The Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts are aging, seismically vulnerable, and need to be replaced.
The decision to replace the viaducts was based on several years of testing, analysis, and consultation.
The replacement complete street network will provide improved efficiency and resiliency, focusing on a new two-way Georgia St that connects to a new two-way Pacific Blvd.
Our next steps are to:
- Complete the design of the new street network to replace the viaducts
- Build the new street network
We plan to start in late 2018 by moving utilities and making small, early changes, pending Council approval and funding.
Construction should take three years, with major traffic impacts lasting one year.
New street network
The new street network will:
- Accommodate 100% of today’s traffic volumes on new street network, mainly at ground level, with a direct connection to downtown via Georgia Street
- Be more resilient to earthquakes
- Be less expensive to maintain
- Enhance connections between downtown, the waterfront, and the historic neighbourhoods
- Provide for a larger waterfront park and more open spaces
- Create significant public realm improvements including larger sidewalks, separated bike facilities, and larger trees
Policy highlights
Ensure the design of the streets:
- Are for all ages, abilities, and modes of travel with comfortable, inclusive access for people walking, cycling, taking transit, and who have mobility challenges
- Support a vibrant public life that encourages a walking culture, healthy lifestyles, and social connectedness
- Meet the vehicle capacity needs of today, including transit, emergency services and goods movement
Our priorities
Through the planning process, input has been incorporated from stakeholders and the broader public to develop a set of principles for designing streets within Northeast False Creek. The principles are as follows:
- Accessibility
- Adaptability and resiliency
- Character
- Permeability and connectivity
- Public life
- Environmental sustainability
- Experience and place-making
- Integrated utilities
- Safe and inclusive
How the new street network will be funded
The projected cost of the proposed removal and replacement of the viaducts can be fully funded by:
- Contributions from new and existing developments that we know will be eventually occurring in this area
- Sales or leases of City land no longer used by the viaducts
This revenue would pay not only for the replacement of the viaducts, but also for other works needed in the area related to its development, including:
- Designing, planning, and deconstructing the viaducts
- Building the replacement street network
- Upgrading sewer and water utilities
- Cleaning up the contaminated soil
- Improving Andy Livingstone Park