What you need to know
In 2023, the provincial government took several steps to address housing issues:
- September: Issued mandatory housing targets and reporting requirements for 10 municipalities, including Vancouver, under the Housing Supply Act.
- November: Passed legislation (Bill 44, 46, 47) with the objective of getting more homes built faster.
We support these goals through the Vancouver Plan, focusing on creating diverse and connected neighborhoods.
Information icon All existing City policies and regulations remain in place until new policies or regulations are adopted by City Council.
What's happeningWork is underway to meet provincial deadlines
May 2024: We submitted a 6-month Interim Housing Targets and Progress report to the Province, as required under the Housing Supply Act (Bill 43).
June 2024: To allow small-scale multi-unit housing, City Council amended the Zoning and Development By-law in 5 restricted zones:
- First Shaughnessy District
- RT-7 District
- RT-9 District
- 2 CD-1 zones (371 and 463)
Our actions on provincial housing legislation
Bill 44: Housing Needs Report and small-scale, multi-unit housing (SSMUH)
Bill 43: Housing Supply Act and targets orders
Bill 46: Development financing (including Amenity Cost Charges and Development Cost Levies)
Bill 47: Transit-oriented areas for development (TOAs)
Bill 18 – Official Development Plan, Vancouver Charter Amendment Act (Number 2)
Additional Vancouver Charter changes
Additional resources and documents