Development permit applications that have significant importance because of scale, complexity, or public interest are typically referred to the Development Permit Board which reviews, makes recommendations and approves major developments.
All other development permit applications are reviewed by the Director of Planning or their delegates. The board is limited in its authority by the Official Development Plan (ODP) provisions enacted by Council and the existing Zoning and Development By-law, which outlines acceptable uses and building forms for the site.
The board cannot deny a development permit if it meets the zoning and ODP and guidelines, or approve a development if it does not fall within the zoning or ODP.
The board is composed of four senior staff members, including the chairperson and an advisory panel. Attendance at Development Permit Board meetings includes City staff, applicants and their representatives, and members of the public.
Online meetings
July 14, 2023: Meetings may be convened by electronic means as authorized by Section 14.14 of the Procedure By-law. Advisory bodies may elect to conduct their meetings in person, by electronic means, or as a hybrid of the 2.
For scheduled in-person meetings, continue to respect the personal space of others.
Information icon If you intend to register as a public speaker, review instructions on how to provide comments at an upcoming board meeting in the 'Speaker procedure' tab below.
Review the meeting procedures that were adopted on August 8, 2023 PDF file (1 MB)
Virtual meetings use Microsoft Teams. No software download is required. In the event of a virtual meeting, use the link below to view the meeting live through your web browser.
Next virtual meeting:
Date: Monday, March 10, 2025, at 3pm
Items to be heard:
- Item 1: Update to the Board regarding a proposed loading relaxation: 1525 – 1555 Robson St.
Contact: Jaime Lynn Borsa, Project Facilitator
Email: jaimelynn.borsa@vancouver.ca
Joining through Teams webinar
Join by phone (audio only)
- Phone: 604-665-6000
- Enter the conference ID when prompted: 215 383 143
By attending this meeting you are aware that personal information, such as video recording and transcription, may be collected and disclosed through the Teams Meetings platform used by the City of Vancouver for managing meetings under the authority of s.26(c) of FIPPA. Questions can be emailed to the Director, ATIP at privacy@vancouver.ca or through 311. Privacy and security PDF file (158 KB)
Following the meeting, minutes are posted online under the 'Meetings' tab.
All Development Permit Board meetings are open to the public. Applicants or their representatives are present to discuss the application. Neighbours and others interested in the development may also attend and make presentations. Written submissions are also considered. Learn more about the new virtual Development Permit Board under the 'Meetings' tab.
All development applications considered by the Development Permit Board are first reviewed by the Development Permit Staff Committee, an inter-departmental City staff committee.
Reports of the Development Permit Staff Committee provide the basis for discussion at Development Permit Board meetings and include a recommendation from the staff committee.
You can access the committee's reports for each development:
- Online in the Meetings tab on the Thursday before the meeting
- By contacting dpb@vanouver.ca
The process
- The board receives a presentation from a representative of the Development Permit Staff Committee (usually the development planner who is the staff person principally responsible for reviewing the application)
- The development planner outlines the key issues and recommendations of the Development Permit Staff Committee report
- Board and advisory panel members review the posted drawings and model of the proposed development
- The Board hears from the applicant, who is asked to respond specifically to the issues raised by the staff committee, and to state whether or not the recommendations contained in the staff committee report can be met
- Interested members of the public are invited to address the board
- A discussion takes place among members of the board and the advisory panel. Throughout the discussion, questions of all participants are dealt with through the board chair
- The board chair polls the advisory panel members for their advice
- The three board members debate the recommendation and a motion is made and voted on, the decision of the board is then announced. The chair is restricted in presenting any motions and only votes if two members are unable to reach an agreement.
The Board consists of four senior staff members, the Director of Development Services, who is Chair, the General Manager of Engineering Services, the Deputy City Manager and Director of Planning. The Chair does not vote except when Board members present at a meeting are equal for and against a question, in which case the Chair shall have the right to exercise the casting vote.
Each Board member, except for the Director of Development Services, has an alternate or alternates. If the Director of Development Services is unable to attend a Board meeting, she may appoint a Board member or any alternate of any Board member to act as Chair at that meeting on behalf, and in place, of the Director of Development Services.
Board members
Position | Alternate(s) |
Michelle Au, Chair Director – Permitting Services |
Matt Shillito |
Jason Olinek Director, Development Planning |
Lon LaClaire General Manager, Engineering Services |
Steve Brown Director, Engineering Projects and Development Services |
Corrie Okell General Manager, Development, Buildings, and Licensing |
Mandy So Assistant Director, Development Services |
Reports will be available for viewing 5 days before the meeting. Hard copies of the report can also be obtained by contacting the Development Permit Board Assistant and will be available at the meeting.
The meetings are open to the public. If you wish to speak to an item, refer to the 'Speaker procedures' tab for details.
Meeting date Minutes Details January 13, 2014 Meeting cancelled January 27, 2014 Minutes 626 Alexander Street February 11, 2014 (Tuesday) Meeting cancelled February 24, 2014 Minutes 1328 West Pender Street
179 Main StreetMarch 10, 2014 Meeting cancelled March 24, 2014 Meeting cancelled April 7, 2014 Minutes 1545 West 8th Avenue
55 Expo BoulevardApril 22, 2014 (Tuesday) Minutes 880 West 28th Avenue (BC Women's & Children's Hospital) May 5, 2014 Minutes 1188 Richards Street
1480 Howe Street
1461 Granville Street
1462 Granville StreetMay 20, 2014 (Tuesday) Meeting cancelled June 2, 2014 Meeting cancelled June 16, 2014 Minutes 510 West Seymour Street June 30, 2014 Meeting cancelled July 14, 2014 Minutes 235 Kingsway
285 East 10th Avenue (The Rize)July 28, 2014 Meeting cancelled August 11, 2014 Meeting cancelled August 25, 2014 Meeting cancelled September 8, 2014 Minutes 1710 East Broadway (SkyTrain Station) September 22, 2014 Meeting cancelled October 6, 2014 Minutes 308 West Hastings Street October 20, 2014 Minutes 1546 Nelson Street
1071 Cardero StreetNovember 3, 2014 Meeting cancelled November 17, 2014 Minutes 1546 Nelson Street
1071 Cardero Street
311 East 6th AvenueDecember 1, 2014 Meeting cancelled December 15, 2014 Minutes 3603 West 27th Avenue
3592 West 29th Avenue
Meeting date Minutes Details January 14, 2013 Minutes 725 Granville Street January 28, 2013 Minutes 68 Smithe Street February 11, 2013 Meeting cancelled February 25, 2013 Minutes 300-550 Robson Street
1399 Main StreetMarch 11, 2013 Meeting cancelled March 25, 2013 Minutes 557 East Cordova Street
155 East 37th AvenueApril 8, 2013 Minutes 803 West 12th Avenue
800 Griffiths Way
685 Pacific BoulevardApril 22, 2013 Meeting cancelled May 6, 2013 Meeting cancelled May 21, 2013 (Tuesday) Meeting cancelled June 3, 2013 Meeting cancelled June 17, 2013 Minutes 1121 Seymour Street July 2, 2013 (Tuesday) Minutes 1365 Burnaby Street July 15, 2013 Minutes 760 Pacific Boulevard July 29, 2013 Meeting cancelled August 12, 2013 Minutes 1099 Richards Street
475 Howe StreetAugust 26, 2013 Minutes 7298 Adera Street (Shannon Mews) September 9, 2013 Meeting cancelled September 23, 2013 Meeting cancelled October 7, 2013 Meeting cancelled October 21, 2013 Minutes 1045 Robson Street November 4, 2013 Meeting cancelled November 18, 2013 Meeting cancelled December 2, 2013 Meeting cancelled December 16, 2013 Minutes 39 Smithe Street
Meeting date Minutes Details January 9, 2012 Meeting cancelled January 23, 2012 Minutes 100 Jackson Street
1616 West 7th AvenueFebruary 6, 2012 Meeting cancelled February 20, 2012 Minutes 177 Robson Street
775 Richards Street
520 West Georgia Street (Telus Gardens)March 5, 2012 Meeting cancelled March 19, 2012 Meeting cancelled April 2, 2012 Meeting cancelled April 23, 2012 Minutes 138 East Hastings Street May 7, 2012 Minutes 189 Keefer Street May 22, 2012 (Tuesday) Meeting cancelled June 4, 2012 Minutes 238 West Broadway June 18, 2012 Meeting cancelled July 3, 2012 (Tuesday) Minutes 1545 West 8th Avenue July 16, 2012 Minutes 8198 Cambie Street
7299 Granville StreetJuly 30, 2012 Minutes 1155 Hornby Street August 13, 2012 Meeting cancelled August 27, 2012 Meeting cancelled September 10, 2012 Meeting cancelled September 24, 2012 Meeting cancelled October 9, 2012 (Tuesday) Minutes 2118 West 15th Avenue October 22, 2012 Minutes 2118 West 15th Avenue (deferred from October 9) November 5, 2012 Meeting cancelled November 19, 2012 Minutes 5515 Boundary Road December 3, 2012 Minutes 3100 River Walk December 17, 2012 Minutes 1862 Barclay Street
How to prepare to speak at a meeting
- Complete this form to request to speak at the meeting on March 10, 2025.
- Only those who have signed up are allowed to speak about this item.
- Speaker list will close at the start of the meeting.
- All persons who sign up may speak for up to 3 minutes.
- Speakers representing a group of 5 or more people may speak for up to 5 minutes if all members of the group are present.
- Any member of the Development Permit (DP) Board may but is not required to, ask any question of any speaker that is related to the application before the DP Board.
- The chair will call speakers in the order of the list. If the person is not present to speak when first called but shows up before the list is finished, they can still speak once the chair has gone through the complete list and calls them for a second time.
- No person attending the meeting may disrupt the business of the DP Board.
- The DP Board may warn a speaker if they're causing disruptions and can take appropriate steps to ensure a respectful atmosphere.
Learn more about DP Board's meeting procedure rules PDF file (99 KB)
Learn about the Development Permit Board Advisory Panel
Learn about the Advisory Panel's role, members, meetings, and more.