People enjoying an outdoor plaza on Bute Street

Bute Greenway

Did you know?

Greenways are car-lite to car-free AAA active transportation corridors, that serve as high-quality continuous public spaces.

We're exploring ideas to improve and prioritize Bute Street for walking, rolling, and cycling for people of all ages and abilities, while providing a variety of public spaces to play, sit, relax, socialize, enjoy food or drink, or host community events.

As part of this project, we are sharing a final design for the permanent Bute-Robson Plaza and adjacent blocks.

Private residential buildings are not part of the project scope.

Project location

Bute Street is an important 1.5 kilometre north-south route through the downtown peninsula. It connects Burrard Inlet to False Creek through various neighbourhoods like the West End, the Central Business District, and Coal Harbour.

It also links popular destinations and community spaces, such as:

  • Sunset Beach Park
  • Harbour Green Park
  • Nelson Park
  • Jim Deva Plaza
  • Bute-Robson Plaza


  • Fall/winter 2021

    Phase 1

    • Shared project goals and learned how people use the street and plaza
    • Discussed big ideas

  • Spring 2022

    Greenway design development and Bute-Robson Plaza refinement

  • Spring 2023

    Phase 2

    • Share vision for Bute Greenway
    • Review final design for Bute-Robson Plaza and adjacent blocks
    • Explore early design options for the north segment (Eihu Lane to W Pender Street) and mid connection (Nelson Park block).

  • 2024-25

    Bute Robson Plaza Construction

  • 2025+

    Phase 3 - Refine designs for future segments of the greenway

  • 2026+

    Implementation of future segments of the greenway

Related plans and policies

West End Community Plan

We created the West End Community Plan to ensure that future growth in the West End meets the needs of the community. Learn more about the plan.

Transportation 2040 Plan

Our plan provides a vision for how people and goods move in and around Vancouver for the next 30 years.

Green rainwater infrastructure

Learn how green rainwater infrastructure promotes sustainable rainwater management to enhance our city’s resilience to climate change.

Contact us