Quebec Street Improvements

quebec-st-south-before-landing quebec-st-south-after-landing


Construction on Quebec Street phase 2 now is complete. The road is now open to cyclists, vehicles, and pedestrian traffic.

We have made critical upgrades to repair the street, and improve comfort and safety for people walking and cycling in the neighbourhood.

Project update

Work completed November 2020.

Project phases

Phase 1: Quebec Street and 1st Avenue

We’ve upgraded the infrastructure of the street to improve comfort and safety for people walking and cycling around Quebec St and 1st Ave.

Phase 2: Quebec Street and 2nd Avenue

We’re continuing upgrades to repair the street, and improve comfort and safety for people walking and cycling in the area.

Phase 3: NEU expansion

We’re expanding the Neighbourhood Energy Utility (NEU) along Quebec from 3rd to 6th avenues and on 3rd, 4th, and 6th avenues from Quebec to Main.

Roadwork toolkit (1.35 MB)

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