We’re upgrading several sewer pump stations throughout the city. These stations have reached the end of their service life and will be replaced with larger-capacity facilities.
The station upgrades will:
- Ensure the resilience of this essential infrastructure
- Minimize the risk of sewage spills into sensitive waterways
- Provide additional amenities where possible
- Help to serve growing neighbourhoods
Dunbar pump station
Starting in February 2025, we will be upgrading to the Dunbar pump station, which has reached the end of its useful service life.
Jericho pump station
Starting in late 2024, we will be upgrading to the Jericho pump station, which has reached the end of its useful service life.
Thornton pump station
Starting in late 2024, we will be upgrading Thornton pump station to accommodate the growing area.
Various locations throughout the city
Dunbar pump station
We’re constructing a new, above-ground pump station in the southeast corner of Musqueam Park, on the north side of 49th Avenue. This pump station will replace the existing pump station, which has reached the end of its useful service life.
The new pump station will meet new safety requirements and features an earthquake-resilient design with protection against rising sea levels.
Work will begin in the February 2025. This work will not impact access to the park or use of park amenities.
Information icon Select image to review a larger version of the map.
Download the Dunbar Pump Station Map PDF file (139 KB)
Questions? Email: dunbarpumpstation@vancouver.ca
Jericho pump station
The pump station will be removed from its existing location on the east side of Jericho Beach Park at West 2nd Avenue because of the cultural and archaeological significance of the area and to increase park green space.
A new, above-ground pump station will be constructed at the southwest corner of the Jericho Beach east parking lot.
Construction is expected to start in late 2024 and will have minimal impact on park activities.
Information icon Select image to review a larger version of the map.
Download the Jericho Pump Station Map PDF file (1.8 MB)
Questions? Email: jerichopumpstation@vancouver.ca
Contact us
Email: pumpstations@vancouver.ca