Gibby's Field rendering

Gibby’s Field natural park

Focus areas

  • Native plantings for biodiversity
  • Rainwater capture and infiltration.

A new park is being created in Kensington-Cedar Cottage. Commonly known as Gibby’s Field, this site will help to capture and clean rainwater while also enhancing biodiversity. 

 These projects are partly funded by the Government of Canada’s Natural Infrastructure Fund for rainwater integration projects throughout the city.


This site was once the meeting place of two tributaries of China Creek. As Vancouver developed, creeks were piped into sewers and buried.

Following a geotechnical study and a proposed residential development, a group of citizens came together to form the Gibby’s Field Group to protect the area from further development. In 2001, a development moratorium was placed on the sites of 1454, 1458, and 1462 E 18th Ave and the properties have since been transferred to the Park Board.

In February 2023, the Park Board approved a concept plan for the park. Building on the community vision developed by neighbours and advocates, the design features a rain garden, an improved accessible (238 KB) pathway, and natural vegetation.

Learn more about Gibby's field in the report (2 MB)


Here is our progress and planned milestones.

  • 2000 to 2023

    Community-led advocacy to protect the green space

    Park Board acquired properties

  • Throughout 2023

    Project approved by Park Board

    Site survey and technical analyses

    Developed detailed designs

  • Summer 2024

    Construction involving land grading, planting and sewer utility works

    Temporary disruptions like noise, traffic redirection, fencing and limited public access to site

  • We are here
  • Fall 2024

    Official park opening

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