Oppenheimer Park playground

Oppenheimer Park playground renewal

We're upgrading the Oppenheimer Park playground to provide much-needed enhanced play space for children and caregivers.

We want to create a playground that is safe, inclusive, and fun. This means:

  • A play space that is safe and easy to observe
  • Resilient, engaging, and fun play equipment
  • Play equipment that encourages group play for children of all ages and abilities
  • Seating and picnic areas that provides opportunities for learning and socializing

New playground features

  • A large play structure for older kids
  • A play structure for young kids
  • Rubber surfacing
  • A seesaw
  • Creative learning activities
  • Seating and picnic area

What's happeningReview the concept design for the new playground

Construction of the new playground is anticipated to start in summer-fall 2024 and be completed by spring-summer 2025. The playground will be closed to the public during construction.

Review the concept design  (3.7 MB)


  • Summer 2022

    Scoping and planning

  • Winter 2022

    Concept design

  • Summer to fall 2023

    Detailed design and tender

  • We are here
  • Fall 2024

    Construction starts

  • Summer 2025

    Playground opening

Contact us

Hanako Amaya
Landscape architect

Email: hanako.amaya@vancouver.ca