Completed consultation activities

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Active consultation activities

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  • Regulation Redesign

    The City of Vancouver is hosting a workshop to explore ideas and identify alternatives for simplifying building height and floor area regulations. This is part of a larger comprehensive review of our land use regulations and policies, in order to improve processes for planning, development, and building.

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  • Broadway Plan

    Design Jam: using design thinking to reimagine Broadway – offered in in partnership with Creative Pulse and Vancouver Design Nerds.

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  • Granville Bridge Connector

    This year, we will develop conceptual plans to create new and improved accessible pedestrian and cycling connections across the Granville Bridge.

    Youth Walk-shop and Idea Jam

    The City of Vancouver is developing plans to add safe and accessible pedestrian and cycling paths to the Granville Bridge. To contribute to the engagement process, CityHive is convening a walking tour + workshop for Metro Vancouverites aged 18-30. Your input will help refine the design and ensure a path that is comfortable and delightful for everyone.

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  • Neighbourhood Matching Fund

    The Neighbourhood Matching Fund supports neighbourhood-based groups who want to creatively enhance parks or other public lands through community art, environmental stewardship, or garden projects. 

    Applications are accepted twice annually in the spring and fall.

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  • Sunset Park Master Plan

    As a result of the Sunset Park Master plan, the Sunset Nursery and Works Yard is being redeveloped.

    This renewal project will improve the nursery and works yard functions to better serve the residents of Vancouver.

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  • Vancouver Public Library 2020-2023 strategic plan

    The Vancouver Public Library (VPL) is updating its strategic plan to identify priorities for 2020 to 2023. We want to hear from library users and non-users about the needs of the community.

    Funded by the City of Vancouver, Vancouver Public Library has been dedicated to meeting the lifelong learning, reading, and information needs of Vancouver residents for more than 100 years:

    • Our vision is an informed, engaged, and connected city.
    • Our mission is a free place for everyone to discover, create, and share ideas and information.
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  • Music Strategy

    The Vancouver Music Strategy embraces our city's vibrant music scene and aims to support music and musicians working and living here. To develop the strategy, Cultural Services is assessing Vancouver's music ecology by determining its social and economic impact, and identifying gaps in the music sector. The strategy will be used to increase integration and awareness for the music industry.

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  • Track and Field Strategy

    The Vancouver Park Board is working with the Vancouver School Board to plan for the future of track and field sports and facilities in the city. The new strategy will create a vision for track and field sports, including exploring opportunities for renewal, expansion, and maintaining track and field facilities.

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  • Mount Pleasant Industrial Area

    As a follow-up to Council direction, staff are engaging with residents and local business on a recommended transportation strategy to support job growth in the Mount Pleasant Industrial area.

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  • 41st Ave B-Line

    We are working with Translink to implement a new B-Line bus from Joyce-Collingwood to UBC.

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  • Jericho Lands Planning Program

    The City, at the request of the owners of the Jericho Lands, a joint venture between the Musqueam Indian Band, Squamish Nation, and Tsleil-Waututh Nation, and Canada Lands Company, is undertaking a comprehensive planning program to create a Policy Statement to guide future redevelopment of the site.

    City staff will lead a collaborative planning process with the surrounding community, the land owners, and other stakeholders. The planning program will create guidelines for future redevelopment of the site and establish policy on: reconciliation, affordable housing, land use, density, height, public benefits, transportation, built form, character, sustainability, infrastructure, and phases of development.

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  • Rain City Strategy

    We are working on a strategy to:

    • Improve water quality
    • Enhance Vancouver’s resiliency and climate change adaptation
    • Use rainwater as a resource
    • Support neighbourhood livability and biodiversity
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  • DTES Plan Community Fair

    Approved in 2014, the Downtown Eastside Plan is a 30-year vision for the neighbourhood that strives to maintain the uniqueness of the Downtown Eastside while revitalising the area without displacing residents.

    We're now sharing a progress update on the Plan's implementation, and seeking public feedback on plan priorities for the next five years, and how they can be achieved. 

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    Take the questionnaire
  • Marpole Community Centre Renewal

    The Vancouver Park Board is developing a schematic master plan for Oak Park in order to allow for the design and construction of the new Marpole Community Centre.

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  • Blood Alley Square Redesign

    We are redesigning this public space in the heart of Gastown to:

    • Update the space for neighbourhood gatherings
    • Conserve its heritage characteristics and 1970s character look
    • Propose new ways for managing commercial dumpsters and waste
    • Create a stewardship plan that involves the local community
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  • Smart Cities Canada
    Smart Cities Canada

    We are competing for $50 million in the Government of Canada’s Smart Cities Challenge. The competition recognizes Canadian cities that use data and connected technology to address local issues.

    Experience ELA 

    There have been a series of events featuring an electric autonomous shuttle (ELA) that represents the future of transportation in Surrey and Vancouver. ELA is being demonstrated as part of #SmarterTogether.

    Locations: Olympic Village SkyTrain station and Manitoba and W 1st Ave (northwest corner)
    Shuttle open to riders: February 23 to March 3
    Times: 11am to 5:30pm weekdays and 10am to 4:30pm weekends

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    Book your ride on ELA
  • Employment Lands and Economy Review

    We are developing a long-range land use policy plan to ensure we have an appropriate supply of land for businesses and jobs to support the future growth of our economy.

    Share your feedback online until April 2019.

    Information pop-ups

    • March 7, 3pm to 7pm, CityLab, 511 West Broadway
    • March 8, 3pm to 7pm, CityLab, 511 West Broadway
    • March 9, 12pm to 4pm, CityLab, 511 West Broadway
    • March 13, 3pm to 7pm, Kitsilano Neighbourhood House, 2305 W 7th Ave
    • March 14, 3pm to 7pm, Kingsgate Mall, 370 E Broadway
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    Take the survey
  • The Flats Arterial Community Panel

    A community panel of representative group of residents and businesses who are randomly-selected to learn, listen, and give a recommendation and rationale for locating a new arterial street in the False Creek Flats.

    Community Panel meeting

    The public is invited to observe community panel meetings and participate at public workshops.

    Location: Dudoc Vancouver, 1489 Frances St

    Time: 9am to 4:30pm


    • Saturday, March 9
    • Sunday, March 10
    • Saturday, April 6


    Public workshop

    Tuesday, March 5, 7pm to 9pm
    Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre, 1607 East Hastings St

    Submit an idea

    An online intake of ideas, reading materials, reports, videos, website, and articles that the public is sharing to the panel and the broader public to be considered. Submissions open until April 4.

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    Submit your idea
  • Creative City Strategy

    The strategy aims to develop a comprehensive plan and vision for culture and creativity in Vancouver.


    Monday, March 4, 8am to 5pm
    Vancouver Playhouse, 600 Hamilton St

    Land + Bodies: Reconciliation and Cultural Redress in Public Art

    Monday, March 4, 5:30pm to 8:30 pm
    Vancouver Playhouse, 600 Hamilton St

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    Register for the Symposium
    Register for Land + Bodies
  • Broadway Plan

    The Broadway Plan will be a comprehensive land use policy plan for the area that integrates new housing, jobs and amenities with the upcoming Broadway Subway. 

    Open houses

    Share your ideas and learn about how you can get involved in shaping the future of Broadway.

    • March 7, 3pm to 7pm, CityLab, 511 West Broadway
    • March 8, 3pm to 7pm, CityLab, 511 West Broadway
    • March 9, 12pm to 4pm, CityLab, 511 West Broadway
    • March 13, 3pm to 7pm, Kitsilano Neighbourhood House, 2305 W 7th Ave
    • March 14, 3pm to 7pm, Kingsgate Mall, 370 E Broadway
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  • Chinese Canadian Museum

    The City has signed an Memorandum of Understanding with the Province of BC for a Chinese Canadian Museum.

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  • WE ChooSe Impact Participatory Budgeting

    A process to involve citizens in government spending decisions that impact or benefit them, the community-led team will be hosting events around the West End to collect ideas.

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  • 10th Ave Corridor Project

    We plan to upgrade a segment of 10th Ave, between Trafalgar St and Burrard St, to make it safer and more comfortable for people of all ages and abilities to walk and cycle.

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  • Regulation Redesign

    We are aiming to improve the land use policy and regulations through a comprehensive review. We are on the second phase of the process.

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  • Food footprint

    We are looking at the role of food impacts on our ecological footprint to better achieve a one-planet ecological footprint.

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  • Crofton Manor

    Wall Group and Revera Living have proposed to redevelop Crofton Manor. The proposal is to amend the existing CD-1 District to permit a renewed Crofton Manor and the addition of housing and community uses, including public open space. 

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  • Central Library expansion

    Vancouver Public Library will be completing the expansion of its Central Library!  The 8th and 9th floors of the library will be open to the public and will offer a rooftop garden, an exhibit space, theatre, reading room, and meeting rooms. The anticipated opening is fall 2018.  


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  • Coopers Park

    We have an exciting opportunity to expand Coopers’ Park into the adjacent area under Cambie Bridge.

    The project team has developed five different big ideas or concepts.

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  • Track and Field Strategy

    We are working with the Vancouver School Board to develop a long-range strategy for track and field sports and facilities in Vancouver. 

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  • On Water

    We want to enhance public use and access to non-motorized watercraft opportunities on our shared waterfront.

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  • Fraser River flood management

    We are developing a Coastal Adaptation Plan for the Fraser River Foreshore area that will identify solutions to reduce flood risk.

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  • VanPlay

    After a year of engagement, we’ve come up with ten goals that we believe will not only improve our parks and recreation, but also enrich the beauty and livability of Vancouver.

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  • Outdoor Lighting Strategy

    We're developing an Outdoor Lighting Strategy to provide direction on outdoor lighting on streets, public spaces, and private properties across the city.

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  • Parking in Vancouver

    As we respond to goals outlined in Transportation 2040, we are looking to update the Parking Bylaw related to off-street parking requirements in new buildings to better support our targets.

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  • New park at Oakridge Centre

    The Vancouver Park Board is planning a new park as part of the redevelopment at Oakridge Centre.

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  • Capital Plan

    We're updating the City’s long-term financial plan for infrastructure areas such as affordable housing, child care, transportation, community facilities, parks, streets, sewers, and more.

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  • Arbutus Greenway

    The Arbutus Greenway is a north-south transportation corridor that will connect people, parks, and places from False Creek to the Fraser River.


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  • Single-Use Item Reduction Strategy

    We are developing a Single-Use Item Reduction Strategy to explore how we can reduce waste from disposable hot and cold drink cups, plastic and paper shopping bags, polystyrene foam and other take-out food containers. City staff have been consulting with stakeholders to gather feedback on proposed targets and emerging directions, which are being considered for inclusion in the draft strategy that will be presented to Council in 2018.

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  • Champlain Heights new garden

    The Vancouver Park Board, in partnership with Champlain Heights Community Association, is considering installing a new community garden by the community centre north of Champlain Heights Park.

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  • Interim skate plaza under the Cambie Bridge
    Interim skate plaza under the Cambie Bridge

    We are planning an interim plaza-style skateboard facility under the Cambie Bridge at Cambie and W 2nd streets to stand-in for the Downtown skateboard park which will be removed in early 2019.

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  • False Creek South
    False Creek South

    We're working on a neighbourhood planning program for False Creek South that will help renew the area and guide growth over the long-term that meets the needs of the community, city, and region.

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  • Grandview-Woodland Community Plan
    Grandview-Woodland Community Plan

    We are proposing zoning changes to allow for new housing choices in the community. The changes would allow for rowhouses, townhouses, 4-storey apartments, and 4-storey mixed-use in specified areas.

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  • Britannia renewal project

    We are working with our partners to renew and revitalize the Britannia Community Services Centre and the larger Britannia site. 

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  • Thermal Imaging Pilot Program

    We are bringing energy experts to your neighbourhood to help homeowners of single-family dwellings explore how to make smart and cost-effective home energy improvements.

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  • The future of Northeast False Creek

    The Northeast False Creek Plan sets the long-term vision for the last remaining piece of large undeveloped land in the downtown along False Creek.

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  • Gastown Complete Streets

    Gastown’s streets are in need of major rehabilitation.

    We have an important opportunity to work with people who live, visit, work, and commute through Gastown to consider the future of the area and create a plan for the streets and transportation network.

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  • Reimagine City Hall

    City staff will survey members of the public as they access services at City Hall campus buildings. The information collected will help inform our long-term planning for City Hall campus now and in the future.

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  • Places for People Downtown

    Through Places for People Downtown, we will create a strategy to shape and deliver vibrant public spaces downtown

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  • East Fraser Lands (River District)

    We're developing a new sustainable, complete community at East Fraser Lands (EFL). The plan calls for a mainly residential community with a variety of housing types and a commercial centre.

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  • VanSplash Aquatics Strategy

    The proposed VanSplash Aquatics Strategy presents a 25-year vision for the future of aquatics in Vancouver. 

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  • Arbutus Greenway Design Jam

    Our Design Jam is a multi-day, collaborative workshop with the goal of developing a clear and detailed design for the future Arbutus Greenway.

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  • Strathcona Community Centre needs assessment project

    The Strathcona Community Centre (SCC) needs assessment is a four-month long study to determine the current and future needs of Strathcona community members, in order to make appropriate plans for the future of the community centre. The study will be completed by Nov 31.

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  • False Creek South Resident Protection and Retention Plan

    We are drafting a resident protection and retention plan that will hold tenure-based workshops with FCS residents and members. Discussion guides and questionnaires will take place throughout the process to created neighbourhood planning principles to go along with the draft retention plan.

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  • False Creek South Planning Advisory Group

    We're undertaking a planning process to address future land uses, affordable housing, transportation, public realm, and sustainability issues in this area. The first phase will focus on the underdeveloped sites on the community edge. A resident protection and retention plan is also underway to develop affordable housing options for False Creek South residents on City-owned land to remain in the neighbourhood in the event of future redevelopment, lease renewal, or end-of-lease issues.

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  • Laneway houses

    Laneway houses are an excellent way to increase the diversity of rental units in single family neighbourhoods and play an important role in achieving Council’s priorities to increase the supply of rental housing options across the city.

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  • Tatlow and Volunteer Park stream restoration

    The Vancouver Park Board is restoring the historical stream in Volunteer and Tatlow parks.

    This project is a unique opportunity to recreate a former stream and restore the English Bay shoreline.

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  • Grandview-Woodland Community Plan implementation

    We are proposing zoning changes to allow for new housing choices in the community. The changes would allow for rowhouses, townhouses, 4-storey apartments, and 4-storey mixed-use in specified areas.

    Complete our online survey or join us at an open house to learn more about the proposed zoning changes, ask questions, and provide feedback.

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  • Still Creek Community Garden relocation
    Still Creek Community Garden relocation

    The site at 4410 Kaslo Street was identified as a potential site for Temporary Modular Housing units.Still Creek Community Garden is currently located on the proposed site.

    Slocan Park is being considered as a potential location for Still Creek Community Garden.

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  • China Creek North Park renewal

    The Vancouver Park Board and the City of Vancouver Engineering Services are upgrading China Creek North Park. Upgrades include: a playground replacement, staircase or accessible path connection on the west hill, washrooms and pump station replacement in southeast corner of park.

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  • Marpole Community Centre renewal
    Marpole Community Centre renewal

    The Vancouver Park Board is working on a feasibility study for a new community centre serving residents of Marpole in South Vancouver.

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  • Jericho Pier Renewal
    Jericho Pier Renewal

    The Vancouver Park Board, in partnership with the Disabled Sailing Association (DSA) , is renewing the aging pier at Jericho Beach and providing an accessible floating dock for sailors with disabilities.

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  • Vancouver's Playbook
    Vancouver's Playbook

    The Vancouver Park Board is developing Vancouver’s Playbook, a new plan to guide how we create vibrant, parks and recreation over the next 25 years

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