Encouraging more housing opportunities
We have been working with the Grandview-Woodland community to develop new zoning to provide more incentives for character home retention and to increase housing opportunities.
In Mount Pleasant, an RT Zone Review was recently launched with similar objectives.
In recognition of the significant overlap in the context and objectives of these two planning programs, they have been combined to produce a common and consistent approach for changes to the RT-5 and RT-6 zones.
Map of RT zones
This planning project covers lots zoned RT-5, RT-5N, RT-5A, RT-5AN, and RT-6.
Learn about the zoning changes
RT zone changes approved
January 16, 2018 - City Council approved the enactment of changes to the RT-5/5N and RT-6 District Schedules, RT-4, RT-4A, RT-4AN, RT-5, RT-5N, and RT-6 Guidelines.
These amendments introduce increased opportunities for housing choice and character retention incentives in the Grandview-Woodland and Mount Pleasant communities.
RT zone key documents
Get updates
Project timeline
Here is our process and anticipated milestones.
Apr 11 2017
Design guideline changes approved by Council to reduce side yard, planning program begins
May 10 2017
Open house to share ideas to create more housing opportunities
June 2017
Develop proposals for changes based on feedback and technical work
June 21, 2017
Open house to ask for feedback about proposed zoning and design guideline changes
Summer 2017
Evaluate feedback and refine changes
Summer 2017
Report to Council on changes
Fall 2017
Public hearing on zoning changes
We are here
Past updates
October 2017
October 3, 2017, City Council has approved amendments to the Zoning and Development Bylaw. The amendments introduce increased opportunities for housing choice and character retention incentives in Mount Pleasant, Grandview-Woodland, and adjacent areas, including:
- Changes to RT zoning in these communities
- Rezoning certain areas in Grandview-Woodland from RS to RT-5/5N
- View the meeting agenda
- Read the Council meeting minutes PDF file (164 KB)
- Read the Council report PDF file (3.12 MB)
September 2017
In advance of the public hearing on amendments to the Zoning and Development Bylaw, there were two opportunities for residents of Mount Pleasant and Grandview-Woodland to learn more about these proposed zoning changes and ask general or site-specific questions.
On September 12, 2017, we held an open an information meeting on the proposed new regulations and guidelines and on September 14, 2017, we hosted a site-specific enquiry night.
July 2017
July 25, 2017, City Council referred amendments to the Zoning and Development Bylaw to a public hearing on September 19, 2017. The amendments propose to increase opportunities for housing choice and character retention incentives in Mount Pleasant and Grandview-Woodland, including:
- Changing the RT zoning in these communities
- Rezoning certain areas in Grandview-Woodland from RS to RT-5/5N
Read the Council report PDF file (3.12 MB)
May/June 2017
We held two open houses to get your input and share information. Thank you to everyone that came out.
- View the information displays from the May 10 open house PDF file (2.8 MB)
- View the information displays from the June 21 open house PDF file (6 MB)
April 2017
On April 11, City Council approved changes to design guidelines so that smaller properties in Mount Pleasant can be considered for infill housing. Lots must be in a RT-5, RT-5N, RT-5A, RT-5AN, or RT-6 zone (see the map), and must have an existing character house.
The Mount Pleasant Community Plan (2010) encourages housing on lanes (infill and laneway housing) to:
- Increase the number of housing units
- Make lanes more vibrant
- Help homeowners pay mortgages
- Improve housing affordability (with a smaller dwelling unit)