Late-June 2018 - The renewed park opens. Areas of the lawn continue to be fenced to allow it to establish.
June 2018 - Construction nears completion.
August 2017 - Construction begins.
May 2017 - Work to construct improvements put out to tender.
April 2017 - Detailed park designs completed.
April 2017 - Prince Edward Street (south end) closed to vehicles. Bike and pedestrian still permitted.
March 2017 - We are in the process of completing construction drawings for the park upgrade. Improvements include better connections between the east and west sides of the park, new pathways, a playground, seating, picnic tables, and a rain garden plantings. Construction is anticipated to begin in the summer 2017.
Questionnaire results
September 2015 – We summarized the feedback we received at the summer open house and from our consultation with groups that use Sunset Park. The community is excited about many of the proposed improvements that we presented in the latest concept for the park. Elements that the community felt were most important in the new design included:
- Improvements to paths
- Additional seating areas
- A naturalized area with trees
- The renewal of the children's playground
Questionnaire: What do you think of the park concept design?
August 1, 2015 – Thank you to everyone who completed our questionnaire. We're now analyzing the feedback we received and will report the results after.
July 2, 2015 – Your feedback will help us further shape the design and prioritize design features. The questionnaire closes on July 31.
July 1 open house: View the park concept design
June 25, 2015 – Learn about the concept we've refined based on your earlier feedback.
Let us know what you think about the refined concept, to help us further shape the design and prioritize desired features.
We'll display the preferred design at Sunset Community Centre and on this page in the fall.
Questionnaire results
March 9, 2015 – In our questionnaire, we heard that: a majority of residents:
- Support the eight draft design principles in the Sunset Park Master Plan
- Feel that the most important use for the park are as a place for children to play and as a place to exercise and play sport, with the current ice rink being the amenity that most would like to see changed or improved
The questionnaire results will help us identify directions and priorities for park improvements.
Questionnaire: What do you think about Sunset Park?
December 16, 2014 – Thank you for your feedback on the Sunset Park Master Plan at our open house or through the online questionnaire. We are now analyzing the feedback we received and will provide a summary of results in the new year.
November 28, 2014 – The master plan process is just starting and we want to know your ideas, concerns, and thoughts about the park. Take our online questionnaire until December 15, 2014. Your responses will help us to:
- Plan a future for the park that reflects the community’s values
- Understand issues and opportunities
- Establish directions and priorities for park improvements for the next 10 to 15 years
November 27 open house: View the park concept designs
November 7, 2014 – Join us at the November 27 open house to review and comment on concept designs for the renewed Sunset Park. Tell us what you think about the park's existing features and what you'd like to see in the renewed park. Your feedback will help further refine early design concepts.
Date: November 27, 2014, 3:00pm to 7:00pm
Location: Sunset Community Centre, 6810 Main Street
Consultant hired and consultation begun
Late summer 2014 – We started meetings with stakeholders and staff to work on park design concepts.
July 1, 2014 – At the Sunset neighbourhood's Canada Day celebration, we asked the community what features they'd like to see in Sunset Park in the future. What we heard was the need to improve the playground, pathways, and plantings, and to create naturalized areas and seating.
May 24, 2014 – We advertised the Sunset Park Master Plan at South Hill Festival.
Spring 2014 – We hired a consultant to help develop the master plan.