Concept rendering of Canyon Creek
Conceptual sketch of a daylit Canyon Creek

Canyon Creek daylighting in Spanish Banks West Extension Park

What is stream daylighting?

Stream daylighting is an ecological restoration process that involves removing buried pipes and restoring surface habitat to allow natural creeks to flow as surface water again.

Restoring streams can help to encourage the return of wildlife such as birds, fish, and amphibians, making our city a healthier place for both wildlife and residents. 

We are planning to restore the historic Canyon Creek, a stream that currently runs underneath Spanish Banks West Extension Park.  

Canyon Creek is an urban stream with headwaters in Pacific Spirit Regional Park. The downstream portion of the creek flows through an underground pipe before discharging into Burrard Inlet.

Insights from past projects

The Canyon Creek daylighting project will draw from the valuable experiences and achievements of nearby projects at Spanish Bank Creek (1999) and Salish Creek (2012) that underwent similar restoration processes.

Daylighting streams is an important part of restoring habitat for salmon and other species


Here is our progress and planned milestones.

  • Before 2024

    Consulted with Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations

    Conceptual design

  • Winter, spring, and summer 2024

    Detailed design and site analysis (for example archaeological and geotechnical assessments)

    Public information and engagement

    Continued engagement with Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations

  • Fall and winter 2024

    Construction involving land grading, planting, and potential temporary site disruptions such as noise and fenced areas.

  • 2025 onward

    Environmental stewardship and long-term maintenance

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