Tatlow Creek

Tatlow and Volunteer Park stream restoration

What's happeningConstruction completed

The Tatlow and Volunteer Park stream restoration is complete and open for public use. 

Most of the lawn is accessible, but a section will remain temporarily fenced off to ensure proper lawn establishment. Your cooperation is appreciated.

The Vancouver Park Board is restoring a small segment of a historical stream in Volunteer and Tatlow parks originally known as ‘First Creek’.

This project is a unique opportunity to daylight the stream and connect the existing stream in Tatlow and Volunteer Parks to English Bay and improve access to the beach and shoreline.

Major improvements

  • Improved rainwater management through green rainwater infrastructure including raingardens and a constructed wetland
  • Improved access to the beach and shoreline though an accessible ramp
  • Enhanced biodiversity through extensive native plantings
  • Habitat creation for birds, pollinators and aquatic species
  • New pathways, additional seating amenities
  • Upgrades to the Point Grey Road storm sewer infrastructure

Weaving the City Together

This project aligns with VanPlay and the aim of ‘Weaving the City Together’ by reconnecting landscapes, improving the flow and quality of rainwater, and connecting and enriching ecosystems throughout the city. This project also helps to achieve the following VanPlay goals:

  • Goal 5: Adapting to changing climate
  • Goal 7: Restoring wild spaces
  • Goal 8: Seek Truth as a foundation for Reconciliation

Other key policies this project supports includes the RainCity Strategy, Biodiversity Strategy, and the Climate Emergency Action Plan.

Consultation with the Host First Nations has been a priority throughout the project including input into the concept design that was approved by the Board in 2020. Several phases of an Archaeological Impact Assessment were completed in 2022 with continued archaeological monitoring during construction in 2023.

View a conceptual design of the stream restoration at Tatlow and Volunteer Parks (211 KB)

This project is partly funded by the Government of Canada's Natural Infrastructure Fund for rainwater integration projects throughout the city.


Here are our planned steps to restore the historical stream.

  • Winter/spring 2017

    Concept design development

  • March 2017

    Public open house

  • Fall 2017

    Educational open house

  • Winter 2018

    Proposed concept presented at final open house

  • 2018

    Concept development

  • Spring 2020

    Board approves conceptual design

  • Winter 2021

    Design development

  • Summer 2022

    Detailed design and tender

  • Fall 2022

    Board approves construction contract award

  • Spring 2023


  • Spring 2024

    Project completion

Contact the project team
