Sketch of the park areas in the Northeast False Creek Area Plan, with a larger Creekside Park

Park policy in the Northeast False Creek Plan

Policy highlights

  • Integrate elements of Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations, and urban Indigenous peoples’ history and living culture into the design of the park
  • Create an Indigenous peoples’ gathering space in Creekside Park including opportunities for water access and for traditional canoes
  • Create strong physical connections between the park and surrounding neighbourhoods
  • Maximize park elements that allow for multi-purpose programs and uses
  • Select plantings that create an ecologically and visually rich environment that encourages stewardship
  • Improve access for non-motorized boating in False Creek
  • Maximize views to the water, mountains, surrounding landmarks, and open spaces
  • Establish an innovative park operating model that supports a high standard of programming, maintenance, stewardship, and surveillance in Creekside and Andy Livingstone Parks