VanSplash Project Summary
Phase 1: What's your idea for aquatics in Vancouver?
In the summer and winter of 2016, the VanSplash team reached out to the community. Our efforts included:
- A very successful public and stakeholder outreach, including more than 4,500 survey responses
- A current-state analysis of our aquatics system
- A precedent study to gain inspiration from other cities around the world
The findings provided rationale and background for our analysis and draft recommendations for Phase 2.
Phase 2: Your suggestions and staff recommendations
Over the summer of 2017, we asked for community feedback on staff's draft recommendations.
We presented the draft recommendations to the Board on June 19, as a Report Reference for information. We scheduled public consultations on the draft recommendations in September.
Between September 18 and October 8, 2017, the community reviewed and commented on the draft recommendations at open house events and through an online survey.
View the open house information displays:
- Vision + principles and current status - pages 1-4 PDF file (19 MB)
- Indoor and outdoor pools - pages 5-12 PDF file (39 MB)
- Beaches and spray parks - pages 13-15 PDF file (18 MB)
- Frequently asked questions - page 16 PDF file (6 MB)
Phase 3: Adjustment of final recommendations and presentation to the Park Board
In fall 2017, staff updated the VanSplash draft recommendations in response to public feedback received during Phase 2 engagement activities. This included revised recommendations concerning the future of Lord Byng and Templeton neighbourhood pools.
At a Vancouver Park Board meeting on December 11, 2017 staff presented the VanSplash report PDF file (306 KB) and recommendations to Commissioners for consideration. Commissioners heard feedback on the recommendations from 48 members of the public.
On December 19, 2017, Commissioners voted to refer their consideration of the report from January 15, 2018, to January 29, 2018.
On January 29, 2018, Commissioners referred the VanSplash Aquatics Strategy back to staff for additional consideration.