Young girl watching people kayaking on False Creek

Community and homes in the Northeast False Creek Plan

Vancouver is in the midst of a serious housing crisis. The development of Northeast False Creek presents us with a unique opportunity to achieve a significant amount of social housing to help address the issue. Providing a range of diverse housing options in Northeast False Creek will contribute to:

  • A healthy, vibrant, and inclusive neighbourhood
  • A strong downtown
  • A more equitable city for people with a range of income levels

What's happening

As an interim measure the City of Vancouver and BC Housing have erected the temporary modular housing project, Nora Hendrix Place, at 258 Union St.

This project provides 52 single studio homes in a three story building while planning for the permanent social housing and establishment of a cultural centre for the Black Community on 898 Main St (Hogan’s Alley block) continues through the Northeast False Creek Plan.

Policy highlights

  • Ensure 20% of new stratified residential floor area is delivered as social housing within the existing False Creek North Official Development Plan area (about 900 units)
  • Secure remaining six affordable housing sites (about 600 units)
  • Target 300 new social housing units to be delivered on the two blocks on Main St between Prior and Union streets
  • Require 50% of all social housing units to be two and three bedroom units for families
  • In market housing, require a minimum of 35% family units (having two or more bedrooms), including a minimum of 25% two bedroom and a minimum of 10% three-bedroom units in each project
  • Enhance access and increase neighbourhood food assets: including community gardens, community kitchens and other community-based food programs, particularly for vulnerable and isolated groups

Map of affordable housing development sites


Existing affordable housing
Remaining affordable housing development sites (option sites)
About 600 units for 1,100 people
Sub-area 6B affordable housing development site
About 350 units for 650 people
Sub-area 6C affordable housing development site
About 550 units for 1,000 people
Sub-area 6D affordable housing development site
About 300 units for 550 people
False Creek North Official Development Plan (ODP) boundary – existing
False Creek North Official Development Plan (ODP) boundary – proposed extension