A photo of Quartier des Spectacles

Places for public life in the Northeast False Creek Plan

Northeast False Creek has the opportunity to become one of the top 10 destinations in Vancouver.

The plan provides a canvas to guide the continued evolution of downtown’s False Creek waterfront, including:

  • A vibrant and convivial mix of land uses
  • A series of new and renewed parks and open spaces

Policy highlights

  • Establish a vibrant and celebratory events destination for locals and visitors
  • Ensure a minimum of 13.75 acres of new parks and open space within the new Creekside Park extension, Georgia Wharf, Carrall St conversion to park, and Dunsmuir Connection
  • Design inclusive districts with retail and entertainment options that are accessible to all ages, abilities, and levels of income
  • Integrate Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles into new and renewed parks and open spaces
  • Explore opportunities to honour the heart of Vancouver’s Black community as part of the redevelopment of 898 Main St
  • Establish strong linkages into Chinatown along Main St, Quebec St, Keefer St, Gore Ave, and the new park

Diagram of the three distinct districts in Northeast False Creek, from west to east, the Events and Entertainment District, Park District, and Main Street District

Three distinct districts

Events+ Entertainment District

This district will continue to serve as a major destination for thousands of local, regional, domestic, and international visitors each day and will become an iconic and memorable place that locals choose to be and visitors want to experience.

Park District

The Park District will be a commons for people from local neighbourhoods to meet and mingle every day, and for other residents and visitors to come and enjoy or celebrate a special event. 

Main Street District

These blocks will contribute to the social and cultural connectivity of the area. They will connect the historic communities of the Downtown Eastside, Citygate, and the False Creek Flats to the new Creekside Park and False Creek Waterfront.

Map of the 13 spaces for public life in Northeast False Creek

Spaces for public life

  1. False Creek Public Basin 
  2. Arts Pavilion and Plaza
  3. Habitat Water’s Edge
  4. Plaza of Nations
  5. Georgia St
  6. Georgia Landing
  7. Dunsmuir Connection
  1. Pacific Blvd
  2. Carrall Plaza
  3. Creekside and Andy Livingstone Park
  4. Historic Shoreline
  5. Reconnecting Chinatown
  6. Hogan’s Alley