadership training programs: Youth Leadership Millennium Program (includes the Duke of Edinburgh Award Program), Youth Development Program, and 116th East Vancouver Scout Group.