The Vancouver Park Board is planning a new park as part of the redevelopment at Oakridge Centre.
The nine acre public park will be the first of its kind in Vancouver, located partially on the roof top of the mall and partially at ground level.
This innovation in park design will offer a unique experience for existing and new residents in the area and will act as a destination park for the rest of the city.
What's happening
The proposed park concept was presented to and approved by the elected Park Board for decision on July 9, 2018.
View the report PDF file (9.67 MB)
The development application for the Oakridge Centre redevelopment, including the park, are scheduled for the Development Permit Board on Monday, July 23, 2018.
Park Board staff continue to work with the project consultant team to advance the detailed design of the park.
A second phase of public consultation on the design for the new park took place in May, 2018.
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Renderings of the new park at Oakridge Centre
Here are our planned steps.
Winter 2018
Round 1 public consultation – draft park design principles, programming and design
Spring -
summer 2018Preferred park concept - Round 2 engagement and Board approval
Summer 2018
Proposed park concept presentation to the elected Park Board
Past updates
May 2018
For the second phase of public consultation on the design for the new park, we held two open houses and an online questionnaire. We received great feedback from across the city with approximately 600 questionnaire responses.
- View the open house display boards PDF file (18 MB)
- Learn more in the consultation summary PDF file (1 MB)
February 2018
On February 19, 2018, we presented the Oakridge Redevelopment, new park concerpt at a Regular Park Board meeting.
December 2017
Public consultation on the design for the new park began in December 2017 with two open houses and an online survey. We received great feedback from across the city with more than 300 people attending the open houses and approximately 700 survey responses.