How we process and release FOI requests
In compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of British Columbia, information in the records that falls under an exception or exemption in the Act, such as personal and confidential information, is severed from the record or "blacked out". Severed information in a document displays as a gray box. The section(s) of the Act applied to the severed information is in red text in the upper left corner of the grey box.
Beginning in 2016, we post all FOI responses with the exception of those that contain personal, third party, or City confidential information. We update releases monthly. The original request for records is contained in the response letter.
Information released in 2023
Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.
Release date Record type Request December 4 Records re voting machines used in most recent municipal election, including manufacturer/model, proof of reliability, audit procedure, machine operation, internet connection, and process for ensuring transparency. December 4 Fire and Rescue PDF file (1.1 MB) Record of Fire Inspection History Reports for 375, 385, 387, and 389 Water Street. Date range: January 1, 2018 to November 15, 2023. December 5 Street/Traffic PDF file (180 KB) Regarding the planned renaming of Trutch Street to Musqueamview Street or šxʷməθkʷəy̓əmasəm, records relating to the logistics of changing the street name and Steering Committee reports. December 5 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1.7 KB) Re the Won Alexander Cumyow City Council office in the Chinatown Plaza, list of costs/suppliers of goods and services. December 7 Other PDF file (1.7 MB) Record of communications from Sue Baker (Homeless Services) containing the term “car 87” or “Mental Health Act.” Date range: July 1, 2022 to July 23, 2023. December 7 Other PDF file (2.6 MB) List of instances (including time, date, and location) where the City enforced or provided verbal or written notice according to encampment bylaws. Date range: January 1, 2020 to July 31, 2023. December 8 Other/property related PDF file (157 KB) Occupancy permits and business licenses for 1260 E 12th Avenue. Date range: January 1, 1910 to December 6, 2023. December 12 Development/License Application PDF file (164 KB) Record of submitted rezoning application and letter of enquiry for 800 Commercial Drive. Date range: January 1, 2023 to November 8, 2023. December 13 Other PDF file (847 KB) Records currently in effect regarding the City's Director of Planning and its authority that establishes by name who is currently appointed and authorized, and the specific authorizations. December 13 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.7 MB) Record of Mayor/Council feedback reports. Date range: October 30, 2023 to November 1, 2023. December 13 Other PDF file (348 KB) Regarding October sister city delegation led by Guo Yonghang, records from Paul Mochrie, Armin Amrolia, and Natti Schmid of all briefing material, agenda/minutes, hi-res colour photos, and details about gifts given and received. December 14 Financial/Agreement 1 PDF file (18.2 MB)
City contract with Monaghan Golf Group to run the services of the Fraserview and Langara Golf Course, including any provisions to the contract. Date range: January 1, 2008 to August 21, 2023. December 18 Mayor/Council PDF file (163 KB) Briefing notes prepared for Mayor, Paul Mochrie, and Trevor Ford, with terms “DULF,” “Drug User Liberation Front,” “magic mushrooms,” “magic mushroom dispensaries,” or “psilocybin.” Date range: October 20, 2023 to November 3, 2023. December 18 Other PDF file (168 KB) Total number of trees planted by the City and Park Board on City and parks land; total number that were replacements, new, and in Chinatown, Jan. 1, 2023 - Nov. 9, 2023. December 19 Mayor/Council PDF file (10.4 MB) Record of reports, memos, briefing notes, held by Mayor Sim or Cllr. Carr regarding community-based policing programs, non-profit organizations, and police reform polices, August 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022. December 19 Financial/Agreement PDF file (153 KB) Regarding the sole source contract executed in October 2023 with B.A. Blackwell and Associates for Stanley Park Tree Removals, record of all invoices and proof of payment to December 6, 2023. December 20 Financial/Agreement PDF file (155 KB) Record of all contracts with external consultants providing advice on public infrastructure specifically related to citizens with disabilities within the care and custody of the Accessibility Strategy group. Date range: January 1, 2018 to October 5, 2023. December 20 Log of SRO fires, showing street address/building name, date of fire, number of deaths/injuries, approximate damage in $, cause of fire, and name of property owner. Date range: December 14, 2022 to November 23, 2023. December 20 Other PDF file (169 KB) Records regarding clothing donation bins in Vancouver: 1. All donation bin locations connected to license nos. listed at provided link; and 2. Full names of all officers/directors that listed license numbers were issued to. December 21 Financial/Agreement PDF file (4 MB) Record of contract and payment documents involving Archistar Pty Ltd. or Date range: January 1, 2022 to September 19, 2023. December 21 Mayor/Council PDF file (153 KB) Correspondence between Kareem Allam and Howard Chow, including email, SMS and texts from dedicated messaging apps, and list of dates, times, lengths of phone calls between them for same period. Date range: October 16, 2022 to February 6, 2023. -
Release date Record type Request November 2 Record of all reports and memo regarding refugees and immigrant families living in social or subsidized housing. Date range: January 1, 2019 to September 21, 2023. November 2 Development/License Application PDF file (1.7 MB) Record of correspondence and info regarding 2738 E Hastings Street (DP-2023-00529), including letters, emails, and detailed logs regarding the development permit application. Date range: July 1, 2023 to September 24, 2023. November 2 Development/License Application PDF file (2.1 MB) Record of correspondence and info regarding 2724 E Hastings Street (DP-2021-00424), including letters and detailed logs regarding development permit application. Date range: May 7, 2021 to December 31, 2021. November 2 Other PDF file (153 KB) Record of CCTV footage in Hadden Park on March 19, 2023 in the early afternoon. November 8 Other/property related PDF file (772 KB) Record of documents related to any current open zoning, building, or fire code violations for the following properties: 1. 1788 W 2nd Avenue; and 2. 1675 W 3rd Avenue. Date range: as of September 5, 2023. November 8 Fire and Rescue PDF file (827 KB) Record of fire incident report regarding all dates and times the fire alarm went off at 1225 Cardero Street. Date Range: January 1, 2016 to November 5, 2023. November 10 Other PDF file (1.6 MB) Record of the City of Vancouver's local emergency response and recovery plan as per Section 6(2) of the Emergency Program Act. November 14 Mayor/Council PDF file (451 KB) Record of briefing note and memo provided to Council in preparation for the “Approval of Form of Development – 2086-2098 West 7th Avenue and 2091 West 8th Avenue” item at the October 31, 2023 Council meeting. November 16 Other/property related PDF file (114 KB) Information regarding vacancy reference periods 2017 to 2023, specifically: 1. Instances penalties under By-law s.2.7, 2.8, 8.4 were charged; and 2. Number of times vacancy taxes that were due remained unpaid. November 16 Development/License Application PDF file (181 KB) and Development/License Applications list Excel file (6.7 MB) Record of all residential and commercial building and sub/trade (mechanical, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, etc.) permits applied for and issued in Vancouver. Date range: January 1, 2022 to October 29, 2023. November 16 Other/property related PDF file (151 KB) Record of unredeemed properties from the 2022 tax sale auction. November 21 Other/property related PDF file (766 KB) Record of statistics on the City's Annual Tax Sale result and properties with ownership transferred following the tax sale. Date range: January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2022. November 22 Financial/Agreement PDF file (916 KB) A list of contracts that were signed in 2022, including the legal name of the contractor, each contract’s start and end dates, and a description of the nature of the work and services they provide. November 22 Other/property related PDF file (1.8 MB) Building condition assessment of 2294 W 10th Avenue: 1. Repairs required to maintain current use/occupancy; 2. Correspondence from City to current leaseholder. Date range: January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021. November 22 Other/property related PDF file (495 KB) Record of the most recent building inspection report for 938 Main Street (PID 030-009-804). November 27 Other PDF file (7.3 MB) Record of current training and orientation documents as of August 29, 2023 related to the following: Discipline, mental health, safety, behavioural concerns, human rights, and client rights and responsibilities. November 28 Other/property related PDF file (2.8 MB) Records regarding 405 Heatley Avenue: correspondence related to complaints and property use, inspection records, a log of 311 complaints.
November 28 Financial/Agreement PDF file (154 KB) Record of payments the City made to share predevelopment and rezoning costs authorized Council re Recommendation E of the Administrative Report RTS 9463. Date range: May 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014. November 29 Street/Traffic PDF file (382 KB) Record of traffic management plan for the road closure on Alexander Street, between Water Street and Columbia Street, on October 30, 2023 at approximately 10:00 am to 11:00 am. November 30 Other/property related PDF file (245 KB) Record of underfloor piping and sewer system for 534 E Cordova Street. November 30 Mayor/Council PDF file (156 KB) Travel expense reports and receipts submitted by Mayor Ken Sim, Teena Gupta Sim, David Grewal, Branislav Henselmann and other city staff for delegation to Sao Paulo and Rio De Janeiro in October, 2023. November 30 Mayor/Council PDF file (152 KB) Records regarding Mayor Ken Sim's trip to Los Angeles during Labour Day weekend, including expense reports and receipts, family and staff members, itinerary and correspondence arranging meetings. -
Release date Record type Request October 6 Records relating to the selection of individuals to deliver a prayer at the 2022 Inaugural Council Meeting on November 7, 2022. Date range: September 1, 2022 to December 1, 2022. October 6 Mayor/Council PDF file (3 MB) Correspondence regarding “2022 Inaugural Council Meeting” between CCO and individual or Canadian Memorial United Church. Date range: September 1, 2022 to December 1, 2022. October 6
Mayor/Council PDF file (2.4 MB) Regarding June 20, 2023 meeting “FIFA Next Steps with Province and MST": agenda, minutes, briefing note, presentation material, handwritten notes, transcript and recording from the meeting, and any correspondence to prepare. October 10 Mayor/Council PDF file (16.3 MB) Regarding PNE Outdoor Amphitheatre Project and increase in budget (approved July 12, 2023), record of most recent PNE funding request, business case for the project, cost-benefit analysis, correspondence between CEO PNE and City Manager. October 10 Fire and Rescue PDF file (24 KB) Records regarding June 2022 fire at Value Village store on E Hastings Street: 1. Emails/texts held by Fire Chief and incident commander; and 2. Correspondence between the VFRS, Value Village, and the land owner and its reps. October 13 HR PDF file (184 KB) Statistical data records regarding salary distribution for City staff, including: 1. Gender; 2. Age; 3. Race/Ethnicity; 4. Indigenity; 5. LGBTQ+; 6. Years of experience with the City; 7. Job Title. Date range: 2021-2022. October 16 Development/License Application PDF file (384 KB) Records regarding a development or building permit issued or requesting to enclose balconies at 1080 Broughton Street, excluding extraneous information. Date range: January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004. October 16 Other PDF file (748 KB) Record of City 'hospitality sector working group' meetings, including meeting memos, minutes, and reports. Date range: June 14, 2023 to September 14, 2023. October 17 Other PDF file (1.45 MB) Record of the relocation plan from the ACCS department for Larwill Place (610 Cambie and 620 Cambie). Date range: April 1, 2023 to August 29, 2023. October 17 Development/License Application PDF file (28 KB) Record of the terms of a federal loan given to the Cressey Development Group for the construction of housing at 1771 E 18th Avenue as part of the Rental Construction Financing Initiative. October 19 Other PDF file (12.5 MB) Record of correspondence and department memos sent or received by the General Manager of the Engineering Services department and any foremen overseeing the Hastings decampment. Date range: April 5, 2023 to April 10, 2023. October 19 Other/property related PDF file (2.7 MB) Records regarding 122-408 East Kent Avenue South and "May 26, 2021 - Environmental Historical Documents" resulting from an environmental search request. Date range: January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2021. October 19 Street/Traffic PDF file (64 KB) Record of 3-1-1 complaints regarding the condition of the construction fencing located around the 4400 block of Fraser Street, and actions taken by City staff as a result. Date range: July 12, 2023 to August 31, 2023. October 20 Mayor/Council PDF file (9.8 MB) Records relating to the challenges with implementing the Living Wage at the City and related changes. Date range: January 1, 2022 to June 6, 2023. October 20 Record of AED inventory (naming the location and address for each AED), the makes and models of AEDs procured by the City and the Park Board, and any briefing notes and reports about the AED program and maintenance of the fleet of AEDs. October 20 Street/Traffic PDF file (144 KB) Current contract with Buster's for towing and impounding parked vehicles. October 20 Development/License Application PDF file (148 KB) Record of correspondence from City staff to Theresa O'Donnell regarding the development permit application and meeting for 2086-2098 W 7th Avenue and 2091 W 8th Avenue. Date range: July 4, 2023 to August 21, 2023. October 23 Other PDF file (3.8 MB) Correspondence and draft reports related to the "Broadway Active Transportation Lanes - Next Steps" report prepared by Engineering Services. Date Range: January 1, 2023 to April 1, 2023. October 24 Financial/Agreement PDF file (28 KB) Records regarding RFP PS20230387-REFM-RFP for Architectural Consulting services related to the redevelopment of the Vancouver Aquatic Centre. Date range: February 24, 2023 to June 24, 2023. October 26 Development/License Application PDF file (160 KB) Database regarding number of total business licenses issued in Vancouver, separated by year in the following categories: 1. Renewed; 2. Closed/out of business; and 3. New. Date range: January 1, 2018 to October 18, 2023. October 26 Street/Traffic PDF file (28 KB) Record of correspondence, directives, or City planning documents related to the removal of benches beside Main Street-Science World on the morning of October 18, 2023. Date range: October 1, 2023 to October 23, 2023. October 27 Other PDF file (19 MB) Ranger reports regarding the Vanier Park Homeless encampment. Date range: March 1, 2023 to August 31, 2023. October 30 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.3 MB) Record of email communications in the possession of City Councillor Brian Montague containing the word “gang.” Date range: April 1, 2023 to August 29, 2023. October 31 Other PDF file (236 KB) Records (excluding correspondence) related to the scope/role, total staff, and total budget of the Urban Issues Department. Date range: August 1, 2022 to August 1, 2023. -
Release date Record type Request September 1 Data on fines collected under the Parks Smoking Regulation Bylaw, including the ticket or case number, date, and location (i.e., park or beach name). Date range: January 1, 2019 to May 31, 2021. September 1 Other PDF file (25 KB) Aggregated data in shelter system for incidents, including outcomes: Violence; Theft; Threats; Offensive language; Behavioural issues; Drug use/alcohol; Sexual violence; etc. Date range: August 31, 2017 to August 23, 2023. September 5
Other PDF file (13 KB) Training materials regarding encampment engagement; servicing; clearing; destructuring; and/or decampment from the Urban Issues, ACCS Liaison Team, and Impound & Staging Team divisions. Date range: July 1, 2022 to July 23, 2023. September 5 Financial/Agreement PDF file (6.3 MB) Record of all contracts and contract amendments and modifications made between the City and Viacom Decaux LLC for the provision of street furniture and transit shelters and advertising there on, from December 1, 2002 to May 8, 2023. September 5 Other PDF file (1.3 MB) Correspondence between ACCS, Chief Medical Health Officer of VCH and Executive Director of RainCity Housing and Support Society regarding safety and security incidents at Yaletown OPS. Date range: April 1, 2023 to July 24, 2023. September 6 Other PDF file (156 KB) Records regarding the client quality of life or self-reported health metric used in the Vancouver shelter system. Date range: current as of August 29, 2023. September 7 Other/property related PDF file (30 KB) 1. Number of total vacancy tax notices issued in 2022 for any vacancy reference period; and 2. Number of vacancy tax notices issued in 2022 for vacancy reference period 2019. Date range: January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. September 7 Financial/Agreement PDF file (58 KB) List of all payments, including payment amounts and dates, received by the Vancouver Park Board in relation to the Nat Bailey Stadium Lease. Date range: March 1, 2022 to August 6, 2023. September 7 Other/property related PDF file (389 KB) Current list of “Recognized Neighbourhood Groups” as referenced in previously released City documents as of August 31, 2023. September 8 Other/property related PDF file (24 KB) All versions of the City’s Vacancy Tax Compliance Policy Manual. Date range: January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022. September 8 Other/property related PDF file (24 KB) City’s Vacancy Tax Compliance Policy Manual as of September 6, 2023. September 8 Other PDF file (24 KB) Record of the judicial decision PDF file (133 KB) referenced in the following email from Paul Mochrie on November 17, 2016. September 11 Mayor/Council PDF file (283 KB) Record of Mayor Ken Sim’s correspondence, including email, to and from any and all union representatives. Date range: November 7, 2022 to August 7, 2023. September 12 Financial/Agreement PDF file (2.5 MB) Record of the City’s contract with Vancouver Coastal Health and RainCity Housing for the Thomus Donaghy Overdose Prevention Site (OPS) at 1101 Seymour St. September 12 Financial/Agreement
Record of the most recent appraisals and financial analyses, whether conducted in-house or by a third party, relating to 502 Granville Street, 431 Beach Crescent, and 900 Pacific Boulevard. September 12 Other PDF file (55 KB) City’s total cost for the decampment of Hastings Street. Date range: April 5, 2023 to April 12, 2023. September 12 Development/License Application PDF file (168 KB) Record of event permit issued to the African Descent Festival held on English Bay from August 12, 2023 to August 13, 2023. September 12 Other PDF file (23 KB) Record of training materials related to the use of Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (HIFIS) in the ACCS department. Date range: January 1, 2015 to May 31, 2022. September 12 Other PDF file (22 KB) Aggregate data re relocation of Larwill Place residents by sector type, including lease or contract expiry dates if moved to modular housing. Date range: April 1, 2023 to August 29, 2023. September 13 Other PDF file (10.5 MB) Record of City communication re April 5 decampment of E Hastings St between Main and Carrall Street. Date range: March 1, 2023 to April 5, 2023. September 13 Other PDF file (3 MB) All of Michelle Collens’ correspondence regarding FIFA, Canadian Soccer Association, and the 2026 World Cup, for the period of May 16 to 18, 2023. September 13 Other PDF file (619 KB) Correspondence between By-law Department and the owner/manager of 414 East 10th Ave., regarding any bylaw complaints, inspections, infractions, corrective orders and fines. Date range: January 1, 2020 to August 2, 2023. September 13 Development/License Application PDF file (23 KB) Record of correspondence between Lon LaClaire and City staff regarding the development permit application and meeting for 2086-2098 W 7th Avenue and 2091 W 8th Avenue. Date range: July 4, 2023 to August 21, 2023. September 14 Other PDF file (6.2 MB) Records pertaining to plans to clear the Hastings Street encampment on April 5 and 6, 2023. Date range: March 30, 2023 to April 5, 2023. September 14 Street/Traffic PDF file (1.1 MB) Records regarding the utilities-related work done by Telus and Shaw cutting into asphalt behind 3249 and 3469 Fraser Street and adjacent to 647 E 19th Avenue in December 2020. Date range: November 1, 2020 to January 31, 2021. September 14 Street/Traffic PDF file (350 KB) Total cost for the Yew Street Pilot Project closure. Date range: July 1, 2023 to August 8, 2023. September 18 Other PDF file (1.4 MB) The visual identity and brand guidelines manual for FIFA World Cup 26, FIFA World Cup 26 Vancouver, We Are 26 and Vancouver FWC26. September 18 Fire and Rescue PDF file (15 MB) Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services Inspection History Reports (electronic) at 414 E 10th Avenue. Date range: January 1, 2008 to July 27, 2023. September 18 Other PDF file (604 KB) Record of complaints regarding the overdose prevention site operated by RainCity Housing at 1101 Seymour St. Date range: July 1, 2022 to July 31, 2023. September 18 Fire and Rescue PDF file (14.5 MB) Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services Inspection History Reports (electronic), including any relevant photos, at 414 E 10th Avenue. Date range: January 1, 2008 to July 31, 2023. September 19 Other
Records pertaining to the availability of housing or shelter space to accommodate residents moved from the Hastings Street encampment. Date range: March 30, 2023 to April 5, 2023. September 19 Other PDF file (22 KB) Current Coordinated Access policy and evaluation instruments for the City as of August 29, 2023. September 19 Mayor/Council PDF file (2.6 MB) Record of receipts regarding the purchase of new office furniture in the Vancouver Mayor's office. Date range: January 1, 2023 to September 6, 2023. September 19 Other PDF file (24 KB) Record of Vancouver Park Board Committee Chairperson Scripts. Date range: January 1, 2023 to August 6, 2023. September 20 Other PDF file (24 KB) Park Board records presented by or regarding the Stanley Park Tennis Club. Date range: January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996. September 21 Mayor/Council PDF file (397 KB) Record of correspondence, reports, briefings, etc. provided by staff to Councillors re public hearing held in prep for vote on Bylaw Enactment items 11 & 12 at the Sep 12, 2023 Council Meeting. Date range: August 1, 2023 to September 14, 2023. September 22 Street/Traffic PDF file (24 KB) Record of violation ticket history for Bylaw Officer #0509. Date range: May 20, 2023 to August 17, 2023. September 25 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1.5 MB) Record of joint operating agreement between the Vancouver Park Board and the Killarney Community Centre Society as of August 30, 2023. September 25 Fire and Rescue PDF file (25 KB) Records leading up to the production of the final investigation report regarding the June 2022 fire at the Value Village store on E. Hastings Street near Victoria Drive. September 26 Other/property related PDF file (22 KB) Information regarding the year asbestos was removed from 324 and 312 Main Street. Date range: January 1, 1986 to December 31, 1987. September 28 Other PDF file (23 KB) Communications from Paul Mochrie, Ken Sim, Trevor Ford, and MaryClare Zak regarding MaryClare’s termination from City, and her comments regarding Council policy published in Vancouver Sun. Date range: July 1, 2023 to August 28, 2023. September 29 Development/License Application PDF file (23 KB) Board of Variance records regarding 2738 East Hastings Street, DP-2023-00529, from July 1, 2023 to September 24, 2023. September 29 Development/License Application PDF file (23 KB) Board of Variance records regarding 2724 East Hastings Street, DP-2021-00424, from May 7, 2021 to December 31, 2021. -
Release date Record type Request August 2 Street/traffic PDF file (24 MB) Records (excluding FOI 2022-605) regarding construction work and conditions of the road on W King Edward Ave between MacDonald St and Blenheim St, and on the west side of Blenheim St to Translink stop # 51590. August 2 Development/License Application PDF file (810 KB) Record of electronic submissions from the public to the “Shape Your City” inbox for development application DP-2022-00500, for 2086-2098 W 7th Avenue and 2091 W 8th Avenue. Date range: June 14, 2023 to June 20, 2023. August 2 Development/License Application PDF file (12 MB) Record of electronic submissions from the public to the “Shape Your City” inbox for development application DP-2022-00500, for 2086-2098 W 7th Ave and 2091 W 8th Ave. Date range: June 28, 2023 to July 4, 2023. August 2 Mayor/Council PDF file (25 KB) Record of report to Council that explains the sale of 701 W Georgia (Pacific Centre, block 42, reference plan 10328, district lot 541 plan 210) to Cadillac Fairview in 2015 for $8,365,000. Date range: January 1, 2014 to February 19, 2023. August 2 Financial/Agreement PDF file (27 KB) Job titles and salaries for all 14 non-bargaining unit staff in City Protective Services. August 4 Development/License Application PDF file (2 MB) Record of electronic submissions from the public to the “Shape Your City” inbox for development application DP-2022-00500 for 2086-2098 W 7th Avenue and 2091 W 8th Avenue. Date range: June 21, 2023 to June 27, 2023. August 4 Correspondence between DBL and “McCuaig and Associates Engineering Ltd.,” and “D.D. 1110 Harwood Apartments Ltd.,” confirming balcony enclosures must be removed unless permits issued at 1100 Harwood Street. August 4 Street/Traffic PDF file (206 KB) The number of license plates recorded by the City at 3300 W 10th Avenue, prior to the placement of temporary no parking signs. Date range: June 20, 2023 to June 21, 2023. August 4 Other PDF file (92 KB) Record of complaints (3-1-1 or other channels) regarding a Vancouver Park Board-permitted live music event at Olympic Village Square and Milton Wong Plaza on September 11, 2022. Date range: September 10, 2022 to September 18, 2022. August 4 Other PDF file (24 KB) Record of training materials regarding use of HIFIS from the Urban Issues, ACCS Liaison, and impound and staging team departments or divisions. Date range: May 1, 2022 to July 31, 2023. August 8 Other/property related
Records regarding windstorms, fallen trees and limbs, power outages, and trees to be removed in a two-block radius of 2406 W 15th Ave and Balsam Street, including incidents, complaints, notes and correspondence. Date range: June 20, 2021 to June 19, 2023. August 8 Other PDF file (9 MB) Record of the report “Environmental review at Everett Crowley Park (Former Kerr St Landfill)” (2014) prepared by SynergyAspen Environmental. August 8 Mayor/Council PDF file (357 KB) Record of memos from City staff to Mayor and Council regarding possible or proposed amendments to the Vacancy Tax (Empty Homes Tax) Bylaw. Date range: May 1, 2023 to June 27, 2023. August 9 Summary report of calls to the City for cleanup of needles in the downtown neighbourhood. Date range: January 1, 2017 to June 30, 2023. August 9 Other/property related PDF file (24 MB) List of buildings currently on the Prohibited Buildings Registry. August 9 The City's contract with PaybyPhone. August 10 Development/License Application PDF file (4.3 MB) Records regarding permission being granted for smoking cannabis at New Amsterdam & Cannabis Culture. Date range: Earliest available to June 28, 2023. August 10 Development/License Application PDF file (8 MB) Record of electronic submissions from the public to the “Shape Your City” inbox for development application DP-2022-00500 for 2086-2098 W 7th Ave and 2091 W 8th Ave. Date range: July 5, 2023. August 10 Street/Traffic PDF file (621 KB) Records regarding public complaints, reports, and/or requests for parking enforcement in the 1300 block of E 8th Ave, including the alley between 7th and 8th Ave. Date range: January 1, 2023 to July 17, 2023. August 11 Street/Traffic PDF file (1.2 MB) Information regarding when the potholes in the lane between W 34th and 35th Ave at Highbury and Wallace Street were filled in with asphalt. Date range: January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023. August 11 Other PDF file (36 KB) Record of Chief Elections Officer Rosemary Hagiwara’s oath of office, integrity, and accountability from the 2022 Vancouver Civic Election. August 11 Other/property related PDF file (24 KB) Record of permit issued for contractors working onsite at 7632 Bywell Court. Date range: January 1, 2018 to January 22, 2023. August 14 Other
The 7 reports listed on page 14 of the Hastings Park – PNE Master Plan Program: Amphitheatre renewal report dated June 9, 2021. August 16 Other PDF file (31 KB) Records regarding complex care sites: 1. Current municipal policies re implementation/operation of complex care; and 2. List of current complex care sites in the City, and number of units at each site. August 17 Development/License Application PDF file (6 MB) 1. Submissions received as part of the community notification process for DP-2022-00857; 2. Notes around Director of Planning’s ultimate decision in the context of the feedback. Date range: February 10, 2023 to July 5, 2023. August 17 Other PDF file (29 KB) Record of agenda and minutes of the August 9, 2023 Board of Variance meeting, or if not available, a list of voting attendees and voting records for the meeting. Date range: August 1, 2023 to August 16, 2023. August 18 Mayor/Council PDF file (723 KB) Record of internal and external correspondence about Mayor Ken Sim's invitation to and attendance at the Teochew Federation banquet on July 21, 2023. August 21 Financial/Agreement PDF file (10 MB) Lease agreements for 877 Hamilton Street, 1114 Comox Street, and 1300 Granville Street. August 21 Mayor/Council PDF file (24 KB) Correspondence re City Council, staff, and Mayor's Office staff attending Carousel Theatre's Drag Camp event, including emails sent to/from Mayor and Chief of Staff. Date range: May 22, 2023 to July 11, 2023. August 21 Other PDF file (33 KB) Data on fines collected under the Parks Smoking Regulation Bylaw, including the ticket or case number, date, location (i.e., park or beach name. Date range: June 1, 2021 to August 2, 2023. August 22 Development/License Application PDF file (165 KB) Record of City staff reports or documents regarding the conditional approval of General Office use in the I-2 zoning for Wesbild’s site located at 8188 and 8250 Manitoba Street. Date range: January 1, 2010 to July 20, 2023. August 22 Information regarding costs to VFRS and VPD for responding to suicides and potential suicides on the Granville Street Bridge. Date range: January 1, 2010 to August 7, 2023. August 23 Other PDF file (24 MB) Records between the City, VPD, VFRS, and any tourism and cruise companies related to the decampment of the Downtown Eastside. Date range: March 1, 2023 to April 14, 2023. August 23 Other PDF file (136 KB) Records regarding the planned erection of a monument honouring the victims of Holodomor that is to be erected in “the centre of Vancouver." Date range: December 1, 2002 to July 27, 2023. August 24 Other/property related PDF file (643 KB) Record of payments received by the City for its sale of 604 Beach Crescent in November 2016. Date range: January 1, 2016 to July 25, 2023. August 29 Other PDF file (40 KB) Records regarding funds collected under Tree Bylaw No. 9958: 1. Summary of total “cash-in-lieu” funds; and 2. Summary of the type of expenditures, and total expenditures. Date range: January 1, 2018 to August 21, 2023. August 30 Mayor/Council PDF file (214 KB) Record of invoices and proof of payment for all purchases and leases of furniture in the Office of the Mayor, and an inventory of any furniture that is on loan to the Office of the Mayor. Date range: October 17, 2022 to July 27, 2023. August 31 Financial/Agreement PDF file (33 KB) The amount of money paid by the City and their tourism branch to have UFC 289 come to Vancouver. Date range: June 1, 2021 to August 29, 2023. -
Release date Record type Request July 4 Development/License Application
Record of correspondence regarding DP Application 2021-00008 and BOV Appeal Z35808, including emails, letters of support, letters of opposition, and strata-related correspondence. Date range: January 1, 2021 to October 31, 2021. July 5 Other/property related PDF file (24 KB) Records re False Creek South: 1. Purchase order or contract for the commissioning of a report from Coriolis by Greg Hamilton; 2. Invoices for the work; and 3. Approvals for payment. Date range: January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2015. July 10 Development/License Application PDF file (23 MB) Record of DP-2023-00084, DP-2021-00253 and DP-2020-00819, including: Record of the Director of Planning’s reasoning for refusal of app; DP application; and Comments from members of the public. Date range: January 19, 2023 to May 24, 2023. July 10 Other PDF file (72 KB) Emails re the VCH “metrics” that VCH sent to City re outreach days dated March 13, 16, 20, and 23. Date range: March 13, 2023 to April 7, 2023. July 12 Other PDF file (23 KB) Record of total number of non-bargaining unit staff that make up the City’s Protective Services as of June 28, 2023. July 13 Other PDF file (6.2 MB) Records concerning the Vancouver Public Library event "Nolan Gray: How Zoning Broke the City and How to Fix It" held on March 15, 2023. Date range: March 15, 2022 to March 15, 2023. July 13 Other/property related PDF file (25 KB) Correspondence between Metcap Living Management, Starlight and City re confirmation that balcony enclosures must be removed unless permits issued at 1100 Harwood Street. Date range: January 1, 2022 to June 26, 2023. July 13 Other PDF file (25 KB) Datasets of all PFAS testing conducted in the City of Vancouver, specifically information on which locations were tested for the presence of PFAS and the results of those tests. Date range: January 1, 2018 to July 4, 2023. July 14 Financial/Agreement PDF file (886 KB) Regarding the About Here Videos by Uytae Lee, record of the contract with Uytae Lee, invoices and proof of payment. July 17 Other/property related PDF file (111 KB) List of current delinquent properties that have had three years of unpaid taxes and will be potentially sold in the 2023 tax sale auction, including the civic address and the amount of unpaid taxes for each property. July 17 Other PDF file (1.5 MB) Taunya Geelhoed’s expense report, including all receipts and invoices, for the fact-finding and host-city training trip to the Qatar 2022 World Cup in November and December 2022. July 18 Other/property related PDF file (106 KB) Records containing the name, address, project status, occupancy year, # of units, and operator information for rental projects provided w/ incentives under the Rental 100 program. Date range: January 1, 2012 to June 22, 2023. July 19 Financial/Agreement PDF file (4 MB) Record of the contract and any related invoices and proof of payment regarding the Da Shan & Friends concert at the Vancouver Playhouse on April 29, 2023. July 20 Other/property related PDF file (49 KB) Records re Engineering Services’ attendance on December 28, 2018 to repair a sewer line damaged by excavators, below the boulevard on the south side of West 43rd Avenue and Yew Street (WO # 35800 U). Date Range: October 1, 2020 to May 18, 2023. July 20 Financial/Agreement PDF file (127 KB) Sport Hosting Vancouver annual financial reports for 2021 and 2022 and the annual budget for 2023. July 20 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1 MB) Record of most recent agreement between the Vancouver School Board and Vancouver Park Board that determines the conditions of the shared use of Lord Roberts Elementary School's grounds at 1100 Bidwell Street. July 24 Other PDF file (28 KB) Records relating to the costs associated with cleaning the tent encampment along E Hastings Street. Date range: April 5, 2023 to April 8, 2023. July 25 Other PDF file (616 KB) Records regarding the Sakura So Residence, specifically: 1. Complaints made through 3-1-1 calls and messages to the Van311 app; and 2. Record of inspections conducted. Date range: January 1, 2023 to June 19, 2023. July 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (188 KB) Record of emails sent and received by the Mayor, Councillors, and City Manager relating to the Living Wage Program at the City. Date range: November 1, 2022 to November 30, 2022. July 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (141 KB) Re June 20, 2023 meeting between Mayor and Dylan Kruger, record of agenda, minutes, briefing note, presentation material, handwritten notes, transcript and recording from the meeting, and correspondence to prepare. July 31 Financial/Agreement PDF file (156 KB) City of Vancouver contract with PayByPhone. -
Release date Record type Request June 1 Record of emails, notes, text messages, memos, reports or other written material regarding the Stanley Park train involving Donnie Rosa and Steve Jackson. Date range: July 1, 2022 to January 17, 2023. June 1 Mayor/Council PDF file (11 MB) Record of emails sent and received by the Mayor, Council Members, and City Manager relating to the Living Wage Program at the City. Date range: December 31, 2022 to March 22, 2023. June 1 Record of briefing notes, reports and correspondence regarding TikTok use on City hardware, software, mobile devices, networks and systems, and directive to stop using TikTok. Date range: January 15, 2023 to March 23, 2023. June 1 Development/Licence application PDF file (168 KB) Record of all denied City Special Event permit applications to hold events on City and private land. Date range: January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. June 5 Other/Property related PDF file (688 KB) 1. Decision Path Document/Review Process from Property Use Inspection Branch regarding illegal dwellings, unauthorized dwellings, and illegal suites; and 2. Property Use Inspection checklist/form used in scenarios of inspecting suspected authorized dwellings/suites/construction. June 6 Mayor/Council PDF file (30 MB) Record of public opinion polling conducted or commissioned by the Office of the Mayor. Date range: November 7, 2022 to May 20, 2023. June 7 Records sent or received by GM of Eng, HR to 1. CUPE 1004; 2. CUPE BC; and 3. BC Federation of Labour relating to encampment issues. Date range: March 27, 2023 to April 10, 2023. June 7 Animal Control PDF file (332 KB) Annual Data for the last 10 years on:
1. Dog on human attacks, number those attacks were off leash dogs, number of leashed vs unleashed; 2.Dog on dog attacks, number of those attacks were off leash dogs, number of leashed vs unleashed; 3.Reports of illegal off leash dogs; 4.Number of dogs registered.
June 8
Other/Property related PDF file (536 KB) 3-1-1 records of noise complaints originating from the following addresses:
1. Celebrities Nightclub, 1022 Davie Street; 2. Numbers Cabaret, 1042 Davie Street; 3. St. Paul’s Hospital, 1081 Burrard Street (including any building/facility)
Date range: as far back as possible (2009) to April 18, 2023.
June 9 Mayor/Council PDF file (2 MB) Records concerning allegations of foreign interference by the People’s Republic of China in the 2022 municipal elections, including briefings on the issue by federal agencies. Date range: January 1, 2022 to March 20, 2023. June 9 Street/Traffic PDF file (10 MB) Records related to the designation of 2500 and 2600 block Charles Street as a "slow street." Date range: March 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. June 13 Other PDF file (278 KB) Meeting minutes from the "Alternatives to Street Sweeps" meetings between the City of Vancouver and the Stop The Sweeps Coalition. Date range: June 27, 2022 to August 18, 2022. June 13 Other PDF file (2 MB) Records related to the sign post sleeve on the sidewalk at the NW corner of Smithe and Burrard Street. June 14 Financial/Agreement PDF file (5 MB) Record of the terms of lease agreement signed between the Vancouver Park Board and Stanley Park Brewing, which took over the space previously operated by The Fish House. Date range: January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. June 14 Other PDF file (101 KB) Record of the total dollar amount of fines and the number of fines issued for each by-law, in reference to the 2022 Statement of Financial Information (2022 Financial Year). June 15 Financial/Agreement PDF file (7 MB) Records pertaining to the public contract awarded by the City to Bang the Table Canada Ltd. (bid number PS20191175). Date range: November 1, 2018 to November 30, 2019. June 16 Other PDF file (1.3 MB) Regarding the raising of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh flags at Brockton Point in Stanley Park on May 16, 2023, an itemized list of all costs associated with the project, including suppliers of goods and services and honorarium payments to each person and entity involved in any aspect of the naming, and a copy of the event script and production plan. June 19 Other PDF file (40 KB) Record of the 3D computer model (in FBX format) that was included in the staff presentation that accompanied the report titled “New Park at Main Street and 7th Avenue – Concept Plan” during the May 29, 2023 Park Board meeting. June 22 Other PDF file (3.5 MB) Records related to contact form inquiries sent between Jan 1 to Jan 10, 2023 for City’s webform at link and City’s initial responses, specifically regarding the fields “provide details” and the date sent. Date range: January 1, 2023 to January 30, 2023. June 22 Development/Licence application PDF file (5.2 MB) All correspondence including application details, public consultation and decisions pertaining to 1856 West 57th Avenue (DP-2023-00188) development application, from February 1, 2023 to May 2, 2023 June 22 Other/Property related PDF file (2 MB) Record of neighbourhood comments and responses from the neighbourhood notification process for Development Permit DP-2021-00083, 644 Woodland Drive. June 26 Other PDF file (30 MB) Lists of challenged, censored and banned books and periodicals at the VPL, by title, author, publisher, date and reason the work has been challenged, censored or banned. Date range: January 1, 2022 to June 20, 2023. June 28 HR PDF file (38 MB) Records regarding hiring process for individuals identifying as Indigenous/members of MNBC: 1. Targets/quotas; 2. Stats of MNBC applications; 3. Number applicants were hired by the City. Date range: January 1, 2022 to May 22, 2023. June 29 Mayor/Council PDF file (890 KB) Regarding Mayor Sim’s trade mission to Austin in March 2023, requesting records of the daily itinerary, travel authorization form, and expense report, including receipts for travel, meals, accommodation, hospitality, and incidentals for Mayor Sim, staff, and spouses. June 29 Other PDF file (19 MB) Regarding the City of Vancouver-involved event at the Brewhall on May 17, 2023, the FIFA 2026 World Cup brand reveal watch party, record of the lists of invitees and attendees, including their names and affiliations, and a sample of the invitation. June 29 Other PDF file (352 KB) Re May 17, 2023 event at Brewhall, for the FIFA 2026 World Cup brand reveal watch party, a list of all purchases of goods and services around the event (with the name of each supplier, values of contracts, and contract number), including, but not limited to: 1. Venue rental and staffing; 2. Food and beverage; 3. Commemorative items; 4. Appearance fees and honoraria for speakers and performers; and 5. Audio/visual services. June 29 Other PDF file (6 MB) Regarding the May 17, 2023 event at Brewhall, for the FIFA 2026 World Cup brand reveal watch party, records of any still photos and videos shot by City staff and contractors whose duty it was to record and collect visual content of the event. June 29 Mayor/Council PDF file (32 KB) Records regarding the actions taken by staff to directions given following motion item 9, “Reconnecting to the Sto:lo (Fraser River)” in the June 22, 2021 Council Meeting Minutes. Date range: June 1, 2021 to October 31, 2022. -
Release date Record type Request May 2 Other PDF file (603 KB) Park Ranger reports related to the homeless encampment at Vanier Park. Date range: January 1, 2023 to March 20, 2023. May 2 Other/property related PDF file (34 KB) Records regarding “bedbug” and “bed bug” complaints, investigations, and enforcements at Del Charo (1955 Nelson Street). Date range: October 1, 2022 to April 19, 2023. May 2 Other/property related PDF file (35 KB) As-built architectural Drawings of 118-150 Robson Street, which should specify detailed exterior and interior finishes of the building. May 4 Other PDF file (2 MB) Reports relating to homeless cases in Rupert Park, Vancouver. Date range: February 14, 2023 to March 20, 2023. May 4 Mayor/Council PDF file (22 KB) Record of correspondence between Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung and anyone from the People’s Republic of China consulate. Date range: May 30, 2022 to August 1, 2022. May 5 Other PDF file (1.5 MB) Regarding the sole-sourced contract with VANDU for the block stewardship pilot program, record of the contract and related correspondence between the City and VANDU. May 5 Street/Traffic PDF file (107 KB) Record of parking enforcement procedures as of March 26, 2023, used by dispatch by-law enforcement officers to ticket and tow vehicles, including list of questions asked by parking enforcement to caller who reports parking violations. May 5 Record of Standard Charge Terms ST941002 (registered in the Land Title Office on January 7, 1994). May 5 Other PDF file (37 KB) Appendixes A, B, C, D, and E in the Administrative Report (RTS No.02159) May 9 Financial/Agreement PDF file (137 KB) Record of tax sale properties, including starting/final bid, number of bids, and whether property was redeemed. Date range: January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022. May 10 Financial/Agreement PDF file (71 KB) 1. Record of original and updated budgets for Rainbow Park; 2. City agreement with Kafta Coffee; 3. Listing of top 10 vendors paid. Date range: June 15, 2015 to January 26, 2023. May 10 Other/property related PDF file (35 KB) 1. All versions of the City Vacancy Tax Compliance Policy Manual; and 2. All amendments to the City Vacancy Tax Compliance Policy Manual. Date range: March 29, 2019 to February 21, 2023. May 10 Other PDF file (22 KB) Record of all e-mail correspondence of the person or people in charge of maintaining and fixing the broadcast of the Main and Hastings traffic cameras, between midnight and 11pm on April 5, 2023. May 11 Mayor/Council PDF file (825 KB) Record of all text messages to and from Mayor Ken Sim. Date range: April 3, 2023 to April 5, 2023. May 12 Record of information on identified safety issues, and statistics on accidents and injuries, that have occurred on the Seawall in False Creek South. Date range: January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2022. May 15 City hall Communications, Technology Services, and Engineering (Transportation Division and Street Activities) records regarding the Main St and E. Hastings St traffic camera images on the City website on April 5, 2023. May 15 Other PDF file (629 KB) Records from Streets and Transportation, Communications, and the City Manager’s Office discussing: 1) the traffic camera outages at Main and Hastings; and 2) how the cameras were going to be restored, including media emails. Date range: April 3, 2023 to April 5, 2023. May 18 Other PDF file (10 MB) Record of FOIs completed by City including Text of Requests, dates received and completed, granted in full or part and number of pages. Date range: January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. May 19 Financial/Agreement PDF file (17 MB) Record of active contracts awarded to private security companies for physical guards onsite at City properties, and indication of if there are multiple companies sub-contracted. Date range: January 1, 2022 to January 25, 2023. May 23 Development/License Application PDF file (14 MB) Record of entire file relating to 901 E Hastings Street, including inspection reports and health department memos. Date range: June 4, 2003 to April 5, 2023. May 24 Other PDF file (7 MB) Record of the final Privacy Impact Assessments related to the Empty Homes Tax. May 24 Other PDF file (6 MB) Communications regarding the subject of clearing the tent encampment along E Hastings Street for Mayor Ken Sim, City Manager Paul Mochrie, and GM Engineering Lon LaClaire. Date range: March 27, 2023 to April 10, 2023. May 24 Street/Traffic PDF file (67 KB) Dataset that includes data on where leading pedestrian intervals are located (geo-coordinates or intersection location) and the date of installation. May 26 Other PDF file (36 KB) Records re FCS Parcel Info Summary sheet: 1. By who/when spreadsheet was prepared/approved; 2. Sources for the strata floor areas shown in columns J and K for rows 20-23, 25-26, 28 to 32, and 35. Date range: January 1, 2013 to June 31, 2021. May 26 Other PDF file (36 KB) Record of public opinion polling conducted or commissioned by the Park Board Chair Scott Jensen, specifically regarding the Stanley Park Bike Lane. Date range: November 7, 2022 to May 20, 2023. May 31 Business/BIA PDF file (4 MB) Record of invoices, contracts, and descriptions of projects, scope, and deliverables related to payments from the City to Fairview Strategy Inc., including a $31,500 payment in 2021. Date range: January 1, 2021 to February 7, 2023. May 31 Development/License Application PDF file (548 KB) Most recent correspondence between park staff and the developer of Cambie Gardens regarding the urban farm and any reports related to this. Date range: January 1, 2018 to April 26, 2023. -
Release date Record type Request April 3 Development/License Application
Record of all residential and commercial building and sub/trade permits issued in Vancouver: Permit number; Issue date; Location; Permit type; Status; Description of work done; Contractor details and valuations. Date range: January 1, 2021 to February 26, 2023. April 6 Development/License Application PDF file (2 MB) Record of the Policy Enquiry Process for South East False Creek Area 1A (SEFC 1A) of the South East False Creek Official Development Plan sent by City staff to the Planning Department. Date range: Before April 12, 2022. April 6 Other/property related PDF file (36 KB) List of residential properties in Vancouver that have geothermal heating. Date range: January 1, 2000 to March 29, 2023. April 18 Other PDF file (22 MB) Geotechnical report prepared by Horizon Engineering, regarding an excavation shoring failure at 138 E 8th Avenue. Date range: February 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. April 19 Other/property related PDF file (1 MB) Record of City’s database of rental building safety, maintenance, and health violations for West End, Downtown, and Strathcona. Date range: currently available up to March 13, 2023 April 19 Mayor/Council PDF file (71 KB) Record of salary payments and related invoices to former Mayor's Office Chief of Staff Kareem Allam for work performed as a City employee. Date range: October 15, 2022 to March 16, 2023. April 20 Street/Traffic PDF file (12 MB) 1. Records re sign post sleeve on the sidewalk at Smithe/Burrard Street; and 2. Record of the City’s general policy documents regarding the marking of hazards on City property. Date range: Date of installation to March 6, 2023. April 20 Financial/Agreement PDF file (36 KB) Information regarding whether a new agreement exists between the City or Parks Board and Diamond Baseball Holdings for the use of Nat Bailey Stadium, and if yes, record of the new agreement. April 21 Fire and Rescue:
All communications containing any of following words: "Hastings", "encampment" and “encampments" in the email correspondence of Karen Fry of VFRS. April 21 Fire and Rescue PDF file (9 MB) All communications containing any of following words: "Hastings", "encampment" and "encampments" in the email correspondence of Dave Meers of VFRS. April 21 Other PDF file (9 MB) Record of communications containing any of "Hastings" and/or "tent" in email correspondence of Mike Zupan, from Oct. 1, 2022 to Oct. 14, 2022. April 25 Other/property related PDF file (350 KB) Record of every rental building unit created in Vancouver, including: 1. Address/location; 2. Year built; 3. Number of units in building; and 4. Current housing provider (if social housing).
Date range: January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2022.April 26 Other/property related PDF file (24 KB) Records and dates of any inspections of the ledges on the façade of 1144 Burrard Street, and the effects of excrement acid on the exterior paneling type. Date range: January 1, 1995 to April 18, 2023. April 26 Regulations by City for infrasound: 1. Dates regulations enacted; 2. Changes to regulations; 3. Statistical information from inspections for infrasound. Date range: January 1, 2010 to April 18, 2023. April 26 Other/property related PDF file (24 KB) Record of any infrasound tests done at 1134 Burrard Street. Date range: January 1, 1995 to April 18, 2023. April 26 Dates of any infrasound inspection fo: 1. Celebrities Nightclub; 2. Numbers Cabaret; and 3. St. Paul’s Hospital (including which building/facility). Date range: January 1, 1995 to April 18, 2023. April 26 Other/property related PDF file (20 KB) Effect of music of any frequency from Celebrities Nightclub on the underground gas tanks at the existing gas station beside, and the gas station formerly across from, the nightclub. April 28 Other PDF file (36 KB) Copy of Annexes A to F of the City of Vancouver Coastal Flood Risk Assessment Final Report prepared by Northwest Hydraulic Consultants dated December 2014. -
Release date Record type Request March 3 Other/property related PDF file (217 KB) Summary of property sale records for City-owned land sold by the City of Vancouver. Date range: January 1, 1990 to November 29, 2022. March 10 Development/License Application PDF file (25 KB) Record of location address for business named KYN Events – Entertainment Services (Business License 21-117435). Date range: January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018. March 14 Other PDF file (5.7 MB) All emails from the Transportation Division – Transit Integration & Projects to Coast Mountain Bus Company and TransLink. Date range: August 10, 2021 to August 11, 2021. March 14 Other PDF file (25 KB) Re FOI 2022-447, record of all communications by any third party resisting the applicant’s access to traffic impact studies re the Senakw development. Date range: August 24, 2022 to December 18, 2022. March 14 Development/License Application PDF file (4.4 MB) Record of the Alternative Solution AL401959 regarding the tenant Louis Vuitton in the Fairmont Hotel at 900 W Georgia Street. March 14 Other PDF file (240 KB) Number of bylaw infraction tickets issued by City bylaw officers involving littering and/or illegal dumping. Date range: January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022. March 15 Mayor/Council PDF file (24 KB) Records of all communications containing the words "encampment" and "decampment" in the email correspondence of Mayor Ken Sim. Date range: January 1, 2023 to January 26, 2023. March 15 Mayor/Council PDF file (51 KB) Record of all reports or information provided to City Council regarding the Living Wage Policy in Vancouver at the January 31, 2023 meeting, including options for policies considered by council and record of votes cast. March 15 Other/property related PDF file (25 KB) Record of any and all documents between the City and the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) of BC pertaining to the Empty Homes Tax Bylaw No. 11764. Date range: Prior to 2018. March 20 Other PDF file (462 KB) Records regarding Arbutus Greenway: 1. Comments about lack of benches; 2. Comments about existing benches; and 3. Requests to add/remove benches. Date range: September 10, 2021 to February 12, 2023. March 21 Other PDF file (137 KB) 1. A copy of the report that recommended the sole-sourced contract with VANDU for the block stewardship pilot program; and 2. Copies of all invoices and proof of payment. March 21 Other PDF file (23 KB) Reports relating to homeless cases in Rupert Park. Date range: January 1, 2021 to February 13, 2023. March 21 Other PDF file (551 KB) All block party forms on W 18th Avenue between Yukon and Columbia Street, including records showing if the fee for any block party requests was waived. Date range: January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022. March 21 Animal Control PDF file (305 KB) Record of dog bites in the City, specifically:
1. Total number of dog bites per year; and
2. Total number of dog bites per year, by breed.
Date range: November 1, 2005 to December 31, 2022.March 27 Financial/Agreement PDF file (49 KB) Record of how much money, if any, the City paid former sanitation workers after they stopped working for the City. Date range: January 1, 2013 to December 28, 2022. March 27 Mayor/Council PDF file (27 KB) Records presented by City staff to Council during the in-camera portion of the January 31, 2023 Council Meeting regarding changes to the budget relating to potential revised approach to the Living Wage program. March 28 Other PDF file (3.9 MB) Correspondence with Sentry Marine, Vancouver Pile Driving, and Carlson Construction Group regarding the barge stranded at Sunset Beach. Date range: October 1, 2022 to November 28, 2022. March 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (23 KB) Regarding an interview with CTV published Feb. 27, 2023, in which Mayor Ken Sim said he has a list of five things he wants to achieve while mayor, a record of that list. March 29 Financial/Agreement PDF file (26 KB) City guidelines and policy relating to Buster’s Towing contract and guidelines, including: 1. How Buster’s Towing is supposed to treat and handle towing; and 2. Customer guarantee policy. March 31 Street/Traffic PDF file (67 KB) Record of bylaw violation tickets issued for parking space ID 67-08-09 regarding Bylaw No. 2849 Section 18.1(b)(ii) on the westside of 800 block Jervis Street. Date range: September 7, 2022 to March 7, 2023. -
Release date Record type Request February 1 Fire and Rescue PDF file (23 MB) All letters, emails, notes, and any other correspondence or documents for list of questions related to fire at 203 Abbott St on April 11, 2022. February 1 Street/Traffic PDF file (195 KB) Record of financial information concerning how much Townline Construction was charged to close Glen Drive for use as a construction yard, and name and contact information of City staff who made this decision. February 1 Other PDF file (23 KB) Correspondence between the Office of the City Manager and the 2030 Leadership Assembly, which was exploring a bid for the Winter Olympics and Paralympics. Date range: October 29, 2022, to December 15, 2022. February 1 Development/License Application PDF file (25 KB) Record of issued building permits from the City. Date range: January 1, 1990, to December 31, 2016. February 1 Other PDF file (24 KB) Record of noise complaints regarding the Arbutus Greenway received by City Council correspondence mailbox or staff of the Arbutus Greenway Project. Date range: September 11, 2021, to January 24, 2022. February 1 Development/License Application PDF file (25 KB) Letters of Assurance – Schedules A, B, and C for the property at 656 W 13th Avenue. February 2 Financial/Agreement PDF file (2.7 MB) All Bids and RFPs regarding residential or commercial water meters issued in which Badger Meter, Inc. submitted a response, and Badger Meter's response, all correspondence, and all water meter return authorization documentation. February 2 Other PDF file (3.8 MB) Vancouver Board of Park & Recreation records about the maintenance and repair of the Stanley Park Train. Date range: July 1, 2022, to November 2, 2022. February 2 Other PDF file (2.7 MB) All correspondence between the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation and Technical Safety B.C. regarding the Stanley Park Train. Date range: January 1, 2022, to November 2, 2022. February 2 Fire and Rescue PDF file (97 KB) Regarding the requests received by VFRS for information about a fire, motor vehicle accident or other emergency where VFRS responded, a detailed list of reports requested for 2021 and 2022 so far, showing: incident type, location of the incident, date of the incident, and fire department case number. February 2 Fire and Rescue PDF file (256 KB) A detailed log of SRO fires in 2022, with address and/or building name, date of fire, the number of deaths or injuries, approximate damage in dollars, cause of the fire, and the name of the property owner. February 2 Financial/Agreement PDF file (26 KB) Record of all financial agreements between the City and the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users. Date range: January 1, 2021, to January 30, 2023. February 3 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1.1 MB) Records regarding the lease for Nat Bailey Stadium including payments received, interim revenue statements, year-end statements, and records provided. May 1, 2017, to February 28, 2022. February 3 Other PDF file (2.9 MB) 1. Arborist report related to 1535-1557 Grant St. (DP-2020-00317 Development Application); and 2. Tree risk assessment report related to 1551 Grant Street. Date range: September 22, 2022, to November 10, 2022. February 3 Mayor/Council PDF file (370 KB) Mayor Stewart’s letter to Premier and Minister of Municipal Affairs re motion “Endorsing the Vote16BC Campaign to Lower the Voting Age to 16 Across BC." Date range: June 1, 2021, to July 31, 2021. February 7 Other PDF file (899 KB) In regards to the consultant who was awarded the RFP PS20220039-VBPR-RFP, record of their experience and insurance for this project. February 8 Other PDF file (24 KB) Record of noise complaints regarding the Arbutus Greenway received by City Council correspondence mailbox or staff of the Arbutus Greenway Project. Date range: September 11, 2021, to February 1, 2023. February 9 Development/License Application PDF file (116 KB) Business License Inspection Checklist for retail cannabis. February 13 Other
Correspondence between the Office of the City Manager and the 2030 Leadership Assembly, which was exploring a bid for the Winter Olympics and Paralympics. Date range: September 14, 2022, to October 28, 2022. February 13 Fire and Rescue PDF file (466 KB) Detailed list of the 504 calls to the Hotel Canada SRO, 518 Richards. Date range: January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. February 15 Other PDF file (1.2 MB) Correspondence with Sentry Marine, Vancouver Pile Driving, and Carlson Construction Group regarding the barge stranded at Sunset Beach. Date range: October 1, 2022, to November 2, 2022. February 16 Fire and Rescue PDF file (88 KB) 1. Record of monthly call volume for each firehall in Vancouver; and 2. Number of false fire alarm calls (alarms activated) received a firehalls 2 and 8. Date range: January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. February 21 Financial/Agreement PDF file (25 KB) Info re Vancouver Park Board hiring Production Power Corp: 1. Start/completion date; 2. Gross amount; 3. Labour portion of contract/work performed; 4. Amount of holdback funds. Date range: January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2021. February 21 Development/License Application PDF file (25 KB) Record of the tenant relocation plan submitted by developers as a part of DP-2020-00696. Date range: September 9, 2020, to April 9, 2022. February 21 Other PDF file (15 KB) Record of historical data regarding gas monitoring logs for confined space entry into municipal sanitary or storm maintenance holes. Date range: January 9, 2023 to February 9, 2023. February 22 Street/Traffic PDF file (923 KB) Sidewalk Inspection records for south side 500 block Robson St between Seymour/Richards, including: 1. Records re sidewalk at 570 Robson St; 2. Work orders for repairs in same area. Date range: January 1, 2021, to January 10, 2023. February 23 Financial/Agreement PDF file (25 KB) Records regarding PS20220212-ENG-RFP, specifically:
1. Scoring matrix and evaluation information; and
2. The winning bid.
Date range: December 1, 2022, to February 20, 2023.February 24 Development/License Application PDF file (271 KB) Record of the latest Sewer, Water, and Utilities Permit, including the attached insurance documentation, issued to Metro Vancouver. February 24 Fire and Rescue PDF file (23 KB) Fire inspection report and any related records (including history reports and violation reports) regarding the two most recent inspections of Langara College at 100 W 49th Avenue. Date range: February 1, 2022, to February 22, 2023. February 28 Development/License Application PDF file (25 KB) Re building at 510 to 525 W 8th Avenue: 1. Encroachment agreement between the City and the builder; 2. Schedule C shotcrete removal form filed by the geotech engineer; and 3. History of work permits issued. -
Release date Record type Request January 3 Other PDF file (314 KB) All correspondence between the Office of the City Manager and the 2030 Leadership Assembly, which is exploring a bid for the Winter Olympics and Paralympics. January 3 Street/Traffic PDF file (324 KB) City sidewalk inspection records for the block that includes 1092 Robson Street. Date range: August 1, 2020 to August 13, 2021. January 4 Financial/Agreement PDF file (12 MB) Regarding affordable housing in Olympic Village, Parcel 5, 122 Walter Hardwick Avenue: 1) Detailed audited financial statement records; and 2) Detailed rental income schedule and their unit rates. January 4 Financial/Agreement PDF file (34 KB) Information regarding the May 2019 Surrey Policing Transition Plan, specifically: 1. Whether the City provided a financial analysis to the plan and 2. Whether the City contracted PwC to provide review. January 5 Mayor/Council PDF file (809 KB) All records about the processing and handling of FOI file 2022-616. January 6 Street/Traffic PDF file (3.9 MB) Records regarding the change in parking regulations to the 1500 block of W 26th Avenue made in November 2022. Date range: January 1, 2021 to November 27, 2022. January 6 Financial/Agreement PDF file (36 KB) Itemized breakdown of the amount spent by the City of Vancouver on its bid for the right to host some games for the 2026 World Cup. Date range: January 1, 2018 to November 30, 2022. January 9 Financial/Agreement
Report justifying direct award contract, contract, powerpoint presentation, invoiced, and proof of payments regarding Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion training by Bakau Consulting. January 9 Street/Traffic PDF file (10 MB) Engineering records related to the decision to close the False Creek seawall bike route ("Seaside Greenway") to bicycle traffic between Stanley Park and Hornby Street. Date Range: January 1, 2022 to October 11, 2022. January 9 Mayor/Council PDF file (34 KB) Mayor Ken Sim’s correspondence referencing: FIFA, World Cup, Doha, Qatar, Canadian Soccer Association, Canada Soccer, CONCACAF, soccer, football, Canada, Belgium and Croatia. Date range: November 21, 2022 to November 28, 2022. January 9 Mayor/Council PDF file (38 KB) All of Mayor Ken Sim's expense reports, receipts and proof of reimbursement. Date range: October 16, 2022 to December 14, 2022. January 9 Mayor/Council PDF file (33 KB) All of Chief of Staff Kareem Allam's expense reports, receipts and proof of reimbursement. Date range: October 16, 2022 to December 14, 2022. January 9 Sewer Report regarding blockage cleared by City workers at 2094 E 7th Avenue. Date range: June 21, 2022 to September 23, 2022. January 11 A copy of the agreement with Hogan's Alley Society to create a community land trust and mix-use redevelopment in Strathcona. January 12 Mayor/Council PDF file (577 KB) Mayor Sim’s correspondence with FIFA, CONCACAF, Canadian Soccer Association, the Qatar 2022 organizing committee, Qatar government and Sport Hosting Vancouver. Date range: November 7 to 19, 2022. January 16 Other PDF file (2.4 MB) 1. All communications between Arts Culture Community Services and Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction re: use of NFA data; 2. All communications between Arts Culture Community Services and VPD re: use of NFA data. Date range: Nov 1, 2020 to Nov 1, 2021. January 17 Other PDF file (34 KB) Correspondence with Sentry Marine, Vancouver Pile Driving, and Carlson Construction Group, regarding the barge stranded at Sunset Beach. Date range: November 30, 2022 to January 15, 2023. January 23 Financial/Agreement PDF file (240 KB) Copy of script and production plan and list of purchases of goods and services around the event for the June 17, 2022 ceremony for naming of Rainbow Park. Date range: April 17 to July 7, 2022. January 23 Financial/Agreement PDF file (34 KB) Record of RFP administered to retain a company for the purpose of conducting a worldwide scan of municipal street furniture contracts. Date range: January 1, 2021 to January 9, 2023. January 23 Street/Traffic PDF file (617 KB) Records re: Sidewalk and Boulevard History Report for 1000 to 1099 Robson Street for the period August 1, 2020 to August 13, 2021, specifically: 1. Sidewalk Inspection #198056; and 2. Associated Address Requests #1822943 January 24 Financial/Agreement PDF file (147 KB) Regarding the concept, development and choice of the name and related signage for Rainbow Park, an itemized list of all costs associated with the project. January 26 Other PDF file (14 MB) The Dangerous Goods study completed after February 1, 2019 related to the Central Waterfront. January 26 Other PDF file (33 KB) Address of complainant regarding Bylaw Notice No. GE67699, dated December 14, 2022. January 30 Street/Traffic PDF file (1.8 MB) Records re: crosswalk at Beach Avenue and Thurlow Street, specifically: 1. Complaints made regarding the crosswalk; and 2. Changes made to the lighting of the crosswalk. Date range: February 15, 2010 to February 15, 2020. January 30 Development/License Application PDF file (1.5 MB) Record of the Director of Planning’s reasoning for refusal of the following development applications: 1. DP-2021-00253 (3636 W 4th Avenue); 2. DP-2020-00819 (3629 Fraser Street). Date range: October 20, 2021 to August 27, 2021.
Information released in 2022
Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.
Release date Record type Request December 1 Other/property related PDF file (5.8 MB) Any policies, protocols or guidelines adopted concerning engagement and/or consultation requirements for encampment residents in relation to any actions that concern the encampment. December 2 Other PDF file (5.5 MB) All records, excluding emails, including reports, memos, and briefing notes regarding the implementation of gender neutral and/or universal/fully accessible washrooms for the budget, detailed plans and where and when they will be built. December 2 Other/property related PDF file (716 KB) Record of all Electrical Orders issued for BC Place Stadium. Date range: January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2009. December 2 Records regarding the total amount collected by the City for the Empty Homes (Vacancy) Tax, broken down by year, and information regarding the use of this money. Date range: 2017 to 2022. December 8 Financial/Agreement PDF file (11.4 MB) The current rental or lease agreement between City of Vancouver and Great Canadian Gaming (or its subsidiary) for the operation and maintenance of Hastings Racecourse for thoroughbred horse racing, casino, food and beverage, and related uses. December 8 Other PDF file (121 KB) All aggregate data used in calculating the 2021 homeless count total and all other information about the population such as gender, race, age, etc. Date range: November 1, 2020 to November 1, 2021. December 8 Street/Traffic PDF file (347 KB) Records relating to the construction work and condition of the road on W King Edward Street between MacDonald Street and Blenheim Street, and to Translink Stop # 51590. Date range: June 1, 2022 to September 1, 2022. December 8 Mayor/Council PDF file (23 KB) Mayor Ken Sim’s correspondence with anyone from FIFA, CONCACAF, Canadian Soccer Association, the Qatar 2022 organizing committee, Qatar government and Sport Hosting Vancouver. Date range: November 20, 2022 to November 28, 2022. December 8 Street/Traffic PDF file (49 KB) Records regarding the Summer Street Banner Program. December 9 Other PDF file (21 KB) Records regarding the Street Operation Branch's work relating to the confiscation, clean-up, disposal, and storage of property found in the DTES from Oct. 10-18, 2021. December 12 Other PDF file (25 KB) Records of all communications containing any of the following words: “encampment” and “Hastings” in the email correspondence of Allison Dunnet. Date Range: September 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022. December 14 Mayor/Council PDF file (97 KB) Regarding the November 7, 2022 ceremony at the Orpheum Theatre for the inauguration of Mayor Ken Sim and the new City Council, a list of all purchases of goods and services around the event (with name of supplier, values of contract, contract number). December 15 Financial/Agreement PDF file (23 KB) Record of RFP administered to retain a company for the purpose of conducting a worldwide scan of municipal street furniture contracts (contract awarded to Ernst & Young). PO #4500619890. Date range: January 1, 2021 to November 8, 2022. December 16 All correspondence between the Office of the City Manager and the 2030 Leadership Assembly, which is exploring a bid for the Winter Olympics and Paralympics. December 20 Record of the list of invitees and attendees for the November 7, 2022 ceremony at the Orpheum Theatre for the inauguration of Mayor Ken Sim and the new City Council. December 20 Mayor/Council PDF file (709 KB) Record of the invitation and program for the November 7, 2022 ceremony at the Orpheum Theatre for the inauguration of Mayor Ken Sim and the new City Council. December 20 Development/License Application PDF file (1.8 MB) Record of notification responses from the public for Development Permit 2022-00631. Date range: October 1, 2022 to November 15, 2022. December 21 Record showing addresses of all properties owned by the City of Vancouver. Date range: 2022. December 22 HR PDF file (21 KB) HR data regarding: monthly, weekly or daily numbers of employees with COVID-19; number of vaccine mandate exemption requests, number of vaccine mandate exemption requests granted, July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. -
Release date Record type Request November 1 Street/Traffic PDF file (2.4 MB) Records of requests or reports for street repairs in front of 1675 Bayshore Dr, which is the intersection of Menchion Mews and Bayshore Dr. November 2 Financial/Agreement PDF file (25 KB) All Municipal Servicing Documents with Squamish Nation and Musqueam Nation, including the 2022 Agreement for Sanitary Sewer and Water, and any other services such as fire and waste collection, from January 1, 2010 to August 5, 2022. November 4 Other PDF file (12 MB) Records regarding discussions of proposals and plans to remove the barge at Sunset Beach including quotes, proposals, consultation, and correspondence. November 21, 2021 to June 28, 2022. November 8 Record of the successful proposal made by Urban Systems Ltd. in response to RFP solicitation number PS20210795 titled "Provision of Planning and Engagement Services." The award notice date is July 29th 2021. November 8 Other PDF file (8.4 MB) Records regarding complaints, investigations, and inspections, excluding email correspondence, for the Winters Hotel at 203 Abbott St. November 9 Other PDF file (30 KB) Report commissioned by VPD regarding Vancouver's social safety net. November 10 Other PDF file (6.3 MB) Records including correspondence, emails, texts, call logs, notes and other documents involving Francie Connell, Paul Mochrie, and Armin Amrolia regarding the removal of tents and other structures from E. Hastings. November 10 Other PDF file (26 KB) All email correspondence that contains the terms "encampments" and/or "encampment" in the correspondence of Celine Mauboules of Arts, Culture, and Community Services. November 10 Other PDF file (24 KB) The most recent evaluation, dashboard, and performance report as mentioned under section 10.3(d)-(f) of the Supportive Policies Agreement - Millennium Line Broadway Extension dated June 15, 2018. Date range: January 1, 2021 to October 30, 2022 November 14 Development/License Application PDF file (1.6 MB) All records, including internal and external correspondence, regarding the creation, maintenance, and updating of the Senakw page on the City website, including work order, approval, and Services Agreement. November 14 Development/License Application PDF file (1.2 MB) Record of public comments and feedback for the development application at 6495 Main St (DP-2022-00513). Date range: January 1, 2022 to October 6, 2022. November 15 Other PDF file (155 KB) Number of bylaw infractions/tickets for panhandling and conducting business without a licence and Number of Business Licences issued for collecting/selling recyclable bottles and selling wares on sidewalk of DTES. November 17 Other PDF file (541 KB) Records and correspondence between any of the City of Vancouver, the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, and the operators of the Boathouse at Kits Beach, relating to the “Boathouse at Kits Beach”. November 23 Records related to Winters Hotel, 203 Abbott Street: Regular meetings between VFRS and Atira re: fire safety; Notice of Violation, Building inspections re: fire safety of Winters Hotel. Date Range April 11, 2020 to April 11, 2022. November 23 Record of the annual number of trees cut down within the City of Vancouver, including 1. the number of trees cut down on private property; and 2. the number of trees cut down on single family lots. Date range: January 1, 2012 to January 1, 2022. November 23 Street/Traffic PDF file (35 KB) Record of signage plan to describe location of City cones and all restrictions along 41st Ave (eastbound, between Fraser St. and Knight St). Date range: September 15, 2022 to September 16, 2022. November 24 Financial/Agreement PDF file (7.2 MB) Record of correspondence from the City to the Squamish Nation confirming the Municipal Services Agreement (Senakw Services Agreement) dated May 25, 2022 between the City and the Squamish Nation was released and legally delivered to the Squamish Nation as a binding agreement (not held in escrow). November 25 All email and attachments from Paul Mochrie and Karen Levitt, about the 2030 Winter Olympics bid, to and from City Council members (including the Mayor) for the period of Oct. 20, 2022 to Oct. 28, 2022. November 25 Other/property related PDF file (1.9 MB) Report regarding water leaking issues at 250 W Pender Street (VCC) – Case #20100092272, dated November 10, 2022. November 29 Mayor/Council PDF file (217 KB) Record of email communications sent or received by Mayor Kennedy Stewart, Christine Boyle, and Colleen Hardwick regarding public complaints about police officer conduct directed at the Vancouver Police Department. Date range January 1, 2020 to December 1, 2021. November 29 Other PDF file (240 KB) Record of Tax Sale List. Date range: January 1, 2018 to November 3, 2022. November 30 Other PDF file (21 KB) Record of File 22-293121 DG including copy of video from October 9, 2022 to October 19, 2022. November 30 Mayor/Council PDF file (35 KB) Mayor Ken Sim's daily agenda. Date range: November 20, 2022 to November 28, 2022. -
Release date Record type Request October 6 Other PDF file (2.9 MB) Correspondence between the City and Sentry Marine (including its agents & representatives) regarding the barge at Sunset Beach. May 24 - June 09, 2022. October 6 Other/property related PDF file (68 KB) Maintenance records of greenery/shrubbery and tree located at 7306 Prince Edward Street (corner of Prince Edward Street and East 57th Avenue). Date Range: January 1, 2021 to April 30, 2021. October 6 Other PDF file (20 KB) Records regarding RCMP investigation of hate crime at UBC on July 22, 2021. October 7 Development/License Application PDF file (5.6 MB) Records relating to Development Permit DP-2020-00786 for 633 E Hastings St including emails, letters and reports, and communications about the file from several departments. October 11 Development/License Application PDF file (329 KB) Record of MOU signed in August 2020 by the City, BC Housing and CMHC regarding 100 new homes as noted on City's website. October 11 Financial/Agreement PDF file (331 KB) MOU signed in August, 2020 by COV, CMHC, and BC Housing to deliver a minimum of 300 permanent supportive homes using modular construction. October 14 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.6 MB) All correspondence between Tricia Smith and Andrew Baker of the Canadian Olympic Committee and the Office of the Mayor. October 14 Other PDF file (400 KB) All correspondence between Tricia Smith and Andrew Baker of the Canadian Olympic Committee and Paul Mochrie, Karen Levitt, and Sandra Singh. October 14 Other PDF file (88 KB) Names and business numbers of the insurance companies and underwriters that provide insurance to the Vancouver Police Department. Details of surety bonds associated with the Vancouver Police Department. October 17 Other/property related PDF file (57 KB) Names of the members (past and present) of the Third Party Expert Advisory Panel that was established to optimize the oversight of the PEF and advise staff and Council on various aspects of PEF's management. October 19 Other PDF file (4.5 MB) Park Board Ranger daily report record from March 7, 2021 to March 11, 2021 and Park Board Ranger daily report record from September 12, 2022. October 19 Financial/Agreement PDF file (119 KB) Records of revenue, expenses, and capital expenditure statements for Burrard Civic Marina for 2021 including an outline of sub-amounts that may be located as a line item or entry in other balance sheets. October 28 Other PDF file (1.7 MB) All of Michelle Collens’ correspondence regarding the IOC, Canadian Olympic Committee, and the 2030 Winter Olympics bid. October 28 Purchase order(s) and any other agreements and descriptions of deliverables covering Harris Consulting's invoicing of over $150,000 between June 30, 2019 and May 31, 2020. October 28 Records related to any restrictions on the right hand lane of traffic near South Granville at or near 7th Avenue in the City of Vancouver on March 16, 2018. October 28 HR PDF file (49 KB) Total number of employees who were brought in through TFT/Auxiliary roles without going through the external process, from January 1, 2021 to October 12, 2022. October 28 Other/property related PDF file (5.8 MB) Records regarding the condemnation of 1815 W 12th Ave and 1349 E 19th Ave. Date range January 1, 2020 to October 24, 2022. October 31 Record of how many City of Vancouver employees have expensed educational credits (e.g. upgrading courses, Master programs, certificate and diploma programs, etc.) which meet or exceed one thousand dollars cumulative for that employee, and the name of the course/program. Date ranges: January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 and January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022 -
Release date Record type Request September 7 Mayor/Council PDF file (27 KB) The resolution of Council approving the Municipal Services Agreement (MSA) with Squamish Nation, made effective May 25, 2022, and all minutes, Agendas, and other documents before Council when the resolution was made. September 7 Other PDF file (23 KB) All emails between Paul Mochrie and Ben Black, Regional Manager, Real Estate Services, Public Services and Procurement Canada, from December 1, 2019 to August 25, 2022. September 7 Other PDF file (23 KB) All emails between Karen Levitt and Ben Black, Regional Manager, Real Estate Services, Public Services and Procurement Canada, from December 1, 2019 to August 25, 2022. September 8 Other PDF file (650 KB) Correspondence with Sentry Marine and its agents and representatives regarding the barge stranded at Sunset Beach, from November 21, 2011 to December 13, 2021. September 8 Other PDF file (356 KB) The most recent movement certificate issued to the City of Vancouver or Park Board from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for the Japanese Beetle (Popillia Japonica). September 8 Fire and Rescue PDF file (23 KB) Investigation report about the June 17, 2022 fire at 4812 Belmont. September 13 Financial/Agreement PDF file (365 KB) Invoices and proof of payments for onsite security and vehicles beside the barge at Sunset Beach. November 15, 2021 to May 12, 2022. September 13 Mayor/Council PDF file (730 KB) Correspondence and minutes regarding the meeting between Ian Gillespie of Westbank Corp. and Mayor Stewart on Mar. 11, 2022. September 15 HR PDF file (92 KB) Total number and position titles of employees that the City accepted resignation and then rehired (the same employee) back within one week. September 16 Other/property related PDF file (137 KB) Records relating to fallen tree at 2472 E 41st Ave, including tree details, incident report, affect, action taken, costs incurred, losses if any, and other related documents. September 20 Other/property related PDF file (2.4 MB) Report of the Sewer backup at NationWIDE Self Storage at 1223 East Pender Street and any images of the misalignment of the connection to the City line. September 20 Other/property related PDF file (90 KB) Property Use Inspection and Investigation Reports related to HVAC Mechanical case #101016121395. September 21 Other PDF file (25 KB) Evidence held by Park Board for an indigenous village at Jericho. September 21 Email correspondence between Donnie Rosa and Ben Black, Regional Manager Real Estate Services, Public Services and Procurement Canada. September 22 Full texts of all audits from internal audit branch from November 15, 2021 to September 7, 2022. September 23 Mayor/Council PDF file (221 KB) Agendas, minutes, notes, audio and video recordings, transcripts, and presentations regarding the BC2030 Leadership Assembly meetings. April 6 & 20, 2022 September 26 Other PDF file (26 KB) Vancouver's host city submission to FIFA and the organizers of the 2026 World Cup including the application and bid book. September 26 Financial/Agreement
- Part 1 PDF file (5.9 MB)
- Part 2 PDF file (2.2 MB)
- Part 3 PDF file (7.3 MB)
- Part 4 PDF file (4.4 MB)
- Part 5 PDF file (2.3 MB)
- Part 6 PDF file (1.5 MB)
- Part 7 PDF file (5.1 MB)
- Part 8 PDF file (4 MB)
- Part 9 PDF file (5.8 MB)
- Part 10 PDF file (4.1 MB)
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- Part 12 PDF file (2.6 MB)
- Part 13 PDF file (749 KB)
Records regarding the lease of Brock House between COV & Park Board and the Brock House Society. January 1, 1977 to May 20, 2022. September 27 Financial/Agreement PDF file (153 KB) A copy of the signed valid host city agreement with FIFA from 2018, signed on January 30, 2018. September 27 Mayor/Council PDF file (23 KB) Record of text messages and emails sent and received between Mayor Kennedy Stewart and/or their office and Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services Chief Karen Fry and/or their office. September 27 Other PDF file (925 KB) All records regarding the processing and handling of FOI file # 2022-280. September 27 Fire and Rescue PDF file (23 KB) Regarding 203 Abbott Street, record of any knowledge of a lack of functioning or properly filled fire extinguishers or use for improper purposes from the date of January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1995. September 29 Financial/Agreement PDF file (491 KB) Jim Rutkowski's contract, invoices, and proofs of payment from the time the contract began to June 7, 2022. September 29 Mayor/Council PDF file (179 KB) All agendas and minutes of meetings for the 2030 Leadership Assembly, which is exploring a bid for the Winter Olympics and Paralympics. -
Release date Record type Request August 5 Street/Traffic PDF file (27 KB) Monthly or weekly records of revenue from parking fees and parking tickets for the City or Park Board parking lot nearest to the barge at Sunset Beach. August 10 Financial/Agreement PDF file (2.5 MB) Invoices, contracts, and descriptions of deliverables related to payments to Harris Consulting in 2019, 2020, and 2021. August 10 Other/property related PDF file (680 KB) Record of All tree cutting and trimming events that took place between 3170 Ash Street and 575 West 16th Avenue, and any complaints filed related to these properties, from December 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019. August 10 Development/License Application PDF file (477 KB) Documentation submitted by DeAngelis Architecture - The A Studio for their 3838 Rupert Street Development Application (DP-2021-01028). August 11 Other PDF file (26 KB) SARRACO Crane Services report regarding the boat launching crane at Burrard Civic Marina and related correspondence between the Park Board & SARRACO. Report issued 2020. August 11 Development/License Application PDF file (21 KB) Record of the original landscaping plan for 977 West 8th Avenue and any amendments made thereto following approval of the Development Permit and Final Inspection. August 12 Records regarding fire at 203 Abbott St on April 8, 2022, including 2 years of Building Inspection reports, 2 years of Fire prevention records, and copy of order. August 16 Other/property related PDF file (26 KB) Property Use Inspection and Investigation
Reports related to HVAC Mechanical Case # 10101621395 from June 20, 2022.
August 19 Other/property related PDF file (26 KB) 1. Current Policies/guidelines used by frontline Staff for applying multiple bylaws; 2. List of rents per building. August 23 Mayor/Council PDF file (23 KB) All correspondence between Gwen Hardy and Neil Monckton and Alvin Singh for the period of March 22, 2022 to March 25, 2022, including email, text, social media direct messages and messaging applications. August 23 Mayor/Council PDF file (23 KB) All correspondence between Tricia Smith and Andrew Baker of the Canadian Olympic Committee and the Office of the Mayor from July 12, 2022 to July 29, 2022. August 24 Other PDF file (2.5 MB) Correspondence between the City and Sentry Marine regarding the barge stranded at Sunset Beach. Nov. 14-20, Dec. 14-20, 2022 & Feb. 1-7, Mar. 12-15, 2022. August 24 Other PDF file (4.5 MB) Correspondence between the City and Sentry Marine regarding the barge at Sunset Beach. Apr. 14-29, 2022. August 25 Street/Traffic
Records regarding the closure of Alexander St. eastbound at Main St. to motor vehicles including public consultation, correspondence, and meeting minutes. Jan. 1, 2015 to Feb. 8, 2022. August 25 Development/License Application
Correspondence related to the rezoning of 1477 W Broadway from Neil Monckton, Anita Zaenker, Alvin Singh, Mayor Stewart, Paul Mochrie, and Theresa O'Donnell. Feb. 1 - Apr. 27, 2022. August 25 Other PDF file (26 KB) Records containing statistical information or data on people displaced or evacuated because of disaster (excluding refugees). Date range: January 1, 2021 to June 27, 2022. August 25 Other PDF file (25 KB) Costs incurred by the City and details of the law firm hired to represent the City in a case set to go before the Human Rights Tribunal. August 30 Mayor/Council PDF file (373 KB) Correspondence to and from Mayor Stewart regarding any payments received to promote or advocate COVID measures. Mar. 1, 2020 to Jan. 31, 2021 -
Release date Record type Request July 6 Financial/Agreement PDF file (22 KB) Services agreement for the Senakw Development including any appendices. July 6 Mayor/Council PDF file (364 KB) Records regarding a meeting between Mayor Stewart and multiple individuals on Apr. 14, 2022. July 6 Other PDF file (25 KB) CCTV footage for outside the public washroom at Vanier Park/Burrard Civic Marina, at the end of Whyte Ave. June 20, 2022 at approx. 20:15. July 7 Other/property related PDF file (25 KB) Building by-law infraction letters regarding 2278 W 15th Ave. Oct. 13, 2021 to June 5, 2022. July 7 Financial/Agreement PDF file (23 KB) Invoices and proof of payments for onsite security and vehicles beside the barge at Sunset Beach. May 14, 2022 to June 13, 2022 July 7 Street/Traffic PDF file (583 KB) Report regarding drainage maintenance of 5284 St. Catherines Street, including diversions noted on private property. Inspection date: June 10, 2022. July 13 Development/License Application
Regarding St. Paul's medical campus development including environmental reports, overview of planned research towers, and particulars for increase in sq. footage. Jan. 1, 2019 to Feb. 17, 2022 July 14 Records regarding complaints, investigations, and enforcements at 525, 555, and 575 E 5th Ave. Nov. 1, 2017 to Jun. 4, 2022 July 15 Fire and Rescue PDF file (9.6 MB) Notices issued by VFRS and the City and correspondence regarding two fires at 203/205 Abbott St. July 18 Financial/Agreement PDF file (32 KB) Monthly payroll reports for Civic Engagement and Communications showing names of personnel and contractors, titles, and amounts paid. April 2020, April 2021, and April 2022. July 18 Iona Bonamis' daily calendar and agenda. Date range: March 1 to April 8, 2022, and May 30 to June 6, 2022. July 18 Financial/Agreement PDF file (22 KB) A copy of the solicitation (e.g. request for bid) for the deconstruction of Grays Park clubhouse (old lawn bowling facility). Date range: January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. July 19 Other PDF file (3.7 MB) Deloitte report presented to the City regarding fire sprinkler permit reviews including data provided to Deloitte and correspondence. Jan. 1, 2021 to Jan. 31, 2022 July 19 Other PDF file (20 MB) Records regarding the transition of Clinton Park's field from grass to artificial turf including correspondence, plans, and meeting minutes. May 1, 2019 to May 24, 2022 July 20 Fire and Rescue PDF file (23 KB) Vancouver Fire & Rescue records relating to a fire at 123 W Woodstock on November 7, 2015 including incident reports, analysis notes, witness statements, structure report and photos. July 21 1. Polices regarding inspection, repair, and maintenance of sidewalks; 2. Records regarding the sidewalk on the east side of 1500 block Quebec St. Jan. 1, 2020 to June 6, 2022 July 21 Development/License Application PDF file (4.1 MB) Public comments received for 3158 East 54th Avenue - DP-2022-00020, cannabis retail development application. Date range: March 9 to April 20, 2022 July 21 Other PDF file (921 KB) Vancouver Park Board risk management guidelines in use as of June 15, 2022 for community centres & CCAs. July 21 Street/Traffic PDF file (258 KB) Records regarding the call-in complaints for parking tickets GA27333 and GA27332. June 17, 2022 between 8:30 & 9:14 a.m. July 25 Contract for the 2022 Vancouver E-Prix/Formula E Race and Canadian E-Fest. July 25 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1.8 MB) A copy of the Host City Agreement signed by City of Vancouver and One Stop Strategy Group (OSS Group) in February 2022. July 25 Fire and Rescue PDF file (541 KB) Fire safety records for violations of fire safety at 1534 Harwood Street, from May 1, 2017 to June 1, 2022. July 25 Other/property related PDF file (23 KB) EnerGuide audit datasets conducted on single detached dwellings within the City of Vancouver, as noted on page 9 of the report titled "Analysis and Mapping of Housing and Energy Data to Inform Policy Development” which was commissioned by the City to "Lightspark Software Inc" in 2019. July 26 Other PDF file (4.7 MB) Copies of any internal reports, memos, updates or other documents produced by City of Vancouver staff on the subject of the Canadian E-Fest, a Formula E electric car race planned for Summer 2022. Date range: January 1, 2022 to April 28, 2022. July 26 Other/property related PDF file (1.2 MB) Regarding 1365 Burnaby Street, records of the following:
1. Violations issued by the City of Vancouver; 2. Financial details of renovations and repairs for dates not available on Open Data.
Date range: January 1, 2012 to June 6, 2022.July 26 Financial/Agreement PDF file (25 KB) Records of costs incurred by City of Vancouver related to the English Bay Barge, including but not limited to cost of providing security, from November 1, 2021 to June 15, 2022 July 26 Street/Traffic PDF file (31 KB) Coordinates for the location of automatic bike counters in the City. Jan. 1, 2017 to June 22, 2022 July 27 HR PDF file (89 KB) Delineated record of the number of COV staff that have filed for religious accommodation under the vaccine mandate. Sept. 1, 2021 to May 15, 2022 July 28 Other/property related PDF file (24 KB) Records relating to a tree at 2472 East 41st Avenue that had fallen within the last five years, including tree details, incident reports, affect, action taken, costs incurred, any losses, and any other related records. July 29 Other PDF file (254 KB) Records regarding street preaching including City policies, actions, and correspondence. Jan. 1, 2020 to May 8, 2022. -
Release date Record type Request June 1 Planning studies completed after Feb. 1, 2019 related to the Central Waterfront. June 1 Other PDF file (2 MB) Request from Khalsa Diwan Society (Ross Street Gurdwara) and related records for the Vaisakhi event on Apr. 16, 2022. July 1, 2021 - Apr. 16, 2022 June 1 Covenant or agreement between the City and BC PavCo regarding the dedicated lane in front of the Vancouver Convention Centre. June 1 Other/property related PDF file (792 KB) Disclosure statement dated Dec. 16, 2021 regarding 45 W 7th Ave. June 2 Other PDF file (222 KB) Michelle Collens' correspondence about the IOC, Canadian Olympic Committee, and the feasibility of the 2030 Winter Olympics. Apr. 29 to May 4, 2022. June 3 Other PDF file (1.5 MB) Record of locations that receive the most pickleball complaints (i.e. noise complaints). Jan. 1, 2019 to Dec. 31, 2021 June 8 Development/License Application:
Records related to DP-2021-00495 for 1265 E 19th Ave. June 1, 2021 - April 30, 2022 June 10 Other PDF file (23 KB) Financial report of the 2010 Olympic Games including amount spent by COV, surplus/deficit, comparison to budget, cost to tax payers, and if interest is still being paid. Jan. 1, 2010 to Dec. 31, 2020 June 13
Business/BIA PDF file (26 KB) Most recent mailing address for Pinky Development, business license 21-118295. June 13 Financial/Agreement PDF file (23 KB) Expense reports submitted by Matthew Norris. Jan. 1, 2020 to June 6, 2022 June 14 Business/BIA PDF file (10.5 MB) Records of Van Dragon Chinese Seafood Restaurant at 2163 E Hastings St. including notices issued, orders, or outstanding payments. Nov. 1, 2014 to Feb. 21, 2022 June 14 Other PDF file (25 KB) Records for view cones including 1. view point elevation; 2. distance to reference point; 3. reference point elevation; 4. Map coordinates of reference & view points. Jan. 1, 2017 - May 1, 2022 June 15 Mayor/Council PDF file (25 KB) Records regarding 1480 Howe St. (Vancouver House)/ underneath Granville Bridge: 1) Contractors who applied for (3) types of permits, and 2) Any work done by CoV. Date range: Jan 1, 2017 - Dec 31, 2020. June 15 Other PDF file (23 KB) Letter from Iona Bonamis notifying the City of intention to consent to nomination as a candidate for City Council and the reply letter (Policy AE-028-01, s5.3). June 17 Animal Control PDF file (112 KB) Number of dogs licensed in the Mount Pleasant area. Jan. 1, 2016 to June 8, 2022 June 20 Other/property related PDF file (5.5 MB) Records regarding 869 Hamilton Street including permit applications and notes on renovations. Jan. 1, 1990 to May 6, 2022 June 20 Other/property related PDF file (1.2 MB) Records regarding staff pay reductions since May 1, 2020: 1) Summary percentage for each union + bargaining unit; 2) Estimated savings; 3) Any related briefing notes/ memos created between Aug 1, 2020 - Sept 30, 2020. June 22 Other PDF file (673 KB) Michelle Collens' daily calendar and agenda. April 22 to May 9, 2022. June 22 Other PDF file (1 MB) Donnie Rosa's daily calendar and agenda. Apr. 22 to May 9, 2022. June 22 Other PDF file (797 KB) Neil Monckton's daily calendar and agenda. Apr. 22 to May 9, 2022 June 30 Development/License Application PDF file (11 MB) Records related to any applications to the City regarding 3590 Main St. and BP-2020-02807. Date range Jan. 1, 2017 to May 17, 2022 June 30 Other PDF file (23 KB) Records of the statistics for the number of hoarding related 911 calls made each year in Vancouver. -
Release date Record type Request May 2 Development/License Application PDF file (13 MB) Correspondence to Mayor Kennedy Stewart from businesses and the general public regarding the rezoning application from 2086 - 2098 West 7th Avenue and 2091 West 8th Avenue, Feb. 15 - 28, 2022. May 3 Development/License Application:
Records regarding rezoning application for 2086-2098 W 7th Ave & 2091 W 8th Ave: 1. Submissions to Shape Your City inbox and 2. Correspondence to Councillors. Oct. 1- Dec. 31, 2021 May 3 Development/License Application:
Electronic submissions from the public to the Shape Your City inbox regarding the rezoning application for 2086 - 2098 West 7th Ave and 2091 West 8th Ave from Nov. 1 - 30, 2021. May 3 Development/License Application PDF file (719 KB) Electronic submissions from the public to the Shape Your City inbox regarding the rezoning application for 2086-2098 W 7th & 2091 W 8th Ave. Dec. 1-15, 2021 May 4 Development/License Application PDF file (6 MB) Neighbourhood notification results for 3838 Rupert St., development application DP-2021-01028. Feb. 1-28, 2022 May 5 Financial/Agreement PDF file (23 KB) Invoices submitted by and proof of payment to Sentry Marine Group. Nov. 1, 2021 to Apr. 28, 2022 May 6 Development/License Application:
Records relating to any applications to the City of Vancouver regarding DP-2020-00781 at 2720 Ward St. including permits, zoning, and letters of assurance. Jan. 1, 2017 to Jan. 11, 2022 May 9 Development/License Application PDF file (2.5 MB) Public comments received regarding DP-2022-00020 for 3158 E 54th Ave. Jan. 1 to Apr. 20, 2022 May 9 Financial/Agreement PDF file (23 KB) Invoices submitted by and proof of payment to Sentry Marine Group. June 1 to Oct. 31, 2021. May 12 Other/property related PDF file (24 KB) 1. Noise by-law exemptions granted for sewer and water service installation on Ash St. 2. Noise by-law exemptions granted for Oakridge construction. Jan. 1, 2019 to May 1, 2022 May 16 Development/License Application PDF file (7 MB) Correspondence (including emails, comments, written letters, and petitions) regarding DP2021-01066 for 3958 Main St. Nov. 30, 2021 to Mar. 6, 2022 May 16 Other/property related PDF file (3.5 MB) Detail plans, sections, surveys, and other architectural drawings of the Balmoral Hotel (159 E Hastings St). Approx 1911-1912 (original construction). May 16 Other/property related PDF file (1.3 MB) Records regarding complaints, investigations, and enforcement actions at 2178 Triumph St including follow-ups to unsafe conditions and bedbug cases. May 15, 2018 to Apr. 1, 2022 May 16 Other/property related PDF file (738 KB) Sewer report for 450 E Hastings St. on Apr. 6, 2022 including condition of pipes and locations of connection to City pipes. Ref. 159019539 May 16 Other:
Daily usage data (by hour/minute) for EV Charging stations in the West End in excel sheet. Date: Most recent 30 day period. May 17 Other/property related:
Records of residential & commercial building and sub/trade (mech., elec., plumbing, HVAC) permits applied for and issued. Jan 1, 2019 to Mar. 8, 2022 May 17 Other PDF file (830 KB) Inspection and maintenance report for a tree. City file 20212245. June 7, 2021 May 17 Other PDF file (161 KB) Reports to the City of unsafe trees on Marine Drive/Marine Way from Elliot St. to Boundary Rd. including reports made directly to Mayor & Council. Jan. 1, 2019 to Apr. 12, 2022 May 17 Other PDF file (155 KB) Tree, forest, and slope inspection and evaluation reports for the north side of Marine Way between Boundary Rd. and SE Marine Dr. Apr. 1, 2020 to Apr. 13, 2022 May 17 Development/License Application PDF file (705 KB) Neighbourhood notification results for DP-2021-00939, 1408 E 57th Ave. Dec. 1 to Mar. 31, 2022 May 17 Financial/Agreement PDF file (23 KB) Invoices sent to and proof of payment by Sentry Marine Group. Nov. 1, 2021 to Apr. 28, 2022 May 17 Other PDF file (30 KB) Records regarding "Preparing for the Next Tent City - It's Coming" webinar hosted by Dominion GovLawLLP on Mar. 31, 2022. Jan 1 to May 4, 2022 May 19 Financial/Agreement:
In reference to Dec. 9, 2019 meeting of DP Board for application at 1489 W Broadway, records of the sale, purchase price, and appraisal of mentioned laneway. Jan. 1 2017 - Nov. 17, 2021 May 20 Other PDF file (160 KB) Records regarding enforcement of conditions and enforcement measures for developments including affordable rentals. Jan. 1, 2012 to Mar. 7, 2022 May 20 Other/property related PDF file (474 KB) Correspondence between the By-law Department and Peter Plett regarding by-law complaints, investigations, and fines and the fire on Apr. 11, 2022. Apr. 1, 2019 to Apr. 12, 2022 May 20 Other/property related PDF file (2.5 MB) Work order details for work done by the City in front of 5305 McKinnon St. around April 18, 2022 May 20 Other PDF file (112 KB) Number of complaints made regarding off leash dogs at Strathcona Park. Jan. 1 to Apr. 28, 2022 May 20 Other:
Correspondence between the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Park Board ( and the Department of National Defence ( Date range: January 1, 2015 to April 9, 2021. May 24 Other/property related PDF file (17 MB) Records including notices of violation, orders for compliance, and incident reports issued to the operator(s) of the Winters Hotel at 203 Abbott St. Apr. 8 - 11, 2022 May 24 Other/property related PDF file (1 MB) Latest building inspection report for the Winters Hotel (102 Water Street). May 24 Fire and Rescue PDF file (456 KB) Records related to the VFRS response to a fire at the Winters Hotel (102 Water St.) on April 8, 2022 including regarding the firewatch order. May 24 Fire and Rescue PDF file (537 KB) 1. MTI tickets given to the operator of the Winters Hotel (102 Water St.); 2. Number of MTI tickets given to multiple addresses. Jan. 1, 2021 to Apr. 26, 2022 May 24 Street/Traffic PDF file (1.3 MB) Records regarding the decision making & implementation of the 'Passenger Zone' on the west side of Thurlow St. Jan. 1, 2016 to Apr. 21, 2022 May 25 Financial/Agreement PDF file (124 KB) Invoices and proof of payments by the promoters and organizers of the Vancouver E-Prix/Canadian E-Fest. Oct. 1, 2021 to Apr. 12, 2022 May 25 Animal Control PDF file (68 KB) Dog breeds available for adoption at Animal Services pound from Jan. 1, 2015 to May 4, 2022. May 26 Development/License Application PDF file (14 MB) All records regarding 4387, 4339, and 4361 Cambie St. and 506 W 27th Ave including submissions, correspondence, proposals, and development. Jan. 1, 2016 - Jan 27, 2022 May 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (226 KB) Correspondence between the Vancouver and Whistler Mayor's Office regarding the 2030 Winter Olympics bid. Feb. 1 - Apr. 10, 2022 May 30 Mayor/Council PDF file (187 KB) Reports discussed or considered, meeting notes, and briefing notes regarding Mayor Stewart's meeting with MLA Brenda Bailey on Sept. 15, 2021. Aug 1 - Sept. 30, 2021 May 30 Other PDF file (25 KB) Most recent records of the 3D computer model with buildings and terrain for Kitsilano and West Point Grey in FBX format. May 30 Development/License Application PDF file (8 MB) Records related to the comprehensive reviews of the Cambie Corridor CAC Targets as per sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the Community Amenity Contributions Policy. Jan. 1, 2016 - Dec. 15, 2021 -
Release date Record type Request April 1 Fire and Rescue PDF file (409 KB) VFRS employee policy for 1. Obligations to report criminal charges and 2. Marijuana use. Jan. 1, 2017 to Feb. 16, 2022 April 5 Other PDF file (155 KB) Email communications between COV staff and Strathcona BIA and Strathcona Residents Assoc. related to public drinking at bus stop in front of Astoria Hotel, April 1, 2020 - Sept. 1, 2020. April 5 Other PDF file (155 KB) Organizational chart, telephone numbers, emails, business cards, and signature lines for all staff in the FOI Department. April 5 Other PDF file (155 KB) Records regarding the processing of 2022-167. April 7 Development/License Application PDF file (609 KB) Neighbourhood comments regarding DP 2021-00160. Mar. 1 to June 30, 2021 April 7 Street/Traffic PDF file (809 KB) Record of parking spots in use for Paybyphone meters. Feb. 26, 2022 between 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm April 8 Other/property related PDF file (158 KB) Property records related to the storm drainage lines for 1055 Dunsmuir St. Jan. 1, 2000 to Dec. 31, 2019 April 11 Other PDF file (1.8 MB) All correspondence between the Vancouver Economic Commission (VEC) and the City of Vancouver regarding the change in VEC’s role in the 312 Main Street Project (i.e. the Technology and Social Innovation Centre located at 312/324 Main Street) in 2014. April 12 HR PDF file (583 KB) Records regarding the City's vaccine mandate including number of staff: affected; filed for accommodations; have been terminated. Sept. 1, 2021 to Feb. 28, 2022 April 12 Mayor/Council PDF file (142 KB) Records of Councillors Kirby-Yung, Dominato, and Bligh specifically: 1. Invoices from political or Councillor's assistants and 2. Invoices for the Vancouver Plan. Aug. 1, 2021 to Feb. 28, 2022 April 12 Other PDF file (541 KB) Records regarding the processing and handling of FOI request 2021-550. April 13 Financial/Agreement PDF file (103 KB) 1. Breakdown of vehicles, equipment, and furniture acquired in 2019 and 2020 based on the 2019 & 2020 SOFI amounts. 2. Fuel type of acquired vehicles. Jan. 1 2019 - Dec. 31, 2020 April 14 1. Analysis of street level bike parking; 2. Map of parking meters conversion to bike parking and analysis; 3. Public input re: bike parking; 4. Environmental analysis. No start date - Jan. 12, 2022 April 19 Other/property related PDF file (157 KB) Records, including plumbing report, regarding a sewer back-up on or near 2025 W Broadway. Mar. 28-29, 2022 April 20 Records regarding rezoning application for 2086-2098 W 7th Ave & 2091 W 8th Ave: 1. Submissions to Shape Your City inbox and 2. Correspondence to Councillors. Jan. 16-31, 2022 April 22 Mayor/Council PDF file (12 MB) Regarding the Speaking of Vancouver Townhall: 1. Correspondence to Councillors Bligh, Dominato, & Kirby-Yung, 2. Results of surveys, 3. Unanswered questions. Mar. 1 to Mar. 2, 2022 April 25 Financial/Agreement PDF file (156 KB) Records showing spending by the City on influencers. Jan. 1, 2020 to Apr. 7, 2022 April 28 Other PDF file (3 MB) Correspondence and reports regarding the Barge Chilling Beach sign. Dec. 1, 2021 to Jan. 15, 2022 April 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (155 KB) Correspondence between Councillor Christine Boyle and Bowinn Ma. Feb. 1 to Apr. 12, 2022 April 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (157 KB) Correspondence between Craig Keating of Strategies 360 and Mayor Stewart, Neil Monckton, and Anita Zaenker. Dec. 16, 2021 to Apr. 19, 2022 April 29 Application for rezoning advice/rezoning enquiry made in association with property at 1477 West Broadway (formerly 1465-1489 West Broadway). Jan. 1, 2011 to Dec. 31, 2018 -
Release date Record type Request March 1 Other/property related PDF file (615 KB) Records and correspondence regarding a complaint resulting in a stop work notice for 2446 W 4th Ave. on Jan. 18, 2022. Dec. 26, 2021, to Jan. 18, 2022 March 3 Financial/Agreement PDF file (26 KB) Record of how many properties at the Tax Sale auction people put their upset deposit amount on and record of properties unclaimed by bidders. March 3 Development/License Application PDF file (23 KB) Records regarding the opening of psychedelic assisted therapy clinics including licensing and land use. Jan. 1, 2015, to Jan. 1, 2022 March 3 Other PDF file (27 KB) Daily water consumption data for the City of Vancouver. Date range: Earliest available to Feb. 23, 2022 March 3 Financial/Agreement PDF file (685 KB) Record of the $792,832 received by Heritage Office Furnishings, specifically: 1. Itemized list of items and costs; 2. Breakdown of allocation by Dept.; 3. If items are part of the 2019-22 Capital Plan. Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2020 March 8 Mayor/Council PDF file (847 KB) Emails of Councillor Melissa De Genova and Sarah Kirby-Yung sent to or received from an or email address. Nov. 1 to December 7, 2021 March 9 Street/Traffic PDF file (22 KB) Record of changes made to signage on the exit ramp from the Granville St. Bridge to the intersection and crosswalk. Oct. 1, 2021 to Feb. 21, 2022 March 11 Financial/Agreement PDF file (556 KB) Heritage Revitalization Agreement dated July 4, 2006 between Jameson East Ventures Ltd. And the City regarding 51 East Pender St. March 14 Mayor/Council PDF file (847 KB) Breakdown of Mayor Stewart's discretionary expenses in the 2020 SOFI including who received payment, services provided, staff salaries, and additional records. Jan. 1 - Dec. 31 2020 March 15 Street/Traffic PDF file (1.2 MB) Record of the time snow plows were operating westbound on W 12th Ave. between Oak St. and Granville St. January 2, 2022 March 16 Development/License Application PDF file (1.2 MB) Records regarding rezoning application for 2086-2098 W 7th Ave & 2091 W 8th Ave: 1. Submissions to Shape Your City inbox and 2. Correspondence to Councillors. Jan. 1-15, 2022 March 17 Other/property related PDF file (637 KB) Records regarding policies, initiatives, and decisions related to graffiti & vandalism in Chinatown. Feb. 1, 2021 to Feb. 1, 2022 March 17 Development/License Application PDF file (2 MB) Records regarding rezoning application for 2086-2098 W 7th Ave & 2091 W 8th Ave specifically Correspondence to Mayor Stewart. Feb. 1 to 7, 2022 March 17 Other/property related PDF file (682 KB) Plumbing report for 5760 Marguerite St. Approx. Jan. 13, 2022 March 17 Development/License Application PDF file (2.4 MB) Correspondence to Mayor Stewart from businesses and the general public re: the rezoning application for 2086-2098 W 7th Ave and 2091 W 8th Ave. Feb. 8-14, 2022 March 18 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1.9 MB) 1. Contracts between the City and Karen Ward, Drug Policy Advisor including credentials and 2. Record of position being put to tender. Oct. 3, 2020 to Feb. 8, 2022 March 18 Other/property related PDF file (16 MB) Correspondence, meeting agendas, and meeting notes related to rezoning and development project DP-2021-00545, including any prior communications or determinations about the releasability of the application’s documents (i.e. Arborist’s Report). March 21 Other/property related PDF file (661 KB) Copy of arborist report regarding safety of a tree at 2750 Waterloo St. Case File CF-2021-010723. Sept. 1 to Nov. 22, 2021 March 24 Other/property related PDF file (3 MB) Records of 1. Tree management plan and Arborist Report for 8569 Cartier Street and 2. Arborist report referenced in permit application process for tree removal at 1425 W 70th Ave. Nov. 1 2020 to Nov. 25, 2021 -
Release date Record type Request February 4 Street/Traffic PDF file (2.4 MB) 1. 311 inquiries and complaints relating to pop-up plazas and rain-friendly plazas from May 1, 2020, to November 22, 2021.
2. 311 inquiries and complaints related to parking issues May 1, 2018, to November 22, 2021.February 11 Financial/Agreement PDF file (23 KB) Record of the Provision of Parking Meter Equipment final contract. February 18 Other PDF file (2.3 MB) Latest or superseded version of an internal Planning document called "The Big Book of Porches and Decks" (draft released May 9, 2006). May 10, 2006, to Jan. 6, 2022. February 18 Other PDF file (7 MB) 1. Arbortech Consulting report dated July 4, 2018.
2. Park Board report from 2018 (referred to in the Arbortech Consulting report dated July 4, 2018).
3. Correspondence from Bastion’s legal counsel from January 1, 2018, to October 18, 2021.February 22 Business/BIA PDF file (27 KB) List of business licenses for short-term rentals issued for 1060 Alberni Street ("Carlyle"). June 1, 2018, to Oct. 13, 2021. February 25 Development/License Application PDF file (1.8 MB) Records regarding the refusal of DP-2021-00776 including opposition letters. Nov. 1, 2021 - Jan. 31, 2022. February 25 Financial/Agreement PDF file (55 KB) List of properties that were auctioned in the City's Tax Sale in Nov. 2021. -
Release date Record type Request January 4 Other PDF file (10 MB) Record of Park Board and Special Events Filming - Rental Agreement R105846, along with any correspondence between the applicant (Stanley Park Brewing) and Park Board and Special Events Filming related to the agreement and permit. January 4 Street/Traffic PDF file (4.5 MB) Records regarding special parking permits that were issued by the City to the Portland Hotel Society for the parking of their mobile overdose prevention vans. January 5 Other/property related PDF file (650 KB) Record of the "Resident Relocation Plan" referenced in the referral report CD-1 Rezoning: 1885 East Pender Street. Report dated March 30, 2021, went to Public Hearing May 18, 2021. January 7 Development/License Application PDF file (333 KB) Full report including appendices from staff to Director of Planning regarding Development Application DP-2021-00545 (2150 W 10th Ave). Sept. 1 to Nov. 5, 2021 January 12 Financial/Agreement PDF file (25 KB) Correspondence including emails, letters, and terms of resolution or settlement between Badger Meter Inc. and the City regarding Badger's LP meters. January 12 Development/License Application PDF file (29 KB) Records regarding 1161 Granville Street relating to potential redevelopment, inquiries about changes to FSR, and changes, amendments, or variances to bylaws. Jan. 1, 2018 - Dec. 16, 2021 January 14 Other PDF file (23 KB) Video footage for the outside parking lot of Hillcrest Community Centre on January 1, 2022 January 17 Street/Traffic PDF file (26 KB) Collision records for the City of Vancouver. Jan. 1, 2016, to Jan. 14, 2022 January 17 Development/License Application PDF file (3 MB) Records related to Craft Greenery Cannabis development permit application for 102-3596 Kingsway (DP-2021-00784). Sept. 28 to Oct. 14, 2021 January 19 Animal Control PDF file (2.2 MB) 1. List of active licenses for Pit Bull and Rottweiler dogs.
2. List of reported incidents and corresponding details involving Pit Bull and Rottweiler dogs from January 1, 2020, to November 30, 2021.January 19 Development/License Application PDF file (9 MB) Records regarding rezoning app. 1780 E. Broadway including 1. All electronic submissions to Shape Your City inbox and; 2. All correspondence to City Councillors. Nov. 9-15, 2021 January 19 Financial/Agreement PDF file (100 KB) Records of the expense breakdown and job title in the 2020 SOFI for 1. Joseph, C (pg. 18) - $12,274; 2. Medland, C (pg. 23) - $12,767; 3. Ahtesham, B (pg. 7) - $7421. Jan 1 to Dec. 31, 2020 January 20 Other/property related
Tenant Relocation Plan documents pertaining to DE 419087 the redevelopment of 1170 to 1188 Bidwell Street including the Final Tenant Relocation Plan and Final Tenant Relocation Report and any communication between the City and Reliance, the developer. January 20 Other/property related
All documents related to Reliance's Tenant Relocation Plan Agreement documents for the former 1170 Bidwell, not limited to the Final Tenant Relocation Report. January 24 Other PDF file (31 KB) Record of the number of tickets issued for failure to clear ice and snow from sidewalks adjacent to properties. Jan. 1, 2021, to Jan. 10, 2022 January 24 Other PDF file (6 MB) Records regarding McCleery Golf course contract, specifically most recent Golf Professional Services contract, RFP process including award of the contract, Jan. 1, 2013, to Sept. 23, 2021. January 24 Other/property related PDF file (2.4 MB) Record of the most recent building inspection report for the London Hotel, 208 E. Georgia St. Dec. 1 to Dec. 15, 2021 January 25 Other/property related PDF file (23 KB) Alternative Solutions issued prior to 1994 for 175 West Cordova St. January 25 Mayor/Council PDF file (22 KB) Memo to council referenced in the City document "Building the budget" regarding the costs and revenues related to downloaded services. July 1 to Dec. 16, 2021 January 27 Street/Traffic PDF file (24 KB) Record of the number of tickets issued to vehicles at Granville Mall. Jan. 1, 2012, to Jan. 24, 2022 January 27 Development/License Application PDF file (11 MB) All correspondence, reports, memoranda, file notes, meeting notes, and transcribed notes relating to Development Permit DP2019-00673.
Information released in 2021
Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.
Release date Record type Request December 1 Development/License Application PDF file (27 KB) Application to change use of property from retail to marijuana-related use and records showing rejection of application for 138 East Pender Street. December 1 Development/License Application PDF file (1.3 MB) Application to change use of property from retail to marijuana-related use and records showing rejection of application for 212 East Georgia Street. December 1 Other/property related PDF file (478 KB) Record of Sewer Services report for 1576 East 26th Avenue from October 2021. December 1 Fire and Rescue PDF file (27 KB) Records regarding number of Bylaw Officers working on Oct. 31 evening, number enforcing the Fireworks Ban, and number of violation fines issued on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, 2021 December 1 Mayor/Council PDF file (26 KB) Executive summaries of all background papers presented to Council in closed meetings. Jan. 1, 2017, to Nov. 29, 2021 December 2 Financial/Agreement PDF file (123 KB) Revenue, expenses and capital expenditure statements for Burrard Civic Marina for the calendar years 2018, 2019 and 2020. Include outline of sub-amounts. December 3 Development/License Application PDF file (3 MB) Records for all neighbourhood responses regarding the application for retail cannabis at 5708 Knight St. and 1817 West Broadway. Sept. 2021 December 3 Other/property related PDF file (24 KB) Correspondence between Property Use Inspector and 1176 Granville St. regarding graffiti removal. Sept. 15 to Nov. 24, 2021 December 6 Mayor/Council PDF file (198 KB) Record of all expenses, including supporting documents such as receipts, submitted by or for Park Board Commissioner John Coupar. December 6 Financial/Agreement PDF file (24 KB) Record of the amount paid to all named executives for bonuses or incentive pay for each year. Jan. 1, 2010, to Nov. 29, 2021 December 7 Other PDF file (22 The Advisian Engineering Report for the Burrard Bridge Civic Marina (2020/2021). December 7 Other/property related PDF file (4.8 MB) Hazmat survey submitted as part of Building Permit Application DB-2020-03962 issued on May 25, 2021, for seismic and other upgrades for David Livingston School at 315 East 2nd Avenue. December 9 Other PDF file (723 KB) Emails sent to and received by from Oct. 20 - Nov. 4, 2021 December 10 Other PDF file (2.1 MB) Records regarding the scheduled VCPC event "Is Vancouver Building Enough Housing" held on July 6, 2021, from July 6, 2021, to July 5, 2021. December 13 Other/property related PDF file (205 KB) Report for Reference No. 14984751 regarding a blocked drain at Protrans BC's Marine Drive Station. April 28, 2021 December 13 Other PDF file (29 KB) Record of the most current version of the 3D computer model for the Broadway Plan in FBX format. Jan. 1, 2020 - Nov. 19, 2021 December 14 Mayor/Council PDF file (5 MB) Mayor and Council feedback reports which include the City branch notified, feedback type, topic, phone, email, whether the citizen requested a response, case details and event notes. December 15 Financial/Agreement PDF file (24 KB) Records detailing how a property status declaration has been selected for audit under the Empty Homes Tax. Jan 1. 2020 - Nov. 19, 2021 December 15 Other PDF file (24 KB) All records related to the definition of 'principal residence' in the Vacancy Tax Bylaw s.1.2 including records related to the requirement to show an updated Driver's License address. Jan. 1, 2016 - Nov. 30, 2021 December 21 Other PDF file (2.7 MB) Correspondence to/from Park Board GM and Leadership team regarding aggressive coyote attacks in Stanley Park and any plans or directives to /from the GM and Leadership team about mitigating the problem. Date Range: August 1, 2021, to September 3, 2021. December 21 Other PDF file (1.5 MB) All email records sent/received by the Park Board General Manager, including attachments, that relate to the Stanley Park cull of coyotes, including the decision to start it and end it. December 21 Mayor/Council PDF file (265 KB) Email correspondence sent by Mayor Kennedy Stewart that references encampments in Vancouver Parks between Jan. 1 2020 and Dec. 31, 2020 -
Release date Record type Request November 2 Development/License Application PDF file (1.7 MB) Records relating to the Boathouse at Kitsilano Beach, specifically correspondence related to annual permit and lease and enforcement of the Operations and Management Plan, Jan. 1, 2018 - Aug. 24, 2021 November 2 Street/Traffic PDF file (4 MB) Engineering records regarding road and bike lane closures in the vicinity of the intersection of Burrard Street and Harwood Street on or about April 19, 2017. November 2 Development/License Application PDF file (1.8 MB) Neighbourhood notification comments regarding Development Permit Application DP-2021-0060 at 242 East Pender Street. November 5 Other PDF file (24 KB) All emails sent by Mayor Kennedy Stewart that reference encampments in Vancouver Parks since January 1, 2021. November 5 Other PDF file (24 KB) All of Michelle Collens's correspondence about FIFA, the Canadian Soccer Association and the 2026 World Cup since Sept. 30, 2021. November 8 Mayor/Council PDF file (5.7 MB) Regarding a meeting on June 1, 2021, involving Mayor Kennedy Stewart, and others, about the "2030 Olympics". November 8 Other PDF file (10 MB) Complaints of noise on the Arbutus Greenway sent to council correspondence mailbox, or any staff of the Arbutus Greenway Project. November 8 Development/License Application PDF file (23 KB) Application for rezoning advice (rezoning enquiry) made in association with the property at 1477 W Broadway (formerly 1465-1489 West Broadway). November 8 Other/property related PDF file (23 KB) All submissions and correspondence related to demolition, development and building of properties at 4387, 4339 and 4361 Cambie Street and 506 West 27th Avenue. November 10 Street/Traffic PDF file (83 KB) Record listing yearly total number of tickets issued and number of vehicles towed from the south side of 2400 Keith Dr for 2018 - 2021 and summer counts 2020 and 2021. November 10 Financial/Agreement PDF file (25 KB) Record of the Provision of Parking Meter Equipment final contract. November 10 Financial/Agreement PDF file (25 KB) Records related to RFP No. PS20201116, entitled Provision of Parking Meter Equipment issued on September 29, 2020. November 16 Other/property related PDF file (3.4 MB) Arborist Report for Development Permit Application (DP-2021-00545) at 2120 West 10th Avenue November 17 Other/property related PDF file (5 MB) Arborist report for the Champlain Heights Trail Tree Assessment - Hazardous Trees on Strata Property. Trees with civic address 3403 Lynmoor Place. November 17 Other PDF file (23 MB) Names of the entities, companies and individuals responsible for the manufacture, installation and maintenance of cricket green at Memorial South Park as of July 10, 2021. November 18 Mayor/Council PDF file (220 KB) Record of email from Karen Levitt sent to Mayor and Council on January 27, 2021, regarding False Creek South (as referred to in an email sent to Mayor and Council on February 1, 2021). November 19 Other/property related PDF file (3.3 MB) Arborist Report prepared by Monkey Tree Services for removal of Tree #68, related to DP-2020-03940. Tree Permit-2021-00413. November 23 Mayor/Council PDF file (9.4 MB) All emails/communications between staff, staff and provincial officials, staff and Council regarding hot weather and City's Emergency Response Manual for hot weather. November 23 Fire and Rescue PDF file (7.6 MB) Records regarding the Regent Hotel, specifically related to fire infractions from Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services. Date Range: January 1, 2015, to October 31, 2018. November 23 Other PDF file (61 KB) Tabulation of money the City of Vancouver paid out to individuals and organizations who sued the City for personal injuries (i.e., sidewalk fall, fallen tree, police interaction, police dog bite, etc.), broken down by year and reason for each payout. November 23 Other PDF file (142 KB) All audits from the internal audit branch from Jan. 1, 2020, to Nov. 18, 2021, and a list of all areas and topics due to be audited. November 25 Other PDF file (3.3 MB) Correspondence between the city and the Province regarding funding for, or supply of, naloxone kits. November 29 Other PDF file (25 KB) Record of total number of non-bargaining unit staff that make up the COV 1. Vancouver Protective Services in 2021 and 2. Corporate Security in 2015. -
Release date Record type Request October 1 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1.7 MB) Record of City of Vancouver’s contract with Buster's Towing as of June 21, 2021. October 1 Other/property related PDF file (400 KB) Tree Inspection Report from September 4, 2020, that was referenced in August 5, 2021 Risk Management letter for file 20211040. October 4 Other/property related PDF file (8.6 MB) Records regarding "Vancouver Plan Update and Quick Start Actions" report referring to staff consulting with 24 resident associations. October 5 Other PDF file (635 KB) Correspondence between Film & Special Events and Black Tusk Helicopter and others about production and use of air space for June 22 helicopter advertising production. October 12 Other PDF file (25 KB) Current policies and requirements that relate to COV’s use of private tow-truck companies, particularly those that specify what equipment and training the City requires drivers to possess for different jobs such as towing vehicles and towing trailers. October 14 Other PDF file (3.2 MB) A report, "Analysis and Mapping of Housing and Energy Data to Inform Policy Development” by Lightspark Software Inc. 2020, as shown in another report named "Climate Emergency Action Plan". October 15 Other/property related PDF file (12 MB) All letters pro/con for JIMA appeal Z-35805 from local neighbours and businesses with name of business and last name, receipt proof of 841 letter mail out and proof of notification. October 15 Mayor/Council PDF file (3 MB) In regards to the Court of Revision (Council) meeting November 3, 2020, detailed notes made by the meeting staff and a final list of those in favour and those opposed to the Petition. October 15 Other PDF file (98 KB) Records regarding Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) under ‘Payments to Suppliers of Goods and Services’ a further detailed account of specific services rendered by Vancouver Symphony Society and VSO School of Music. October 18 Mayor/Council PDF file (361 KB) Regarding a meeting on June 28, 2021 involving Mayor Kennedy Stewart, chief of staff Neil Monckton and others, about "2030 Olympic Follow Up". October 21 Street/Traffic PDF file (22 KB) Copy of the results from the two surveys the City commissioned in 2021 from Sentis Market Research regarding the proposed parking permit program. October 22 Other/property related PDF file (441 KB) Records regarding complaints to 311, Mayor and Council about 1) noise 2) lack of accessibility to people with mobility challenges for specific businesses, Jan. 1, 2017 to Sept. 7, 2017. October 22 Other/property related PDF file (3.2 MB) Public feedback regarding Development change from Retail to Cannabis at 1314 Commercial Drive from June 1, 2021. October 22 Other PDF file (24 KB) Record of all expenses, including supporting documents such as receipts, submitted by or for Park Board Commissioner John Coupar since January 1, 2021. October 22 Other/property related PDF file (26 KB) Copy of the tax sale list identifying the properties that were up for auction in the Fall of 2020 and a list of the properties that have since been "redeemed". October 25 Other PDF file (4.2 MB) Records pertaining to the Vancouver Biennale "proud youth" art installation in False Creek North and "public art" process, from September 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021. October 26 Other PDF file (9.4 MB) Complaints about lack of benches along Arbutus Greenway and comments positive or negative about existing benches, including requests to remove benches. October 27 Other/property related PDF file (220 KB) Records regarding Planning Bulletins RM-4 Rowhouse, Courtyard Rowhouse & Stacked Towhouse relating to Record of Issuance and record bulletin being rescinded. October 27 Other/property related PDF file (136 KB) Record (list) of properties in the COV who have obtained a 2021 Water Feature/Cooling Tower Permit. October 27 Financial/Agreement PDF file (26 KB) Records regarding CoV’s Consulting services to assess feasibility of transport pricing for Vancouver City Centre - successful Proponent’s proposal and tech material. -
Release date Record type Request September 2 Mayor/Council PDF file (251 KB) Agendas and minutes from the Park Board’s February 2020 in camera meeting(s). September 2 Other PDF file (25 KB) Records related to the current (July 30, 2021) night-time closure of Stanley Park due to fire risk (such as consultant reports or reports from the Fire Service) and approval. September 2 Financial/Agreement PDF file (24 KB) Record of the Provision of Parking Meter Equipment final contract. September 3 Street/Traffic PDF file (12 MB) Record of all inspections and repairs regarding the 3400 block of East Hastings Street, from January 1, 2015 to November 10, 2020. September 8 Development/License Application PDF file (2 MB) Recommendations provided and reviewed by COV to justify the decision to propose a 140 unit building at West 8th Ave and Arbutus Street, records to support the decision. September 8 Other PDF file (125 KB) City's most current list of "Social, Indigenous and Diverse Businesses". September 8 Street/Traffic PDF file (149 KB) Details on the number of parking enforcement officers deployed each day of the entire year for 2018-2020, including the total number of shifts work. September 8 Development/License Application PDF file (19 MB) All correspondence/results from the public notification process regarding 8002 Granville Street, DP-2021-00385. September 8 Other/property related PDF file (24 KB) Records regarding status of a complaint that was made for a balcony believed to have been built against bylaw standards. September 10 Street/Traffic PDF file (6 MB) Records re. correspondence between Jobi Tabamo ( and any other persons (either working for CoV or another party) concerning the bus stop at 66 W Cordova St. and SR #1543398. Date range: Jan 1, 2012 - Mar 25, 2021. September 10 Other PDF file (24 KB) Invoices for the cost of the revamped logo and name reference of "The Greenest City" as it connects to the City of Vancouver. Date Range: January 1, 2020 to January 1, 2021. September 10 Human Resources PDF file (26 KB) Record of Theresa O'Donnell appointment to the statutory position under Vancouver Charter of 'Director of Planning' as noted in news report April 28, 2021. September 15 Other PDF file (25 KB) Invoices for the cost of the production of the City of Vancouver official logo used on social media. September 17 Human Resources PDF file (6 MB) Record of the October 20 interim position with respect to 'future installation of a low barrier shower' referred to in Deputy Chief Building Official K. Lau’s letter of Mar 2, 2021. September 17 Other PDF file (24 KB) Invoices for any hospitality costs pertaining to the consultation, stakeholder engagement and outside analysis work done on Vancouver's Climate Emergency Action Plan. September 17 Street/Traffic PDF file (26 KbB) Records regarding signage in place along Fellowes St. path, when installed, and what signs were in place along the pedestrian/cycle path on October 12, 2016. September 20 Other PDF file (25 KB) Invoices for any speaking fees pertaining to the consultation, stakeholder engagement and outside analysis work on Vancouver's Climate Emergency Action Plan. September 27 Mayor/Council Other PDF file (3 MB) All briefing notes and situation reports from June 24, 2021 to June 30, 2021 about the heat wave and agendas and minutes of the civic emergency operations or emergency response committee. September 28 Other PDF file (5 MB) Agreement between Tennis BC and Park Board regarding six pay to play Stanley Park tennis courts by Tennis BC, correspondence between PB and Tennis BC, January 21, 2021 - June 1, 2021. September 28 Other PDF file (5 MB) Contractual documents between COV and OUTFRONT Media related to adverstising space on transit shelters and/or other street furniture, from January 1, 2000 to June 7, 2021. September 28 Financial/Agreement PDF file (3 MB) Terms of Reference and invoices for the work done by appraiser in reference to appraisal noted in June 9, 2021 Council report on Burrard Slopes Park, September 1, 2020 to June 9, 2021. September 28 Other/property related PDF file (30 KB) Records regarding the Development of 1125 W 7th Av including; Enquiries that have been made, Development Permits and Expressions of Interest. -
Release date Record type Request August 4 Other
Record of data collected for VanConnect “Dead Animal Pickup” requests, specifically: type of animal, date of pickup, location of pickup, and any additional data regarding this process. Date range: Jan 1, 2010 to Apr 30, 2021. August 4 Media PDF file (235 KB) City Manager Paul Mochrie's correspondence with Mayor Kennedy Stewart for June 24, 2021 to June 28, 2021. August 5 Individual PDF file (247 KB) Records related to concerns staff might have about the effect that the proposed development at 1780 East Broadway might have on mountain views from John Hendry Park (Trout Lake). August 5 Media PDF file (247 KB) Comprehensive data set breaking down heat-related calls by fire hall or dispatch area between June 25 and July 1 including any information on the severity of the call and age. August 6 Individual PDF file (865 KB) All emails, texts or direct messages from Councillor Carr to any other City Council Member or staff member of the City of Vancouver between 5pm and 8pm on June 29, 2021. August 6 Individual PDF file (831 KB) Records of noise complaints received about Robba Da Matti at 1906 Haro St, and who the complaints were sent to for June, July and August 2017 to 2019 and June, July 2021. August 9 Media PDF file (1.1 MB) Councillor Jean Swanson’s correspondence with Drug User Liberation Front and Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users for event she helped distribute heroin, cocaine and meth. August 10 Individual
Re. Stanley Park tennis courts: 1) Documents/ correspondence regarding programs prior to Tennis BC. 2) Correspondence regarding RFP and/or Vancouver Tennis Assn. 3) Tennis BC's contracts. Date range: Jan 1, 2019 to Feb 22, 2021. August 10 Union PDF file (3 MB) Securiguard contract or (if expired or not renewed) contract of new company. Date range: Apr 1, 2020 to Mar 31, 2021. August 12 Lawyer/other professional PDF file (171 KB) Records regarding intersection of E Hastings St and Penticton St, specifically: changes to bus and bike lane signage. Date range: Jul 16, 2020 to May 20, 2021. August 12 Individual PDF file (155 KB) Records regarding the amount of monies and other compensation paid out in 2021 to form City Manager Sadhu Johnston August 12 Lawyer/other professional PDF file (2.7 MB) All records, including applications and correspondence sent or received by the City, relating to DP Application 2020-00786 for permission to operate a Small Scale Pharmacy in conjunction with a Health Care Office at 633 East Hasting Street. August 12 Media PDF file (1.2 MB) All of Councillor Christine Boyle's email for June 25, 2021 to June 29, 2021 that contains any of the following words: heat, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, temperature, weather, hot weather, heat wave, heat dome, Environment Canada, climate change, and forecast. August 13 Individual PDF file (404 KB) Records regarding changes to parking regulations at 800 West 12th Street (across from main entrance of VGH). Date range June 27 to July 4, 2021. August 18 Lawyer/other professional PDF file (20 MB) Records regarding construction-related exemptions in the Vacancy Tax Bylaw. Date range: Jul 1, 2016 to Feb 1, 2021. August 24 Individual PDF file (9 MB) Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services needs analysis conducted in late 2018 by Darkhorse Analytics. August 24 Business PDF file (876 KB) Record of Report #SR1803094 for watermain testing at 3263 Pierview Crescent from Waterworks Operations. August 24 Individual PDF file (6 MB) Records regarding parking signage change in Jepson-Young Lane (between Gilford and Denman) and reasoning for removing previously valid street parking spots. August 24 Individual PDF file (1.8 MB) Records regarding steps City took to determine crosswalk at West 11th and Hemlock was not a danger to pedestrians and to not install warning lights. August 24 Other PDF file (254 KB) Historical daily water consumption data for City from 1980 to 2021. August 24 Individual PDF file (170 KB) Contract between the City and Coastal Mental Heath Service that will regulate the management of the supportive housing facility that will be opening at 205 Kingsway. August 24 Individual PDF file (176 KB) Records on COV work on Clark Dr between Kingsway and E 23rd: which department, purpose, what technical work, how deep excavation, how much excavation, and piping. August 25 Individual PDF file (615 KB) Most recent Director of Planning Bulletin advising of the maximum Floor Space Ratio for multiple dwellings in RM-4 zone where a development did not have an elevator or common stairs. August 31 Individual PDF file (3 MB) Records regarding Request for Quotation No. PS20200316, specifically: 1) Vendor submissions, and 2) Contract awarded to the successful vendor. Date range: Aug 16, 2020 to Sept 30, 2020. August 31 Media PDF file (992 KB) Regarding a meeting on June 16, 2021 involving Mayor Kennedy Stewart and others, about "Staff briefing Iona Wastewater Treatment Plant". August 31 Individual PDF file (167 KB) Complaints of cigarette and marijuana smoke for 1086 Bute Street -
Release date Record type Request July 6 Other PDF file (321 KB) Records of complaints about the operation or location of The Praguery food trucks on Columbia Street north of West 1st Ave, and/or in Olympic Village from January 1, 2020 to May 2021. July 6 Development/License Application PDF file (1.8 MB) Record of public comments and input for the rezoning application at 3304 Kingsway. Date range: Mar 1, 2021 - Apr 29, 2021. July 6 Other/property related PDF file (4.4 MB) Record of environmental assessment for 5205 Ross Street. Record of environmental assessment for 5205 Ross St., and records related to Grow Op. July 6 Street/Traffic PDF file (286 KB) Street light data for 4 street lights at E. 62nd Av and Knight St; the time the lights come on and off on December 11, 2018; and record they were in good working condition. July 7 Development/License Application PDF file (634 KB) Letters of support and objections regarding 1766 Davie Street (DP-2021-00090). July 7 Other PDF file (234 KB) Records regarding lobbying by FortisBC to the City, Date range June 1, 2020 - June 3, 2021. July 7 Other/property related PDF file (211 KB) Record of total number of exemptions to the noise bylaw granted by the City of Vancouver for the Oakridge Mall building site at 650 West 41st Avenue. July 9 Other/property related:
All records, incl. (9) items, to / from CoV, Park Board, and Burrard Bridge Civic Marina, regarding the jib crane at Burrard Bridge Civic Marina. Date range: Nov 1, 2019 - Nov 17, 2020. July 9 Mayor/Council PDF file (340 KB) Record of 3D computer model in FBX 2018 format as noted in Referral Report of October 27, 2020, page 9 Figure 6. July 9 Other PDF file (284 KB) Correspondence related to the lease for the Vancouver Aquarium to and from Park Board Chair Camil Dumont, including transfer of the lease to Herschend Enterprises. July 12 Development/License Application:
Records regarding rezoning application for 3609-3687 Arbutus St.: All correspondence and application information between the developer/applicant and the City’s planning dept. Date range: from the time of inquiry for this site to Jan 21, 2021. July 12 Street/Traffic PDF file (1 MB) Record of correspondence (letters and emails) received regarding RV encampment at Grandview Hwy and Slocan St. Date range: Apr 1, 2021 - May 23, 2021. July 13 Development/License Application PDF file (332 KB) Data in a spreadsheet pertaining to a map included in the council report "CD-1 Rezoning: 3084 West 4th and 2010 Balaclava Street" as of January 1, 2021 July 13 Financial/Agreement PDF file (312 KB) Explain how COV calculates Return on Cost and identify items included in revenues, expenses and project/construction, refer to p. 4 of Shape your City document. July 13 Other/property related PDF file (1 MB) Record of noise complaints for 252 East 1st Avenue. July 14 Other/property related:
Standards of Maintenance inspection reports, including the annual SRA inspection reports, for the Regent Hotel located at 160 East Hastings Street from January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018. July 14 Other/property related PDF file (466 KB) Records regarding Millers Independent Grocer, 7190 Kerr St., including: any complaints, investigations, safety concerns, enforcement actions. Date range: Jan 1, 2000 - June 1, 2021. July 16 Financial/Agreement PDF file (754 KB) Public open space agreements or statutory rights of way in connection with public space (closed section of Robson St.) between Vancouver Art Gallery and Courthouse Lands (800 Hornby St) July 19 Other/property related PDF file (11 MB) Records, including memos, staff reports, internal/ external correspondence regarding City's decision to approve temporary pop-up plaza at 200-block Carrall St. Date range: Jan 1, 2020 - Feb 17, 2021. July 20 Street/Traffic
Record (spreadsheet) outlining: number of parking infraction tickets in resident parking zones broken down by zone and month from January 1, 2018 to April 30, 2021. July 21 Other/property related PDF file (2.5 MB) Record of most recent and full City Inspection Report for the Flint Hotel, 1516 Powell St. July 21 Other PDF file (417 KB) 311 calls regarding early morning helicopter noise on June 22, 2021 with street name and block number for the location of the call. July 21 Mayor/Council PDF file (2.5 MB) Mayor and Council feedback reports (source: VanConnect App, 3-1-1, in-person, mail, and and the Mayor’s direct email address), which include, but are not limited to, the City branch notified, feedback type, topic, phone, email, whether the citizen requested a response, case details and event notes July 21 Mayor/Council PDF file (5.9 MB) All of Mayor Kennedy Stewart's email for June 25, 2021 to June 29, 2021 that contains any of the following words: heat, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, temperature, weather, hot weather, heat wave, heat dome, Environment Canada, climate change, and forecast. July 22 Other/property related PDF file (8 MB) Record of annual property inspection notes for 450 E Cordova St. (Oppenheimer Lodge). Date range: Jan 1, 2006 - Apr 27, 2021. July 22 Street/Traffic PDF file (287 KB) Records on COV work on Clark Dr between Kingsway and E 23rd: which department, purpose, what technical work, how deep excavation, how much excavation, and piping. July 22 Other/property related PDF file (226 KB) Regarding the Empty Homes Tax 2020 Assessment Year, record showing, the Total number of homes that paid the Empty Homes Tax and the Income generated by the City. July 27 Street/Traffic PDF file (882 KB) Record of parking signage changes including temporary alterations due to City works for the Jepson Young Lane between Denman and Chilco Streets, from April 1 to May 31, 2021. July 27 Other/property related PDF file (848 KB) Request for records for each property included in the 2019 Property Tax Sale for several categories. July 27 Other PDF file (332 KB) Records regarding the Heather Bay view cone since its creation up to and including present date. July 27 Other/property related PDF file (277 KB) Number of Strata Corporations in Vancouver, number Strata Corporations greater than 50 units & number of permits issued for new buildings greater than 50 units. July 28 Other/property related PDF file (3.3 MB) Record of citizen feedback to 3-1-1 or VanConnect regarding issues or concerns at Grandview Park. Date range: Jan 1, 2019 - May 10, 2021. July 28 Other< PDF file (248 KB)/a> The number of residential plumbing and sanitary, sewer lin permits issued to: Ashton Service Group/Ashton Mechanical, from January 1, 2019 to June 15, 2021. July 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (239 KB) Councillor Jean Swanson’s correspondence with legal and medical professionals regarding her distribution of heroin, cocaine and meth on July 14, 2021. July 29 Other PDF file (1.1 MB) Correspondence between CoV ( and Circle Productions Ltd. ( Date range: Mar 1, 2021 - Apr 7, 2021. -
Release date Record type Request June 1 Other/property related:
SRA inspection records for list of 34 buildings from 2019 or 2020, whenever it was done last. June 1 Development/License Application PDF file (5 MB) Records regarding development application for Cannabis retail store at 3357 W. 4th Ave: 1) applicant submissions, support and objection letters, notices regarding status of DP, from December 20, 2016, to March 8, 2021 June 1 Other/property related:
Record of public feedback for permit application for 2895 W 33rd Ave (DP-2020-00743). Date range: Aug 1, 2020 - Mar 8, 2021 June 1 Other/property related PDF file (134 KB) CoV's record-keeping policy regarding requirements to keep all engineering assessments for public facility or building code violations, especially if an insurance claim was made. June 1 Other/property related PDF file (156 KB) Reports regarding David Livingstone Elementary School: 1) Hazardous Materials; 2) Hazardous Materials Inspection; 3) Post Abatement Inspection; and, 4) WorkSafeBC Notice of Project. Date range: Jan 1, 2016 - May 24, 2021. June 4 Mayor/Council PDF file (1 MB) Mayor and Council feedback reports via (6) sources. Date range: Apr 16, 2021 - Apr 19, 2021. June 8 Other/property related PDF file (4.6 MB) Records of: 1) Clark-Knight Corridor Whole Route Analysis; 2) the Corridor Plan that was developed based on Point #1. Date range: Analysis completed 2003-2005, and Plan shortly after. June 9 Mayor/Council PDF file (840 KB) Record of all of Mayor Stewart's video greetings for protocol shot Jan. 14, 2021, the name(s) of contractor and costs of scripting, producing, and editing the videos. June 9 Mayor/Council PDF file (313 KB) Record of all of Mayor Stewart's video greetings shot Jan. 25, 2021, the name(s) of contractor and costs of scripting, producing, and editing the videos. June 9 Development/License Application PDF file (4 MB) Neighbourhood notification results for 7215 Main St. development permit application (DP-2020-00829). Date range: Dec 1, 2020 - Mar 31, 2021. June 9 Development/License Application PDF file (6.5 MB) Neighbourhood notification results for 188 East Woodstock Ave. development permit application (DP-2021-00051). Date range: Feb 1, 2021 - Apr 27, 2021. June 9 Development/License Application PDF file (17 MB) Neighbourhood notification results for 3737 Rupert St. development permit application (DP-2020-00937). Date range: Feb 1, 2021 - Apr 27, 2021. June 11 Other/property related PDF file (166 KB) Records regarding 1480 Howe St. (Vancouver House)/ underneath Granville Bridge: 1) Contractors who applied for (3) types of permits, and 2) Any work done by CoV. Date range: Jan 1, 2017 - Dec 31, 2020. June 14 Other/property related PDF file (124 KB) Records regarding Landscape Department’s practice requiring 3 feet CRZ setback outside a tree barrier, in addition to Tree Protection Bylaw #9958, Schedule A, requirements. Date range: Jan 1, 2013 - Apr 30, 2021. June 14 Other PDF file (587 KB) Records regarding meeting between CoV, Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp., BC Housing, Coastal Health, and Residential Tenancy Branch to discuss sale of 333 E. Pender (Grace Seniors Home). Date Range: Apr 12, 2021 - May 4, 2021. June 14 Financial/Agreement PDF file (26 KB) Records regarding staff pay reductions since May 1, 2020: 1) Summary percentage for each union + bargaining unit; 2) Estimated savings; 3 )Any related briefing notes/ memos created between Aug 1, 2020 - Sept 30, 2020. June 14 Other/property related PDF file (316 KB) Records regarding Gibby's Field, 1400-block E 18th Ave.: 1) Nature of the work being done by the Engineering, Streets Design department. 2) The file on this lot. June 14 Financial/Agreement PDF file (50 KB) DCL reports provided to council for 2018, 2019, and 2020. June 14 Business/BIA PDF file (24 KB) Records regarding whether Pacifica Treatment Centre at 1755 East 11th has held a business license in the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s (up to 1996) June 16 Financial/Agreement PDF file (7 MB) Current and past contracts the City has with PayByPhone. June 18 Mayor/Council PDF file (504 KB) Mayor Stewart's letter to Josie Osborne and David Eby requesting "Local Choice" legislation, per Feb. 10 motion (B.6), Local Elections, or confirmation letter is not yet sent. June 21 Mayor/Council PDF file (28 KB) Record of 3D computer model in FBX 2018 format, regarding Virtual Open House for City-initiated rezoning proposal for City-owned land at 625-777 Pacific St, referencing linked documents. June 23 HR PDF file (61 KB) Current data (as of June 7, 2021) on how many CUPE 15 employees at the City are full time, part time and auxiliaries. June 23 Street/Traffic PDF file (26 KB) Records regarding City Emergency Parking Program – Survey and the statement under the “Why” section: “Burning gas and diesel in vehicles is a major contributor to climate change – accounting for 40% of carbon pollution in Vancouver”: June 23 Financial/Agreement PDF file (29 KB) Record of the cost and source of heating and electricity for City Hall for the year 2020. June 24 Financial/Agreement PDF file (14 MB) Records regarding property tax cash payments: 1) Total amount for each year; 2) Details (6 items) of each payment; 3) Internal discussions regarding this practice. Date range: Jan 1, 2012 - Jan 25, 2021 June 25 Street/Traffic PDF file (2.6 MB) Schematic drawing of W. 4th Ave. from the intersection of Fir St. to Pine St. including measurements regarding the Granville Bridge off-ramp. June 25 Financial/Agreement PDF file (24 KB) List of City employee positions provided with free parking spots, stalls, or passes in 2020. Date range – January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. -
Release date Record type Request May 3 Other PDF file (900 KB) 1) Job descriptions: a) Director, Organizational Development & Strategic Initiatives; b) Chief Equity Officer; c) HRCOr; 2) CUPE 15 contact info involved in negotiations; 3) CUPE 15 Collective agreement. May 5 Other:
Records re.: 1) Decision to close Stanley Park to cars; 2) Implementation of plan to close/reduce access of Stanley Park to cars, including: (3) specified types of communication. Date range: Mar 6, 2020 - Jun 8, 2020 May 5 Other/property related PDF file (2 MB) Records regarding reports, observations, investigations, erasures, repairs and any other course of action taken by the City in response to discriminatory graffiti. Date range: Jan 1, 2008 - Feb 1, 2021. May 5 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1 MB) Records of agreements regarding Coal Harbour School, Childcare, Affordable Housing Project, referenced in Council Meeting Nov. 25, 2020, RTS No. 14035, Recommendation A. May 5 Other:
Records regarding Gil Kelley (GM - PDS): 1) Calendar of meetings, and 2) Requests to work remotely. Date range: Mar 1, 2020 - Feb 4, 2021. May 5 Financial/Agreement PDF file (14 MB) Record of cost breakdown for prefabricated toilet, "Portland Loo" to be installed in Coopers' Park. Date range: Jan 1, 2021 - Mar 23, 2021. May 5 Development/License Application PDF file (136 KB) Record of recent Transportation Assessment and Management Study, and Transportation Demand Management Plan regarding 480 Broughton St (RZ-2020-00063). May 5 Street/Traffic PDF file (166 KB) Records regarding intersection of W 4th Ave and Burrard St.: 1) Speed limits, 2) Any spot speed surveys, and
3) Average speed and speed compliance. Date range: Jan 1, 2017 - Dec 31, 2020.May 6 Financial/Agreement PDF file (2 MB) RFP or sole-source Notices of Intent under which Maria Stanborough of C+S planning group was awarded contract to facilitate the City's Short-term Rentals Community Working Group. Date range: Jan 1, 2020 - Nov 15, 2020. May 6 Other/property related PDF file (161 KB) Records regarding Gregor Robertson wedding and photo shoot in Stanley Park: permit application, approval, related correspondence (including any invoices/ proof of payment). Date range: Dec 1 - 31, 2020. May 10 Mayor/Council PDF file (9 MB) All correspondence between Mayor's Office (including, but not limited to, Mayor Stewart, Neil Monckton, Alvin Singh and Anita Zaenker) and David Loukidelis. Date range: Jan 15, 2021 - Feb 10, 2021. May 11 Other/property related:
Records regarding 1255 Main St.: any planning reports that have conditions of issuing Development Permit DP208380. Date range: Jan 1, 1988 - Dec 31, 1991. May 17 Other/property related PDF file (5 MB) Record of any studies that examine the current and future use, and configuration of the downtown rail yards. Date range: Jan 1, 2016 - Dec 6, 2020. May 19 Other/property related:
Records regarding all industrial dischargers who had exceedances / infractions with sewer use bylaw and/or terms of permit for wastewater discharge to sanitary sewer. Date range: Jan 1, 2015 - Jan 21, 2021.(Excel list) May 19 Mayor/Council PDF file (15 MB) All written submissions sent to Mayor + Council regarding Mayor's Nov. 24, 2020 motion "Work with Senior Governments to Address the Overdose Crisis". Date range: Sept. 1, 2020 - Mar 3, 2021. May 21 Other/property related PDF file (8 MB) Records regarding Inspired Cannabis' application for Cannabis Retail Store at 220 Davie St, specifically: (2) categories of records. Date range: Mar 1, 2021 - Apr 9, 2021. May 21 Development/License Application PDF file (5 MB) Letters submitted to the City regarding the application DP-2021-00021, for 220 Davie Street. May 25 Street/Traffic PDF file (4 MB) Records regarding sidewalk, south side of 2800-blk W 16th Ave: 1) Inspection report from May 27, 2019. 2) Repairs, from Dec 21, 2019 - Apr 7, 2021. May 25 Financial/Agreement PDF file (156 KB) Records regarding City's ethical purchasing policy; has City: 1) Dropped vendor(s) due to labour rights abuses in factories. 2) Contacted supplier(s) regarding labour standards compliance, and worked with them to improve its labour standards. May 25 Other/property related PDF file (849 KB) District Building Inspectors maps for the years 2012, 2013 and 2015. May 25 Other PDF file (155 KB) Records regarding political representation and diversity, specifically: visible minority numbers in the 1990s and 1980s in the City of Vancouver. May 26 Other PDF file (1 MB) Records regarding parking signage on 1000-block E 10th Ave, specifically: work order(s) / email(s) dispatching work crews. Date range: Feb 10, 2021 - Feb 26, 2021. May 26 Development/License Application PDF file (7 MB) Public comments received for 726 Kingsway Cannabis Retail development application (DP-2021-00233), between April 13, 2021 to April 26, 2021. May 27 Other:
Recycling and Reuse Compliance Report(s) for Green Demolition, submitted under Unbuilders Deconstruction Inc. Date range: Jan 1, 2020 - Dec 31, 2020. May 27 Street/Traffic PDF file (943 KB) Table enumerating the entire fleet of vehicles used by the Vancouver Police Department in 2021, including equipment number, year, make, model. -
Release date Record type Request April 8 Other/property related PDF file (156 KB) Records regarding 480 Broughton St application (DP-2020-00849), Katelyn Crabtree communication with: 1) Squamish, Musqueam, and Tsleil -Walututh First Nations 2) CoV employees. Date range: Oct 1, 2020 - Mar 29, 2021. April 12 Other PDF file (156 KB) Record of documents, including (7) types of communication, regarding special access to COVID-19 testing or vaccination for executives, management, officials, staff and families. Date range: Mar 1, 2020 - Mar 25, 2021. April 14 Other/property related PDF file (5 MB) Public Comments received for DP-2020-00909. Date range: Jan 29, 2021 - Mar 1, 2021. April 14 Other PDF file (7 MB) Records regarding sale of air space above 690 Burrard (Christ Church Cathedral) to 666 Burrard (Park Place), including (3) specified items. Date range: prior to transfer date to Oct 26, 2020. April 15 Development/License Application PDF file (6 MB) Records regarding application for Cannabis Retail Store/Compassion Club at 494 W 39th Ave.: 1) Applicant submissions; 2) Support/objection letters; 3) Status notices. Date range: Nov 19, 2018 - Jan 17, 2021. April 16 Other PDF file (135 KB) City of Vancouver datasets for the Vancouver Homeless Count from 2010-2020. April 20 Other/property related PDF file (20 MB) 1) List of addresses of homeowners who have taken over public properties 2) Record of how City manages the process 3) List of penalties corresponding to the addresses in part one. Date range: Jan 1, 2010 - Jan 31, 2020. April 20 Other PDF file (2 MB) Record of the preliminary application submitted to Health Canada on March 1 outlining the "Vancouver Model" of drug decriminalization. April 20 Other PDF file (141 KB) The MOU signed by the City, the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, and the Province regarding encampments, as announced April 6, 2021. April 20 Other PDF file (143 KB) The MOU signed by the Province, CoV, and Park Board regarding ending "the Strathcona Park encampment and help prevent encampments in the future", as per news release April 6, 2021. April 23 Financial/Agreement PDF file (170 KB) Records regarding affordable and subsidized housing projects, specifically, (5) monthly statistics regarding tenant rent payments, for years 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. April 28 Other PDF file (2 MB) Record of all COVID enforcement warnings and tickets issued by the City's COVID team, broken down by month. (no date range) April 28 Financial/Agreement PDF file (170 KB) Record of all invoices submitted by Elettra Communications. Date range: Dec 17, 2019 - Dec 31, 2020. April 28 Other/property related PDF file (19 MB) Email correspondence regarding 380-390 W 8th Ave. mezzanines, to and from: Gil Kelley, Theresa O’Donnell, and Austin Norrie. Date range: Jan 1, 2018 - Oct 15, 2020. April 28 Other/property related:
Record of applications, correspondence, reports or inspections regarding any work done at 1055 W Hastings St. parkade. Date range: Jan 1, 2011 - Dec 31, 2017. -
Release date Record type Request March 1 Development/License Application PDF file (4 MB) Records regarding application by Canna-Place for Cannabis Retail Store/Compassion Club at 5890 Cambie St: 1) Applicant submissions; 2) Support/objection letters; 3) Status notices. Date range: Nov 19, 2018 - Jan 17, 2021. March 1 Development/License Application PDF file (7 MB) Record of applicant submissions regarding permit application for new construction at 5888 Cambie St. Date range: Jan 1, 2018 - Jan 17, 2021. March 1 Other PDF file (831 KB) Records regarding how the penalty amount of parking violations are determined and set for By-law 2952. March 3 Other/property related:
Records regarding conversion of previously designated tennis courts and surrounding areas into pickleball courts at Queen Elizabeth Park, including (9) categories of documents. Date range: Jan 1, 201 - Dec 3, 2020. March 9 Other PDF file (754 KB) Re. FOI 2020-657 and 2020-617: 1) Is VFD included. 2) Percentage of employees live in Vancouver/ other cities. 3) If laid off employees are included. 3) Avg. annual salary for each city by group (VPD, VPL, VFD). March 9 Other PDF file (5 MB) Record of correspondence showing reasons for decision to take the Burrard Civic Marina jib crane out of service. Date range: Jan 1, 2018 - Sept 25, 2020. March 15 Mayor/Council PDF file (130 KB) All correspondence between Mayor's Office (including, but not limited to, Mayor Stewart, Neil Monckton, Alvin Singh and Anita Zaenker) and Penny Ballem, Date range: Jan 10, 2021 - Feb 10, 2021. March 16 Other/property related PDF file (18 MB) Records regarding complaints, investigation and enforcement at: Regal Hotel, 1046 Granville; Astoria Hotel, 769 E. Hastings; and Cobalt Hotel, 917 Main. Date range: Jan 1, 2020 - Jan 31, 2021. March 17 Street/Traffic:
Records regarding non-consent vehicle towing: 1) Impound request time; 2) Hundred block/ street where vehicle towed; 3) Reference to bylaw regarding the violation; 4) Vehicle make/ model. Date range: Jan 1, 2018 - Dec 31, 2020. March 17 Development/License Application PDF file (13 MB) Records regarding 86 Smithe St. development application: (8) categories of records. Date range: Mar 1, 2020 - Jan 29, 2021. March 17 Street/Traffic PDF file (150 KB) Information regarding any changes to street lamps installed or removed at intersection of E 54th + Nanaimo St., and specifically 5 meters east of Nanaimo. Date range: Dec 11, 2017 - Feb 23, 2021. March 17 Other/property related PDF file (1 MB) Records regarding 1269, 1285, 1295 W 8th Ave.: 1) Statements of Heritage Significance, and 2) Minutes/ reports from (2) Heritage Register Subcomittee meetings. Dates: May 21, 2015, Jul 8, 2015, Jul 15, 2019. March 18 Other PDF file (149 KB) Record of all briefing notes created for the BC Hydro executive team. Date range: Dec 2, 2020 - Feb 10, 2021. March 18 Other/property related PDF file (150 KB) Record of any studies that examine the current and future use, and configuration of the downtown rail yards. Date range: Dec 7, 2020 - Mar 3, 2021. March 19 Mayor/Council PDF file (15 MB) Records re. Councillor Wiebe: 1) Report by Raymond Young regarding alleged conflicts of interest, by votes on May 13 + 27, 2020. 2) Any advice by City's legal staff regarding potential conflicts of interest. Date range: May 13, 2020 - Feb 4, 2021. March 22 Financial/Agreement PDF file (5 MB) Records regarding the 2021 VPD budget, the COV 2020 and 2021 budget, pay raises and non-union salaries in 2020, and 2019 Financial Report, respecting $55 million deferred payroll costs. March 23 Mayor/Council PDF file (2 MB) Mayor and Council feedback reports (VanConnect App, 3-1-1, in-person, mail, email), including case details and event notes. Date range: Dec 30, 2020 - Jan 1, 2021. March 25 Mayor/Council PDF file (6 MB) Mayor and Council feedback reports (VanConnect App, 3-1-1, in-person, mail, email), incl. case details and event notes. Date range: Oct 30, 2020 - Nov 1, 2020. March 25 Street/Traffic:
Record of data (Excel) on daily usage and costs of electric vehicle charging at (3) specified stations, including (4) daily statistical reports. Date range: Jan 1, 2020 - Dec 31, 2020. March 25 Mayor/Council:
Regarding Mayor Stewart's Jan. 21, 2021 video greeting for Global Climate Adaptation Summit: a copy of the video, name(s) of contractor, and costs of scripting, producing, and editing the videos. March 25 Mayor/Council PDF file (131 KB) Record of Mayor Kennedy Stewart's 2021 workplan (as per the Jan. 11, 2021 meeting to discuss the workplan). March 25 Other PDF file (129 KB) Records regarding "Adoption Rats" tweet Feb. 16, 2021, including (6) categories of communication. Date range: Feb 14, 2021 - Feb 16, 2021. March 30 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1 MB) Detailed summary record (list) of City's investment portfolio, specifically all financial securities held, maturity dates, yields, and CUSIP. Date range: Dec 31, 2020 - Jan 21, 2021. March 30 Other/property related PDF file (4 KB) 1) Record confirming CoV owns sidewalk adjacent to 500-blk Burrard St. 2) Most recent inspection policies regarding inspecting City sidewalks for snow + ice. 3) If no records regarding point two above, record as to why there is no snow + ice inspection policy, including any Council decisions/ resolutions, Council meeting minutes, budgetary considerations, etc. (no date range) March 30 Other/property related PDF file (5 MB) Records regarding 3792 W 4th Ave: 1) Erosion control plans, and 2) Complaints and violations. Date range: as far back as possible to Feb 18, 2021. March 30 Fire and rescue PDF file (756 KB) The call volume at each of the 20 Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services Halls for the following dates: 1) March 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020; 2) March 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021. March 30 Street/Traffic PDF file (150 KB) Records regarding PayByPhone "lag time", specifically: 1) If the City is aware of this problem, and, if so, 2) What steps are being taken to correct the problem. Date range: Feb 1, 2021 - Feb 15, 2021. -
Release date Record type Request February 3 Development/Licence Application PDF file (274 KB) Record of permit issue dates and addresses for all Laneway House Permits from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2016*. *Data that is not publicly available on the City’s Open Data Portal. February 3 Other PDF file (146 KB) Record of total number of tickets issued, including fines and warnings, regarding wildlife feeding in Stanley Park, each year for the last (3) years. Date range: Jan 1, 2018 - Jan 19, 2021. February 3 Other PDF file (144 KB) Record of any complaints regarding Cedar Island Re-Manufacturing (New Westminster): air quality, noise levels, workplace safety. Date range: Jun 1, 2018 - Jan 28, 2021. February 5 HR PDF file (1 MB) Most recent job description of a District Building Inspector as of January 5, 2021. February 5 Public comments regarding Development Application DP-2020-00904 at 3429 Kingsway. February 5 Development/License Application PDF file (1 MB) Record of objections regarding Change of Use for DP-2020-00705 at 1032 Robson Street up to January 7, 2021. February 17 Other PDF file (155 KB) Record of any report(s) that project or predict damage or casualties from falling glass in downtown Vancouver, due to earthquake. Date range: Jan 1, 2018 - Jan 28, 2021. February 17 HR PDF file (156 KB) Records regarding elected officials and employees receiving/ trying to receive COVID-19 vaccine before their turn: 1) Total number caught/ warned. 2) Any disciplinary action. Date range: Dec 15, 2020 - Feb 3, 2021. February 18 Mayor/Council PDF file (157 MB) Re. "Statement from Mayor Stewart on extremism within Board of Non-Partisan Association," (Jan 28, 2021): correspondence between Mayor Stewart and (4) individuals re. (7) points. February 23 Other PDF file (2 MB) Records regarding the January 8, 2021 information bulletin on Quirky calls to Vancouver’s 3-1-1 in 2020, for the following calls: Dog - 6/23/2020, Trees - 10/20/2020 and Dumping mattress - 12/7/2020. February 26 Other/property related PDF file (135 KB) Record of statistics on HART’s (Hoarding Action Response Team) work, for example how many cases were handled in 2019 and any outcomes. February 26 Record of addresses of all legal secondary suites, as of Feb 23, 2021. -
Release date Record type Request January 4 Other/property related PDF file (12 MB) Records regarding application/approval for changing property use at 1847 Pendrell St, from hotel to multiple conversion dwelling, including (2) points. Date range: Jan 1, 2015 - Sept 30, 2016. January 5 Other/property related:
All records regarding geotechnical and hydrogeological reports for developments at 4052 Ash St, 523 W King Ed Ave, 4055 Cambie St (prev. 4083 + 4099 Cambie St). Date range: Jan 1, 2000 - July 16, 2020. January 5 Records regarding the renovation of City Edge Housing Co-op (3620 City Edge Place). Date range: Jun 25, 2020 - Oct 27, 2020. January 6
Business/BIA PDF file (37 KB)Record of name of the organizer for the Parade of Lost Souls event in 2017. January 7 Business/BIA PDF file (2 MB) Records of all contracts and agreements between the City of Vancouver and Tourism Vancouver. Date range: Jan 1, 2017 - Sept 16, 2020. January 12 Other/property related PDF file (1 MB) Record of geotechnical report for property at 453 E 23rd Ave. Date range: Jan 1, 2012 - Dec 31, 2015. January 14 Other/property related PDF file (149 KB) Record of document(s) relied upon by Park Board to project that CPI would be 2% for 2021 (Nov 30, 2020 meeting), regarding setting rates and fees for Burrard Civic Marina moorage. January 15 Business/BIA PDF file (577 KB) 1) Records of contract between CoV and Karen Ward, Drug Policy Advisor, incl. three points, and 2) Whether position was put to tender. Date range: Jan 1, 2010 - Oct 3, 2020. January 15 Other/property related PDF file (504 KB) Record of communication sent to strata corp. EPS 1133 at 2300 Kingsway, regarding barricades that were installed in the mews. Date range: Apr 6, 2019 - Dec 1, 2020. January 15 Development/License Application PDF file (373 KB) Records regarding refusal of DP-2020-00344 at 321 W Pender St. Date range: May 1, 2020 - Dec 1, 2020. January 18 Other PDF file (17 MB) Regarding Hub Cycling: funding applications and approvals, invoices, proof of payment for years: 2019 ($141,209); 2018 ($98,070); 2017 ($43,785). January 18 Other/property related PDF file (302 KB) All records regarding DP-2020-00768 at 7963 Granville St. Date range: Sept 1, 2020 - Dec 11, 2020. January 20 Other PDF file (2 MB) Records regarding surveying conducted by Geoterra at Everett Crowley Park on Sept. 23, 2020. January 22 Mayor/Council PDF file (165 KB) Records regarding Town Hall on Anti-Black Racism (Sept 24, 2020): 1) Chat transcript; 2) Who censored comments?; 3) Was Criminal Code regarding Hate Speech consulted?
Information released in 2020
Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.
Release date Record type Request December 1 Development/License Application PDF file (5 MB) Record of any objections received regarding the Cannabis Retail Store application for 1676 E 10th Ave, DP-2020-00489. December 2 Other/property related PDF file (12 MB) Regarding facility located near E. 11th Ave + Clark Dr: 1) Is this a Metro Vancouver facility and what is it? (Air quality monitoring station?) 2) Is this property owned by CoV? Please provide any records related to it. December 3 Other/property related PDF file (747 KB) Record of any complaints regarding temporary construction fencing at 1255 Main Street / Main Street skytrain station. Date range: Jun 1, 2020 - Nov 13, 2020. December 3 Total number of: 1) City employees. 2) City employees living in Vancouver. 3) City employees living in other cities. 4) Whether totals include laid off employees. Date range: Jan 1, 2020 - Nov 19, 2020. December 3 Development/License Application PDF file (11 MB) Records of letters, submission, public/ internal comments, emails and details regarding 999 Denman St. (DP-2020-00629) Date range: Aug 1, 2020 - Nov 23, 2020. December 4 Mayor/Council PDF file (8 MB) All invoices and contracts approved by Neil Monckton between Nov 1, 2018 and May 15, 2020. December 4 Other PDF file (590 KB) List of calls made to 311 regarding Emery Barnes Park from Oct 1, 2020 - Oct 20, 2020. December 7 Development/License Application:
Regarding 3365 Commercial Dr. and 1695 - 1775 E. 18th Ave.: (4) questions re. DP-2017-00181/BP-2017-05913. Date range: Feb. 23, 2017 – Apr. 20, 2018, and Sept. 8, 2017. December 10 Business/BIA PDF file (3 MB) Contract between Easy Park and the Vancouver Park Board to manage pay parking lots. Date range: most current valid contract as of August 18, 2020. December 10 Other/property related PDF file (841 KB) Records (correspondence, meetings notes, handouts) between: Gil Kelley, Susan Haid, Tiffany Rougeau and (4) owners/developers regarding Crofton Manor rezoning. Date range: Jun. 10, 2020 - Sept. 1, 2020 December 11 Other/property related PDF file (1 MB) Inspection of premises at 5496 Victoria Dr., showing selling of cannabis violation. Ref. No.: CF 2020-010002. Date of inspection: Sept. 30, 2020. December 11 Development/License Application PDF file (6 MB) Records regarding DP-2020-00655 for 8602 for Granville St. Date of refusal: Nov. 18, 2020. Date range: Aug. 20, 2020 – Nov. 18, 2020. December 14 Other:
All incoming and outgoing emails for Malcolm Bromley, former Park Board General Manager, from May 22, 2020 to May 29, 2020. December 16 Other/property related PDF file (1 MB) Record of the plumber's report for the work performed at 2531 E. Hastings on Oct. 30, 2020. December 18 Other/property related PDF file (2 MB) Record of Lease between the City and Hostelling International for location at 1515 Discovery St. December 18 Street/Traffic PDF file (3 MB) Records regarding north sidewalk of 1600 block of E. 2nd Ave, specifically: inspection; complaints; and, maintenance. Date range: Jan. 1, 2018 – Oct. 28, 2020. December 18 HR PDF file (1 MB) Regarding 2020-617: 1) Are Mayor & Council employees? 2) Average annual salary: a) by city of residence, and b) of Mayor & Council. Date range: Jan. 1, 2020 – Dec. 8, 2020. December 18 Fire and Rescue PDF file (236 KB) Records of interior overhead intercom at VFRS Halls 1, 2, and 8 - with the vehicle assigned and reason why, specifically regarding overdoses. (no date range) December 22 Business/BIA PDF file (2 MB) Contracts between City of Vancouver and Overdose Prevention Society and/or Sarah Blyth and Trey Helton. December 22 Other/property related PDF file (133 KB) Records of Stop Work Orders and reasons given for their issuance, by the Landscaping dept. Date range: as many years back as possible to Dec. 17, 2020. December 24 Other/property related PDF file (745 KB) Record of how much CoV has paid for the VPL Oakridge branch lease. Date range: Jan. 1, 2017 – Dec. 31, 2019. December 24 Business/BIA PDF file (144 KB) Lease agreement between CoV and Vancouver Maritime Museum Society (term starting June 1, 2002). -
Release date Record type Request November 6 Other PDF file (1.5 MB) The pre-enquiry submission under the Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Project for 3084 W. 4th and 2010 Balaclava. November 17 Development/License Application PDF file (3 MB) Records re. 1670 E 10th Ave. (DP-2020-00489), specifically: any discussions re. zoning bylaw 11.6.2e., and response/feedback letters. Date range: Jun 8, 2020 - Oct 10, 2020. November 19 Financial/Agreement PDF file (2.5 MB) All unclaimed cheques issued by the City from January 1, 2005 to July 15, 2020, including: 1) Chq Number; 2) Chq Date; 3) Amount; 4) Receiver’s name; 5) Address of recipient. November 20 Electronic records containing residential and commercial building and sub/trade permits applied for from January 1, 1990 (or as far back as possible) to July 7, 2020. November 20 Financial/Agreement PDF file (60 KB) Records re. ISIN: CA921577RN48; CUSIP: 921577RN4; Issue: Nov 6, 2020; Maturity: Nov 6, 2030, including whether: Prospectus; Offering Circular; or Private Placement. November 25 Street/Traffic PDF file (883 KB) Record of confirmation that traffic restrictions were in place preventing any stopping or parking along Granville St., from 16th Ave to 10th Ave. Date: November 23, 2016, 7:00 am to 9:30am. November 25 Other PDF file (234 KB) IT search for correspondence between Vancouver School Board and City of Vancouver using "Cavell" as a keyword. Date range: Jan 1, 2016 - Oct 31, 2018. November 25 Other/property related PDF file (25 KB) Geotechnical reports for the current development at 1575 E 5th Ave. Date range: Jan 1, 1980 - Nov 9, 2020 November 25 Other/property related PDF file (25 KB) Geotechnical reports for the current development at 1856 E Georgia St. Date range: Jan 1, 1980 - Nov 9, 2020. -
Release date Record type Request October 2 Other PDF file (7 MB) The internal LAP (Leisure Access Program) policy manual. October 6 Other/property related PDF file (582 KB) Records of film permits issued for filming on the 5500-block of West Boulevard. Date range: Sept 1, 2017 - Sept 23, 2020. October 13 Mayor/Council PDF file (858 KB) Records re. Council Motion B.6 "Transparency and Accountability at Little Mountain" approved Feb 12, 2020: 1) Mayor's Office; 2) Contract; 3) Mayor's letter. October 15 Other PDF file (662 KB) Records re. discarded used needles collected from Parks: Emery Barnes, David Lam, Coopers, George Wainborn, specifically: numbers, location, date. Date range: Jan 1, 2018 - Sept 10, 2020. October 15 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1 MB) Re. $316,805 furniture costs from Brooks Corning, Heritage Office and COI: All purchase orders and invoices, incl. delivery and installation. October 15 Business/BIA PDF file (32 KB) Records of: 1) Contracts between CoV, Recycle BC, GFL Environmental, and 2) Performance and compliance. Date range: Oct 1, 2016 - Oct 6, 2020. October 15 Mayor/Council PDF file (35 KB) Record of detailed breakdown of Cllr. Michael Wiebe's local expenses and discretionary expenses (i.e. amounts paid for each location). Date range: Jan 1, 2019 - May 31, 2020. October 16 Other/property related PDF file (91 KB) All records re. environmental conditions of property at 1376 Bute St., incl. (5) specified types of records. Date range: from as far back as possible to Aug 12, 2020. October 16 Fire and Rescue PDF file (1 MB) Record of the (most recent) Fire Underwriters Survey for the City of Vancouver and Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services. October 16 Mayor/Council PDF file (2.5 MB) All of Cllr. Sarah Kirby-Yung's email, social media/messaging app DMs, on any platform, range: Sept. 11, 2020 - Sept. 14, 2020. October 20 Business/BIA PDF file (25 KB) Records of all housing agreements (incl. drafts, proposed, final agreements) emailed to/from Sandra Singh. Date range: Jan 1, 2017 - Aug 21, 2020. October 21 Other/property related PDF file (1 MB) Records of complaints to 3-1-1 re. 1225 Cardero St. Date range: Apr 6, 2018 - Oct 2, 2020. October 26 Other/property related PDF file (12 MB) Specified Records regarding 439 + 451 Powell Street, Date range: Jan 1, 2011 - Jun 15, 2015 October 26 Other/property related PDF file (792 KB) Records re. cannabis "farmers market" operating in front of Vancouver Art Gallery: number of complaints/calls: 1) before, 2) after dismantled by police. Date range: Jan 1, 2016 - Feb 28, 2018. October 26 Other/property related PDF file (708 KB) Records re. plan/solution for a sick tree, case file # 13896755. Date range: Mar 15, 2020 - Oct 9, 2020. October 27 HR PDF file (761 KB) Records re. Extended Health/Dental: 1) Total amounts paid out per benefit, 2) Number of employees in each employee group covered. Date range: 2018 & 2019. October 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (1 MB) All records of correspondence to/from Date range: Jul 1, 2020 - Sept. 14, 2020 (Records from Mayor's website, linked from civic website.) October 28 Other/property related PDF file (40 KB) List of questions from the online survey conducted by the City of Vancouver regarding the Broadway Plan. The last day of the survey was July 28, 2019. October 28 Other PDF file (48 KB) Record of total number of non-bargaining unit staff that make up the City's Protective Services as of Oct 21, 2020. October 28 Other/property related PDF file (35 KB) All records re. planning for work on sidewalks and curbs at 1400-block of E 37th Ave., and along south end of Kensington Park, incl. (4) points. (No date range) October 29 Other PDF file (36 KB) Records re. Vancouver/Victoria Showcase NCAA basketball tournaments: 1) Correspondence to/from David Munro, Howard Kelsey, Sadhu Johnston; 2) CMO memos/reports to staff and council. Date range: Feb. 2, 2020 - Sept. 1, 2020. October 29 Financial/Agreement PDF file (35 KB) Contracts and employment information with the City regarding Daniella Fergusson from January 1, 2010 to October 14, 2020. October 29 Financial/Agreement PDF file (25 KB) Contracts and employment information with the City regarding Christina Laffin from January 1, 2010 to October 14, 2020. October 29 Other PDF file (24 KB) Record regarding the presence and operations of the federal designated quarantine site (DQS) in Vancouver. October 30 Other PDF file (9 MB) Correspondence and receipts of all travel-related expenses for the City Manager. Date range: Jan 1, 2018 - Jun 22, 2020. October 30 Other PDF file (248 KB) Records, specifically 1) email, 2) receipts, 3) invoices, and 4) contracts that show if anyone on list received new office furniture (such as chairs, desks or lamps). -
Release date Record type Request September 2 Other PDF file (1 MB) Record of notice (oral or written) made to City and Park Board regarding pump track, ramp, jump or the like in Grays Park between July 1 - July 20, 2020. September 2 Other PDF file (28 KB) Records (including email) regarding safety assessment of a pump track or other bike features in Grays Park. Date range: July 1 - July 20, 2020. September 2 Business/BIA PDF file (25 KB) Records of all housing agreements (including drafts, proposed, final agreements) emailed to/from Francie Connell. Date range: Jan 1, 2016 - Aug 21, 2020. September 9 Other/property related PDF file (1 MB) Regarding 1296 W. Broadway project: 1) Agreement to report energy use, 2) Agreement for provision of public art, 3) Sewer service, 4) Fire flow, and 5) Approved development app. Date range: Nov 28, 2017 - Apr 3, 2019. September 9 Other PDF file (3 MB) Park Board Ranger reports May 9 + 10, 2020: 1) Information passed to next shift regarding issues that need to be addressed by the incoming team; and 2) Reports regarding incidents. September 11 Other/property related PDF file (6.5 MB) All completed comment forms from the City's Secured Rental Policy Open Houses. Date range Mar 12, 2020 - Jul 27, 2020. September 15 Development/License Application PDF file (15 MB) Regarding 3450 E Hastings St (DP-2020-00041): Comments and letters received. Date range: Jan 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2020. September 15 Other PDF file (3.5 MB) 1) Current documentation extending Nov. 1, 1908 Indenture (lease) between His Majesty King Edward VII and CoV; 2) Documentation / Agreements granting legal authority to Park Board to regulate traffic in Stanley Park. September 15 Other/property related PDF file (2.3 MB) Records regarding maintenance and repair of north side of W. 12th Ave. between Burrard St. and Cypress St., incl.: work order summaries, reports, complaints, measurements. Date range: Jan 1, 2016 - Aug 1, 2020. September 15 Development/License Application PDF file (13 MB) Records regarding Choom Holdings application for 1391 Richards St. (Cannabis Store), including: 1) Submissions; 2) "Relaxations" of by-laws; 3) Undue hardship claim; 4) Support/opposition letters. Date range: Dec 1, 2019 - May 31, 2020. September 15 Development/License Application PDF file (4 MB) Records regarding Lightbox Enterprises application for 106-1120 Hamilton St. (Cannabis Store), including: 1) Submissions; 2) "Relaxations" of by-laws; 3) Undue hardship claim; 4) Support/opposition letters; 5) Reasons for refusal. Date range: Mar 1, 2020 - Aug 12, 2020. September 22 Other PDF file (7 MB) Daily briefing notes & situation reports regarding coronavirus, held at the level of City Manager, Mayor's Office and Emergency Preparedness/Management department. Date range: Feb 22, 2020 - Mar 13, 2020. September 22 Street/Traffic PDF file (91 KB) Records indicating travel direction(s) for the roadway of the Main Street exit of the Georgia Viaduct. Date: Oct. 25, 2016. September 25 Street/Traffic PDF file (1.5 MB) Records re. complaints, inspection, maintenance, repairs, contracts of the road along Penticton St. between. Grant St and Graveley St. Date range: Jan 1, 2015 - Aug 17, 2020 September 25 Applicant's own PI PDF file (2.5 MB) Record of "excessive light" complaint filed with Property Use (Case No.: 13845986). Date range: Jan 1, 2020 - Aug 17, 2020. September 25 Development/License Application PDF file (4.7 MB) Records of letters received regarding DP-2020-00316 application. Date range: May 15, 2020 - Jul 31, 2020. September 25 Development/License Application PDF file (2 MB) Community feedback regarding Cannabis Retail Store application for location at 8546 Granville Street (DP-2020-00029). Date range: Mar 2, 2020 - Apr 15, 2020. September 25 Other PDF file (31 KB) Mental health complaints the City has received for the West End: record of complaints categorized by type and residential area; comparative statistics related to previous years. January 1, 2020 to September 22, 2020. September 28 Other/property related PDF file (4 MB) Records regarding St. Augustine School + Broadway Subway Project regarding (3) specified matters. Date ranges: 1) Jan 1, 2013 - Dec 31, 2015, and 2) Jan 1, 2017 - Aug 31, 2019. September 28 Other PDF file (915 KB) Current list of approved third party referral agencies for the LAP (Leisure Access Program). September 28 Development/License Application PDF file (835 KB) All replies to the Neighbourhood Notification issued regarding the Board of Variance hearing for La Canapa Boutique (2549 Main Street) to be held on September 8, 2020. September 29 Other PDF file (25 KB) Record of complaint emailed on Oct 1, 2009 to Will Johnson by applicant addressing the 2007 BC Place Roof collapse. September 29 Development/License Application PDF file (1.7 MB) Community feedback re. Cannabis Retail Store application at 1259 Kingsway (DP-2020-00077). Date range: Apr 2, 2020 - May 15, 2020. -
Release date Record type Request August 4 Mayor/Council PDF file (944 KB) All records regarding Mayor's meeting with John Furlong, on Feb 27, 2020. Date range: Feb 12, 2020 - Mar 12, 2020. August 4 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.4 MB) Regarding Council Member's Motion B.4: All correspondence between staff and Council, as well as recommendations and notes. Date range: May 1 - 15, 2020. August 4 Financial/Agreement PDF file (605 KB) All unclaimed cheques issued by the City of Vancouver from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 and still outstanding by July 8, 2020. August 4 Other/property related PDF file (605 KB) Regarding City-owned residential property at 316 E 8th Ave.: (4) financial metrics and heritage listing info. Date range: June 1, 2015 - May 31, 2020. August 5 Other PDF file (44 KB) Definitions of all view cones and view corridors, in 3 dimensions, including but not limited to elevation information and digital GIS or other geo-referenced models. August 5 Other:
Records related to projects along the Cambie corridor (generally from 49th to 65th Avenue, between Oak and Main Street). August 6 Mayor/Council PDF file (285 KB) Records regarding June 29, 2020 phone call between Mayor Stewart and Ambassador Cong Peiwu of People's Republic of China, including: (10) itemized items. Date range: Jun 10, 2020 - Jul 23, 2020. August 11 Other/property related
Any documents re. engineering and construction of pedestrian/bike pathway along False Creek seawall, DE408507 and BU429878. Date range: Dec 1, 2004 - May 5, 2020. August 11 Development/License Application PDF file (2 MB) Opposition letters received regarding 2983 Rupert Street (DP-2020-00191). August 11 Street/Traffic PDF file (287 KB) All issued parking tickets, incl.: location, date, time, by-law, ticket number, ticket status, and description. Date range: Jan. 1, 2010 - Dec. 31, 2019. August 12 Other PDF file (232 KB) Investigation Report on bullying and harassment, by Gabriele Scorer. Date range: May 1, 2019 - Dec 31, 2019. August 12 Other/property related PDF file (233 KB) Most recent policies/procedures used to determine "land lift" in calculation of Community Amenity Contributions required to be paid in connection with (4) types of development/rezoning applications. August 17 Other PDF file (233 KB) Records regarding previous and/or current policies and procedures for: investigation and prosecution of offences under Protection of Trees By-law. Date range: March 1, 2016 - July 23, 2020. August 20 Business/BIA:
Records regarding Park Board RFP (Stanley Park Tennis Courts): 1) Decision to select final applicant, and 2) Communication between PB staff and Tennis BC re. provision of services. Date range: Jan 1, 2019 - May 5, 2020. August 20 Mayor/Council PDF file (2 MB) Regarding Anti-racism Roundtable: agenda, minutes, list of invitees + attendees (full names + affiliations), briefing notes/material, script, talking points, presentation material, audio recording, transcript, handwritten notes. Date: May 25, 2020. August 24 Other PDF file (26 KB) Records regarding "Gassy Jack" Deighton statue donation to City of Vancouver, including (4) specified points. Date range: Jan. 1, 1970 - July 23, 2020. August 25 Mayor/Council PDF file (2 MB) All correspondence (regardless of medium and platform) between Gwen Hardy and Neil Monckton and Alvin Singh. Date range: Nov 9, 2019 - Jun 1, 2020. August 25 Other/property related PDF file (3 MB) Most recent + signed: 1) Housing Agreement (Provincial Rental Housing Corp); 2) MOU (BC Housing); 3) Agreement(s) regarding The View (250 Powell St, 211 Gore Ave, 275 Cordova St). August 27 Other PDF file (13 MB) All of Michelle Collens's emails to/from any persons using the following domains:;; and, Date range: Apr 15, 2020 - May 5, 2020. August 27 Other PDF file (2 MB) All of Michelle Collens's correspondence to and from any persons using domains:,, Date range: May 6, 2020 - Jun 18, 2020. August 28 Other PDF file (888 KB) Complaints sent to Mayor and Council correspondence and 311 regarding the bollards located along the Arbutus Greenway (including the intersection at W 8th Ave). Date range: Jan 1, 2015 - May 27, 2020. -
Release date Record type Request July 2 Other PDF file (4 MB) Council Report that accompanied "Industrial Lands Policies, adopted by City Council March 14, 1995". July 2 Mayor/Council PDF file (25 KB) Re. Park Lane Strata VR611, Champlain Heights: method used to calculated "unit entitlements" for all strata lots, incl. (3) categories of records. (no date range) July 3 Mayor/Council PDF file (1 MB) Council Report on 1660 E Broadway "The Rio Theatre", whereby one-time conditional grant of $375,000 was approved at In camera Council meeting on July 25, 2018. July 6 Development/Licence Application PDF file (6 MB) All records incl. email, letters and documents re. rezoning application for 1778 Davie St to allow a Cannabis Retail Store. Date range: Jan 1, 2019 - Jun 12, 2020 July 7 Business/BIA PDF file (31 KB) All policies/procedures/bylaws re. marina moorage agreement/contract requirements (excluding published contract). Date range: Jan 1, 2018 - May 25, 2020. July 10 Mayor/Council PDF file (2 MB) 1) All correspondence re. Blackout Tuesday and 2) The decision to limit social media activity on June 2, 2020, from (4) specified depts. Date range: May 30, 2020 - June 3, 2020. July 13 Mayor/Council related PDF file (30 KB) All correspondence re. Surrey Police Board sent or received by (3) specified departments. Date range: Jan 1, 2020 - May 25, 2020. July 13 Mayor/Council PDF file (29 KB) All correspondence sent or received regarding the Surrey Police Transition between January 1, 2020 and May 25, 2020. July 13 Mayor/Council PDF file (29 KB) All correspondence sent/received from Mayor, and/or City Council and City Manager's Office re. Surrey Police Transition between Jan 1, 2020 - May 25, 2020. July 14 Other PDF file (163 KB) Any communication re. 2019 Vancouver Police Board Street Check Review report, by Pyxis Consulting. Date range: Jan 1, 2018 - Jun 29, 2020. July 15 Other PDF file (4 MB) Correspondence to/from OIPC re. s.71, categories of records available without request, including completed survey + supporting documentation, per OIPC’s report Jun 11, 2020. July 17 Business/BIA PDF file (754 KB) The company registered to operate transport under the Vehicle for Hire licence plate 8857. Date: September 22, 2019. July 17 Other/property related PDF file (1 MB) Process map used for building permit applications for new single family homes + laneway houses, including all steps from plan submission to building permit issuance, and information from (4) depts. July 22 Development/Licence Application PDF file (848 KB) Re. 3365 Commercial Dr. and 1695 - 1775 E. 18th Ave: Names of staff responsible for reviewing and making recommendations on plans for DP-2017-00181. Date range: Feb 23, 2017 - Apr 20, 2018. July 22 Development/Licence Application All records re. 86 Smithe St. (DP-2020-0199): 1) List of (3) categories of records, and 2) All documents re. Canadian Cannabis Media Corporation. Date range: Mar 10, 2020 - Jun 17, 2020. July 22 Development/Licence Application PDF file (2 MB) All public feedback re. development permit application for Cannabis Retail Store at 2549 Main St. Date range: Notification period up to April 22, 2020. July 23 Street/Traffic PDF file (1 MB) Records specifying the road configuration at Blenheim Street and Point Grey Road as of August 7, 2016. July 24 Other/property related PDF file (3 MB) Tenant Relocation Plan materials re. 1875 Yew St, including but not limited to initial application and interim reports. Date range: May 1, 2019 - Jun 11, 2020. July 24 Development/Licence Application PDF file (893 KB) Re. 2880 Venables St, Notre Dame Regional Secondary School: biologist report re. removing row of poplar trees along Kaslo St. (DP-2018-00128). Date range: May 25, 2020 - Jun 10, 2020. July 24 Mayor/Council PDF file (86 KB) All Mayor and Councillor correspondence re. protests on Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts with i) City staff and ii) VPD. Dates: Jun 12 - Jun 15, 2020. July 27 Financial/Agreement PDF file (10 MB) Financial Review completed by Ernst & Young for PS20190360, Consulting Services for Baseline Financial Review. July 27 Mayor/Council PDF file (29 KB) All correspondence* re. Surrey Police Dept and/or Surrey Police Transition to/from Mayor's Office and/or Sadhu Johnston. Date range: Jan 1, 2020 - May 25, 2020. *excluding general public July 28 Other PDF file (3 MB) Most recent record (i.e. report) that shows the City of Vancouver's position on the usage of garburators. July 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (29 KB) All correspondence sent or received between the City of Surrey and the City of Vancouver regarding Surrey Police Department between January 1, 2020 and May 25, 2020 July 29 Business/BIA PDF file (11 MB) Current contract with the provider of parking enforcement handhelds and/or parking citation processing and collection services. July 29 Development/Licence Application PDF file (19 MB) Re. 555 W. Cordova development application: All feedback forms received, incl. those submitted at Fairmont Waterfront Hotel Open House. Date range: Feb 18, 2020 - Jun 16, 2020 July 30 Other/property related PDF file (12 MB) Procedures and equipment used to conduct noise by-law violation testing in regard to mechanical unit noises (Noise Control By-law 6555). (No date range) -
Release date Record type Request June 1 Financial/Agreement PDF file (186 KB) The "City of Vancouver Vacancy Tax Compliance Policy Manual" dated March 29, 2019. June 2 Mayor/Council PDF file (186 KB) All correspondence received by Mayor, Melissa de Genova, and Sarah Kirby-Yung, re. 1) 2010 Winter Olympics 10th Anniversary, and 2) suggestion that Vancouver should bid for 2030 Winter Olympics. Date range: Feb 25 - Mar 17, 2020. June 2 Street/Traffic PDF file (164 KB) Any records of: 1) road construction, and 2) lane closures at intersection of Nanaimo and Pandora. Date: Sept 8, 2018 June 2 Other/property related PDF file (965 KB) Public correspondence related to DP-2019-00494 at 2145 Kingsway (Cannabis Retail Store Permit). Date of application refusal: November 12, 2019. June 2 Other PDF file (4 MB) Engineering Services Strategic Plan 2017-2020. June 4 Other PDF file (719 KB) 1. A list of all the URL categories blocked on the City network, with examples of websites under each of the categories, and 2. Additional instructions to City employees regarding responsible website use. Date range: Sept 1, 2019 to Mar 1, 2020 June 5 Mayor/Council PDF file (29 KB) Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung's daily calendar and agenda for Feb 14, 2020 to Mar 31, 2020. June 5 Mayor/Council related PDF file (307 KB) Councillor Melissa De Genova's daily calendar and agenda for Feb 14, 2020 to Mar 31, 2020. June 8 Other/property related PDF file (3 MB) Re. rezoning application for 3084 W 4th Ave and 2010 Balaclava St., submitted Jan 21, 2020: 1) Arborist report, and 2) CAD files: (i) Original proposed building, and (ii) Original proposed building shadow study. June 11 Development/Licence Application PDF file (165 KB) Record of Perpetual Taxi licences sold to taxi drivers/taxi companies: 1) Number of licences sold; 2) Cost of licences; 3) Terms and conditions of licences. Date range: Jan 1, 1980 - Dec 31, 1986. June 19 Street/Traffic related PDF file (1 MB) All Street & Traffic Bylaw s.17.5(c)(ii) tickets issued for violations at W 13th Ave and Birch St. Date range: May 13, 2000 - May 13, 2020. June 19 Other/property related PDF file (466 KB) Report from sewage backup and flooding at retail level of 700 W Broadway. Date: May 29, 2020. June 23 Other PDF file (2 MB) Lane closure(s) due to construction at West Georgia and Burrard, on February 4, 2020 at 9:30 am. June 26 Street/Traffic PDF file (937 KB) Traffic Management Manual Figures 8.6, 8.7, and 8.10 that were referenced on pages 1 and 4 in the responsive record package for 2020-269. -
Release date Record type Request May 4 Mayor/Council PDF file (181 KB) All correspondence received by Mayor, Melissa de Genova, and Sarah Kirby-Yung, re. 1) 2010 Winter Olympics 10th Anniversary, and 2) suggestion that Vancouver should bid for 2030 Winter Olympics. Date range: Feb 20, 2020 - Feb 24, 2020. May 6 Other/property related PDF file (5 MB) Heritage Revitalization Application for 2856 West 3rd Avenue, Development Permit DE416750. Date range: Jan 1, 2013 - Dec 31, 2014. May 12 Other PDF file (4 MB) All email sent and received by Gil Kelley and Sadhu Johnston related to the Squamish First Nations plans to develop reserve land at the foot of the Burrard Bridge. May 12 Other PDF file (173 KB) All records from all Sport Hosting Vancouver meetings re. NHL, Canucks, and venues for training and games in 2020. Date range: Apr 15, 2020 - May 5, 2020. May 13 Other PDF file (94 KB) Any documents detailing methods used to prevent corrosion in water mains, incl.: 1) Analyses, 2) Policy for replacement/rehabilitation, 3) Cathodic protection systems. Date range: up to Mar 31, 2020. May 13 Other/property related PDF file (209 KB) Architectural floor plans from 1982-1983 for the historical "Denman Place Hotel" located at 1733 Comox St. May 19 Mayor/Council related PDF file (493 KB) Chinatown COVID-19 Event Feb 17, 2020, event proposal including all messages, media plans, speaking notes, provincial/federal correspondence, etc. Date range: Feb 3, 2020 - Feb 17, 2020. May 22 Financial/Agreement PDF file (6 MB) Records related to the Hastings Racecourse Lease Agreement renewal. May 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (185 KB) All documents prepared and received by Mayor's Office regarding formation of new ethnic community volunteer patrols for VPD. Date range: Sept 1, 2019 - May 9, 2020. May 27 Other/property related PDF file (2 MB) The "Letter of Inquiry" to develop the Bay Parkade (Seymour St site). Date range: Jan 1, 2017 - Feb 14, 2020. May 28 Other/property related PDF file (7 MB) Geotechnical report by Thurber Engineering Ltd. regarding lands at 480 Broughton St., part of the Coal Harbour Phase II project. Date range: Jan 1, 2017 - Dec 31, 2017. May 28 Other/property related PDF file (889 KB) Records regarding installation/commission of backup power generator for building: Strata Plan EPS 2285 - 2689 Kingsway. Date range: Jan 1, 2012 - Dec 31, 2016. May 28 Development/Licence Application PDF file (3 MB) Feedback letters regarding application to open Retail Cannabis Store at 2976 W. Broadway, DP 2020-00081. Date range: Jan 1, 2020 - Apr. 17, 2020. May 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (5 MB) Slide deck that Mayor Stewart reviewed at the noon press briefing on May 14, 2020. May 29 Financial/Agreement PDF file (31 KB) Records of City's last negotiated pay reduction with each union and bargaining unit. -
Release date Record type Request April 1 Other/property related PDF file (1 MB) All communications re: proposed rezoning of 2538 Birch St (formerly 1296 W. Broadway), incl. individual emails and CoV online feedback form. Date range: Sept 23, 2019 - Feb 12, 2020. April 1 Other/property related PDF file (12 MB) All internal/external communication sent/rec'd by Holly Sovdi, Zane Hill & John Grottenberg re. 1296 W. Broadway/2538 Birch St. Date range: Mar 1, 2018 - Oct 22, 2019. April 2 Financial/Agreement PDF file (2 MB) Copy of consent agreement between VFRS and BCEHS. April 2 Mayor/Council PDF file (173 KB) The agenda, minutes and audio recording of a City Council conference call held during the morning of March 18, 2020 about the coronavirus outbreak and related matters. April 9 Other PDF file (11 MB) All correspondence between Gwen Hardy and Neil Monckton and Alvin Singh, Date range: October 8, 2019 - November 8, 2019. April 14 Other PDF file (2 MB) Re: 10th Anniversary 2010 Winter Olympics gala at Jack Poole Plaza: 1) All correspondence of all elected/appointed officials re: ticketing, and 2) all invoices and receipts for tickets to gala. Date range: Feb. 22, 2020. April 14 Other/property related PDF file (3 MB) Equivalencies or alternative solutions used/will affect construction work on the 25th floor, in 1066 W Hastings St (Oceanic Plaza). Date range: Jan 1, 1975 (or building completion) - Dec 31, 1994. April 14 Development/License Application PDF file (295 KB) All written comments re: Development Permit application DP-2019-00978 (cannabis retail) for property at 829 Davie St. Date range: Dec 2, 2019 - Mar 10, 2020. April 14 Other/property related PDF file (27 KB) Equivalencies or alternative solutions for 408 E Kent Ave. S., units 109 + 111, prior to Dec 31, 1994. April 15 HR PDF file (724 KB) Job descriptions in Civic Engagement and Communications: Multimedia Designers (4), Graphic Technician, Communications Coordinator I and II. April 16 Mayor/Council PDF file (2 MB) All communications (incl. social media) to/from Mayor re: political/social/cultural activities of Chinese government/cultural assns. Date range: Jan 1, 2019 - Dec 31, 2019. April 17 Mayor/Council PDF file (2 MB) All correspondence re: 10th Anniversary 2010 Winter Olympics between Mayor’s Office and organizers. Date range: Feb. 22, 2020. April 20 Development/Licence Application PDF file (6 MB) All written comments re: Development Permit application DP-2019-00976 (cannabis retail) for property at 3623 E Hastings St. Date range: Dec 2, 2019 - Mar 10, 2020. April 20 Fire and Rescue PDF file (772 KB) Fire inspections and reports for Bauhaus Restaurant, located at 1 West Cordova St. Date range: Jan 1, 2015 - Mar 24, 2020. April 21 Development/Licence Application PDF file (4 MB) All responses to Affinity Cannabis Store Inc.’s provincial cannabis application notice that were placed on window at 5403 Victoria Dr., from Feb 1, 2020 - Mar 6, 2020. April 21 Development/Licence Application PDF file (433 KB) Any community comments received re: new Cannabis Retail store application DP-2019-00848, at 3121 W. Broadway, up to April 2, 2020. April 22 Street/Traffic PDF file (2 MB) In regards to the totem bicycle counter/scoreboard located near the south end of the Burrard Bridge, copies of all work orders and correspondence related to maintenance and repairs, from January 1, 2019 to January 7, 2020. April 22 Development/Licence Application PDF file (11 MB) Re: Parking spaces compliance at 977 W 8th Ave.: 1) Number of required/accessible spaces, 2) date/number/layout of developed underground spaces upon inspection, and 3) date occupancy permitted following inspection of the permitted work. April 23 Other PDF file (9 MB) Copies of any documents related to the City of Vancouver's $24,000 fine of Onni Group in May, 2017 for illegal short-term rentals at The Level. April 23 Mayor/Council PDF file (161 KB) Mayor and Council Order to close bars and restaurants on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2020. April 23 Development/Licence Application PDF file (2 MB) Neighbourhood notification results for 7220 Main Street, Development Permit DP-2020-00052. Date range: Mar 1, 2020 - Apr 10, 2020. April 24 Development/Licence Application PDF file (16 MB) All documents and plans related to BP-2018-05371 and BP-2019-01801, Location address 95 E 14th Ave. Date range: December 1, 2018 - December 31, 2019. April 24 Other/property related PDF file (234 KB) Records regarding the most recent tree installation at 1400 E 18th Avenue. April 27 Other/property related PDF file (2 MB) Records regarding backup power generator installation and commission at 2689 Kingsway, from 2013 to 2016. April 28 Other/property related PDF file (5 MB) Records re: trees cut down at 1400 E 18th Ave, including related information (4) sub-points. (Related to 2019-626). Date range: Jan 1, 2017 - Feb 18, 2020 April 29 Other PDF file (159 KB) List of Internal Audit's 89 outstanding recommendations (to be completed by 2021), per p. 11 of Presentation to Council January 22, 2020. April 30 Mayor/Council:
Correspondence to and from City staff, and between Council members and the public on allowing permanent residents to vote in municipal elections, Apr. 1 - Dec. 1, 2018 and Sep. 1 - Nov. 1, 2019 -
Release date Record type Request March 2 Other PDF file (1 MB) RFP and outline of work contract for construction of Kitsilano Community Centre whirlpool slated to commence December 2019. March 2 Other/property related PDF file (1.7 MB) 311 request for and results of a tree trimming at 975 E Broadway including any related notes and correspondence from all Departments related to the matter. March 4 Other PDF file (752 KB) All records regarding the processing and handling of file 2020-026. March 5 Development/License Application PDF file (6.6 MB) All records regarding responses by the public for DP application 2019-00718 at 460 Granville St., date range September 1, 2019 - November 30, 2019. March 6 Other PDF file (2 MB) Full Report from the Internal Audit Department’s Park Restaurant Leases Review from March 2018. March 6 Other PDF file (901 KB) Full report of the Audit of the Property Endowment Fund from January 2018. March 11 Other/property related PDF file (3.8 MB) Sewage inspection reports 1660 E. Georgia, 'The Rose Apt Ltd.' for last two years. Date range: Jan 1, 2018 - Feb 11, 2020. March 13 Development/License Application PDF file (1.2 MB) Objections received re. DP-2019-00585 application (Cannabis Store), at site 2076 Kingsway. March 17 Other PDF file (1.5 MB) Copy of 'Potential Future Right of Way (ROW) dedication identified in City of Vancouver Fir Street Alignment Memo' from map on page 119 on Mott MacDonald "City of Vancouver Streetcar Feasibility Study" of May 3, 2019. March 17 Street/Traffic PDF file (164 KB) Total parking permits purchased in 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; and 2019 for: (a) All zones; (b) Broadway zone; and, (c) Commercial Dr zone. Date range January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2019. March 17 Other PDF file (173 KB) Bold Actions for Climate Emergency at Orpheum: total number of attendees per tickets scanned, ripped or collected at venue entrances, Date: February 3, 2020. March 17 Other PDF file (630 KB) Bold Actions for Climate Emergency at Orpheum: costs of labour; sound; visual; lighting; set; music; talent/speakers; transportation; advertising; catering; merchandise: (a) dollar amounts; (b) recipient names. Date: February 3, 2020. March 17 Other/property related PDF file (658 KB) Monthly rental fees and corresponding unit sizes (in area and designation i.e., 'bachelor' or number of bedrooms) for 228 E 7th Ave. (aka Residences on Seventh). Date range: January 1, 2016 - February 7, 2020. March 17 Street/Traffic PDF file (1.7 MB) Fines issued to Vancouver residents for violation of s.84, Street & Traffic bylaw 2849, & accuracy/policy compliance of penalization. Date range: Jan 1, 2018 - Jan 1, 2020. March 17 Street/Traffic PDF file (201 KB) Service/maintenance record parking meter # 540621 (600 Abbott St), and training record of officer #0477. Date range: Jan 1, 2019 - Dec 31, 2019. March 17 Street/Traffic PDF file (177 KB) All records regarding designation of northbound curb lane of 1100 Burrard to 900 Burrard as a bus/bike/HOV lane. Date range: Aug 1, 2013 - Aug 31, 2017. March 17 Mayor/Council PDF file (11.9 MB) All Mayor and Council feedback reports, including: City branch notified, feedback type, topic, requester name/ph/email, whether requested a response, case details, event notes. Date range: Feb 20, 2020 - Feb 24, 2020. March 17 Other PDF file (605 KB) 1) All FOI Office and City Archives email correspondence from Feb 21, 2020 - Mar 5, 2020, and 2) Finding aid for: (a) Vancouver Sun and (b) The Province, for specified date ranges. March 17 Animal Control PDF file (784 KB) 1) Intake/disposition of cats broken down by month for 2019; 2) Intake/disposition of dogs broken down by month for 2019; 3) Current number dog/cat "breeding" license holders. March 17 Other PDF file (137 KB) Video/audio files for Parts I & II of Agenda item 3 (Ramping Up Vancouver’s Climate Action in Response to Climate Emergency) from Jan. 16, 2019 Standing Committee on City Finance & Services. March 24 Mayor/Council PDF file (168 KB) The agenda, minutes and audio recording of a City Council conference call held during the morning of March 16, 2020 about the coronavirus outbreak and related matters. March 27 Street/Traffic PDF file (7.3 MB) Records related to the gas main upgrade by FortisBC beneath 1st Avenue from May 1, 2018 to November 1, 2018. March 27 Other PDF file (205 KB) Records regarding the names and education of security personnel for Gathering Place at 609 Helmcken St. from January 1, 2019 to January 31, 2020. March 31 Other PDF file (173 KB) Correspondence between COV and owner with email "" regarding 500 Dunsmuir Street, from January 1, 2018 to February 3, 2020. March 31 Other/property related PDF file (797 KB) Invoices for renovation of property 5 E. 8th Ave. If not City-owned, provide sale records. Date range: Jan 1, 2010 - Feb 21, 2020. March 31 Other PDF file (27 KB) All Vancouver Economic Commission records re. bid to host 2030 Olympic Games, incl. emails, reports, memos, briefing notes. Date range: Jan 1, 2019 - Feb. 21, 2020. March 31 Animal Control PDF file (660 KB) Table outlining number of dog bites by type of dog and cross in the City of Vancouver, from January 1, 2019 to March 3, 2020. -
Release date Record type Request February 4 Mayor/Council PDF file (409 KB) Correspondence to and from Mayor Kennedy Stewart and the Consulate of the People's Republic of China in Vancouver, from November 5, 2018 to December 30, 2019. February 4 Other PDF file (21 MB) Records related to the Chinese Culture and Arts Festival held on Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 6:00 pm to Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 9:00 pm at 800 Robson Plaza. February 12 Financial/Agreement PDF file (6 MB) Sadhu Johnston’s expense reports for the period of November 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. February 12 Financial/Agreement PDF file (175 KB) Memorandum(s) of Understanding between the City of Vancouver and BC's Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. February 18 Development/Licence Application:
Planning staff internal correspondence and any inquiries from the public related to DE419497, 3133 West Broadway. February 19 Financial/Agreement PDF file (178 KB) Agreement negotiated between the City, the Point Grey Golf and Country Club, and the Southlands Riding and Polo Club, pursuant to a report to Council, dated July 20, 1999. February 19 Other PDF file (11 MB) The report prepared by PWL Partnership Landscape for RFP No. PS20161417. February 20 Financial/Agreement PDF file (267 KB) Regarding the $4,316.76 billed by Van City Studios for web design and development, May 21, 2019, request is for a copy of the invoice(s), contract and a description of the deliverables. February 21 Other/property related PDF file (3 MB) Environmental assessment records for 3950 and 3984 Oak St: construction permits, lists of tenants, environmental permits, oldest and most recent site plans, erosion control plans and violations or complaints against the property. February 25 Other PDF file (15 MB) Full texts of all audits from City's internal audit branch from April 8, 2019 to January 3, 2020; and a list or plan of all areas and topics due to be audited. February 25 Mayor/Council: Copies of correspondence between the public and Mayor and Council regarding amendment "L" which requests staff prepare a report to amend the Rental Housing Stock Official Development Plan. February 25 Other/property related:
Records including emails, complaints, communications, city orders, notices or reports regarding 2910 Renfrew St (could also be 2910 - 2916 Renfrew St or the Ropongi Café). February 25 Other PDF file (534 KB) Civic Engagement and Communications Dept.: all positions; titles; pay grades; hourly rates incl: (a) Comm Coord I, II and III, (b) Graphics Tech, (c) Multimedia Designer, (d) Web Designer. February 26 Other/property related PDF file (2 MB) Letters listed on the environmental search report for 1249 Adanac Street for: January 20, 1994, February 18, 1994 and October 20, 1997. February 26 Other/property related PDF file (122 KB) Memorandum of understanding between the City of Vancouver and Airbnb. February 27 Other/property related PDF file (10 MB) Copies of letters from the Environmental search letter for 1550 West 75th Avenue from the following dates: February 28, 1996, December 18, 2002, July 17, 2006, July 11, 2007, July 13, 2007 and July 16, 2007. February 27 Other (1 MB) PDF file Full Report from the Internal Audit Department’s Nat Bailey Stadium Review from June 2019. February 27 Development/Licence Application (17 MB) PDF file Records related to DP-2018-00038 at 1289 Nicola Street, from January 1, 2017 to November 12, 2019. February 28 Other/property related (2 MB) PDF file Equivalency reports or alternative solutions related to 1055 Dunsmuir Street, from January 1, 1981 to December 31, 1994. February 28 Other/property related (5 MB) PDF file Records related to the plumbing project at Southvan Manor at 6545 Alberta Street, from January 1, 2014 to January 22, 2020. -
Release date Record type Request January 6 Other PDF file (239 KB) Record of requirements for obtaining a permit for filming a medium/large production on private property in 2015. January 9 Mayor/Council PDF file (256 KB) Copies of media and social media monitoring reports and copies of the copywriting and editing deliverables related to services required from Elettra Communications by the Office of the Mayor. January 14 Other:
Report on Streetcar Feasibility Study presented on November 15, 2019. January 15
Street/Traffic PDF file (164 KB)Records confirming there was no inside parking lane closure southbound on Cambie South of the lane and 10th Ave on August 8, 2019. January 16 Other PDF file (14 MB) Records related to climate liability, climate lawsuits, climate litigation, and climate accountability that the Council recently discussed and passed a motion on. January 16 Other/property related PDF file (156 KB) Equivalency reports or alternative solutions related to suite 413-1055 Dunsmuir St, from January 1, 1981 to December 31, 1994. January 22 Business/BIA PDF file (152 KB) Information that lead to the refusal of development application DP-2019-00353, 1120 Davie St from Sept. 23 to December 30, 2019. January 22 Other/property related PDF file (168 KB) Records for 831 and 833 Granville St including original plans or permits regarding building construction, demolition, grading or filling and certificates of occupancy. January 22 Development/Licence application PDF file (18 MB) Board of Variance documentation related to: 1. DP-2016-00684 at 1182 Thurlow St; 2. DP-2018-01053 at 1208 Davie St; and 3. DP-2018-00688 at 1238 Burrard St. January 24 Other PDF file (176 KB) Regarding the Greenest City 2020 brand, identity and logo, memos, briefing notes, business cases and cost-benefit analyses about elimination of "2020" from the brand. January 24 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1 MB) All invoices submitted by Elettra Communications from June 20, 2019 to December 16, 2019. January 28 Other PDF file (372 KB) Number of phone complaints made to 311 on Halloween (October 31) for 2018 and 2019 relating to fireworks noise. January 28 Other/property related PDF file (348 KB) Environmental Inspection Report dated January 27, 2014 for 5455 Balsam Street. January 29 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1.5 MB) Regarding the total $11,062.50 billed by Alex Chan, through invoices 2-6, request is for a copy of the invoices, contract and deliverables. January 30 Mayor/Council PDF file (164 KB) Regarding services required from Elettra Communications, copies of media monitoring and social media monitoring reports and deliverables from January 1, 2019 to March 31, 2019. January 31 Other PDF file (4 MB) Sadhu Johnston’s daily calendar and agenda for December 1, 2019 to January 7, 2020. January 31 Other/property related PDF file (1.3 MB) Letters of objection for DP-2019-00733 at 1788 Davie Street.
Information released in 2019
Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.
Release date Record type Request December 4 Other PDF file (372 KB) Reports regarding the monitoring and/or assessment of a beech tree during the development and construction of the property at 1068 West 16th Ave in 2017. December 5 Financial/Agreement PDF file (356 KB) Records that show taxpayer and/or City funding of the "Spinning Chandelier" art installation located under the Granville Street Bridge at Beach Ave. December 11 Mayor/Council PDF file (748 KB) Records related to "One Year In" video featuring Mayor Kennedy Stewart, request is for a list of all the suppliers of goods and services for the video production. December 11 Other PDF file (1.7 MB) Copy of inspection report # 152343 (cited on Work Order Summary Nos. 997998 and 997999) and any associated documents. December 11 Other/property related PDF file (1.7 MB) Complaint made against the Sweat Co Workout Studios at 736 Richards Street on November 8, 2019, specifically about the sandwich board. December 11 Development/License Application PDF file (1 MB) Correspondence received by the City (complaints and objections) related to DP-2019-00623 at 4423 Boundary Rd, from August 4, 2019 to November 19, 2019. December 12 Copy of the administrative report "False Creek Residential Leasehold Properties - Prepayment Program" and any related appraisal reports in support of the said report. December 12 Development/License Application PDF file (3.44 MB) 1. Neighborhood responses related to the application for a non-medical cannabis retail store licence at 2223 Commercial Drive; and 2. Response from the City regarding this application. December 12 Other PDF file (364 KB) Any and all correspondence between Park Board staff and any Park Board Commissioners relating to RFP No. PS20161417. December 12 Other PDF file (194 KB) FOI request(s) and all associated correspondence received concerning West Coast Environmental Law, Climate Law in our Hands, Georgia Strait Alliance and etc. December 13 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1.9 MB) Regarding the $12,500 billed by Elettra for communication services, June 19, 2019, request is for a copy of the invoice(s), contract and a description of the deliverables. December 17 Other/property related PDF file (7.4 KB) Equivalency reports and alternative solution records for 650 West Georgia St, from January 1, 1974 to December 31, 1994. December 17 All public comments received by the City related to DP-2019-00401 at 5595 Mackenzie St, from October 1, 2019 to November 3, 2019. December 19 Other/property related PDF file (12.6 MB) All past alternative solutions and code consultant letters related to 2001 Nanton Ave (4226 Arbutus St is the old address for the same property). December 19 Other/property related PDF file (8.2 MB) Any geotechnical reports and addendums and Geotechnical field review during the construction of the building for 458 West 63rd Ave. December 20 Other PDF file (832 KB) All VanConnect service requests for Jim Deva Plaza particularly complaints pertaining to garbage and litter, tents and structures on the sidewalk, and discarded needles. -
Release date Record type Request November 1 Other/property related PDF file (8.5 MB) Geotech and inspection reports regarding 558 E. 20th Avenue, from Jan. 1, 2017 to October 1, 2019. November 1 Development/License Application PDF file (2.3 MB) All records related to DP-2019-00590 at 2910 West Broadway, July 16, 2019 to October 4, 2019. November 4 Other PDF file (262 KB) Active Soil Deposit applications within the City of Vancouver, including pre-approval status and recently approved, from July 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019. November 4 Other/property related PDF file (372 KB) Records related to the renovations at 1101 Pacific Street, including any instructions and directives issued to the property owner or its agents by the City. November 5 Financial/Agreement PDF file (401 KB) All costs, budgets, and expenses related to the work done by the City of Vancouver in assisting and facilitating the police transition report for the City of Surrey. November 6 Other PDF file (1.2 MB) Records of studies that document the need for 14 floors versus 6 floors along arterial roads, for building projects being considered as part of the MIRHPP program. November 6 Other/property related PDF file (9.1 MB) Environmental reports related to 2182 West 39th Avenue. November 6 Mayor/Council PDF file (310 KB) Records regarding a September 17, 2019 phone call between Mayor Kennedy Stewart and Larry Campbell. November 7 Development/License Application (1) PDF file (27.3 MB)
Development/License Application (2) PDF file (24 MB)
Development/License Application (3) PDF file (23.2 MB)
Development/License Application (4) PDF file (24.1 MB)
All comments received by the City and its agents related to the proposed rezoning of 2538 Birch Street (formerly 1296 West Broadway Street). November 7 Development/License Application PDF file (2 MB) Records related to DP-2019-00570, 2908 Commercial Drive. November 7 Current list of all licensed dogs in Vancouver as of October 17, 2019 (in excel or csv format) with the following information: 1. Breed 2. Name of dog 3. Sex November 12 Other/property related PDF file (9.6 MB) The original alternative solutions report and the City of Vancouver alternate solution number (around 1987), specifically related to the sprinkler system for 6th floor - 1155 Robson Street. November 13 A complete and up to date list (in excel format) of Underground Storage Tank installations, removals, and abandonments. November 13 Support and opposition letters related to DP-2019-00509 at 1713 Davie Street, from July 1, 2019 to September 3, 2019. November 14 Other PDF file (1.3 MB) Records regarding the complaint about the NPA supporters campaigning outside Ross Street Temple polling station on Oct. 20, 2018. November 18 Mayor/Council PDF file (338 KB) Records from a Sept. 25, 2019 meeting between Mayor Kennedy Stewart and Stephen von Sychowski. November 18 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.8 MB) Records from a September 25, 2019 meeting between Mayor Kennedy Stewart and Colin Bosa, Jeff Skinner and Raymond Louie. November 18 Mayor/Council PDF file (305 KB) All correspondence between the Office of the Mayor (including Kennedy Stewart) and Raymond Louie, Colin Bosa, and Jeff Skinner. November 19 Other PDF file (460 KB) Records related to the number of ride hail trips the City of Vancouver is expected to see once ride hailing companies begin to operate. November 19 Financial/Agreement PDF file (270 KB) Housing Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding between the Provincial Housing Rental Corporation, BC Housing, and the City related to 250 Powell Street. November 21 Development/License Application PDF file (297 KB) Average processing times* for the City to process a development application for a property in 2017. November 21 Development/License Application PDF file (4.8 MB) Support and objection letters and emails related to DP-2019-00631 at 2018 West 4th Avenue, from September 3, 2019 to October 10, 2019. November 26 Other PDF file (2.2 MB) Records related to the enforcement of section 76 of the City of Vancouver’s Traffic By-law No. 2849 on Burrard Street from Waterfront Street to West Georgia Street. November 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (495 KB) Records related to the phone conversation of Mayor Kennedy Stewart and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on November 4, 2019. November 27 Outstanding and completed violations in the rental standards database, from January 1, 2019 to October 1, 2019. November 27 Mayor/Council PDF file (357 KB) All correspondence between the Office of the Mayor (including, but not limited to, Kennedy Stewart) and Larry Campbell and Larry Campbell's aides and representatives. November 27 Other PDF file (331 KB) Records related to the VEC's support for the UBC China Forum, November 16-17, 2019. November 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (813 KB) All communications between the Office of the Mayor and Office of the Official Opposition and the Leader of the Conservative Party, Andrew Scheer. November 28 Other PDF file (1.9 MB) Records regarding the complaint about the mayoral campaign news conference held by Kennedy Stewart on Gutteridge Plaza on Oct. 16, 2018 during advance polling hours at nearby City Hall. November 28 Financial/Agreement PDF file (970 KB) All unclaimed cheques issued by the City of Vancouver from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 and still outstanding by November 1, 2019. November 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (828 KB) Records related to the October 16, 2019 statement of Mayor Kennedy Stewart titled "Kennedy Stewart on Federal Election: Andrew Scheer would be worse than Stephen Harper". -
Release date Record type Request October 1 Other PDF file (7 MB) Records (i.e. reports and email) that discuss the toxicity of the surface of Brockton Oval running track, from January 1, 2015 to August 7, 2019. October 2 Other PDF file (12 MB) Records related to the agreement between the City, Park Board and Pianos on the Street. October 2 Mayor/Council PDF file (5 MB) Records related to the May 1, 2019 meeting between Mayor Kennedy Stewart and L. Zhang, K. Ren and D. Guo. October 2 Other/property related PDF file (14 MB) Records related to code compliance issues against 1296 Wolfe Avenue (i.e. issue on mould and asbestos), from August 1, 2018 to August 26, 2019. October 2 Mayor/Council PDF file (2 MB) Correspondence among relevant city officials (including the Office of the Mayor) and the Prime Minister's Office and Liberal Party of Canada regarding the Aug. 30, 2019 visit to Vancouver city hall by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his entourage. October 2 HR PDF file (2 MB) A copy of the most recent job description for the following Park Board positions: Director of Recreation, Manager, Recreation, Community Recreation Supervisor. October 3 Other PDF file (21 MB) All records regarding or referring to Jody Wilson-Raybould in relation to events related to Canada's 150th anniversary, from January 1, 2016 to January 31, 2019. October 3 Other/property related PDF file (781 KB) Any variance application and permits granted when 1465 West Broadway was constructed (approximately in 1975) in regards to the entrance to the stairwell from the underground parking. October 4 Mayor/Council PDF file (461 KB) Correspondence to and from Coun. Pete Fry and the the consulate of the People's Republic of China (including Consul Gen. Tong Xiaoling) for the period of May 1, 2019 to July 12, 2019. October 9 Development/License Application PDF file (864 KB) Correspondence between the specified City staff and members of the Urban Design Panel related to the rezoning application for 2538 Birch Street. October 11 Mayor/Council PDF file (xx MB All of Councillor Melissa De Genova's correspondence on any device and any email and social media accounts and applications (civic, otherwise) to and from Sebastian Zein.) October 15 Any correspondence related to DP-2018-01131 at 2633 and 2637 Commercial Drive, from December 7, 2018 to August 29, 2019. October 15 Information that lead to the refusal of development application DP-2019-00353, 1120 Davie Street, specifically responses from neighbouring property owners. October 16 Other PDF file (333 KB) List of all properties (including market rental properties), building and land owned by the City, including their addresses as of September 30, 2019. October 17 Other PDF file (3 MB) Information regarding lane closures on King Edward between Cambie and Ash streets on June 12, 2019. October 17 Other PDF file (2 MB) Records of any violations made by Anh and Chi Restaurant at 3388 Main Street that have been reported to the City and 311 complaints related to the said restaurant. October 17 Other/property related PDF file (3 MB) Scott Easby’s (District Building Inspector) file related to a stop work order issued on or about May 13, 2016 to 0999590 BC Ltd. located at 1608 Commercial Drive. October 17 Other PDF file (376 KB) All records used and generated in the study the City is conducting on Bitcoin ATMs, as mentioned by spokesman Alvin Singh in the media. October 23 Development/License Application PDF file (22 MB) Planning staff internal correspondence and correspondence received from the public consultation related to DP-2019-00322, 3277 West Broadway. October 23 Animal Control PDF file (427 KB) Table outlining number of dog bites by type of dog and cross in the City of Vancouver, from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018. October 24 Mayor/Council PDF file (5 MB) All letters from the public addressed to Mayor Kennedy Stewart regarding the Oppenheimer Park homeless camp, from September 9, 2019 to September 25, 2019. October 24 Development/License Application PDF file (2 MB) Neighbourhood notification results (support and opposition correspondence) for Development Application DP-2019-00459, 5701 Granville St., from September 1 - 29, 2019. October 24 Other/property related PDF file (636 KB) Responses received from the public related to DP-2019-00285, 3429 West Broadway.) October 24 Other PDF file (347 KB) Copy of gas permit and receipt paid to obtain a gas permit related to 5069-5081 Victoria Drive. October 25 Development/License Application PDF file (8 MB) All of Kathryn Holm's and Scott Edwards' internal correspondence regarding the patio and liquor license at 1109 Hamilton (Tabletop Group's Elisa Steakhouse). October 28 Other PDF file (360 KB) All annual reports submitted to and/or presented to City Council by VEC relating to Vancouver's Centre for Social and Economic Innovation at 312/324 Main Street. October 28 Other/property related PDF file (1 MB) Underground Storage Tank removal permit and any associated reports submitted to the City for 615 East 49th Avenue. October 30 Mayor/Council PDF file (357 KB) All correspondence between Mayor Kennedy Stewart and Mayor Doug McCallum with regards to the transition from RCMP to municipal police in Surrey. October 31 Other PDF file (895 KB) List of all market rental properties owned by the City including their addresses as of September 30, 2019. -
Release date Record type Request September 5 Development/License Application PDF file (4 MB) Community feedback related to DP-2019-00203, 5486 Victoria Drive (Specific Address: 5496 Victoria Drive), from May 1, 2019 to August 21, 2019. September 6 Other/property related PDF file (3.6 MB) Underground Storage Tank removal permit and associated reports submitted to the City for 2903 East Georgia Street. September 6 Development/License Application PDF file (1 MB) Records related to the denial of application DP-2019-00300 for a wine store within the Whole Foods Market at 510 West 8th Avenue. September 6 Other/property related PDF file (4 MB) Any documents related to an oil tank removal project at 4168 West 13th Avenue, from January 1, 2000 to September 2, 2019. September 6 Other PDF file (575 KB) Use figures such as traffic statistics for public parks that have life guards, and any records regarding the number of drownings, specifically Trout Lake. September 9 Other PDF file (2.4 MB) Correspondence to and from Sadhu Johnston, City Manager, related to the City’s planned expropriation of the Regent and Balmoral hotels. September 9 Other PDF file (373 KB) Records from January 1, 2017 to July 28, 2019 in relation to the Vacancy Tax (Empty Homes Tax) Bylaw 11674. September 9 Financial/Agreement PDF file (320 KB) All financial analysis, including the pro forma and draft pro forma that lead up to the Cambie Corridor Plan presented to Council on April 17, 2018. September 10 Mayor/Council PDF file (426 KB) Records related to the developer meeting hosted by Councillor Pete Fry on December 3, 2018 at 5:00 pm. September 10 Financial/Agreement PDF file (519 KB) 1. Record showing expenditures of money collected through the Vacancy Tax and 2. Revenue, capital, and operating expenses for the Vacancy Tax. September 10 Other PDF file (1 MB) Full dataset of Post Occupancy Survey Results analyzed by City Spaces for the July 24, 2019 "Review of Vancouver Rental Incentive Programs". September 11 Financial/Agreement PDF file (336 KB) Agreement between the City of Vancouver and Kitsilano Showboat Society related to the Kitsilano Showboat Society’s current use of the stage at Kitsilano beach. September 11 Development/License Application PDF file (3 MB) Community feedback related to DP-2019-00452 (change of use to retail cannabis), 5403 Victoria Drive, from May 1, 2019 to August 21, 2019. September 18 Regarding rezoning of 1296 W. Broadway/2538 Birch St., correspondence sent or received by specified Planning staff and City Manager, March 1, 2018 to May 3, 2019. September 18 Regarding proposed rezoning of 1296 W. Broadway/2538 Birch St., records received from Tom Pappajohn, John Pappajohn, and/or Jameson Dev. Corp., from Feb. 1, 2018 to May 3, 2019. September 19 Development/License Application PDF file (5.5 MB) Records related to the refusal of DP-2019-00575 at 4317 Fraser Street, from July 16, 2019 to August 21, 2019. September 20 Mayor/Council PDF file (339 KB) Correspondence between the Office of the Mayor and the consulate of the People's Republic of China for the period of July 13, 2019 to September 10, 2019. September 20 Other/property related PDF file (355 KB) Any environmental reports relating to the underground storage tank decommissioning at 1190 Melville Street in June 2003 (possibly later). September 23 Other PDF file (1.4 MB) Applications submitted to and permits issued by COV, related correspondence between the City and the applicants, for demonstrations outside the Broadway-City Hall Canada Line. September 23 Other PDF file (6 MB) Any and all permits issued for SeaWheeze Half Marathon and Sunset Festival held on August 17, 2019. September 23 Other PDF file (1.5 MB) Records regarding Political Expression Structure Permit No. 16/08/19, including any and all correspondence, emails, briefings, discussion, text messages, BBMs, slack messages, and WhatsApp messages. September 23 Mayor/Council PDF file (567 KB) Emails from Mayor Kennedy Stewart to Council members regarding UBCM Chinese Consulate Reception, from March 1, 2019 to July 19, 2019. September 23 Other PDF file (1.3 MB) Records related to the City's responses and decisions on the subject of "Speaking about issues in Hong Kong". September 24 Development/License Application PDF file (4.3 MB) Records related to the refusal of DP-2019-00203 at 5486 and 5496 Victoria Drive, from March 1, 2019 to August 15, 2019. September 24 Fire and Rescue PDF file (291 KB) Records regarding the number of times the Vancouver Fire Department attended 5936 Willow Street for the sole purpose of rescuing tenants from the elevator. September 25 Other/property related PDF file (3.8 MB) Building code report for 1155 Robson Street, from approximately 1986. -
Release date Record type Request August 7 Other PDF file (1.6 MB) A copy of the most recent version of the report titled "Consumption of Tax-Supported Municipal Services" prepared for the City of Vancouver by MMK Consulting. August 8 Other PDF file (3.2 MB) Records related to the March 30, 2019 to April 11, 2019 study tour to Netherlands and Belgium with Engineering (as mentioned in Gil Kelley's calendar). August 9 Other PDF file (348 KB) Record of number of tickets and corresponding location (in an excel format) that have been written by parking enforcement officers as per bylaw 2849 sec 17.6 (f). August 13 Development/License application PDF file (3.2 MB) Support and objection letters submitted to the City related to DP-2019-0392 at 6528 Victoria Drive, from May 15, 2019 to June 30, 2019. August 13 Development/licence application PDF file ( MB) All public comments received related to DP-2019-00160, 3235 West Broadway, from June 15, 2019 to July 21, 2019. August 16 Other PDF file (412 KB) Complaints received by the City regarding the driving of City vehicles in terms of safety, competence and courteousness to other road users and pedestrians. August 16 Other PDF file (272 KB) Use figures such as traffic statistics for public parks that have life guards, and any records regarding the number of drownings. August 16 All public comments received in response to community consultation for development permit DP2019-00302 for 191 West 2nd Avenue, from June 1 - 24, 2019. August 16 Other PDF file (366 KB) Applications for business licenses which were declined by the City specifically due to the fact that the applicant's business offered LGBTQ "conversion therapy" or "reparative therapy". August 20 Other PDF file (3.2 MB) Admin reports and survey data of reviews conducted by the City Clerk on the citizen advisory committees particularly for the purpose of informing a new Council. August 20 Other PDF file (487 KB) 1. Number of arts event license applications received, accepted and rejected by the City per month. 2. Number of special occasion liquor license applications received, accepted and rejected by the City per month. August 20 Financial agreement PDF file (444 KB) Total dollar value of the most recent Securiguard contract; 2. Cost breakdown by month; 3. Cost of other services such as mobile alarm events; and 4. Total number of hours contractor provided service to the City. August 21 Financial agreement PDF file (440 KB) City's annual sidewalk budget for the year of 2018 and 2019. August 21 Other PDF file (372 KB) Records leading up to the award of the lease agreement between the City of Vancouver and the Showboat Society, from January 1, 2019 to July 22, 2019. August 22 Other PDF file (768 KB) All parking tickets written by the City of Vancouver (CSV or Excel format), from January 1, 2010 to July 31, 2019. August 27 Other PDF file (9.7 MB) Records from February 1, 2019 to February 28, 2019 in relation to a water main failure on February 7, 2019 which caused damage to St. Francis Xavier School. August 28 Other part 1 PDF file (704 KB)
A complete and up to date list of underground storage tank installations, removals and abandonments from as far back as possible to July 22, 2019. August 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (588 KB) A copy of the letter sent by Mayor Kennedy Stewart that was sent to 20 of the world’s largest fossil fuel companies. August 29 Other/property related PDF file (2.7 MB) Any documents related to an oil tank removal project at 6526 Wiltshire Street, from January 1, 2000 to July 30, 2019. August 29 Business/BIA PDF file (3.5 MB) Records related to the 2017 business licence for VanCity Cryo Bar Inc. August 29 Other PDF file (1.5 MB) Full report prepared by Coriolis Consulting Corporation for "Phase 1 of Financial Analysis for Market Rental Policies" as cited on July 9, 2019 Memorandum sent to Edna Cho. -
Release date Record type Request July 2 Financial/Agreement PDF file (341 KB) Pricing information that was provided by ESS on a separate spreadsheet called Annex 4 related to Request for Applications PS20161793. July 3 Other PDF file (4.3 MB) Any records, agendas, meeting minutes, and correspondence relating to the 312 Main Advisory Committee, from November 1, 2015 to January 9, 2019. July 4 Other PDF file (361 KB) Reason and/or purpose of the yellow painted diagonal lines on the raised connection between the Hillcrest parking lot annd the Nat Bailey Stadium parking lot. July 5 Financial/Agreement PDF file (888 KB) Records related to the funding proposals and funding requests for the Powell Street Overpass project. July 5 Other/property related PDF file (1.7 MB) Any records regarding the use, storage, and release of hazardous materials as well as underground storage tanks for the property located at 455 Abbott Street. July 9 Other PDF file (349 KB) Records regarding offers made to Amazon for the company's expansion into Vancouver as referenced in the following news item:
vancouver-amazon-headquarters.July 11 Other PDF file (2.5 MB) The proforma submitted to or received by the City in support of the proposed rezoning of the property located at 1296 West Broadway (2538 Birch Street). July 11 Other PDF file (2.9 MB) All pro formas (including drafts and revised pro formas) that have been received by the City related to the proposed rezoning at 1296 West Broadway (2538 Birch Street). July 12 Other PDF file (387 KB) Records related to the following Companies: 1. On Side Restoration Services Ltd. (BC), 2. On Side Developments Ltd., and 3.628755 British Columbia Ltd. July 16 Mayor/Council PDF file (185 KB) Records that would provide the calendar of meetings and activities of the mayor in May, 2019. July 17 Other/property related PDF file (930 KB) Letters of assurance provided to the City regarding the building envelope of the building located at 298 East 11th Ave, from January 1, 2004 to January 31, 2009. July 17 Animal Control PDF file (171 KB) Number of tickets issued and number of judgements rendered in municipal, provincial Courts, or both in accordance to the Vancouver Animal Control by-law: 3,4,5,7. July 17 Other PDF file (100 KB) Record of the average number of full-time employees for the City of Vancouver, from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018. July 17 Other PDF file (355 KB) Copy of the draft and final report of Streetcar Feasibility Study, as referred to on page B-12 of RFP PS20171493 under "Deliverables". July 17 Mayor/Council PDF file (309 KB) First names and affiliations of all meeting attendees related to the Mayor's May 2019 calendar. July 19 Other PDF file (461 KB) Record of freedom of information requests to the City from January 1, 2019 to July 15, 2019, including the wording and the processing time to complete the request. July 22 Mayor/Council PDF file (329 KB) Records related to the May 31, 2019 meeting between Mayor Kennedy Stewart and C.Wu/ C & L. Pan/ C.Hsu/ J.Chou. July 22 Financial/Agreement PDF file (285 KB) Record of the City Manager’s travel expenses from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018. July 23 Financial/Agreement PDF file (352 KB) Details on the amount of money the City spends annually on fossil fuels such as gas, natural gas, and diesel. July 24 Financial/Agreement PDF file (412 KB) City of Vancouver's current list of investment holdings. July 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (11 MB) November 5, 2018 to December 5, 2018 calendars of the following Councillors: 1. Pete Fry, 2. Colleen Hardwick, 3. Sarah Kirby-Yung, 4. Jean Swanson, and 5. Michael Wiebe. July 26 Other PDF file (622 KB) Records related to the 2019 Housing Vancouver Strategy Annual Progress Report and Data Book. July 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (762 KB) Records related to the May 17, 2019 meeting between Mayor Kennedy Stewart and Jim Lightbody. July 26 Development/License Application PDF file (1.8 MB) Support and opposition correspondence related to DP-2019-00234, 551 West 57th Avenue, from April 1, 2019 to July 22, 2019. July 26 Other/property related PDF file (378 KB) Fire Department records regarding hazardous substances, spills, or underground, and aboveground storage tanks related to 30 East 6th Ave. July 29 Mayor/Council PDF file (18.5 MB) November 5, 2018 to December 5, 2018 calendars of the following Councillors: 1. Rebecca Bligh, 2. Christine Boyle, 3. Adriane Carr, 4. Melissa De Genova, and 5. Lisa Dominato. July 29 Mayor/Council PDF file (289 KB) Correspondence to and from the Office of the Mayor (including Mayor Stewart) and the consulate of the People's Republic of China (including Consul Gen. Tong Xiaoling) for the period of May 1, 2019 to July 12, 2019. July 30 Financial/Agreement PDF file (13 MB) Records regarding the City of Vancouver’s arts funding to Theatre in the Raw Society of Vancouver and its artistic productions. July 30 Mayor/Council PDF file (368 KB) Correspondence to and from the Office of the Mayor (including Mayor Stewart) and the Canadian Alliance of Chinese Associations (including chair Chen Yongtao) for the period of May 1, 2019 to July 12, 2019. July 31 Mayor/Council PDF file (293 KB) All of Councillor Melissa De Genova's correspondence on any device and any email and social media accounts and applications (civic, otherwise) to and from Virginia Bird. July 31 Other/property related PDF file (4.1 MB) Any management contracts for the residential units at 1105 Seymour Street with the City of Vancouver, between September 1, 2017 and December 18, 2018. -
Release date Record type Request June 3 Other PDF file (909 KB) Records related to the City’s responses, decisions, justifications, and pricing for RFA No. PS20161793, Supply of optical ballot tabulators, accessories, ballots, systems, and support services. June 3 Other/property related PDF file (2 MB) Underground storage tank removal permit and associated reports submitted to the City for 2016 West 51st Avenue. June 4 Other PDF file (14.5 MB) Records related to the design and planning of the dedicated Burrard cycling lane (northbound) between Pacific and Drake. June 5 Other PDF file (900 KB) Records of sidewalk complaints from 311 and VanConnect including the number of complaints per month, type of complaint, location, and whether the complaint led to any repair(s). June 11 Development/License Application PDF file (3 MB) Neighbourhood responses including objections and complaints regarding development permit applications for 1674 Davie Street from January 1, 2016 to May 23, 2019. June 11 Property Endowment Fund spreadsheet showing the opening balance, acquisitions, and disposals and the closing balance, for the most-recently completed year. June 11 Street/Traffic PDF file (332 KB) All towing and ticketing incidents at Nelson Street under the end of the Cambie St. Bridge where there is a "No Stopping" zone from March 1 - May 24, 2019. June 11 Financial/Agreement PDF file (23.4 MB) A copy of the most recent contract between the City of Vancouver and Securiguard. June 11 Other/property related PDF file (1.3 MB) Neighbourhood notification results (support and opposition correspondence) for DP-2019-00234, from April 1, 2019 to May 30, 2019. June 12 Development/License Application PDF file (10.7 MB) All feedback received, including letters, petitions, and so on during the notification period related to DP-2019-00035, 1108 Richards Street, from March 8, 2019 to April 30, 2019. June 13 Development/License Application PDF file (5.2 MB) All feedback received, including letters, petitions, and so on during the notification period related to DP-2019-00042, 1807 Burrard Street - Unit #104. June 14 Development/License Application PDF file (6.2 MB) All communications received by the City of Vancouver related to DP-2019-00067. June 17 Other/property related PDF file (299 KB) Airbnb list of hosts in Vancouver, and address information for each of the Short Term Rental business licences from November 1, 2018 to March 15, 2019. June 18 Other PDF file (218 KB) Water demand calculations provided to the City as part of the rezoning enquiry, revisions to the rezoning enquiry, and rezoning application at 1296 West Broadway. June 18 Mayor/Council PDF file (362 KB) Records related to the Mayor’s meetings with Chinese Consular Officials, from November 1, 2018 to May 15, 2019. June 20 All City records pertaining to 2633 and 2637 Commercial Drive, from January 1, 2017 to May 7, 2019. June 20 Mayor/Council PDF file (8.1 MB) All correspondence between Mayor’s Office and S.U.C.C.E.S.S (Community Organization), from January 1, 2015 to May 15, 2019. June 20 Other PDF file (1.3 MB) Records related to the park bench dedications within the City of Vancouver, from May 1, 2018 to May 17, 2019. June 20 Development/License Application PDF file (5 MB) All letters of opposition and support forwarded to the City of Vancouver or received by phone call related to DP-2017-00111 (2223 Commercial Drive). June 20 Other PDF file (249 KB) Number of Rental 100 development proposals that are currently being considered by the City, from January 1, 2018 to June 1, 2019. June 20 Human Resources PDF file (1 MB) Most recent job duties and qualifications needed for the classification listed in Schedule "A" of the collective agreement between the City & CUPE 15. June 21 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.4 MB) A list of meetings, including dates and attendees, of all meetings where the Port of Vancouver was a topic of discussion between the Mayor and external groups. June 21 Financial/Agreement PDF file (168 KB) The contract between the City of Vancouver and Mobi or Vancouver Bike Share. June 24 Other PDF file (345 KB) All records that set out Motor Vehicle Act infraction tickets incurred by drivers of City of Vancouver vehicles in the course of their duties, from June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2019. June 25 Financial/Agreement PDF file (912 KB) Financial statements and/or records related to gross revenues and operating expenses for 1105 Seymour Street. June 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (395 KB) Agenda and minutes of the February 6, 2019 Council-to-Council (Vancouver-Musqueam) meeting. June 26 Other PDF file (329 KB) Number of Kitsilano South parking permits that have been issued to the 2000 block of Stephens Street; and number of permit parking spots that exist on the same area. -
Release date Record type Request May 3 Mayor/Council PDF file (589 KB) Mayor & the Mayor’s political staff emails re: the motion "A proposed alternative to Provincial encroachment on the City of Vancouver’s Municipal Tax Base". May 6 Financial/Agreement PDF file (16 MB) A copy of agreements between the City and the Community Land Trust, and Railyard Housing Cooperative related to 95 East First Avenue. May 7 Other part 1 PDF file (16.4 MB)
Other part 2 PDF file (17.4 MB)
Copy of the City parking enforcement manual and operations procedure. May 8 Other PDF file (323 KB) Complete copy of Neale Staniszkis Doll Adams architect's reports pertaining to a C-2 Zoning Review that occurred in and around 2000 to 2003. May 8 Mayor/Council PDF file (292 KB) Records regarding February 4, 2019 meeting between Mayor Kennedy Stewart and Ian Gillespie and Raymond Louie. May 8 Mayor/Council PDF file (315 KB) Records regarding the January 23, 2019 meeting between Mayor Kennedy Stewart and Khelsilem (aka Dustin Rivers), Kristen Rivers (Tiyaltelut), and Orene Askew. May 8 Mayor/Council PDF file (354 KB) Records related to the meeting between Mayor Stewart and Anthony Pappajohn and Tom Pappajohn on November 23, 2018. May 9 Other PDF file (4.6 MB) Records related to the Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program Pre-Enquiry Application Form, from November 29, 2017 to March 19, 2018. May 9 Other PDF file (24 MB) Records of comparative analyses performed on the various proposals for the Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program, from November 29, 2017 to March 19, 2019. May 9 Other PDF file (911 KB) Names of all organizations selected to participate in the Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program, up March 22, 2018. May 9 Mayor/Council PDF file (280 KB) Records regarding February 4, 2019 meeting between Mayor Kennedy Stewart and Monty Sikka and Moe Sihota. May 10 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.1 MB) Councillors emails regarding the motion "A proposed alternative to Provincial encroachment on the City of Vancouver’s Municipal Tax Base" from December 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019. May 10 Development/License Application PDF file (2.1 MB) All feedback received during the notification period related to DP-2019-00041, 2580 Kingsway, from February 21, 2019 to April 2, 2019. May 10 Other/property related PDF file (2.5 MB) Underground storage tank removal permit and associated reports submitted to the City for 4673 Fraser Street. May 10 Other/property related PDF file (5.5 MB) Records related to storage tanks, fill depositions, hazardous and contaminated waste, and any other environmentally-related issues at 2075 East Hastings Street. May 14 Other PDF file (23.6 MB) Full texts of all audits from internal audit branch from May 18, 2018 to April 8, 2019 with a list of plan of all areas and topics due to be audited. May 14 Other/property related PDF file (3.6 MB) Underground storage tank removal permit and associated reports submitted to the City for 568 West 28th Avenue. May 15 Other PDF file (1 MB) Records regarding the February 7, 2019 Lunar New Year Media Roundtable. May 15 Other PDF file (320 KB) Number of noise complaints received by the City of Vancouver from residential addresses located near Croatian Cultural Center at 3250 Commercial Drive. May 21 Other PDF file (4.3 MB) All correspondence between Philip Wong and the following City employees: Tom Wanklin, Cory Dobson, Carol King, Jerry Dobrovolny, and Dale Bracewell. May 21 Other PDF file (7.2 MB) All correspondence between Bryan Uyesugi and/or Damien Bryan and the following City employees: Tom Wanklin, Cory Dobson, Carol King, Jerry Dobrovolny, and Dale Bracewell. May 21 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.1 MB) Records related to the presentation made by Mayor Kennedy Stewart to the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade on April 10, 2019. May 21 Development/License Application PDF file (292 KB) In regards to development application 2018-00098, 4474 West 3rd Ave., the names and addresses for the structural engineer and the geotech engineer. May 21 Other/property related part 1 PDF file (11.7 MB)
Records related to the development permit applications for the following: 1. 768 Seymour Street, 2. 510 West Georgia Street, and 3. 777 Richards Street. May 22 Other PDF file (977 KB) Copy of the peer review/high level review by David Tyler, DCT Project Solutions for City of Vancouver about the Broadway Rapid Transit Line in 2014. May 22 Other PDF file (3.1 MB) Chief of Staff Neil Monckton's daily calendar and agenda for the period of March 22, 2019 to April 15, 2019. May 24 Other PDF file (422 KB) List of all the land and other services with the corresponding value that document the $100 million contribution of the City for the Broadway Subway. May 24 Other PDF file (5.9 MB) City Manager Sadhu Johnston's daily calendar and agenda for the period of March 22, 2019 to April 15, 2019. May 24 Other PDF file (6.1 MB) General Manager of Planning Gil Kelley's daily calendar and agenda for the period of March 22, 2019 to April 15, 2019. May 30 Other PDF file (2.8 MB) Records related to the decision to remove the tree on 900 Seabreeze Walk, from January 1, 2019 to April 23, 2019. May 30 Development/License Application PDF file (2.6 MB) All feedback received during the notification period related to DP-2019-00046, 6657 Main Street, from January 23, 2019 to April 29, 2019. May 30 Other PDF file (1.85 MB) All records related to a complaint about the garbage smell at Happy Farm Market Ltd. located at 6154 Fraser Street. Case number 101011317699. May 30 Other/property related PDF file (15 MB) Underground storage tank removal permit and associated reports submitted to the City for 1475 West 33rd Avenue. May 30 Other/property related PDF file (2.8 MB) Underground storage tank removal permit and associated reports submitted to the City for 3235 Quesnel Drive. May 31 Financial/Agreement PDF file (20.2 MB) The following active contracts at Vancouver Civic Theaters: Guard Tech Security, Metro Parking,
Securiguard Security, and Pickering Safety. -
Release date Record type Request April 1 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.5 MB) Councillor Christine Boyle’s calendar and agenda for February 16, 2019 to February 25, 2019. April 1 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.5 MB) Councillor Michael Wiebe's calendar and agenda for February 16, 2019 to February 25, 2019. April 2 Financial/Agreement PDF file (2.2 MB) All outstanding uncashed and stale dated cheques, properties, and tax overpayments that are greater than $500 issued by the City of Vancouver. April 2 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.6 MB) Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung's calendar and agenda for February 16, 2019 to February 25, 2019. April 3 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.4 MB) Councillor Rebecca Bligh's calendar and agenda for February 16, 2019 to February 25, 2019. April 3 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.4 MB) Councillor Melissa De Genova's calendar and agenda for February 16, 2019 to February 25, 2019. April 4 Mayor/Council PDF file (10 MB) Councillor Lisa Dominato's calendar and agenda for February 16, 2019 to February 25, 2019. April 5 Other/property related PDF file (418 KB) Copy of the letter sent by the City of Vancouver to the strata council of the Ellsworth, along with any responses provided by the strata council to the City of Vancouver. April 5 Other PDF file (465 KB) Copy of the letter sent to Strata Corporation EPS 1133 regarding barricades that were installed in the mews at 2300 Kingsway without City’s authorization. April 8 Development/License Application PDF file (12 MB) Appellant documents submitted to Board of Variance for of Appeal Hearing No. Z35453 for 1208 Davie Street. April 8 Other PDF file (485 KB) List of agencies, community partners, social services, and government departments that can refer clients to the Leisure Access Program. April 9 Other/property related part 1 PDF file (16.4 MB)
Other/property related part 2 PDF file (16.4 MB)
All records, communications, and correspondence relating to the proposed acquisition, rezoning, and redevelopment of 1805 Larch Street. April 10 Other PDF file (1.6 MB) Records of calls made to 311 regarding Property Use cases (only showing complaints regarding home based and commercial businesses) on an excel sheet. April 12 Other PDF file (4.8 MB) Record of building permits with their corresponding address and building permit number, that were issued between February 13, 2018 and February 13, 2019. April 15 Other PDF file (326 KB) All correspondence, memorandums, or notes by council officials (including the former mayor) and staff held by the City of Vancouver regarding the off-boarding process. April 15 Financial/Agreement PDF file (384 KB) Name, title, department, remuneration, and expenses for all staff earning more than $75,000 for the 2017-2018 fiscal year or the 2018 calendar year. April 16 Other/property related PDF file (5 MB) Any documents related to an oil tank removal project at 5008 Pine Crescent, from January 1, 2000 to March 10, 2019. April 17 Other/property related PDF file (19 MB) Underground Storage Tank removal permit and the associated reports submitted to the City for 2229 Stephens Street. April 17 Other/property related PDF file (5.9 MB) Comments sent in to the City between November 1, 2017 and February 28, 2018 regarding DP-2017-01010, 3421 East Hastings Street. April 17 Other/property related PDF file (10.4 MB) Application for rezoning advice related to the property at 2538 Birch Street and the response from the City stating whether or not the rezoning application would be supported. April 18 Other PDF file (1.9 MB) Records related to noise complaints about the Ellsworth at 209 East 7th Avenue, from February 15, 2019 to March 19, 2019. April 18 Other PDF file (550 KB) All emails between Alvin Martin and Bruce Peet and all emails between Alvin Martin and Cathy Joe relating to noise or noise complaints about the Ellsworth. April 18 Mayor/Council PDF file (20 MB) All letters and email that Council received in support or in opposition regarding Vancouver Rape Relief between March 11, 2019 to March 19, 2019. April 18 Other PDF file (2.8 MB) Underground Storage Tank removal permit and associated reports submitted to the City for 5008 Pine Crescent. April 25 Mayor/Council PDF file (18.5 MB) Calendars and agendas for the following:
1. Councillor Rebecca Bligh's calendar and agenda for February 26, 2019 to March 6, 2019.
2. Councillor Christine Boyle's calendar and agenda for February 26, 2019 to March 6, 2019.
3. Councillor Adriane Carr's calendar and agenda for February 26, 2019 to March 6, 2019.
4. Councillor Lisa Dominato's calendar and agenda for February 26, 2019 to March 6, 2019.
5. Councillor Colleen Hardwick's calendar and agenda for February 26, 2019 to March 6, 2019.
6. Councillor Pete Fry's calendar and agenda for February 26, 2019 to March 6, 2019.
7. Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung's calendar and agenda for February 26, 2019 to March 6, 2019.
8. Councillor Jean Swanson's calendar and agenda for February 26, 2019 to March 6, 2019.
9. Councillor Michael Wiebe's calendar and agenda for February 26, 2019 to March 6, 2019.
10. Councillor Melissa De Genova's calendar and agenda for February 26, 2019 to March 6, 2019.
11. City Manager Sadhu Johnston's daily calendar and agenda for the period of February 1, 2019 to March 6, 2019.
12. Chief of Staff Neil Monckton's daily calendar and agenda for the period of February 6, 2019 to March 6, 2019.
13. Chief of Staff Anita Zaenker's daily calendar and agenda for the period of January 1, 2019 to March 6, 2019.April 26 Development/License Application PDF file (5.8 MB) Objections received by the City of Vancouver related to DP-2019-00067. April 29 Development/License Application PDF file (3.3 MB) Correspondence received from neighbouring property owners related to DP-2018-00971 (1162 Bute Street), from January 1, 2017 to April 9, 2019. April 29 Development/License Application PDF file (2.7 MB) Correspondence received from neighbouring property owners related to DP-2018-00972 (603 East Broadway), from January 1, 2017 to April 9, 2019. -
Release date Record type Request March 1 Street/Traffic PDF file (246 KB) Statistics from 2000-2018 regarding type and output of road de-icing products used in Vancouver, including road network in km or miles, annual spreads in tons. March 1 Mayor/Council part 1 PDF file (7.8 MB)
Mayor/Council part 2 PDF file (17.3 MB)
Mayor/Council part 3 PDF file (14 MB)
Mayor/Council part 4 PDF file (18.2 MB)
Mayor/Council part 5 PDF file (12.4 MB)
Correspondence between public and Staff, Councillors and Mayor on Protecting Tenants from Renovictions and Aggressive Buy-Outs heard in Council Nov 13, 2018. March 4 Other/property related PDF file (5.3 MB) Underground Storage Tank (UST) permit and associated report submitted to the City for 2748 West 20th Avenue. March 5 Other PDF file (524 KB) Any complaints from any neighboring residential occupants related to Parallel 49 Brewing and Main Street Brewing from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. March 5 Other PDF file (12.2 MB) Email records of VAHA CEO Luke Harrison from July 1, 2017 to Aug. 22, 2017 and Oct. 1, 2017 and Oct. 31, 2017 that include the word "Horizon". March 7 Development/License Application PDF file (9.3 MB) Copies of all correspondence between the tenants and the Project Facilitator related to Development Application Number DP-2018-00621 for 1770 Davie Street. March 8 Fire and Rescue PDF file (1 MB) VFRS records related to 695 Smithe Street (the business is operating under the name (Gorg-O-Mish), from January 1, 2011 to January 28, 2019. March 8 Financial/Agreement PDF file (165 KB) Information on how much Nutech Facility Services charged the City for its services and date of expiration of contract. March 11 Other PDF file (3.8 MB) Neil Monckton’s daily calendar and agenda for January 1, 2019 to February 5, 2019. March 11 Development/License Application PDF file (14.3 MB) Written objections related to DP-2018-00971 (1162 Bute Street), from January 1, 2018 to March 1, 2019. March 12 Other PDF file (4 MB) Records related to the noise complaints made about the Ellsworth located at 209 East 7th Avenue. March 12 Other PDF file (189 KB) Records related to the installation of orange tree protection fencing around some street trees on the north side of the 2800 block Parker Street. March 12 Development/License Application PDF file (3.1 MB) Objections received for DP-2018-01053, from December 6, 2018 to February 7, 2019. March 14 Other PDF file (153 KB) Number of civil lawsuits brought against the City as a result of injuries incurred on City sidewalks and amounts paid out per lawsuit from January 1, 2014 to January 31, 2019. March 14 Other PDF file (4.7 MB) Privacy Impact Assessment documentation for the VanConnect mobile application, from January 1, 2010 to March 4, 2019. March 18 Other PDF file (236 KB) Correspondence sent by Barbara Findlay to the City Councillors explaining the Nixon case and opposing funding for Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter. March 20 Financial/Agreement PDF file (659 KB) Records related to the Affordable Housing Fund, including all invoices, staff resources, accounting, appraisals and other management salaries and outside vendors and fees. March 21 Other PDF file (1.4 MB) Emails and reports sent to Council by Joe Hruska as supplementary material to accompany presentation to Council on May 16, 2018. March 21 Other/property related PDF file (9.1 MB) Records related to Murray Hotel at 1119 Hornby Street. March 21 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.3 MB) Councillor Melissa De Genova's calendar and agenda for January 1, 2019 to February 1, 2019. March 22 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.3 MB) Councillor Rebecca Bligh's calendar and agenda for January 15, 2019 to February 15, 2019. March 22 Other PDF file (170 KB) Records of how recycling is handled, what percentage is recycled, impacts of Chinese ban on importing foreign waste from Jan. 1, 2018 to March 18, 2019. March 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.5 MB) Councillor Christine Boyle's calendar and agenda for January 15, 2019 to February 15, 2019. March 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.6 MB) Councillor Adriane Carr's calendar and agenda for January 15, 2019 to February 15, 2019. March 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.6 MB) Councillor Lisa Dominato's calendar and agenda for January 15, 2019 to February 15, 2019. March 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.4 MB) Councillor Pete Fry's calendar and agenda for January 15, 2019 to February 15, 2019. March 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.8 MB) Councillor Colleen Hardwick's calendar and agenda for January 15, 2019 to February 15, 2019. March 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.5 MB) Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung's calendar and agenda for January 15, 2019 to February 15, 2019. March 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (3 MB) Councillor Jean Swanson's calendar and agenda for January 15, 2019 to February 15, 2019. March 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.5 MB) Councillor Michael Wiebe's calendar and agenda for January 15, 2019 to February 15, 2019. March 26 Other/property related PDF file (2.1 MB) Any documents related to an oil tank removal project at 5337 Willow Street, from January 1, 2000 to March 10, 2019. March 26 Other PDF file (803 KB) Noise complaints related to Tenth Church located at 11 West 10th Avenue, from October 1, 2016 to March 10, 2019. March 26 Other/property related PDF file (2.1 MB) Any documents related to an oil tank removal project at 3789 Pine Crescent, from January 1, 2000 to March 10, 2019. March 27 Other PDF file (572 KB) All memos and emails between City staff and Council that directly concern security measures at City Hall. March 27 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.5 MB) Councillor Melissa De Genova's calendar and agenda for February 2, 2019 to February 15, 2019. March 27 Development/License Application PDF file (386 KB) Written support letters related to DP-2018-00971, 1162 Bute Street, from January 1, 2018 to March 14, 2019. March 27 Other PDF file (168 KB) Names of all organizations selected to participate in the Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program. March 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.2 MB) Councillor Adriane Carr's calendar and agenda for February 16, 2019 to February 25, 2019. March 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.2 MB) Councillor Pete Fry's calendar and agenda for February 16, 2019 to February 25, 2019. March 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.1 MB) Councillor Jean Swanson's calendar and agenda for February 16, 2019 to February 25, 2019. March 28 Other PDF file (4 MB) Record of maintenance of the water/sewer pipe on Hull Street (located under the street), from November 24, 2017 to March 7, 2019. March 29 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.3 MB) Councillor Colleen Hardwick's calendar and agenda for February 16, 2019 to February 25, 2019. -
Release date Record type Request February 1 Animal Control PDF file (296 KB) 1. Number of licensed dogs in Vancouver in 2017.
2. Number of dog licenses that were issued in 1997.
3. Number of dog licenses that were issued in 2007.February 1 Other/property related PDF file (2.5 MB) Records related to 6825 Kerr Street (Grace Community Baptist Church), from October 1, 2018 to January 14, 2019 February 4 Other PDF file (17.8 MB) Records related to the properties executed with Howe Street Ventures Ltd by the City of Vancouver. February 4 Financial/Agreement PDF file (11.2 MB) Full contract with the firm Delaney and Associates, which has been hired by the Park Board to assist with the VanSplash Community Advisory Group Development. February 4 Other/property related PDF file (334 KB) All active electrical permits for Centre Electric Ltd with worksite addresses, issue date, expiry date, permit status, and description of work. February 4 Development/License Application PDF file (934 KB) Any and all comments received by the City of Vancouver regarding A Bud Above business development application, from January 1, 2018 to January 16, 2019. February 5 Mayor/Council PDF file (170 KB) Kennedy Stewart's daily calendar and agenda for January 1, 2019 to February 5, 2019. February 6 Other PDF file (275 KB) Name(s) and address(es) of the business license holder(s) for Templeton Park Pool and Fitness Centre. February 7 Development/License Application PDF file (21.7 MB) Records regarding DP-2018-00688 for 1232 Burrard St Change Of Use Application to Retail Cannabis Store, including number of notification letters and responses. February 7 Fire and Rescue part 1 PDF file (303 KB)
Fire and Rescue part 2 Excel file (4.1 MB)
Fire and Rescue part 3 Excel file (58 MB)A complete and up to date list (in excel format) of Underground Storage Tank installations, removals, and abandonments. February 7 Mayor/Council PDF file (387 KB) Report to City Council and decision of Council regarding the Request for Proposal PS20172464, from December 1, 2018 to January 28, 2019. February 8 Other PDF file (2.6 MB) All 3-1-1 Water and Sewer related cases across all of Vancouver during January 1, 2015 to December 14, 2018. February 12 Other/property related PDF file (1.2 MB) Any complaints made against 837 East Hastings from August 1, 2013 to January 21, 2019. February 12 Street/Traffic PDF file (433 KB) Copy of repair record for the parking sign across from 2465 Fraser Street fixed on June 13, 2018 and copy of notice that sign was damaged. February 12 Other/property related PDF file (288 KB) Any environmental reports relating to the underground storage tank decommissioning around 2007 (possibly later) at 8656 French Street. February 13 Financial/Agreement part 1 PDF file (2.1 MB)
Financial/Agreement part 2 PDF file (476 KB)A copy of an agreement or agreements with Horizon North Camp and Catering Partnership outlined in referenced Council report, from October 5, 2017 to November 23, 2018. February 15 Financial/Agreement part 1 PDF file (20.9 MB) Financial/Agreement part 2 PDF file (17.3 MB) Proposal response packages submitted by vendors Dominion and Elections Systems & Software in response to RFA No. PS20161793, Supply of Optical Ballot Tabulators; and Contract signed between City of Vancouver and Dominion as a result of winning RFA, from March 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017. February 15 Other/property related PDF file (15 MB) Copy of the Underground Storage Tank Removal permit and the associated permit and reports provided by the contractor to the City for 1239 West 40th Avenue. February 22 Financial/Agreement PDF file (485 KB) Dollar amount and number of transactions the City has received for cash transactions greater than $10,000 for each individual year, from Jan. 1, 2015 to Feb. 6, 2019. February 22 Other/property related PDF file (290 KB) Copy of the Underground Storage Tank Removal permit and the associated permit and reports provided by the contractor to the City for 3789 Quebec Street. February 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (318 KB) Minutes of all and any meetings between the Mayor's Office and UBC officials, particularly Michael White, between October 15, 2018 to January 30, 2019. February 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (348 KB) All correspondence between personnel in the Office of the Mayor and the Office of the Consul General of the People’s Republic of China. February 26 Financial/Agreement PDF file (299 KB) A copy of the agreement between Vancouver School Board, Ministry of Education, City of Vancouver, and BroadbandTV for the FuturePLAY program. February 27 Other part 1 PDF file (14.7 MB)
Other part 2 PDF file (17 MB)
Other part 3 PDF file (18.5 MB)
Other part 4 PDF file (21 MB)Records related to reimbursements made to homeowners or business owners up to $1,000 for separating all storm and subsurface drainage from sanitary sewage. -
Release date Record type Request January 4 Other/property related PDF file (21 MB) Copy Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removal Permit issued for 2225 West 22nd Av. January 7 Financial/Agreement PDF file (222 KB) Information on how much Tricom Building Services charged the City for its services and date of expiration of contract. January 8 Materials related to Arbutus Streetcar (2012) mentioned on the Request for Proposals No. PS20171493 under Background Documents and Existing Issues. January 9 Other PDF file (396 KB) Correspondence between the City and Vancity regarding the development of 312 Main Street into office space for non-profits and social enterprise businesses. January 10 Other PDF file (1.2 MB) All records held by the City of Vancouver regarding FOI File No. 2018-644. January 14 Other PDF file (255 KB) Copies of sound level recording data relating to the Bacio Rosso event held in QE Park from October 1, 2018 to December 10, 2018. January 15 Mayor/Council related PDF file (5.8 MB) A copy of all email sent and received by Chief Election Officer Rosemary Hagiwara between 7:30am October 20, 2018 and 12:30am October 21. 2018. January 16 Street/Traffic PDF file (148 KB) Copy of Banter Room's Large Sidewalk Patio Permit (LSPP) Agreement signed approximately in 2016. January 17 Other part 1 PDF file (182 KB)
Other part 2 Excel file (273 KB)
Other part 3 Excel file (1.3 MB)
Raw data for all water sampling/testing conducted by or on behalf of the City in private buildings and water testing conducted within the City's water distribution network. January 18 Other PDF file (4.7 MB) Emails and correspondence between Park Board employees, and with Dr. Sun Yat Sen Gardens, about an otter and plans to capture it or rescue the koi. January 18 Animal Control PDF file (199 KB) In 2017, the number of dogs & cats processed by Animal Services; the number of dogs & cats returned to their owner, the number of dog & cat breeding licenses issued. January 21 Other part 1 PDF file (10.3 MB)
Other part 2 PDF file (8.3 MB)
Correspondence and reports related to the City's Reconciliation Naming Project of the two high-profile public plazas. January 22 Other/property related PDF file (85 KB) A list of addresses of any commercial ground level storefront properties located within the City of Vancouver that are not occupied as of January 17, 2019. January 22 Mayor/Council PDF file (603 MB) All letters, email & text messages b/w Angelo Tsakumis & the following: Mayor, Kevin Quinlan, Raymond Louie, Heather Deal, Melissa De Genova, Jerry Dobrovolny & Gil Kelley. January 23 Other PDF file (164 KB) Copies of the 132 legal orders issued by the City in furtherance of its Airbnb regulations. January 24 Other/property related PDF file (4 MB) Copy of report commissioned by Petro Canada (for SunCor through SNC Lavalin) at 2808 W. Broadway regarding soil contamination, from January 1, 2017 to October 23, 2018. January 28 Mayor/Council related PDF file (12.4 MB) The transition briefing binder for Kennedy Stewart. January 30 Development/License Application PDF file (171 KB) Minutes of Public Meeting for Development Permit Application DE410128 for Notre Dame Regional Secondary School held May 30, 2006. January 31 Financial/Agreement PDF file (148 KB) Information on how much Executive Building Maintenance charged the City for its services and date of expiration of their contract.
Information released in 2018
Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.
Release date Record type Request December 4, 2018 Other PDF file (508 KB) Engineering reports related to Susan Haid's report to Council on July 24, 2018 regarding the Optional Lands of the Arbutus Corridor. December 4, 2018 Other/
property related PDF file (4 MB)Policy reasons, discussions, and authorizations for the City to consider purchasing the residential property located at 1820 East 4th Avenue. December 4, 2018 Other/
property related PDF file (632 KB)Complaint records regarding 1050 Burrard Street, from March 1, 2016 to November 1, 2018. December 6, 2018 Other/
property related PDF file (2 MB)Sewer back up reports related to the property at 4397 West 10th Avenue. December 6, 2018 Mayor/
Council PDF file (351 KB)The Records Management Review Checklist for Gregor Robertson, Raymond Louie, Kerry Jang, Tim Stevenson, Andrea Reimer, Heather Deal, Elizabeth Ball, George Affleck and Hector Bremner. December 6, 2018 Other PDF file (315 KB) Copy of the draft and final report of Streetcar Feasibility Study, as referred to on page B-12 of RFP PS20171493 under "Deliverables". December 6, 2018 Other PDF file (463 KB) Entire accession file, including donor agreement, locations of display, and estimated value, for artwork by Charles Clixby Watson held by City Archives. December 10, 2018 Other/
property related PDF file (355 KB)Reports by Real Estate and Facilities Management regarding the value of the Community Amenity Contribution for the rezoning of 1412 Howe Street. December 10, 2018 Mayor/
Council PDF file (301 KB)All records regarding the Office of the Mayor Proclamation of Aug. 12, 2018 as "Shahrzad Rafati Day", including proclamation and list of costs. December 11, 2018 Other/
property related PDF file (660 KB)Copies of two Order letters mailed by the City on November 30, 2018 to Wall Financial Corp., developers of 7128 Adera Street, regarding previous noise complaint made by the applicant. December 12, 2018 Other PDF file (15 MB) A copy of any reports or drafts submitted to the City as part of a Streetcar Feasibility Study mentioned in RFP PS20171493 and PS20181398. December 13, 2018 Mayor/
Council PDF file (1 MB)Kennedy Stewart's daily calendar and agenda for October 24, 2018 to November 13, 2018. December 13, 2018 Mayor/
Council PDF file (2 MB)Mayor Kennedy Stewart's daily calendar and agenda for November 14, 2018 to November 29, 2018. December 14, 2018 Other PDF file (463 KB) List of all CCTV cameras in the City installed or maintained by the City and a list of any private surveillance cameras that the City has access to on an ongoing basis. December 17, 2018 Mayor/
Council PDF file (408 KB)List of invitees and the list of attendees for the November 5, 2018 Swearing In of the new Mayor and Council. December 17, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (1.5 MB)All bid committee evaluation records related to RFP PSVAHA2017-06 titled ""Modular Housing Supplier for Housing First Strategy" issued July 14, 2017. December 17, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (973 KB)Evaluation and decision records related to RFQ "Selecting partners for a pre-qualification shortlist to supply prefabricated modular housing" posted Jan. 29, 2016. December 18, 2018 Mayor/
Council PDF file (6 MB)Mayor Gregor Robertson's daily calendar and agenda for September 15, 2018 to November 5, 2018. December 18, 2018 Other PDF file (6 MB) Kevin Quinlan's daily calendar and agenda for September 15, 2018 to November 5, 2018. December 19, 2018 Fire and Rescue PDF file (289 KB) Report related to a fire false alarm at 520 West 6th Avenue. December 21, 2018 Other PDF file (393 KB) 311 complaints made to the City regarding Creative Energy or Central Heat Distribution heating infrastructure from January 1, 2016 to September 11, 2018. December 21, 2018 Other/
property related PDF file (15.6 MB)Records pertaining to environmentally-related issues that have occurred at 2525 Renfrew Street (formerly 2894 East Broadway). December 21, 2018 Street/
Traffic PDF file (300 KB)Parking Agreement between the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Convention Centre. December 21, 2018 Mayor/
Council PDF file (285 KB)The agendas and minutes of Mayor Kennedy Stewart's caucus meetings with NPA Councillors of Nov 16 and Nov 23, 2018. -
Release date Record type Request November 2, 2018 Other PDF file (3 MB) All records including emails, briefing notes, and clippings on the Globe and Mail article on SRO housing and the Sahota family, first published May 28, 2018. November 5, 2018 Mayor/
Council PDF file (300 KB)All records about the Legacy Celebration for Mayor Gregor Robertson and Council, held November 2, 2018 at the Seaforth Armoury. November 6, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (310 KB)Total revenue received by the City of Vancouver from parking meters for specified locations. November 6, 2018 Other PDF file (330 KB) Minutes from any meetings about lead in drinking water and/or lead pipe replacement and map of all locations where the City suspects that there are lead service pipes. November 7, 2018 Animal Control PDF file (700 KB) The number of dogs and cats processed by Animal Services (stray, surrendered, impounded); The number of dogs and cats returned to their owner; The number of dog breeding licences and cat breeding licences issued - from January 1 to December 31, 2017. November 8, 2018 Other/
property related PDF file (320 KB)Rezoning inquiry and application regarding 4408, 4416, 4426, 4438, 4460, 4488 Fraser St, 707, and 709 East 29th Ave. November 9, 2018 Correspondence and reports relating to the closure of the Marine Walkway in front of Harbour Green Park particularly the process for deciding to close the walkway. November 9, 2018 Other/
property related PDF file (5 MB)Copies of Restoration Covenant (219 Covenant); and Final Conservation Plan with respect to the Heritage Designation/Rezoning of the site at 809 West 23rd Ave. November 13, 2018 Development/
License Application PDF file (7 MB)Lease applications that have been filed by Hallmark Poultry Processors Ltd. for or around the blocks of Commercial Dr, Pandora St, Salisbury Dr, and East Hastings. November 14, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (9 MB)Response to RFP No. PS20160504 for VanSplash work submitted by HCMA Architects. November 14, 2018 Other PDF file (2 MB) Date of the last time tree # 27805, located at 1266 West 27th Ave, was inspected and trimmed before August 15, 2018. November 15, 2018 Other PDF file (3 MB) Election complaints received by City of Vancouver Elections Office during campaign period, from September 20, 2018 to October 19, 2018. November 15, 2018 Mayor/
Council PDF file (295 KB)The inventory of records transferred by the Office of Mayor Gregor Robertson to the City Archives. November 15, 2018 Other PDF file (250 KB) Number of citations issued via bylaw enforcement for use of leaf blowers in the West End, from January 1, 2013 to November 14, 2018. November 15, 2018 Other/
property related PDF file (960 KB)Any underground storage tank (UST) removal permits and related reports for the address 3175 West 34th Ave. November 16, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (14 MB)Records related to the notes on the property acquisition under contingencies and commitments on page 23 of the 2016 SOFI. November 16, 2018 Street/
Traffic PDF file (17 MB)The final consultant report generated from the RFP PS 07050 Consulting services for preliminary engineering and design for phase zero of the Downtown Streetcar Project, from 2008. November 16, 2018 Other PDF file (320 KB) Number of parking tickets issued and ticket details related to the following locations: Switchman St and Pullman Porter St. November 21, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (270 KB)All records related to the RFP for 2850 West 3rd Ave, from June 1 to November 16, 2018. November 22, 2018 Street/
Traffic PDF file (3 MB)Notes and emails in regards to the decision to ban cars from using Adanac Overpass between January 1, 2016 and August 27, 2018 received by 3-1-1 and Mayor and Council's Correspondence Clerk. November 23, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (620 KB)A copy of the final result of RFQ PS20180503 showing a breakdown of individual sections. November 26, 2018 Other PDF file (343 KB) Copies of correspondence between City of Vancouver and Airbnb with regards to negotiation of the Memorandum of Understanding announced on April 11, 2018. -
Release date Record type Request October 1, 2018 Other
PDF file (241 KB)Number of reported internal privacy breaches regarding unauthorized access of personal information by City of Vancouver employees from August 29, 2016 to August 29, 2018. October 3, 2018 Mayor
PDF file (860 KB)Mayor Gregor Robertson's daily calendar and agenda for August 23, 2018 to August 29, 2018. October 3, 2018 Other
PDF file (1.8 MB)Chief of staff Kevin Quinlan’s daily calendar and agenda for August 14, 2018 to August 29, 2018. October 4, 2018 Mayor/
PDF file (343 KB)Memorandums and correspondence regarding relocation, disposal, destruction and/or deletion of information and data software, and files in the Office of the Mayor. October 9, 2018 Other/
property related
PDF file (5.9 MB)A document that explains the current status of the development contemplated at 1503 Kingsway from March 1, 2018 to August 31, 2018. October 10, 2018 Street/
PDF file (7.8 MB)Street repair records regarding laneway adjacent to 1975 E. 38th Ave., or near intersection of E. 38th Ave. and Victoria Dr., or on 1900 block of E. 38th Ave. from January 1, 2013 to August 7, 2018. October 10, 2018 Other
PDF file (242 KB)Copy of all email received by each trees under the "All the Trees" program, a copy of the standard response and a copy of any individual or unique responses. October 10, 2018 Fire and Rescue PDF file (304 KB) Records related to the 2017 and 2018 VFRS Hiring. October 11, 2018 Street/
PDF file (3.4 MB)All written notes and emails in regards to the decision to ban cars from using the Adanac Overpass and how this fits into the 40 Year Transportation Plan. October 15, 2018 Mayor/
PDF file (10 MB)Mayor/
PDF file (9.4 MB)Records related to the April 22, 2018 City of Vancouver apology to the Chinese community including communications plan, financial information, event plan. October 15, 2018 Mayor/
PDF file (228 KB)Any written correspondence between or by Mayor Gregor Robertson and any City staffers or employees regarding or mentioning the Jericho Tennis Club. October 16, 2018 Other
PDF file (405 KB)All complaints made to 311 regarding 310 Alexander from March 1, 2017 to August 9, 2018. October 16, 2018 Fire and
PDF file (192 KB)A complete and up to date list (in excel format) of Underground Storage Tank installations, removals, and abandonments. October 16, 2018 Other
PDF file (346 KB)Any and all complaints related to Fraser Academy School located at 2294 West 10th Avenue from November 30, 2016 to October 9, 2018. October 17, 2018 Other/
property related
PDF file (186 KB)Any Underground Storage Tank Removal permits issued and related reports regarding 1669 West 29th Avenue. October 18, 2018 Street/
PDF file (2.1 MB)Reports and data related to train traffic running through the Grandview Cut on the CN Junction line of the New West Subdivision Line from Clark Drive to Kaslo Street. October 23, 2018 Other
PDF file (572 KB)All records about the costs of the July 30, 2018 Regent Evacuation - Staff Appreciation Event. October 24, 2018 Records related to the RFP and RFQ bidding process for the modular housing units in Marpole, including the final awarded contract along with the approval. October 25, 2018 Other
PDF file (18 MB)Information related to the damage and wear and tear on the Harbour Green Dock at Coal Harbour from April 6,2018 to May 24, 2018. October 25, 2018 Other/
property related
PDF file (70 KB)Records related to the application for Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program for the following addresses: 1. 2010 Balaclava Street, and 2. 3084 West 4th Avenue. October 25, 2018 Other
PDF file (206 KB)Raw data for all water testing conducted within the City of Vancouver’s wastewater treatment plants. October 25, 2018 Other/
property related
PDF file (343 KB)Copy of report commissioned by Petro Canada (for SunCor through SNC Lavalin) at 2808 W. Broadway regarding soil contamination, from January 1, 2017 to October 23, 2018. October 30, 2018 Other
PDF file (444 KB)Individual costs associated with each piece of public art identified as being owned by the City of Vancouver on the City's Public Art Registry. October 31, 2018 Financial/
PDF file (343 KB)The contract for the 2018 Skookum Festival at Stanley Park. October 31, 2018 Other
PDF file (333 KB)Records related to the City's Pace of Change document for Grandview Woodland. October 31, 2018 Other
PDF file (343 KB)Records of all ads that were placed in newspapers to notify citizens of proposed "city-wide RS zoning changes" information meetings held in September 2018. October 31, 2018 Other
PDF file (343 KB)Records related to Nicli Antica Pizzeria at 62 East Cordova Street, from February 1, 2011 to October 11, 2018:
1. VFRS call out records for fire trucks that attended the above location for a fire or false alarm; and
2. Any complaints to 3-1-1 regarding the above location/business and air quality.October 31, 2018 Development/
License Application
PDF file (343 KB)Neighbourhood notification results for Development Permit application number DP-2018-00392. October 31, 2018 Other
PDF file (343 KB)Regarding the Oct 20, 2018 Election, Result tapes for each of the vote tabulation machines generated as per section 6.28 (c) of Election Bylaw No 9070. exce
Release date Record type Request September 5, 2018 Other
PDF file (276 KB)Records regarding the licensing of tattoo shops in Vancouver between 1970 and 1975, specifically about the business licenses applied for by Brian Zuk. September 6, 2018 Other
PDF file (260 KB)Records related to the report by Peter German on B.C. money laundering in casinos that was released by the B.C. government, and the government responses to this. September 6, 2018 Mayor/
PDF file (235 KB)All records about the May 18, 2018 "undercover boss planning meeting," which involved Mayor Gregor Robertson and Kevin Quinlan. September 10, 2018 Other
PDF file (3.4 MB)Mayor Gregor Robertson’s daily calendar and agenda for the period of July 1, 2018 to July 30, 2018. September 10, 2018 Financial/
PDF file (205 KB)All repair bills for damage to Vancouver Police vehicles and other objects damaged in the crash that cost more than $10,000 from August 15, 2017 to August 15, 2018. September 12, 2018 Other/
PDF file (203 KB)Copy of the Underground Storage Tank Removal permit and any reports provided by the contractor to the City for 3828 West 11th Avenue. September 12, 2018 Other/
PDF file (200 KB)Copy of the Underground Storage Tank Removal permit and any reports provided by the contractor to the City for 2249 West 34th Avenue. September 12, 2018 Other/
PDF file (192 KB)Charges for Development Covenants for: 506 W 60th Ave, 1155 Thurlow St, 5688 Ash St, 305 W 41st Ave, 6137 Cambie St, 969 Burrard St, 3205 W 41st Ave, & 2165 W 45th Ave. September 13, 2018 Other/
PDF file (205 KB)Geotechnical report, shoring/excavation drawings, and foundation drawings for 943 West Broadway from January 1, 1980 to August 20, 2018. September 14, 2018 Other
PDF file (577 KB)Records related to May 29, 2018 memo to Park Board Commissioners regarding Whirlpool Decommissioning at Dunbar, Kitsilano & Marpole Community Centres, from January 1, 2016 to May 29, 2018. September 17, 2018 Development
/License Application
PDF file (6.4 MB)Records related to Development Permit Application for 700 West Broadway. September 17, 2018 Development
/License Application
PDF file (8.3 MB)Records related to Development Permit Application for 1193 Main Street. September 17, 2018 Development
/License Application
PDF file (6.2 MB)Records related to Development Permit Application for 1429 Robson Street. September 17, 2018 Development
/License Application
PDF file (13.7 MB)Development
/License Application
PDF file (15.5 MB)Records related to Development Permit Application for 1518 Yew Street. September 17, 2018 Records related to Development Permit Application for 2894 East Broadway. September 17, 2018 Development
/License Application
PDF file (343 KB)Records related to Development Permit Application for 104 - 4545 West 10th Avenue. September 17, 2018 Other/
PDF file (243 KB)Building records of the neighbouring properties at 943 West Broadway and 910 West 8th Avenue. September 18, 2018 Other
PDF file (8.3 MB)Minutes from the meetings of the Working Group for the False Creek Flats Rail Corridor Strategy Report. September 19, 2018 Mayor/
PDF file (1 MB)Chief of Staff Kevin Quinlan's daily calendar and agenda for July 31, 2018 to Aug. 7, 2018. September 19, 2018 Mayor/
PDF file (508 KB)Mayor Gregor Robertson's daily calendar and agenda for Aug., 4, 2018 to Aug. 7, 2018. September 19, 2018 Other
PDF file (205 KB)Number of complaints called into the City regarding the Skookum Festival concerning noise and other matters. September 21, 2018 Other
PDF file (343 KB)Records that pertain to any operating agreements involving Railyard Housing Co-operative, City of Vancouver, and Community Land Trust, or CHFBC. September 21, 2018 Other
PDF file (10 MB)Copy of the bid submitted by Parkmobile, LLC. in response to Request for Proposal PS20160599. September 21, 2018 Mayor/
PDF file (6.4 MB)Email and attachments related to any CoV matters in all folders of all Cllr. Hector Bremner's City Hall email accounts, and other accounts for specified time periods. September 24, 2018 Financial/
PDF file (217 KB)The names, titles and affiliations of the signatories to the 4949 Heather temporary modular housing license agreement from City of Vancouver, MST and CLC, and any other parties involved in the agreement. September 24, 2018 Other
PDF file (245 KB)A complete list of all Single Room Occupancies (SRO's) in the City of Vancouver, including which of those SRO's are privately owned and the owner's contact information. September 24, 2018 Other/
PDF file (914 KB)Copy of the Underground Storage Tank Removal permit and any reports provided by the contractor to the City for 4025 West 38th Avenue. September 24, 2018 Other/
PDF file (1.1 MB)Any environmental reports relating to the underground storage tank decommissioning around 2003 (possibly later) at 2040 Nelson Street. September 25, 2018 Other
PDF file (1.9 MB)Copy of the most recent contract between Easy Park and Vancouver Park Board to manage pay parking. September 25, 2018 Financial
PDF file (347 KB)Records related to the City's Draft 2019-2022 Capital Plan which states that funding strategy for the draft Capital plan is developed based on economic outlook, in part. September 28, 2018 Other
PDF file (343 KB)Non-cashed cheques from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 relating to 0994313 BC Ltd. -
Release date Record type Request August 1, 2018 Environmental reports in the vicinity of 4464 Dunbar Street for work completed on City lands from January 1, 2016 to July 17, 2018. August 2, 2018 Other PDF file (149 KB) Audit manual (either in draft form or recently completed) that will be used by the City adjudication Board relating to the Vacant Homes bylaw and declarations for exemption. August 3, 2018 Street/
Traffic PDF file (3.8 MB)Records related to the expansion and installation of bike share to the Commercial Drive and Grandview-Woodland area. August 3, 2018 Other PDF file (1.6 MB) City's tracking or statistics of sewer backups for the past 5 years including number of occurrences, size, location, breakdown of causes, and by neighbourhood. August 3, 2018 Street/
Traffic PDF file (3.1 MB)Records related to the gas line replacement along 1st Avenue between Clark Drive and Nanaimo. August 3, 2018 Other PDF file (177 KB) Records related to the selection of Clark Drive and East 1st Ave site for a proposed mixed-use development. August 7, 2018 Mayor/
Council PDF file (1.4 MB)All correspondence between and any email address from October 21, 2017 to May 18, 2018. August 8, 2018 Copy of the Transportation Plan 1997 and Various Downtown Streetcar plans mentioned on the Transportation 2040 Report. August 15, 2018 Other PDF file (1.5 MB) Regarding signs opposing NDP government's school and property surtax in violation of City by-laws, copies of incident reports, list of signs removed due to complaints, list of fines. August 15, 2018 Other PDF file (4.1 MB) A copy of the underground storage tank removal/closure report that was completed for 7878 Granville Street (formerly 7894 Granville Street) in 2006. August 15, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (288 KB)All unclaimed cheques issued by the City of Vancouver from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017 and still outstanding by July 1, 2018. August 15, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (154 KB)Name of the proponent who was awarded RFP PS20171493 "Streetcar Feasibility Study" or all written communication that lead to cancellation of this RFP. August 17, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (214 KB)Financial costs related to the June 18, 2018 launch of the new names of the two high-profile public plazas. August 17, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (159 KB)Records for RFQ # PS20180470, the Zero Waste Workshops for Elementary and Secondary Schools. Contract was awarded around May 28, 2018. August 17, 2018 Other PDF file (402 KB) Copy of the report prepared by Coriolis Consulting regarding the hypothetical development scenarios along Broadway Corridor. August 22, 2018 Other PDF file (9.7 MB) Kevin Quinlan’s daily calendar and agenda for the period of March 8, 2018 to July 30, 2018. August 22, 2018 Other PDF file (343 KB) Any internal email correspondence in the City and Park Board which relates to the email of the applicant to Margo Harper regarding VanSplash media release. August 23, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (100 KB)Copy of any outside consultant reports and/or studies commissioned by, or received by the City of Vancouver relating to pay-as-you-go financing. August 27, 2018 Street/
Traffic PDF file (14 MB)Information referred to by the Transportation Department in making August 28, 2018 All of Michelle Collens's sent and received email, including attachments, for the period of March 12-14, 2018. August 28, 2018 Lists of all properties in the past five years in Metro Vancouver where a development permit application has been filed for a new residential multi-unit construction. August 28, 2018 Other/
property related PDF file (1.5 MB)Records concerning structural issues, orders, warnings or other communications in regards to Aaron Webster Housing Coopertive, 1885 Pender St., from January 1, 2017 to July 26, 2018. August 28, 2018 Other/
property related PDF file (718 KB)Copy of the Underground Storage Tank Removal permit and Underground Storage Tank Removal form submitted to the City for 4437 West 7th Avenue. August 29, 2018 Other PDF file (6.9 MB) Michelle Collens's correspondence to/from any persons who use the email addresses at the following domain:,,, and August 29, 2018 Other PDF file (11 MB) Copies of any completed questionnaires, applications, presentations and proposals sent by COV, its agents or representatives regarding the 2026 FIFA World Cup. August 29, 2018 Other PDF file (403 KB) Copy of RFP No. PS07050 - Consulting Services for the Preliminary Engineering and Design for Phase Zero of the Downtown Streetcar Project. August 30, 2018 Financial/
AgreementPDF file (185 KB)Records regarding offers made to Amazon for the company's expansion into Vancouver as referenced in the following news item:
4176455/vancouver-amazon-headquartersAugust 31, 2018 Information related to the damage and wear and tear on the Harbour Green Dock at Coal Harbour. -
Release date Record type Request July 3, 2018 Development/
License Application PDF file (154 KB)Records related to Development Permit Number DP-2018-00212 for 6453 Victoria Drive from June 1, 2015 to May 23, 2018. July 4, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (11.8 MB)Copies of all agreements the City of Vancouver signed with suppliers who responded to the Request for Application, RFA No. PS20160595. July 5, 2018 Other PDF file (233 KB) Information on how much the Secureguard charges the City of Vancouver for its services (details and breakdown by hour, month and year). July 5, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (156 KB)Information on the sale of 1210 Seymour Street to the City of Vancouver including the price and the date of the sale. July 6, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (5 MB) Any information or reporting related to an oil tank removal at 2326 West 14th Avenue, Vancouver, BC for which a permit was closed in August 2013. July 10, 2018 Mayor/Council PDF file (11.4 MB) Two petitions provided to Council from #savechinatownyvr in advance of the last two Council meetings about Rezoning Proposal for Chinatown. July 10, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (172 KB)Copy of unredacted sublease and supporting documents related to the "Consent to Sublease" between the City, Vancouver Film School, & Mimic Performance Capture Inc. July 12, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (9.85 MB)
Records regarding 6289 Carnarvon Street from January 1, 2014 to January 1, 2018:
1) Correspondence about all permits related to the property;
2) All permits related to the property; and
3) Legal correspondence regarding lawsuits involving this property.July 12, 2018 Other PDF file (1.08 MB) Records related to the Cambie Bridge walking and cycling upgrades. July 12, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (860 KB)Records related to all uncashed and unclaimed checks or payments, and all unclaimed deposits, bonds, or other financial instruments held by the City of Vancouver. July 13, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (7.8 MB)All appraisals for City-owned land property at 1733 East 18th Avenue. July 13, 2018 Other PDF file (260 KB) Board briefing memo dated May 29, 2018 to Park Board Commissioners entitled "Whirlpool Decommissioning at Dunbar, Kitsilano, and Marpole Community Centres", by Donnie Rosa, Director, Recreation from April 1 to May 31, 2018. July 13, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (184 KB) Records relating to the property located at 1308 Beach Avenue from December 31, 1967 to June 22, 2018. July 16, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (3.4 MB)All documents and details surrounding the awarding of the maintenance contract of the Vancouver Tactical Training Centre to Eric Beer/BC Firearms Academy. July 16, 2018 Other PDF file (710 KB) Any and all records related to the operation of a temporary pop-up pool including research; specifically why the idea was abandoned in Dec. 2016. July 17, 2018 Other PDF file (127 KB) Copy of the Congestion Management Strategy report mentioned on the Cambie Corridor plan. July 17, 2018 Financial/
Agreement PDF file (165 KB)Contracts, subleases, invoices and other agreements related to the renting space and parking between the City of Vancouver and its tenants at 1256 East 6th Avenue. July 17, 2018 Fire and Rescue PDF file (152 KB) List of addresses to which the Vancouver Fire Department attended for calls related to a fire from January 1, 2012 to January 31, 2018. July 19, 2018 Other PDF file (5.3 MB) All records related to communications and decision-making regarding the use of Sunset Beach by 420 activists on April 20, 2018. July 20, 2018 Fire and Rescue PDF file (190 KB)
A complete and up to date list of underground storage tank installations, removals, and abandonments. July 25, 2018 All correspondence between and any email address from January 1, 2014 to October 20, 2017. July 26, 2018 Other PDF file (580 KB) Records from meetings of November 2, 2017 and December 18, 2017 regarding the United Bid for the 2026 FIFA World Cup. July 26, 2018 Other PDF file (4.4 MB) Agendas, minutes, presentations, audio recordings, briefing notes and handwritten notes from monthly sport hosting meetings for November 1, 2017 to February 16, 2018. July 27, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (143 KB) Document(s), which should be called a "change approval", concerning a property with legal description, Plan 14750 District Lot 526 New Westminster. July 27, 2018 Other PDF file (180 KB) Number of permits issued and purchased by homeowner in 2017 for the replacement of Gas Hot Water Tanks, BBQ's, Gas Stoves, and Gas Dryers. July 27, 2018 Fire and Rescue PDF file (188 KB) Number of applicants invited to a written test & hired by VFRS in 2017 who did not submit a copy of both sides of their medical license and any other required documentation. July 31, 2018 Other PDF file (5.55 MB) Copy of the Request for Proposal related to the Downtown Streetcar Project's Costs. July 31, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (1.5 MB) Any documents related to the oil tank removal project at 2045 West 15th Avenue, Vancouver. July 31, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (940 KB) Copy of the Underground Storage Tank Removal permit and Underground Storage Tank Removal form submitted to the City for 543 East 10th Avenue. July 31, 2018 Business/BIA PDF file (140 KB) List of residents at 159 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver that have been issued a business license to operate a short term rental. July 31, 2018 Other PDF file (160 KB) Records of any drafts of changes considered for the Procedure By-law. -
Release date Record type Request June 1, 2018 Mayor/Council PDF file (308 KB) Letter sent by Urban Development Institute to Mayor and Council regarding "Amendments to the Chinatown, Districts Schedule, Design Guidelines and Policies". June 5, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (430 KB) All records of contracts, terms of reference, expenses, and bills with respect to the services of Shauna Sylvester and/or any firm that Shauna Sylvester was representing. June 5, 2018 Other PDF file (177 KB) A copy of the Memorandum of Understanding between Airbnb and the City of Vancouver regarding short term rentals from January 1, 2018 to April 11, 2018. June 5, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (196 KB) Full text of the Memorandum of Understanding between Airbnb and the City of Vancouver announced on April 11, 2018. June 5, 2018 Other PDF file (160 KB) All records relating to an oil and fluid spill on February 4, 2018 at or near the intersection of Grandview Highway and Boundary Road. June 7, 2018 Other PDF file (1.4 MB) All of Kevin Quinlan's correspondence to and from Shauna Sylvester from September 1, 2017 to April 6, 2018. June 11, 2018 Other PDF file (321 KB) As builts for the gravity sanitary sewer constructed along the north side of the 3600 East block of Kent Avenue North By Matcon on behalf of Wesgroup. June 11, 2018 Fire and Rescue PDF file (10 MB) All "runs" as in digital descriptions of events via computer-aided dispatch service where F&RS was dispatched, from Feb. 27 to Mar. 14, 2018. June 11, 2018 Other PDF file (3.4 MB) Records regarding incidents on March 15, 2018 and March 16, 2018, involving coloured discharge floating in False Creek. June 11, 2018 Other PDF file (174 KB) Records showing analysis from Grandview-Woodland and Open House boards that rezoning would result in loss of affordable market rental, and records related to not proceeding with the City initiated rezoning for the 4-storey secured rental zone. June 11, 2018 Development/License Application PDF file (147 KB) Copy of the complete submitted rezoning application for 1636 Clark Drive, and 1321 to 1395 East 1st Avenue. June 11, 2018 Other PDF file (163 KB) All e-mail notifications through the E2MV notification system received by anyone who receives the "VFRS 2_3 Alarm" distribution list from May 2, 2018 to May 29, 2018. June 11, 2018 Other PDF file (172 KB) Records related to the consideration and/or inclusion of 4-storey apartments on large sites mentioned on the Grandview-Woodland Open House. June 11, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (222 KB) Records related to the Easement and Indemnity Agreement for property at 1574 Kingsway, Vancouver. June 11, 2018 All emails/briefing notes/minutes/memos from within the Vancouver Economic Commission that relate to the Amazon bid.
Date Range: September 7, 2017 to October 19, 2017.
June 14, 2018 Other PDF file (1.5 MB) A copy of the structural engineer’s report for the Cobalt and full structural review of the Regent Hotel completed by a professional engineer in 2017. June 15, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (835 KB) All sales agreements related to the property at 1733 East 18th Avenue, including MOUs and agreements in principle prior to the final sale. June 15, 2018 Mayor/Council PDF file (1 MB) All communications between the Mayor and his office and Josh Gordon from SFU from January 1, 2018 to April 24, 2018. June 15, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1.25 MB) All outstanding uncashed/stale dated cheques/properties/tax overpayments that are greater than $500 issued by the City of Vancouver or affiliated depts. to vendors, businesses, or agencies issued between August 1, 2016 and May 3, 2018. June 15, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (737 KB) In regards to 1622 - 1628 West 11th Avenue, any environmental reports on file relating to the underground storage tank decommissioning, from approx. January 1, 2001 - December 31, 2002. June 19, 2018 Development/License Application PDF file (871 KB) Regarding Rezoning of 1568 E. King Edward Avenue (formerly 1526-1560 E. King Ed Ave) in 2013, a copy of public feedback report from open house, and a copy of the traffic study. June 19, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (162 KB) Amounts expended for Development Cost Levies and Cost Charges for: 1. 2626 West 36th Ave; 2. 4049 West 39th Ave; 3. 2023 West 63rd Ave; and 4. 7216 Angus Drive. June 19, 2018 Records involving potential future Canada Line Sky Train stations from January 1, 2014 to November 16, 2017. June 21, 2018 Other PDF file (233 KB) Records regarding Parking and Bylaw Enforcement, including policy, operations manual, and process related to unpaid bylaw enforcement tickets. June 21, 2018 Development/License Application PDF file (2.5 MB) Objections from neighbouring property owners related to Development Permit Number DP-2017-00165 for 1290 East 12th Avenue, Vancouver. June 21, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (222 KB) Records that show the amounts of bike share sponsorship payments such as invoices, as well as the bike share contracts and agreements. June 21, 2018 Other PDF file (205 KB) Information on how much the Bank of Montreal charges the City of Vancouver to count its revenue from parking meters, and if Bank of Montreal gets a percentage. June 21, 2018 Other PDF file (106 KB) List of all the short term rentals registered with the City of Vancouver from April 18, 2018 to June 11, 2018. June 22, 2018 Other PDF file (12 MB) Public complaints and comments received by the City and Park Board regarding Celebration of Light fireworks from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017. June 22, 2018 Other PDF file (5.76 MB) Public complaints and comments received by the City and Park Board regarding the annual April "Sun Run" event from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017. June 22, 2018 Other PDF file (230 KB) Records related to the estimated capital costs for Connaught Pool, Vancouver Aquatic Centre, and Britannia Pool noted from VanSplash Aquatic Strategy Final Report. June 22, 2018 Other PDF file (163 KB) Full texts of all audits from Internal Audit branch from January 10, 2018 to May 17, 2018 with a list of plan of all areas and topics due to be audited. June 25, 2018 Other PDF file (580 KB) In reference to the information on page 12 of the Women’s Equity Strategy:
1. The actual numbers for all five categories on page 12 where there are only percentages listed;
2. Within the “trades and operations” and “engineers, technicians and engineering assistants” categories, where there are a number, the specific role (the name of their job titles).June 25, 2018 Street/Traffic PDF file (340 KB) Reports that speak to fixing the damages made to a pole at 5th or 6th Avenue of Main Street that had to be repaired due to a Motor Vehicle Accident on March 19, 2013. June 26, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (6.47 MB)
Building safety inspection records for the Cobalt Hotel SRO located at 917 Main Street, and the City of Vancouver’s corresponding recommendations and follow-up actions. June 26, 2018 Mayor/Council PDF file (4 MB) Mayor and Council Feedback Reports from April 26, 2018 to April 29, 2018. June 26, 2018 Other PDF file (523 KB) Latest estimates and projections for sewage treatment demand, including increased demand from all major planning projects from present until 2041. June 26, 2018 Other PDF file (176 KB) Latest estimates and projections for water demand, including increased demand from all major planning projects from present until 2041 June 26, 2018 Mayor/Council PDF file (165 KB) The deferred remuneration amounts that Mayor Gregor Robertson, Councillors Andrea Reimer, Tim Stevenson, and Kerry Jang are eligible for, as they will not be running in the Oct. 20 civic election. June 26, 2018 Other PDF file (170 KB) All correspondence between bubble tea shops/suppliers of bubble tea shops and COV that reference to the City’s intention to ban single-use items like plastic straws. June 27, 2018 Street/Traffic PDF file (656 KB) All information and documentation pertaining to all road and sidewalk repairs for the civic address 128 Pender Street West (Sun Tower Building). June 27, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (2.47 MB) Any documents pertaining to an above ground or below ground heating oil tank at 1207 Devonshire Crescent, Vancouver, from January 1, 2000 to June 5, 2018. June 27, 2018 Other PDF file (195 KB) List of residences and businesses within at least 2 blocks of the alignment (Broadway Corridor Extension) informed at open house in March, 2018. Refers to Council report, from Jan. 1, 2018 to Mar. 30, 2018. June 27, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (121 KB) A copy of the signed purchase agreement between the City of Vancouver and CPR for the sale of the Arbutus Corridor. June 28, 2018 Other PDF file (523 KB) 1. Operations manual for Bylaw and Parking Enforcement officers; 2. Matrix used for towing vehicles; 3. Process for collecting unpaid parking fines; and 4.Parking Revenue. June 28, 2018 Fire and Rescue PDF file (183 KB) Records related to the 2017 VFRS hiring of at least one applicant who did not include all the information listed as required on the application form but was hired by VFRS. June 28, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (159 KB) How much money the City has received from Parq/Edgewater and Hastings Racecourse, and what it is being spent on for the last five years. June 29, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (136 KB) A digital list (excel format rather than PDF) of Permissive Tax Exemptions dating as far back as digital records are available to December 31, 2016. -
Release date Record type Request May 1, 2018 Any internal (non-public) presentations made to the Senior Management Steering Committee (SMSC) and/or Senior Managers regarding VanSplash from February 1, 2017 to December 11, 2017. May 2, 2018 Other PDF file (166 KB) Information relating to the following presentation - Northeast False Creek Plan - Viaducts Replacement Project: 2018 Jan 31. May 3, 2018 Other PDF file (5.2 MB) Records regarding Modular Housing. May 7, 2018 Other PDF file (8.4 MB) Records regarding Temporary Modular Housing from December 1, 2016 to December 11, 2017. May 9, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (7 MB) Any and all internal correspondence, complaints, investigations, and enforcement actions relating to 3689 Selkirk Street from March 30, 1970 up to March 30, 2018. May 9, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (1.6 MB) Any documents related to an oil tank removal project at 6138 Angus Drive, Vancouver. May 9, 2018 Other PDF file (168 KB) A breakdown of noise complaints made in the City of Vancouver over the past five years including 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017. May 9, 2018 Other PDF file (155 KB) Number of meter parking enforcement officers the City of Vancouver has on duty (or has contracted to have on duty) for each Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. May 10, 2018 Any available geotechnical report, excavation and shoring drawings, and construction field review records for Drake, Seymour, and Richards street. May 14, 2018 Other PDF file (15 MB) All records relating to maintenance of the sidewalk and bike rack located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Georgia Street and Burrard Street. May 14, 2018 Other PDF file (237 KB) Regarding the totem bicycle counter/scoreboard located near the south end of the Burrard Bridge. Request is for the maintenance and repair log since January 1, 2017. May 14, 2018 Other PDF file (240 KB) All work orders and correspondence regarding the totem bicycle counter/scoreboard located near the south end of the Burrard Bridge. May 15, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (16.3 MB)
Other/property related PDF file (14.2 MB)
Other/property related PDF file (17.2 MB)
Any records regarding complaints, investigations, and enforcement actions at 2178 Triumph Street to April 1, 2018. May 15, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (16 MB)
Any records regarding complaints, investigations, and enforcement actions at 2184 and 2199 Wall Street up to April 1, 2018. May 15, 2018 Other PDF file (159 KB) All contracts between Josh Gordon from SFU and the City of Vancouver from January 1, 2018 to April 23, 2018. May 15, 2018 Mayor/Council PDF file (153 KB) All communications between the Councillors and their assistants and Josh Gordon from SFU from January 1, 2018 to April 25, 2018. May 15, 2018 Street/Traffic PDF file (139) Incident reports, operations logs and work orders related to the closures and resumption of traffic on the Burrard and Granville bridges. May 15, 2018 Other PDF file (193 KB) Copies of the draft District Schedules as well as draft Design Guidelines for the proposed Grandview-Woodland 4-storey zones. May 24, 2018 Other PDF file (167 KB) Any and all records related to the decision to create an external advisory committee with regards to the VanSplash Aquatics Strategy. May 24, 2018 Other PDF file (460 KB) Memo provided to the Commissioners regarding the VanSplash Aquatics Strategy. May 25, 2018 Other PDF file (2.2 MB) All communications records of former City of Vancouver Planner, Brian Jackson that occurred from April 1, 2013 to May 1, 2013. May 25, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (2.2 MB) A copy of the contract between the City of Vancouver and University of British Columbia researchers for a Data Sharing Plan and Use Agreement. May 25, 2018 Other PDF file (181 KB) Copy of the report submitted to the City of Vancouver related to request for proposal RFP Number PS2016168. May 25, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (140 KB) Oil tank removal records related to the properties at 5475, 5477, and 5479 Wales Street, Vancouver. May 28, 2018 Mayor/Council PDF file (993 KB) All records related to the Length of Service payment to Geoff Meggs, including the authorization and approval of this payment. May 29, 2018 Street/Traffic PDF file (932 KB) All reports and data related to train traffic along the Burrard Inlet Railway Line that runs from the port to the False Creek Flats. May 29, 2018 Fire and Rescue PDF file (796 KB) A copy of the City of Vancouver’s 2017 Fire Underwriter’s Survey, or the latest copy. May 29, 2018 Fire and Rescue PDF file (164 KB) All e-mail notifications through the E2MV notification system received by Vancouver Fire Chief Darrell Reid from March 8, 2018 to May 2, 2018. May 30, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (1.5 MB) Any documents related to an oil tank removal project at 288 East 17th Avenue, Vancouver from September 15, 2016 to May 1, 2018. May 31, 2018 Other PDF file (5.9 MB) Copy of the Presentation to CPOC - May 26th noted from VanSplash Aquatic Strategy Update dated May 18, 2017. -
Release date Record type Request April 4, 2018 Street/Traffic PDF file (835 KB) Time at which the temporary no-parking signs on the Eastbound side of West 39 Avenue were re-decaled to prohibit parking from 7am to 5pm on January 4, 2018 April 4, 2018 Association/Interest Group PDF file (1.6 MB) Lease arrangements for Stanley Park between the Federal Government and the City of Vancouver. April 4, 2018 Individual PDF file (165 KB) Updated VanSplash report created in response to the amended recommendations on January 29, 2018.
Date range: January 29, 2018 to March 28, 2018.
April 5, 2018 Business PDF file (3 MB) Letters of opposition from the neighbourhood notification process related to Development Permit application for 2137 Commercial Drive. April 9, 2018 Other PDF file (171 KB) Audit manual used by the City of Vancouver in auditing the Empty Home Tax declarations April 12, 2018 Development/License Application PDF file (3.4 MB) Letters of opposition from the neighbourhood notification process related to Development Permit application for 2179 West 4th Avenue. April 12, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (186 KB) Records related to the Heritage Density granted for 1-9 West Cordova April 12, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (237 KB) Statement of Expenses and Revenue for Heather Civic Marina, for the years 2015, 2016, and 2017. April 12, 2018 Street/Traffic PDF file (137 KB) 1. List of locations where a temporary no-parking sign was re-decaled in Vancouver; and 2. Number of vehicles parked in those locations at the time of re-decaling. April 13, 2018 Street/Traffic PDF file (184 KB) Name of the contractors and the location of where they were digging related to email sent by Manny Blin to Jesse Dosanjh on December 13, 2017. April 13, 2018 Other PDF file (180 KB) Records regarding the City of Vancouver's explanation for the $30,000 business fee for medical marijuana related advocacy retail. April 18, 2018 Development/License Application PDF file (170 KB) Details concerning development applications for the West Broadway Corridor, specifically the Shell development, and for 2145 to 2165 West Broadway. April 19, 2018 Other PDF file (200 KB) External appraisal reports stated on 2015-421 released records (City of Vancouver and Brenhill land swap). April 19, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (180 KB) Financial analysis relating to the redevelopment allowed for in the Oakridge Apartment Area of the proposed Cambie Corridor Plan. April 19, 2018 Development/License Application PDF file (4.3 MB) Objections (32 total) received from neighbours regarding development permit number DP-2018-00083 for 6528 Victoria Drive. April 19, 2018 Other PDF file (160 KB) Cycling statistics for 2015 across the Lions Gate Bridge. April 20, 2018 Other PDF file (4.5 MB) Records related to the booking of the venues for Open Houses in Grandview-Woodland on March 14 and 17, 2018. April 20, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (170 KB) Information on how much GardaWorld (Security/Cash Services) charges the City of Vancouver to count its revenue from parking meters, and if Garda gets a percentage (details and breakdown by month and year). April 20, 2018 Development/License Application PDF file (15 MB) Copies of the objections received from neighbouring property owners regarding DP-2017-00872 at 1440 East 57th Avenue. April 24, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (300 KB) A copy of the official final inspection completed on January 10, 2002 related to the removal of oil tank at 2836 West 12th Avenue. April 25, 2018 Other PDF file (160 KB) Company's official name and address of Sierra, who operates the construction site at 3535 Quesnel Drive, Vancouver. April 25, 2018 Other PDF file (200 KB) Specified records regarding the enforcement of Vacancy Tax By-law No.16774. April 25, 2018 Other PDF file (2.8 MB) Records of costs and expenses incurred for holding the 2017 civic by-election in the City of Vancouver from January 1, 2017 to April 13, 2018. April 25, 2018 Other PDF file (240 KB) Documentation of details, including reasoning for services and/or repairs to parking meter location number 65945. April 25, 2018 Street/Traffic PDF file (145 KB) Number of cars towed at 600 block of Thurlow Street between 6am and 8am on March 5, 2018. April 26, 2018 Other PDF file (500 KB) As-builts for the gravity sanitary sewer constructed under COV Contract No. 8009-100-02225 by Maple Reinders Inc. on behalf of Westgroup. April 27, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (9 MB) Agreements between the City of Vancouver and FortisBC related to the City of Vancouver landfill and projects for gas production, use, or processing. April 30, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (230 KB) Updated vehicle maintenance costs for the fleet used by Vancouver Police Department. April 30, 2018 Street/Traffic PDF file (170 KB) Number or parking tickets issued and cars towed at 600 block of Thurlow Street between 6am and 9am on April 5, 2018. -
Release date Record type Request March 1, 2018 Other PDF file (170 KB) Full texts of all audits from Internal Audit branch from October 20, 2017 to January 18, 2018 with a list of plan of all areas and topics due to be audited. March 2, 2018 Other PDF file (220 KB) Specified records regarding mobile voting in 2014 March 2, 2018 Other PDF file (220 KB) Records related to the lane closure between 1600 block West 7th Avenue and 1600 block West 6th Avenue as shown in the 2012 Renewal notice. March 2, 2018 Other PDF file (4.6 MB) A copy of the sketches/diagrams of the "test-fits" on the existing land prepared by HCMA, the contractor. March 2, 2018 Other PDF file (200 KB) Any environmental report(s) on file relating to the underground storage tank decomissioning at 7651 Granville Street. March 5, 2018 Other PDF file (610 KB) Copy of the report about the approved 8% rise in fees to Burrard Civic Marina by Vancouver Parks Board. March 6, 2018 Other PDF file (200 KB) Amount spent per year by the City of Vancouver on retirement benefits for City Council members from year 2007 to 2016. March 6, 2018 Street/Traffic PDF file (180 KB) Data on all traffic accidents that occurred in Vancouver from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2017, including the location of each accident, date of accident, severity of accident, road conditions, weather conditions, driver demographics, and if any injuries or fatalities occurred. March 8, 2018 Records regarding the June 4, 2015 letter of Premier Christy Clark to the Mayor regarding housing affordability, foreign investment and ownership in the City of Vancouver. March 9, 2018 Other PDF file (7.5 MB) Copies of public feedback sheets collected during information sessions on temporary modular housing projects. March 9, 2018 Other/Property related PDF file (3.7 MB) Specified records related to Imperial-owned property at 3304 Kingsway, Vancouver, from 1994 to 2018. March 12, 2018 Other PDF file (1 MB) As-builts for the gravity sanitary sewer constructed under CoV Contract No. 8009-100-02225 by Maple Reinders Inc. on behalf of Westgroup. March 12, 2018 Other PDF file (210 KB) Total number of Gathering Place memberships for $2 and $5 provided from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2017. March 15, 2018 Other PDF file (630 KB) Records relating to EasyPark for the 2615 Cambie Street parking lot (Lot Code 2540) used for City of Vancouver employees. March 15, 2018 Street/Traffic PDF file (250 KB) Information related to cycling accidents in the City of Vancouver and Lower Mainland from January 1, 2007 to January 31, 2018. March 19, 2018 Other/Property related PDF file (1.3 MB) In regards to 1955 Haro Street, a copy of the written reply sent by the Property Manager Nicole Chan, to City Inspector Rob Waite in response to the City order to resolve the insufficient hot water issue in the building from March 7 - 12, 2018. Refers to Case #10875505. March 20, 2018 Other PDF file (1.8 MB) Source data from the bathymetry survey of the marina mentioned on the "Burrard Civic Marina Project Update" presentation on July 5, 2016 March 20, 2018 Street/Traffic PDF file (500 KB) Specified records regarding the intersection at Joyce/29th Avenue and Boundary Road. March 20, 2018 Other PDF file (200 KB) Number of parking tickets issued and number of vehicles that have been ticketed and towed for blocking the sidewalk connections at East 30th Avenue and Prince Albert Street. March 20, 2018 Street/Traffic PDF file (175 KB) List of license plates of vehicles parked on the Eastbound side of West 39th Avenue between Mackenzie Street and Trafalgar Street at the time it was re-decaled. March 20, 2018 Other PDF file (200 KB) Any records related to any City investigation, documentation or internal discussion into the harmful effects of fireworks displays on air quality and human health. March 20, 2018 Other PDF file (200 KB) Copies of the draft District Schedules as well as draft Design Guidelines for the proposed Grandvew-Woodland 4 storey-zones. March 22, 2018 Development/License Application PDF file (5.5 MB) All public feedback received regarding the rezoning application for 2109 East Hastings (Permit No. RZ-2017-00056) from August 24, 2017 to February 1, 2018) March 22, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (180 KB) A report on Heather Street Marina capital expenditures from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2017. March 22, 2018 Other/Property related PDF file (560 KB) Oil tank removal permit (#FI403728) issued to 137 and 141 East 4th Avenue, Vancouver on July 18, 2005. March 22, 2018 Development/License applicationPDF file (4 MB) Letters received during the notification process for DP-2017-01193 from January 15, 2018 to February 1, 2018. March 22, 2018 Development/License application PDF file (2.3 MB) Copies of objections received from neighbouring property owners regarding Mount Pleasant Medicinals at 45 West Broadway with permit number DP-2017-00110. March 22, 2018 Development/License application PDF file (2.75 MB) Letters of opposition from the neighbourhood notification process sent around January 2017 related to DP application for 2235 Commercial Drive. March 22, 2018 Development/License application PDF file (1.3 MB) Letters of opposition from the neighbourhood notification process related to Development Permit application for 231 Abbott Street. March 22, 2018 Development/License application PDF file (2.7 MB) Copies of objection letters received by the City of Vancouver in regards to DP-2017-01068, 1735 Commercial Drive, from October 1, 2017 to March 9, 2018. March 23, 2018 Other PDF file (210 KB) Records regarding parking permits issued for the Industrial Zone bounded by Cambie, Main, Broadway and 2nd Ave. March 23, 2018 Development/License application PDF file (1.2 MB) Letters of opposition from the neighbourhood notification process related to DP application for 208 (210) East 16th Avenue. March 23, 2018 Development/License application PDF file (1.7 MB) Letters of opposition from the neighbourhood notification process related to Development permit application for 2995 Commercial Drive. March 23, 2018 Development/License application PDF file (650 KB) Letters of opposition from the neighbourhood notification process related to Development permit application for 369 Columbia Street. March 26, 2018 Other/Propety related PDF file (180 KB) A copy of report by Propert Use Ins. Andy Chinfen regarding land area at Yu Xiang Restaurant, 6591 Fraser Street, identifying hazards. See 3-1-1 Case #10723169 March 27, 2018 Other PDF file (9 MB) A complete and up to date list of underground storage tank installations, removals, and abandonements. March 27, 2018 Development/License application PDF file (205 KB) Specified records regarding development permits issued on December 7, 2016 and December 8, 2016. March 27, 2018 Other/Property related PDF file (13 MB) Any documents related to the oil tank removal project at 3697 West 15th Avenue, Vancouver under permit number FI-412101 dated for March 2, 2015 March 27, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (230 KB) Costs of various public events (listed) with a breakdown as to what departments, ie. Policing, Fire and Rescue, Engineering, Emergency Management, Parks. March 28, 2018 Development/License application PDF file (2.7 MB) Letters of opposition from the neighbourhood notification process related to Development permit application for 3133 West Broadway. March 28, 2018 Mayor/Council PDF file (210 KB) In regards to a specific Council motion from 2014, any follow-up documents that were requested by Council in the motion, such as memos, reports or partially completed documents. March 28, 2018 Development/License application PDF file (210 KB) Map of the catchment area where the notification cards were sent regarding Development permit application DP-2017-01193 for 2406 and 2408 East Hastings. -
Release date Record type Request February 1, 2018 Other PDF file (275 KB) All records in the message tracking log files of City of Vancouver servers, maintained by City of Vancouver or its contractors related to February 1, 2018 Other PDF file (273 KB) The daily calendar and agenda of former City of Vancouver planner Brian Jackson, between January 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013. February 2, 2018 Development/Licence Application PDF file (257 KB) Any requests from Hallmark Poultry Processors Ltd. to have exclusive access, or lease to the alleyway between Hastings and Franklin Streets. Date range is September 1, 2017 to January 16, 2018. February 2, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (290 KB) In regards to 6525 Oak Street, records on file including data from an upgrading and environmental clean-up done in 1993, referred to in a “Research Letter” dated March 11, 1996 from the City of Vancouver Permits and Licenses Department. February 5, 2018 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.79 MB) Records regarding the opening of Parq Vancouver for the period of September 1, 2017 to October 6, 2017. February 7, 2018 Other PDF file (378 KB) Records related to toxic substances and/or hazardous materials at Vancouver Firehall No. 10 February 8, 2018 Other PDF file (3.22 MB) Records regarding the large water-main break in or around 2009 on West 16th Avenue at approximately Arbutus Street, Vancouver. February 8, 2018 Development/License Application PDF file (2.76 MB) Records relating to Development Permit Number DP-2017-00123 from October 5, 2016 to September 19, 2017. February 9, 2018 Other PDF file (302 KB) Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation Stanley Park Intergovernmental Committee Terms of Reference for 2017. February 9, 2018 Other PDF file (83.8 KB) Submissions by City of Vancouver and Vancouver Economic Commission in response to the call for bids by the United Bid Committee, Canadian Soccer Association and their agents and representatives to host matches and related events for the 2026 FIFA World Cup. February 9, 2018 Other PDF file (10.8 MB) Environmental Test Hole Reports or other contamination investigation reports conducted underlying Renfrew Street by Keystone Environmental from January 1, 2015 to November 14, 2017. February 9, 2018 Other PDF file (6 MB) Records regarding COV workers involved in confiscation, clean up, disposal, and storage of property found in public spaces belonging to people with no fixed address. February 9, 2018 Other PDF file (340 KB) Records regarding the Vacancy Tax By-Law No. 16774 from January 1, 2016 to December 14, 2017. February 14, 2018 Other PDF file (1.58 MB) Records regarding a meeting/conference call held on or about October 4, 2017 about the Viaducts. February 14, 2018 Any and all reports regarding the most-recent detailed structural and seismic inspections of the Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts. February 14, 2018 Other PDF file (319 KB) Total number of catch basins cleaned for each of 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. February 14, 2018 Other PDF file (5.50 MB) Contracts and invoices between the City of Vancouver, Vancouver Film School and Mimic Performance Capture Inc. regarding the lease of a City-owned building in Gastown and also the lease of a "36, 000-square-foot studio". February 15, 2018 Other PDF file (2.23 MB) Reports, correspondence and work orders about the removal, storage and replacement of the city hall north plaza's ceremonial flagpole. February 19, 2018 Other PDF file (4.20 MB) Documentation of options (land swap, purchase, other) discussed between the City of Vancouver and partners and Beedie as mentioned in this memo PDF file (38.20 KB) February 19, 2018 Other PDF file (4.10 MB) In relation to a Memorandum by Gil Kelly dated October 27, 2017: Records of the discussion between the City of Vancouver, BC Housing and Beedie Development Group. February 20, 2018 Development/License Application PDF file (10 MB)
Information and records in the possession of the City of Vancouver pertaining to the Langara West development. February 21, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (918 KB) - Revised records Any information on complaints, fines, and filings from patrons and neighbours regarding restaurant/bar operations located at 53 West Broadway. February 21, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (378 KB) Number of parking tickets that were issued from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017. February 21, 2018 Other PDF file (4.65 MB) Records regarding the November 23, 2017 announcement and news conference about the Housing Vancouver strategy. February 22, 2018 Other PDF file (3.05 MB) Written and email responses by community members for the 4410 Kaslo St Temporary Modular Housing Community Information Sessions on December 13 & 14, 2017. February 22, 2018 Mayor/Council PDF file (6.25 MB) All communications to and from the Office of the Mayor and all briefing notes prepared for the Mayor and/or City Manager that refer to Amazon. February 23, 2018 Other PDF file (317 KB) All communications records between City of Vancouver employees and representatives of Burgess Cawley Sullivan Associates, (aka "BC Property Taxco"). February 27, 2018 Other PDF file (359 KB) The total amount in fees paid by the City of Vancouver and/or Vancouver Park Board to its own legal team to fight the Vancouver Aquarium's challenge of its cetacean bylaw. -
Release date Record type Request January 3, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (321 KB) Records relating to property located at 2801-2809 West 16th Ave, Vancouver January 5, 2018 Other PDF file (753 KB) Records regarding complaints relating to the Ira Thai Massage business at 416-1450 Chestnut St. January 10, 2018 Any records regarding complaints, investigations and enforcement actions at 525, 555, and 575 East 5th Ave before and up to November 16, 2017. January 12, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (430 KB) Any complaints sent to 311 against the building at 660 Jackson Avenue, Vancouver from January 1, 2011 to December 15, 2017. January 15, 2018 Financial/Agreement PDF file (430 KB) Monthly revenue for September, October, November and December 2017 for Parking Meters, Coins, and Pay By Phone revenue. January 16, 2018 Other PDF file (304 KB) Copies of all general communications between COV and selected landholders regarding temporary modular housing from January 1, 2017 to November 14, 2017. January 17, 2018 Other PDF file (4.5 MB) Records containing the words "Thinkpol" or "ThinkPol" or "" from September 1, 2017 to November 30, 2017. January 17, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (806 KB) A copy of a City of Vancouver Inspection results conducted on October 18, 2017 at 1235 West 70th Ave regarding illegal suites. Letter issued on December 6, 2017. January 17, 2018 Other PDF file (324 KB) Oil Tank Removal Permit and Report for 2966 West 4th Ave, Vancouver (Permit Number FI401848) from January 1, 2013 to January 31, 2014. January 18, 2018 Other PDF file (4.8 MB) Records regarding the production of Deadpool 2 for the period of June 1, 2017 to October 11, 2017. January 18, 2018 Street/Traffic PDF file (5 MB) Records pertaining to enforcement and education of the City of Vancouver Motor Vehicle Noise and Emission Abatement Bylaw 9344. January 19, 2018 Development/License Application PDF file (432 KB) Development permits issued and rejected for multi-purpose units both rental and for sale from January 1,2010 to December 31,2017. January 24, 2018 Other PDF file (349 KB) Names of the various teams, leagues, groups, clubs, organizations, or individuals that have scheduled use of Strathcona Park for various activities and events from January 1,2015 to December 31, 2017. January 24, 2018 Copy of the report, "Vancouver Arterial Noise Study" prepared by Wakefield Acoustics for City of Vancouver on April 23, 2015. January 24, 2018 Other PDF file (40 KB) Records related to a speech given by Mark Carney to the Vancouver Board of Trade in June 2011 regarding the housing market in Canada. January 26, 2018 Other PDF file (324 KB) The City's final proposal to Amazon for HQ2 January 26, 2018 Other PDF file (332 KB) Regarding the Amazon HQ2 RFP, A copy of the City of Vancouver and Vancouver Economic Commission proposal. January 29, 2018 Other PDF file (339 KB) All funds or services given to the Vancouver Pride Society from the City Of Vancouver January 29, 2018 Other PDF file (332 KB) A copy of revenue and expense statements for the Heather Street Marina from January 1, 2001 to December 20, 2017 January 29, 2018 Other/property related PDF file (276 KB) Records related to the following properties: 714 Cambie street, 110 West Georgia st, 132 West Georgia St, and 180 West Georgia St.
Information released in 2017
Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.
Release date Record type Request December 1, 2017 Other PDF file (316 KB) Records regarding the decision not to send Mobile Voting Teams to Vancouver Care homes on City By-Election Day, October 14, 2017. December 6, 2017 Development/License Application part 1 PDF file (21 MB)
Neighborhood complaints and the documents supporting the Director of Planning's decision to deny the application DP-2016-00715. December 6, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (12 MB) Sewage discharge monitoring reports for the following properties from May 1, 2017 to November 14, 2017: 1. 2889 East 1st; and 2.1615 Renfrew Street. December 6, 2017 Other PDF file (166 KB) Records regarding the gravity sanitary sewer constructed along the north side of the 3600 East block of Kent Avenue North by Mateen on behalf of Wesgroup. December 7, 2017 Other PDF file (11.5 MB) City Manager Sadhu Johnston's daily calendar and agenda from August 1, 2017 to November 7, 2017. December 7, 2017 Other PDF file (1.1 MB) A copy of all email sent and received by Chief Election Officer/City Clerk Janice MacKenzie between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. on October 14, 2017. December 7, 2017 Development/License Application PDF file (2.8 MB) Responses from the neighbourhood regarding a MMRU application at 2633 and 2637 Commercial Drive. Notifications were sent on October 27, 2017. December 12, 2017 Copy of the report that Tri-Data conducted in 2009 for a Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services Operational Review. December 12, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (203 KB) Records regarding the Mayor's Task Force on Housing Affordability. December 12, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (183 KB) Records regarding the August 2, 2017 meeting attended by Premier John Horgan and Mayor Gregor Robertson. December 12, 2017 Other PDF file (806 KB) Records regarding the City of Vancouver's 23.5 hour estimate for FOI File No. 2017-484. December 13, 2017 Financial/Agreement PDF file (2.2 MB) Records regarding shared use licensing agreement between City and Vancouver School Board at Lord Roberts Elementary School from January 1, 1998 to October 13, 2017. December 13, 2017 Development/License Application PDF file (13.3 MB) Records from August 1, 2015 to November 6, 2017 regarding the Development Permit decision on Sea to Sky Dispensary and Medex Dispensary. December 13, 2017 Other PDF file (219 KB) A list of the number of settlements and the total dollar amount of awards given for all cases of harassment, by year, for each year since January 1, 2010 to November 21, 2017. December 15, 2017 Development/License Application PDF file (7.7 MB) Records regarding the development application for 1319 Southeast Marine Drive, DP 2017-00983. December 15, 2017 Other PDF file (1.8 MB) City records regarding the botched demolition of 1140 Hornby in Vancouver in June 2010. December 15, 2017 Other PDF file (205 KB) Specified records in response to Request for Applications, RFA No. PS20161793 and Supply of Optical Ballot Tabulators (the "RFP"). December 20, 2017 Other PDF file (343 KB) A list of invoices issued to TCF/Deadpool 2 for any goods or services for the period of June 1, 2017 to November 7, 2017. December 20, 2017 Other PDF file (2.1 MB) Records regarding the City of Vancouver's Integrated Pest Management policy. December 20, 2017 Other PDF file (2.2 MB) Records held by the PB that include leases for South Vancouver Lawn Bowling Association for Green and Hall at Grays Park signed in years 1990, 1995, 2001, and 2015. December 20, 2017 Other PDF file (815 KB) Records regarding the RFP for Advertising Agency for Empty Home Tax (No. PS20171649). December 20, 2017 Other PDF file (778 KB) Any permits issued by the City of Vancouver for the filming of "A Dog’s Way Home". December 20, 2017 Other PDF file (138 KB) Names of the production companies involved in the filming and production of the film "Deadpool 2". December 21, 2017 Development/License Application PDF file (13.5 MB) Records related to DP 2017-00025, and the Herb Company, DE420305 December 21, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (6.2 MB) Records regarding district fire service records and/or environmental information for site located at 3205 Arbutus Street, Vancouver from Jan. 1, 1992 to Dec. 13, 2017. December 21, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (9.4 MB) District fire service records and/or environmental information for site located at 2001 Kingsway Avenue, Vancouver from Jan. 1, 1992 to Dec. 13, 2017. December 21, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (11.8 MB) District fire service records and/or environmental information for site located at 6525 Oak Street, Vancouver from Jan.1, 1992 to Dec. 13, 2017 December 21, 2017 District fire service records and/or environmental information for site located at 5702 Granville Street, Vancouver from Jan. 1, 1992 to Dec. 13, 2017. December 21, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (2 MB) Electronic report of the sewer main cleaning and maintenance on Hull Street (located under the street) from January 1, 2007 to November 19, 2017. -
Release date Record type Request November 1, 2017 Other PDF file (422 KB) Records regarding the form "Report fraud and misconduct by City staff" for the period of Sept. 27, 2016 to October 11, 2017. November 3, 2017 Financial/Agreement PDF file (167 KB) Vancouver Landfill operating costs and breakdown of money received from selling energy and saved from using recovered energy; emissions information, most recent information available for one fiscal year. November 3, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (6.1 MB) Any signed agreements regarding the September 2017 Mayor Gregor Robertson and Vancouver Economic Commission trade mission to China. November 3, 2017 Other PDF file (163 KB) Results of the October 14, 2017 City of Vancouver by-election by polling station, including advance polling stations. November 4, 2017 Financial/Agreement PDF file (165 KB) Full texts of all audits from the internal audit branch, from July 1, 2017 to Oct. 20, 2017; a list or plan of all areas and topics due to be audited. November 7, 2017 Street/Traffic PDF file (656 KB) Records regarding the Burrard Bridge and Pacific Street Intersection Upgrade Project. November 8, 2017 Other PDF file (165 KB) As-built drawings for: - The gravity sanitary sewer constructed under COV Contract No. 8009-100-02225 by Maple Reinders Inc. on behalf of Wesgroup;
- The information should include as-built invert elevations at maintenance holes P1 through to P6;
- The work was underway late August/September, 2016;
- The project is located at the southeast corner of 8655 Boundary Road.
November 8, 2017 Development/License Application PDF file (1.5 MB) Regarding 6636 Fraser Street, DP-2017-00025, copies of objections received from neighbouring property owners, from January 1, 2016 to October 16, 2017. November 8, 2017 Street/Traffic PDF file (1.2 MB) Form1 regarding parking signage (No Parking, No Stopping) on the 5100 block west side of Willow St. Vancouver with July 26, 2017 effective date. November 9, 2017 Other PDF file (8.8 MB) Chief of Staff Kevin Quinlan's daily calendar and agenda for July 27, 2017 to October 12, 2017. November 9, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (1.1 MB) In regards to a water connection bursting in the crawlspace of the building at 1578 West 11th Avenue, and one other building on the same street also having its water supply line bursting on August 24, 2017: Records of the work being conducted by the City of Vancouver at the 1500 block of West 11th Avenue on August 24, 2017. November 9, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (160 KB) Records regarding property at 3737 Angus Drive between January 1, 2017 and October 23, 2017. November 9, 2017 Other PDF file (143 KB) Any communication between the owner or the architect at 3737 Angus Drive and the COV that is related to the production of the Statement of Significance. November 10, 2017 Development/License Application PDF file (505 KB) Records of neighbourhood complaints regarding DP 2017-00654 at 146 East Hasting Street, Vancouver. November 14, 2017 Other PDF file (476 KB) Records regarding the City of Vancouver’s agreement with, adoption of and actions taken to fulfil Recommendation 3 of the OIPC Audit and Compliance report F16-01. November 14, 2017 Other PDF file (477 KB) Records regarding the COV’s agreement with, adoption of and actions taken to fulfil Recommendation 11 of the OIPC Audit and Compliance report F16-01. November 14, 2017 Other PDF file (188 KB) Records related to the filming of "A Dog’s Way Home". November 15, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (152 KB) Full documents describing the safety issues at 6608 Main Street, Vancouver from June 1, 2017 to October 31, 2017. November 16, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (7.6 MB) Copies of any and all expense reports and receipts for costs claimed by Mayor Gregor Robertson and his delegates for the trip to China in September. November 16, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (186 KB) Copies of any and all expense reports and receipts for costs claimed by Mayor Gregor Robertson and his delegates for the trip to Australia in September. November 21, 2017 Development/License Application PDF file (5.4 MB) Records related to the Village Wellness with DP 2017-00005 located at 206-1540 2nd Avenue West for the period of June 1, 2017 to October 5, 2017. November 21, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (173 KB) All agendas and minutes for caucus meetings held on the following dates: April 26, 2017; July 4, 2017; July 10, 2017; and July 24, 2017. November 21, 2017 Other PDF file (161 KB) Number of 311 calls related to rodent/rat management from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. November 27, 2017 Other PDF file (1.1 MB) Correspondence sent to the City of Vancouver from November 16, 2016 to June 20, 2017 in relation to requests for exemptions or a cap on the Empty Homes Tax. November 28, 2017 Other PDF file (641 KB) Project status report submitted after September 28, 2017 regarding the Burrard Bridge and Pacific Street Intersection Upgrade Project. November 28, 2017 Shapefiles for 9 transportation zones mentioned in 2016 Vancouver Transportation Panel Survey Final Report. November 28, 2017 Other PDF file (167 KB) All records of communications between the COV and the OIPC regarding the June 21, 2016 formal response by the City Manager to the OIPC's Audit and Compliance Report. November 29, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (296 KB) Records regarding the May 9, 2017 meeting involving Kevin Quinlan and/or Mayor Gregor Robertson with David Negrin and Jake McEwan. -
Release date Record type Request October 4, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (343 KB) Copy of fire permit issued for 2770 East 45th Avenue, regarding UST Removal. Permit was issued in 2007. October 11, 2017 Other PDF file (241 KB) Reports regarding Animal Control resources, dogs attacking wildlife and wildlife management reports in City of Vancouver. October 11, 2017 Other PDF file (163 KB) Any and all permits and licenses issued by the City of Vancouver to allow the filming of "A Dog’s Way Home". October 11, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (141 KB) Records of any fines on the strata building 4888 Nanaimo Street for not removing snow, from November 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017. October 12, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (12.7 MB) Chief of Staff Kevin Quinlan's daily calendar and agenda for April 17, 2017 to July 26, 2017. October 13, 2017 Other PDF file (15.5 MB) Annexes to the "Coastal Flood Risk Assessment Report" prepared for the City by Northwest Hydraulic Consultants dated December, 2014. The report is available online at the following link, but the Annexes at the end of the report are blank. October 13, 2017 Other PDF file (1.9 MB) 12 month report of noise complaints on waste haulers in the City of Vancouver from August 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017. October 13, 2017 Street/Traffic PDF file (156 KB) Revenue of Parking Meters by month for May 2017, June 2017, July 2017 and August 2017, Coin and Pay by Phone. October 17, 2017 Street/Traffic PDF file (142 KB) Data set or file of time-limit parking zones with either the location of the signage or stretches of street blocks, possibly GIS and CAD, Parking, or Traffic & Data Mgmt. October 18, 2017 Correspondence b/w the office of the Mayor and appointed federal & provincial officials regarding concerns about the rising costs of housing in City of Vancouver. October 23, 2017 Other PDF file (404 KB) Current approved or draft retention schedules or records classification documents as of 2017 (as well as the immediately previous related retention schedule if any) related to Human Resources no matter where they are stored, whether in electronic or paper form. October 24, 2017 Other PDF file (162 KB) Any briefing material prepared on the Empty Homes Tax since July 1, 2017, including any analyses of the costs to implement and administer. October 25, 2017 Other PDF file (1.6 MB) Information held by CoV and Park Board designating the head of the local public body for FOIPPA where public body is VPB, from 9/25/2012 to 9/25/207. October 25, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (4.9 MB) Information regarding a tank pull report containing analytical results for the work completed at 8420 Oak Street, Permit was issued on June 2010. October 26, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (183 KB) The expense report and the list of all invitees and attendees for the business lunch and the event on Sept. 9, 2017 at Kedu Club in Shanghai, which involved the Vancouver Economic Commission, Mayor Gregor Robertson, and trade mission participants and their friends and relatives. October 26, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (949 KB) The list of invitees and attendees of the event on Sept. 9, 2017 at DaCheng Dentons in Shanghai, and correspondence to and from the Mayor's Office and Vancouver Economic Commission and the hosts of the event. October 26, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (167 KB) The expense report and the list of invitees and attendees of the business dinner on Sept. 8, 2017 at Shanghai WH Ming Hotel, which involved the Vancouver Economic Commission, Mayor Gregor Robertson and trade mission participants and their friends and relatives. October 26, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (202 KB) The expense report and the list of all invitees and attendees of the business reception at the Beijing Quanjude Restaurant on Sept. 5, 2017, which involved the Vancouver Economic Commission, Mayor Gregor Robertson and trade mission participants and their friends and relatives. October 26, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (164 KB) Correspondence between the Office of the Mayor and the China Chamber of International Chamber of Commerce (CCOIC) before and after the meeting of Sept. 6, 2017 in Beijing. October 27, 2017 Other PDF file (9.3 MB) Records of all contracts, correspondence with and payments by and to the 100 Resilient Cities organization and Rockefeller Foundation. October 27, 2017 Financial/Agreement PDF file (173 KB) Total budgeted electricity expenses for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017; Total actual electricity expenses for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 October 27, 2017 Other PDF file (167 KB) All communications between COV staff and any agent or representative of Airbnb Canada Inc. or Airbnb Ireland from January 1, 2015 to October 10, 2017. October 27, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (152 KB) Executive summaries of all unpublished commissioned reports and external consultant reports – all for the most senior level – from July 1, 2017 until October 20, 2017. October 27, 2017 Other PDF file (161 KB) Names and titles of the representatives of Concord Pacific and Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute that were on the trade mission to Beijing & Shanghai. October 30, 2017 Development/License Application PDF file (2.1 MB) Neighbourhood feedback submitted for Development Application notification, 3422 Dunbar Street, DP-2017-00207 from May 19, 2017 to June 6, 2017. October 31, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.6 MB) Copies of all documents, including e-mails, memos, reports, briefing notes, invoices, receipts, etc., regarding the Mayor's visit to China in September 2017. -
Release date Record type Request September 6, 2017 Development/License Application PDF file (1.5 MB) Copy of the comments submitted to COV regarding Development Permit Application Number DP-2017-00533 from July 14, 2017 to August 14, 2017. September 8, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (10 MB) Mayor Gregor Robertson's daily calendar and agenda for April 17, 2017 to July 26, 2017. September 11, 2017 Other PDF file (8 MB) Records related to Sex Work Response Guidelines - Vancouver from January 1, 2014 to July 28, 2017. September 19, 2017 Other PDF file (163 KB) Number of empty homes currently owned by the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Park Board. September 19, 2017 Business/BIA PDF file (925 KB) Records related to Victoria Restaurant located at 6482 Victoria Drive which business is being operated by NCL Enterprises Ltd. under Business Licence #17-144616. September 19, 2017 Street/Traffic PDF file (202 KB) Records related to vehicle violation tickets & No. of cars impounded at 2200 block (east side and west side) of MacDonald Street from May 1, 2017 to July 10, 2017 September 20, 2017 Other PDF file (1.2 MB) Copies of applications, plans, approvals, permits, and correspondence about the August 12-14, 2017 production of Deadpool 2 in and around Jack Poole Plaza. September 20, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (241 KB) Records about Councillor Andrea Reimer’s scheduled appearance at Politics, Policies and Priorities Conference on October 27, 2017. September 20, 2017 Other PDF file (223 KB) All information held by the City of Vancouver and the Board of Parks and Recreation, including but not limited to, the categories themselves, correspondence, public input and personnel involved in the determination of those categories as well as their implementation, and procedures for public access, from January 1, 1996 to September 1, 2017. September 20, 2017 Street/Traffic PDF file (2.5 MB) The petitions that were in support of the parklet on 4200 Fraser Street, from January 1, 2015 to September 18, 2017. September 21, 2017 HR PDF file (277 KB) Records regarding the City Of Vancouver Senior Psychologist for the year 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1988. September 21, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (138 KB) Correspondence between the Office of the Mayor of City of Vancouver and the Office of the Mayor of Shanghai, before and after the meeting of Sept. 8, 2017 in Beijing. September 26, 2017 Fire and Rescue PDF file (1.8 MB) Response times of every fire and false alarms within the City of Vancouver for the year 2016. September 29, 2017 Other PDF file (2 MB) Most recent copy of the contract for the Stanley Park Tennis Courts that are rented or leased. September 29, 2017 Financial/Agreement PDF file (222 KB) A copy of the Letter of Intent signed by Mayor Robertson and Mayor Ying Yong in Shanghai. -
Release date Record type Request August 2, 2017 Street/Traffic PDF file (133 KB) Any violation tickets issued on November 14, 2016 between 1100 and 1300 on 1100 Nelson Street Vancouver. August 3, 2017 Financial/Agreement PDF file (24 MB) Records related to 508 Helmcken Street and the 1077- 1099 Richards Street properties. August 3, 2017 Fire and Rescue PDF file (161 KB) All records and information relating to fire watch in which a fire superintendent shut down the building at 1020 Granville Street on or about October 31, 2014. August 4, 2017 Other PDF file (2 MB) Copies of all communications with the Rockefeller Foundation regarding Vancouver's application and admission to the 100 Resilient Cities network from January 1, 2016 to April 7, 2017. August 8, 2017 Animal Services PDF file (197 KB) Any reports for the year 2014, 2015 and 2016 showing number of dogs complaint, number of warnings issued and number of fines issued, collected and amount of those fines. August 8, 2017 Other PDF file (327 KB) Copy of the employment contract for Managing Director of Cultural Services' Branislav Henselmann and the moving expenses report after being hired by COV. August 8, 2017 Other PDF file (462 KB) Copy of the employment contract for general manager of dbl Kaye Matheny Krishna and the moving expenses report after being hired by COV. August 8, 2017 Other PDF file (1 MB) Copy of the employment contract for general manager of community services Kathleen Llewellyn-Thomas and the moving expenses report after being hired by COV. August 8, 2017 Other PDF file (975 KB) Copy of the employment contract for general manager of planning Gil Kelley and the moving expenses report after being hired by COV. August 9, 2017 Street/Traffic PDF file (1.7 MB) Sidewalk inspections and maintenance standards for 2837 E. 54th Ave., from April 11 - July 11, 2017; Timeline of sidewalk inspections for area from Jan. 1, 2015 to July 11, 2017. August 10, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (7.3 MB) Specified records related to 1200 West 73 Avenue Vancouver from July 18, 1988 to July 18, 2017 August 14, 2017 Other PDF file (524 KB) Arborist reports relative to the monitoring, health, and mitigation of municipal trees on parker street in Vancouver from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. August 15, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (21 MB) Copies of all expenses, including supporting documents such as receipts, submitted by or for former Councillor Geoff Meggs, since January 1, 2017. August 16, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (2 MB) A list of all e-mails sent or received by Councillor Geoff Meggs from June 1, 2017 to his resignation. August 17, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (372 KB) Environmental Test Hole Investigation Reports submitted to the City's contaminated sites team. August 18, 2017 Other PDF file (196 KB) Purpose-built rental market housing activity statistics for Metro Vancouver in an excel format from January 1, 2016 to July 11, 2017. August 18, 2017 Other PDF file (153 KB) Records relating to requests for video camera footage or data from any Compassion Clubs or Medical Marijuana-related Retail Dealers by the City of Vancouver from January 1, 2015 to August 17, 2017. August 21, 2017 Street/Traffic PDF file (4 MB) Any records of complaints or accidents relating to the cycling lane at or near Union Street and Main Street. August 22, 2017 Specified records regarding media reports on the Brenhill land swap, from between City of Vancouver, RCMP, BC Housing, and specified individuals, from January 1, 2017 to May 29, 2017. August 25, 2017 Other PDF file (280 KB) All unclaimed cheques issued by the City of Vancouver from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 and still outstanding by July 1, 2017. August 28, 2017 Other part 1 PDF file (23.1 MB)
Summary information regarding media interviews by PB comm. Michael Wiebe where he stated staff had spoken to numerous experts leading up to the May 15, 2017 decisions about cetaceans, from Dec. 1, 2016 to May 15, 2017. August 28, 2017 Other PDF file (163 KB) All Records relating to the City's decisions not to publicly post the City's responses to FOI Requests 2016-493, 2017-016 and 2017-059. August 29, 2017 Development/License Application PDF file (3.4 MB) Records regarding a development building application for Leaves of Zazie (Marijuana Dispensary) with proposed location at 3422 Dunbar street from January 1, 2017 to July 10, 2017. August 29, 2017 Other PDF file (11.8 MB) Chief resilience officer Katie McPherson's daily calendar and agenda since April 4, 2017. August 29, 2017 Other PDF file (1.3 MB) Chief resilience officer Katie McPherson's expense reports for the period of April 4, 2017 to July 24, 2017. August 29, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (2.8 MB) All of Chief of Staff Kevin Quinlan's expense reports for expenses incurred in Vancouver and elsewhere from April 1, 2017 to July 26, 2017. August 30, 2017 Other PDF file (5.3 MB) Copy of the report and all correspondence regarding invasive species (Japanese knotweed) which spread rapidly between the West 33rd to West 37th Avenue stretch of the Arbutus Corridor. August 30, 2017 Other PDF file (211 KB) Information regarding transportation license transfers that the City of Vancouver may issue from January 1, 2010 to August 22, 2017 August 31, 2017 Financial/Agreement PDF file (363 KB) Records on the Affordable Housing fund including all invoices, staff resources, accounting, other management salaries and outside vendors and fees from January 1, 2012 to June 23, 2017 August 31, 2017 Other PDF file (148 KB) Past and present infrastructure and bike lane investments for Drake Street to Water Street; Burrard Street to Howe Street; and Granville Bridge and Burrard Bridge. -
Release date Record type Request July 7. 2017 Other PDF file (1.5 MB) Copies of the following records:
- All permits issued by the Vancouver Park Board to the Adult user groups to hold practices, tryouts, games etc. at China Creek Park North from March 1, 2017 to April 9, 2017.
- Proof of liability insurance submitted by the Adult user groups to the Vancouver Park Board from March 1, 2017 to April 9, 2017
July 10, 2017 Other PDF file (163 KB) Information regarding number of taxi and chauffer licenses in Vancouver from April 1, 2017 to July 4, 2017. July 11, 2017 Business/BIA PDF file (9.7 MB) The following records in regards to 5496 Victoria Drive, DP-2017-00070, from January 23, 2017 to June 1, 2017: - All comments, letters and petitions received by City of Vancouver
- All internal correspondence.
July 12, 2017 Other PDF file (3.5 MB) Agreement between the City of Vancouver, the Vancouver Park Board and the community group responsible for the Community Garden at Guelph Park. July 12, 2017 Other/property related part 1 PDF file (10.8 MB)
All records of complaints, correspondence and inspections regarding the properties at 6608 and 6626 Angus Drive up to June 7, 2017. July 12, 2017 Other PDF file (129 KB) List of residential properties that were assessed at a value of over $1,000,000 or more within Vancouver for 2016 and 2017 tax years. July 12, 2017 Other PDF file (210 KB) Policy and procedure of how 311 handles calls such as transferring calls. July 12, 2017 Other PDF file (250 KB) Any briefing material prepared on the Empty Homes Tax since June 1, 2017, including any analysis of the costs to implement and administer. July 13, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (135 KB) Executive summaries of all unpublished commissioned reports and external consultant reports for the Mayor’s office from January 1, 2017 to April 20, 2017. July 13, 2017 Financial/Agreement PDF file (265 KB) Property Transfer Tax Return forms submitted to the BC Ministry of Finance in connection with the August 2016 transfer of the "City Exchange land" to Brenhill. July 14, 2017 Other PDF file (508 KB) A detailed list of the work done between Alma and Macdonald, including the timelines for each stage of work and the total cost for each stage from January 1, 2012 to April 4, 2017. July 14, 2017 Any emails or internal communications mentioning the Balmoral Hotel between May 1, 2017 and June 2, 2017 to or from: Mayor, CM, and VAHA Director. July 14, 2017 Development/License Application PDF file (9.6 MB) Records related to the permit refusal of DP-2017-00070. July 17, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (201 KB) Records related to 128 West Pender Street from June 2, 1969 to June 20, 2014. July 18, 2017 Other PDF file (29.1 MB) In regards to a MOBI bicycle station sited near 2110 West 5th Avenue, City's records regarding selection of this location for a MOBI station & records regarding the notification procedure carried out. Date Range is Jan.1, 2016 to Nov.30, 2016 July 18, 2017 Records related to Granville Island trolley tracks from January 1, 2013 to July 7, 2017. July 18, 2017 Business/BIA PDF file (206 KB) A copy of the position paper drafted by the ARKS Vision group and submitted for public record as part of the Public Hearing for Arbutus Centre (2133 Nanton Ave, previously 4255 Arbutus Street) on July 12 & 13, 2011. July 19, 2017 Other PDF file (262 KB) Formal memos or letters to/from the City on the U.S. withdrawing from the Paris Agreement. July 20, 2017 Other PDF file (149 KB) List or plan of all areas and topics due to be audited by the internal audit branch. -
Release date Record type Request June 6, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (1 MB) Environmental records related to a property located at 969 Robson Street (formerly 750 Burrard Street) from January 1, 1956 to April 26, 2017. June 8, 2017 Financial/Agreement PDF file (197 KB) Any record from the City of Vancouver that references the China Investment Corporation, in relation to any city business, including but not limited to, the 508 Helmcken and 1077-1099 Richards land-swap deal. June 13, 2017 Letters, emails and materials submitted to Vancouver Park Board and Park Board commissioners related to Cetaceans at Vancouver Aquarium, from January 1, 2017 to March 23, 2017. June 14, 2017 Other PDF file (12 MB) Every single night time work permit issued or approved by the City of Vancouver from March 1, 2017 until October 1, 2017. Including who the permit was issued to, for what type of work, during what hours and for how long. June 15, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (2 MB) Any emails between City Manager Sadhu Johnston, City Engineer Jerry Dobrovolny, and Mayor Gregor Robertson that include the keyword "salt" from 5:00 am December 20, 2016 to 11:59 pm January 3, 2017. June 15, 2017 Financial/Agreement PDF file (273 KB) Cost of the salt/sand per shipment the City spent on road salt and sand between December 1, 2016 and January 10, 2017. June 19, 2017 Other PDF file (215 KB) Specified summary information regarding emails and letters received by Park Board opposed to and in support of Park Board proposed amendment banning display of cetaceans, which staff spoke of at May 15, 2017 meeting, from Jan. 1, 2017 to May 15, 2017. June 21, 2017 Financial/Agreement PDF file (212 KB) Amount paid by the City for each year for insurance (ICBC) - 2011 to 2017. June 27, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (171 KB) Sewage discharge monitoring reports for 2889 East 1st and 1615 Renfrew Street. June 27, 2017 Other PDF file (210 KB) Any documents showing the projected and actual costs to implement and administer the Empty Homes Tax. June 28, 2017 Street/Traffic PDF file (706 KB) 1. Records indicating when the City had a crew at the site of Ontario Street and West 10th Avenue cleaning up sand from January 1, 2017 to February 1, 2017; and
2. Records of the City’s inspection policies and maintenance at Ontario Street and West 10th Avenue from January 1, 2017 to February 1, 2017.June 28, 2017 Other PDF file (529 KB) Summary of communication received by Park Board from public showing how many people registered to speak or expressed interest to speak at regular meeting 5/15/17 on the issue of cetaceans in captivity at Aquarium, from 3/10/17 to 5/5/17. June 28, 2017 Development/License Application PDF file (1 MB) Public Consultation Letters for DP-2017-00005 (Village Wellness Society) from May 19, 2017 to June 5, 2017. June 29, 2017 Copy of the proposal submitted by CycleHop for Citywide Bike Share program, MOBI Bike Share. June 30, 2017 Other PDF file (208 KB) Deliverables received by COV / Vancouver Heritage Commission pursuant to the contract between COV and Donald Luxton concerning Heritage Action Plan). -
Release date Record type Request May 30, 2017 Financial/Agreement PDF file (167 KB) Monthly revenue of Parking Meters, Coins and Pay By Phone for the months of January 2017, February 2017, March 2017 and April 2017 May 30, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (3 MB) All internal notes from Prism system regarding 1795 Beach Avenue, specifically parking and licensing requirements, from as far back as possible until May 16, 2017 May 29, 2017 Other PDF file (34 MB) Environmental Test Hole Investigation Reports submitted to the City's contaminated sites team relating to investigations conducted underlying Renfrew Street by Keystone Environmental in 2015 and 2016 May 25, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (161 KB) 1. Records regarding sale of parkade from Canadian Marketing Consultants to CoV, between Jan. 1, 2007 and Dec. 31, 2008. Property is located at 600 Moberley Road. 2. Copy of lease agreement between CoV and Canadian Marketing Consultants if one exists. May 23, 2017 Financial/Agreement PDF file (206 KB) Reports regarding Affordable Housing Funds including all records of invoices, staff resources, accounting, management salaries, outside vendors and fees from June 1, 2013 to March 28, 2017 May 16, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (176 KB) Records (spreadsheets, reports, memos, emails) related to the valuations of 508 Helmcken /1111 Richards Street and 1077-1099 Richards Street property value estimates/valuations/assessments/appraisals from January 1, 2009 to November 7, 2012 May 10, 2017 Other PDF file (1 MB) Copies of all documents, including e-mails, memos, briefing notes, media lines, Q&As, etc., regarding the proposal, planning and announcing of Vancouver's new Chief Resilience Officer on April 3, 2017 ( May 9, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (8 MB) Copies of documents, such as e-mails, memos, briefing notes, receipts, invoices, etc., regarding the Mayor's trip to Ottawa to attend the Junos, on April 2, 2017 May 8, 2017 The unedited audio recording of the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation Special Meeting on March 8, 2017 regarding cetaceans at the Vancouver Aquarium May 4, 2017 Other/property related PDF file (240 KB) Copies of any documents, including e-mails, regarding media coverage of the Brenhill Development land swap and the City owned property located at 508 Helmcken Street, from December 1, 2016 to April 7, 2017 May 1, 2017 Street/Traffic PDF file (174 KB) Regarding an MVA that occurred in the 800 block of Quebec St. under the Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts on April 1, 2017 at approximately 4 a.m., a copy of video footage from the secure lot "Lot 800 Quebec St." A sign on fencing states there is 24 hour video monitoring. May 1, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (148 KB) A copy of executive summaries of all unpublished commissioned reports and external consultant reports for Mayor’s office from January 1, 2017 to April 20, 2017 May 1, 2017 Other PDF file (296 KB) In relation to an event at Vancouver City Hall regarding changes and improvements to the permitting system for new houses and housing renovations held on April 15, 2016:
1. Names of all persons attending the event (other than employees of City of Vancouver);
2. Names of all persons for whom city staff registered a reservation to attend the event (other than employees of City of Vancouver); and
3. Names of all persons who were thanked for their attendance at the event by an email last April 22, 2016May 1, 2017 Mayor/Council PDF file (262 KB) A list of all e-mails sent and received by Councillor Raymond Louie from December 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 with the following data: (a) sender; (b) recipient(s); (c) date and time; and (d) subject line -
Release date Record type Request April 4 Animal Control PDF file (501 KB) The most recent list of licensed dogs by breed in the City of Vancouver. April 5 Financial/Agreement PDF file (3.62 MB) The contract with Essess for the thermal imaging program, records about the procurement process for the contract including the assessment and evaluation of bidders and the recommendation to hire Essess. April 5 Development/License Application PDF file (1.91 KB) In regards to Development Application DE420305, final report of project facilitator (John Freeman) presented to Director of Planning before making decision to issue the development permit. April 10 Other/property related part 1 PDF file (11.8 MB)
Other/property related part 2 PDF file (18.3 MB)
1. Feedback regarding Arbutus Corridor (specified records quoted in this document PDF file (4.2 MB); 2. 311 calls about the destruction of the gardens, from June 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014) April 11 Other PDF file (192 KB) Specified records regarding GHG emissions of the Manitoba Works Yard, from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. April 11 Other PDF file (170 KB) Name of the local resident that provided the private donation to the Tatlow and Volunteer Park Stream Restoration Project External website, opens in new tab April 12 Development/License Application PDF file (958 KB) In regards to the development permit application for 475 Howe Street, DP-2017-00099, any feedback so far from the public notification process that began earlier in this month, from March 1, 2017 to March 22, 2017. April 12 Development/License Application PDF file (196 KB) Copies of the following analyses done relating to the Brenhill Development land swap agreement:
1. Altus Group - Social housing facility construction hard cost peer review;
2. BTY - Cost escalation analysis;
3. BCSA (Burgess Cawley Sullivan & Associates) - Assessment and validation of sale price and transaction economic assumptions; and
4. Rennie Marketing Systems - Estimation and validation of selling price.April 13 Other PDF file (562 KB) All emails sent from Michael Flanigan at BC Housing to Sadhu Johnston from February 15, 2017 to March 10, 2017. April 13 Other PDF file (167 KB) All analysis, memos, and reports, created between January 1, 2016 and March 24, 2017, pertaining to possible impacts of the expansion of the Kinder Morgan (Trans Mountain) pipeline effect on the city (e.g.: oil tanker traffic through the waterfront, possible spills). April 19 Other PDF file (79.9 MB) The following records related to the tent city at 58 West Hastings from June 1, 2016 to November 23, 2016 from the following departments: Communications, Social Policy, and Sanitation. April 20 Street/Traffic PDF file (200 KB) 1) Records showing the time that the City of Vancouver installed "No Parking, Passenger Zone" signs on March 31, 2017 at the 100 block of Columbia St. South/West side; and
2) Records indicating whether City workers recorded license plate numbers belonging to vehicles already parked at that location between 17:45 and 24:00.April 20 Mayor/Council PDF file (113 KB) A detailed and itemized breakdown of Mayor Robertson’s discretionary expenses based on the 2016 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI). April 21 Financial/Agreement PDF file (8.35 MB) All information relating to an operating agreement or music/entertainment use agreement between Live Nation Entertainment and Theatre Under the Stars and the Vancouver Park Board relating to Malkin Bowl. This would include a copy of the agreement and any communication relating to the negotiation and/or approval of the agreement and details of the RFP process for such agreement. Date range is May 1, 2006 to February 24, 2017. April 24 Mayor/Council PDF file (27.8 MB) Copies of all expenses, including supporting documents such as receipts, submitted by or for Councillor Raymond Louie from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. April 25 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1.38 MB) An itemized break down of any food and drinks paid for and provided by the City of Vancouver during official "re: address" week events that occurred between October 24 and 29, 2016. April 25 Other PDF file (647 KB) All email correspondence between Brian Jackson, Brent Kerr, and Max Kerr between September 1, 2012 and November 30, 2015. -
Release date Record type Request March 1 Other PDF file (177 KB) Statistics on reported accidents that occurred between January 1, 2009 and October 22, 2014 where the injured was 12 years of age or younger and the injury occurred either in 1) City of Vancouver fitness centre or 2) City of Vancouver ice rink. March 3 Mayor/Council PDF file (284 KB) All landline, mobile phone and email records that would prove whether Mayor Gregor Robertson was in-contact, regarding winter weather and related transportation and social challenges, with City of Vancouver officials. March 3 Mayor/Council PDF file (2.3 MB) Any and all correspondence in which top officials (including Kevin Quinlan, Sadhu Johnston and Jerry Dobrovolny and their deputies) briefed Mayor Gregor Robertson about winter weather and related problems in City of Vancouver. March 3 Other PDF file (9 MB) All emails from and to Sarah Kirby-Yung and John Coupar with the Vancouver Aquarium staff and management (including John Nightingale and Clint Wright) from January 1, 2015 to November 29, 2016, to be searched by City of Vancouver IT Department. March 3 Fire and Rescue PDF file (189 KB) The number of firefighters hired for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, with figures listed for each individual year. March 6 Mayor/Council PDF file (10.4 MB) Services performed in 2016 with Linda Oglov. March 6 Mayor/Council PDF file (199 KB) Duration (from opening to adjournment) of the following 2016 In-camera meetings: January 19, February 2, February 23, March 8, April 5, April 19, May 3, May 31, June 14, July 12, July 26, November 15, December 13. March 7 Mayor/Council PDF file (16 MB) Copies of all expenses, including supporting documents such as receipts, submitted by or for Councillor Raymond Louie from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. March 7 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.2 MB) A list of all e-mails sent and received by Councillor Kerry Jang from December 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 with the following data: (a) sender; (b) recipient(s); (c) date and time; and (d) subject line. March 7 Financial/Agreement PDF file (920 KB) The contract and insurance certificate in regards to the City of Vancouver and Lululemon Athletica Seawheeze Sunset Festival at Brockton Oval (date of event August 13, 2016). March 8 Other PDF file (2.5 MB) Correspondence and records of and from meetings since April 1, 2016 between the Office of the Mayor and senior elected and appointed federal officials (specifically the Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Health/Health Canada and Ministry of Justice and Attorney General) and senior elected and appointed provincial officials (specifically the Office of the Premier, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Attorney General, and Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General) regarding concerns about drugs, fentanyl, heroin, opioids, addiction, overdoses, drug-related deaths, and funding and services for harm-reduction, recovery, rehabilitation and treatment around City of Vancouver. Date range for records: April 1, 2016 to December 16, 2016. March 8 Other PDF file (11.4 MB) The daily calendar and agenda for Mukhtar Latif for the period of Nov. 1, 2016 to Jan. 31, 2017. March 8 Mayor/Council PDF file (417 KB) Copies of all documents regarding proposal, development, and roll out of the Mayor's statement on welcoming refugees and policies following from this, from Oct. 1, 2016 to Feb. 1, 2017.
March 8 Street/Traffic PDF file (10.1 MB) Information about Erik Wilk complaints about exposed wires at five locations around Yaletown from Jan. 11, 2017 onwards. All complaints & requests to make the needed repairs & safety modifications, work proposals & authorization, work orders & others. March 9 Other/property related PDF file (179 KB) All draft reports prepared by staff in Real Estate Services between January 1, 2011 and April 1 2012, regarding the potential sale of 508 Helmcken. March 10 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.5 MB) A list of all e-mails sent and received by Councillor Raymond Louie from November 1, 2016 to November 30, 2016 with the following data: (a) sender; (b) recipient(s); (c) date and time; and (d) subject line. March 10 Mayor/Council PDF file (23 MB) Copies of all expenses, including supporting documents such as receipts, submitted by or for Councillor Kerry Jang from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2014 March 10 Financial/Agreement PDF file (167 KB) Regarding the new City of Vancouver wordmark RFQ:
Records relating to:- Whether the RFQ request and open/public or closed bid process;
- When that RFQ opened;
- When that RFQ closed; and
- When the RFQ winner was selected and notified.
March 15 Other PDF file (156 KB) The report submitted to the City of Vancouver by the certified arborist who was consulted about the cherry trees on the Seawall in South False Creek. These trees are among the 34 recommended to be removed. March 16 Fire and Rescue PDF file (8.2 MB) The daily calendar and agenda for Ginger Gosnell-Myers for the period of April 4, 2016 to January 31, 2017. March 16 Mayor/Council PDF file (8.2 MB) The daily calendar and for Mayor Gregor Robertson from September 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017. March 17 Other PDF file (204 KB) Any briefing materials issued by the Chief Technology Officer on the status (including timing and budget) of the "Posse" software system; any reports about Posse sent to Councillors. Time frame is August 1, 2016 to February 14, 2017. March 17 Other/property related PDF file (1.6 MB) Following details regarding water main break in front of 1155 Union St. on October 31, 2016: nature of the water damage; when was it first noticed and reported; what was the extent of the impact on surrounding properties, from Oct. 1 - 31, 2016. March 17 Fire and Rescue PDF file (172 KB) The number of firefighter applicants for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, with figures listed for each individual year. March 17 Financial/Agreement PDF file (1 MB) In relation to the Wordmark RFQ:
- The Wordmark RFQ;
- A list of the criteria used to select the 10 agencies to respond to the above mentioned RFQ.
March 20 Other PDF file (171 KB) A list of marriages at City Hall between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2016 including the date of the marriage, the city portion of the betrothed's addresses, and the gender of each betrothed. March 21 Other PDF file (807 KB) Rules and policies that apply specifically to the following activity at Britannia Community Centre: Salsa Cubana & Rueda De Casino - Advanced - 86099. March 21 Other PDF file (1.2 MB) Any written records discussing Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr.'s visit to Vancouver on February 28, 2017 with regards to security and about traffic/streets, particularly whether there has been a request from the Trump Organization or US officials for extra police or street closures related to that February 28 visit, as well as how the city responded. March 21 Development/License Application PDF file (508 KB) All letters received from the public on file regarding the business development permit for 2868 West 4th Avenue, from October 1, 2016 to December 17, 2016. March 21 Other/property related PDF file (198 KB) From January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2016:
- Total number of how many residential rental buildings (excluding strata) in Vancouver have had a fire due to smoking inside the premises;
- Total number broken down by neighbourhood.
March 23 Human Resources PDF file (117 KB) The number of maternity and paternity leaves taken by employees, and the total number of days of such leave, for each of 2014, 2015, and 2016. March 24 Mayor/Council PDF file (10.6 MB) Mayor Gregor Robertson's daily calendar from January 1, 2016 to April 13, 2016. March 24 Other/property related PDF file (6.6 MB) Any documents related to an oil tank removal project at 4238 Pine Crescent, Vancouver, BC from January 1, 2000 to March 10, 2017. March 24 Other PDF file (4.1 MB) Maintenance records pertaining to showers at the Gathering Place Community Centre from Oct. 1, 2016 to March 14, 2017. March 28 Services performed in 2016 with Mark Vonesch. March 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (20.6 MB) Services performed in 2016 with N. Zadrafi (Glass Eye Productions). March 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.7 MB) - Any letters sent between Jan. 1, 2016-Jan.1, 2017 from the Mayor/Council to the Province that included a request for amendment(s) to the Vancouver Charter.
- Any letters in reply from the province that were received by the City between Jan.1, 2016-Feb.14, 2017
March 28 Mayor/Council PDF file (7.3 MB) All receipts and reimbursement records related to out of province trips by the mayor from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. March 30 Financial/Agreement PDF file (4 MB) The most recent contracts between the City of Vancouver and car sharing companies. March 30 Other PDF file (152 KB) All correspondence, including email and hard copy mail, records such as meeting minutes and scheduled meetings Brian Jackson and Bob Rennie between January 1, 2012 and November 30, 2015. March 30 Business/BIA PDF file (163 KB) Since the inception of the taxi industry in Vancouver:
- Number of times CoV has sold taxi licenses to an individual or taxi company;
- At what price these taxi licenses were sold;
- Terms and conditions of the taxi licenses at the time of sale.
March 30 Fire and Rescue PDF file (201 KB) A single figure showing the number of fires caused by smoking to any dwelling in the City of Vancouver, whether it be owned or private, building, house or other residence from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2016. -
Release date Record type Request February 2 Financial/Agreement PDF file (261 KB) Which SRO hotels on the list attached with FOI request have housing agreements with the CoV to provide rooms at the social assistance shelter rate or other "affordable" rates; duration of the agreements. February 2 Street/Traffic PDF file (295 KB) Reports relating to accidents/injuries involving cyclists & pedestrians, city plans/proposals to implement further safety protocols, complaints made to the city regarding visibility & proposed changes to increase visibility on or near Second Narrow Bridge. February 2 Financial/Agreement PDF file (238 KB) Records from Tideline Communications providing services to the City from Jan. 1, 2005 - Jan.17, 2017 and how many dollars were paid to them by City and records to show that Councillor Meggs holding a position at Mobi or affiliated bike sharing company. February 2 Other/property related PDF file (282 KB) A table enumerating the entire fleet of vehicles used by the VPD in 2016 with specified details from Jan. 1, 2016 to Jan. 1, 2017; Expense receipts form 2015 for maintenance of specified VPD vehicles. February 6 Other/property related PDF file (714 KB) Copies of records related to the following, for the time period of November 1, 2015 to November 21, 2016:
- The specific maintenance standards (the “policy”) that were in place as of November 2016 for the area of Main Street between 26th and 27th Avenue (4219 Main Street) in Vancouver. This document should describe the depth and breadth of the defective areas where repairs ought to be identified by a city inspector as well as the frequency of city inspections; and
- The specific maintenance performance records of the City of Vancouver that document City Street Parole Inspectors did in fact inspect the area of Main Street between 26th and 27th Avenue (4219 Main Street) in Vancouver as directed in the Policy document
February 8 Street/Traffic Excel file (680 KB) Specified records regarding Bike Lane Traffic Counts in Vancouver on an Excel Spreadsheet. Location/name of bike routes. Location of counter machines on each route and data collected by day and month. Collective sum of trips recorded for each route. February 14 Other PDF file (184 KB) Which addresses in Vancouver received notices, warnings or fines for their lack of shoveling snow between January 1, 2017 - February 8, 2017? February 16 Any records regarding complaints, investigations and enforcement actions at the The Cobalt Hotel (917 Main St, Vancouver, BC) and the The Astoria Hotel (769 E Hastings St, Vancouver, BC ) from as far back as possible to November 9, 2016. February 16 Mayor/Council PDF file (13.5 MB) Mayor and Council feedback reports which include, the city branch notified, feedback type, requester name, phone, email, whether the citizen requested a response, topic, case details. February 17 Other property related part 1 PDF file (6 MB)
Any records regarding complaints, investigations and enforcement actions at the Regent Hotel (160 East Hastings Street) and the Balmoral Hotel (159 East Hastings Street) from as far back as possible to November 7, 2016. February 17 Financial/Agreement PDF file (18.3 MB) The following documents referred to in the contract between City of Vancouver and Donald Luxton and Associates titled “City of Vancouver Heritage Action Plan”: Section 2.1 (a) RFP Section; 2.1 (b) Proposal submitted by the Consultant. February 17 Mayor/Council PDF file (4.59 MB) Services performed in 2016 with C. Chan. February 17 Other/property related PDF file (162 KB) All records regarding SRO Housing agreements for the following; - 928 Main St
- 727 Keefer
- 406 Union
- 658 Alexander
- 5 W Hastings
- 137-139 E Pender
February 22 Mayor/Council PDF file (987 KB) Services performed in 2016 with Wazuku Advisory Group. February 22 Mayor/Council PDF file (3.53 MB) Services performed in 2016 with Digital Handloom. February 22 Specified records related to the use of Larwill Park for Rogers Hometown Hockey. February 22 Other PDF file (184 KB) All permits and licenses issued by the City of Vancouver allowing CBS’ television show Zoo to film in Vancouver from January 1, 2017 to February 7, 2017. February 24 Other/property related PDF file (1.95 MB) A copy of the "Equivalencies Report" (now known as "Alternate Solutions") City ID No. 96-432, from Building Review Branch, for project address 869 Beatty Street. Report was issued in 1997 under base building permit BU404758. February 27 Mayor/Council PDF file (20 MB) Specified records from April 14, 2016 to December 12, 2016 from the Mayor's and City Manager's Offices, and Mayor & Council email concerning public input and responses in regards to fentanyl, the fentanyl crisis, the overdose epidemic. February 27 Mayor/Council PDF file (4.76 MB) Services performed in 2016 with Joshua Berson. February 27 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.91 MB) All correspondence between the Office of the Mayor and the Office of the City Manager (specifically Sadhu Johnston) and People's Republic of China Consul General Liu Fei and her deputies and staff. February 27 Development/License Application PDF file (320 KB) A copy of the letters of objections for development permit #DE419549 February 28 Financial/Agreement PDF file (188 KB) Ginger Gosnell-Myers' expense reports for the period of April 4, 2016 to January 31, 2017, including expenses incurred inside and outside of Vancouver, such as accommodation, travel, ground transportation, meals, hospitality, gifts. February 28 Street/Traffic PDF file (185 KB) In regards to the Industrial Zone bounded by Cambie, Main, Broadway and 2nd Avenue, specified records related to residential parking permits and parking places, from Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2015 and Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2016. February 28 Statistics on dogs that have bit/attacked other animals/humans for the years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. February 28 Street/Traffic PDF file (157 KB) The number of warning notices and fines issued for the lack of sidewalk shoveling in from December 1, 2017 to January 31, 2017. February 28 Fire and Rescue PDF file (165 KB) Number of firefighters hired by City of Vancouver between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2014. February 28 Other/property related PDF file (354 KB) All applications, permits and documents relating to above and below-ground fuel oil storage tanks on 3215 Kingsway, Vancouver, from 1937 to February 22, 2017. February 28 Financial/Agreement PDF file (145 KB) Records regarding the RFQ for the new City of Vancouver Logo Design. February 28 Financial/Agreement PDF file (161 KB) Which companies were asked by City staff to respond to the City of Vancouver's RFP for the wordmark redesign and the list of companies who responded to the RFP. -
Release date Record type Request January 4 Other PDF file (308 KB) All records of the examinations and findings of the Structural Review Program, including: How many buildings/building designs were examined; Results, actions, follow-up; any reports or data collected; communications from Jan. 1, 1996 to Oct. 27, 2016. January 4 Other PDF file (120 KB) Records related to reports regarding seismic risk - Delcan & Norecol reports 1994/1995, and Earthquake Preparedness Strategy Update and referenced in Council Minutes from March 15, 2011 from January 1, 2010 to October 17, 2016. January 5 Other/Property related PDF file (14.3 MB) - A list (by street address, but excluding unit number) of all multi-unit buildings that contain at least one unit that city staff have monitored, investigated or visited in relation to its use as a short-term rental property (AirBNB) from January 1, 2016 to October 25, 2016
- Any staff reports filed in relation to those actions from January 1, 2016 to November 17, 2016.
January 5 Other PDF file (820 KB) All business-related letters, emails (including non-City of Vancouver servers), notes, notes of telephone conversation from and to Sarah Kirby-Yung and John Coupar with the Vancouver Aquarium staff and management (including John Nightingale and Clint Wright) from January 1, 2015 to November 29, 2016. January 5 Other PDF file (180 KB) A statement of the individual payments received by Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation and City of Vancouver from Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre, including the dates, amounts, details of the goods and services and transaction numbers; and of the individual payments made by Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation and City of Vancouver to Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre, including the dates, amounts, details of the goods and services and transaction numbers. I am seeking records for the period of Jan. 1, 2015 to present day. January 5 Financial/Agreement PDF file (5.4 MB) Copies of the Revenue Reports, which are due on the 15th day of each month, as per section 4.1(a) of the 2009 agreement, and Revenue Report for each term year, as per 4.1(b), of the license agreement with the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre. I am seeking records for the period of January 1, 2014 to December 5, 2016. January 9 Mayor/Council PDF file (290 KB) Any communications, including e-mails, between the Office of the Mayor and the Office of John Horgan, MLA, from January 1. 2015 to December 31, 2015. January 9 Mayor/Council PDF file (10.8 MB) Copies of all expenses, including supporting documentation such as receipts, submitted by or for Councillor Kerry Jang, from January 1, 2015 to December 6, 2016. January 9 Animal Control PDF file (6.5 MB) - A list of dog licenses issued by postal code
- A list of tickets, with violation code, by ticket number and postal code and a code key for the violations.
January 9 Other/Property related PDF file (130 KB) All documents related to Environmental for 2162 - 2124 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, "Hansdowne Row": Phase I, Phase II, and the Certificate of Compliance related to Environmental. Date range January 1, 1997 to December 31, 2003. January 11 Financial/Agreement PDF file (370 MB) A copy of the following proposals/records (bidders and their companies) received for the RFP No. PS20150910, Public Bicycle System submitted to the City of Vancouver: Bewegen, Motivate, CycleHop, NextBike, Shift Transit January 12 Development/Licence Application PDF file (425 KB) A copy of the development permit application number DE411499 (the “New Expansion Area”) referenced in the Vancouver Aquarium Land Lease Agreement on the third page, in section H. January 12 Other PDF file (281 KB) In 2013, the VPD phased in new Dodge Chargers to be the official fleet of the police force. I am requesting the creation of a table that enumerates the cost of maintenance of each Dodge Charger used by the VPD for 2015.
Additionally, I am requesting a cost schedule with the maintenance and upkeep costs of each Crown Victoria used by the VPD for the year 2012.January 13 Other/Property related PDF file (96 KB) Statistics relating to the number of demolition permits issued for the timeframe of January 1, 2014 to December 21, 2016. January 16 Street/Traffic PDF file (5.62 MB) Entire (18 page) document called Point Grey Road Sidewalk Widening Details (see attached page 17 of 18); and records for proposed seating arrangements as per Drawing No. 2016-20-D.L. 4.1) as part of Phase 2 Pt. Grey Rd. construction, Aug. 1-Nov. 30, 2016. January 17 - A detailed description of the demerit process used in evaluating cannabis dispensary applications, including all written policies, an explanation of how points are calculated and who, generally, within the City is responsible for calculating points;
- A detailed report on the specific demerits of all other dispensary applicants in the same cluster as North Shore Better Living Society;
- All building permit applications and building reports generated by the City with respect to the other applicants in that cluster;
- All information from CAMCD related to each of the other applicants in the cluster.
January 18 Human Resources PDF file (108 KB) A record of the names of personnel who currently have been delegated to exercise authority of the Director of Planning, current to December 8, 2016. January 19 Mayor/Council PDF file (1.8 MB) A list of all e-mails sent, received or deleted by Councillor Kerry Jang, from Nov. 1 - 30, 2016 with the following data: (a) sender; (b) recipient(s); (c) date and time; (d) subject line. January 19 Animal Control PDF file (95 KB) - List of dog bites for the years 2011 to 2016;
- Total number of dogs registered in each year.
January 20 Financial/Agreement PDF file (83 KB) Monthly revenue for November & December 2016 for Parking Meters, Coins and Pay By Phone revenue. January 23 Financial/Agreement PDF file (222 KB) The Land Transfer document CA5419247 dated August 11, 2016 states that the City of Vancouver transferred ‘LOT C BLOCK 94 DISTRICT LOT 541 GROUP 1 NWD PLAN EPP35544’ with PID 029-261-317 and having a market value of $84,500,000.00.
A consideration of “$1.00 and other good and valuable consideration” is declared. This request is for all records detailing the “$1.00 and other good and valuable consideration” and other records that were included with this Land Transfer.January 23 Financial/Agreement PDF file (227 KB) Specified records related to Land Transfer document CA5419247 dated Aug. 11, 2016 for 508 Helmcken that relate to the stated $84.5 million "market value" of the property, from January 1, 2014 to December 8, 2016. January 24 Street/Traffic PDF file (8.7 MB) All internal communications (emails and memorandums) concerning the City's preparations and funding to keep major roadways and arterials clear for the anticipated snowfall in the City from November 25, 2016 to December 20, 2016. January 25 Other/Property related part 1 PDF file (23 MB)
Other/Property related part 2 PDF file (23 MB)
Comment cards from the 105 Keefer Street and 544 Columbia Street Open House hosted on January 10, 2017. January 26 Other/Property related PDF file (184 KB) The administrative report 08-2000-20 dated February 9, 2015 states that Charitable Organizations received tax exemptions from property tax levies. This request is for records related to property tax exemptions for a leased City-owned property at 508 Helmcken (PID 029-261-317) for January 1, 2015 to December 20, 2016. January 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (145 KB) Executive summaries of all unpublished commissioned reports and external consultant reports for Mayor’s Office - from Oct. 5, 2016 to Jan. 1, 2017. January 26 Mayor/Council PDF file (155 KB) Any communications, including e-mails, between the Office of the Mayor and the Office of John Horgan, MLA, from November 26. 2016 to December 31, 2016. January 27 Financial/Agreement PDF file (555 KB) A breakdown or itemized list of the spending on City of Vancouver's campaign on pipelines (as referenced in attached link to news item) including the amounts paid and who they were paid to/what they were paid for. January 30 Fire and Rescue PDF file (292 KB) The number of calls each Fire Hall in your City responded per month during 2016 compared to each month in 2015. Number of emergency calls each Fire Hall responded to were overdose related and number of times Naloxone or Narcan was used on a patient each month in 2016 January 31 Other/Property related PDF file (721 KB) Specified Environmental records in regards to 1205 Burrard Street, (as per COV Research letter dated July 24, 2015).
Information released in 2016
Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.
Release date Record type Request December 1, 2016 Financial/Agreement PDF file (800 KB) In relation to City of Vancouver Council meetings from December 1, 2015, to February 1, 2016:
- Breakdown of food and drink expenses incurred (Excel spreadsheet)
- Copies of the receipts.
December 2, 2016 Street/Traffic PDF file (120 KB) Specified records regarding the sidewalk located at the exterior of 128 West Pender Street (Sun Tower), prior to June 2014 December 2, 2016 Other PDF file (84 KB) Full copy of the following email, referenced in FOI request #2016-406, with the following subject line: "Nice to Meet You" December 5, 2016 Other PDF file (228 KB) Copy of complaints filed to the City of Vancouver about landlords in the month of October 2016 December 6, 2016 Street/Traffic PDF file (94 KB) Estimates of the increase in revenue that will come from the switch to a data-driven scheme to set metered parking rates (including the immediate rounding up of meter rates) December 7, 2016 Mayor/Council PDF file (7.5 MB) All emails sent to and from the mayor, the city manager, and Mike Magee (both in his previous role as chief of staff and current role) pertaining to the natural gas ban from January 1 to October 13, 2016 December 7, 2016 Other PDF file (100 KB) - Number of civil lawsuits filed against the City related to alleged Vancouver Police dog bites during January 1, 2010, to October 25, 2016
- Total amount of funds provided to conclude police dog bite lawsuits during January 1, 2010, to October 25, 2016
December 8, 2016 Development/Licence Application PDF file (2.5 MB) In regards to the refusal of development permit DE419447, copies of response letters to the notice of development application December 8, 2016 Mayor/Council PDF file (105 KB) - Copies of all versions of all scripts and videos featuring Mayor Gregor Robertson that were recorded on the same day as the YouTube video "Kinder Morgan Decision," of November 29, 2016
- All records about contracting and payment related to production
December 8, 2016 Mayor/Council PDF file (100 KB) In reference to the November 29, 2016, videotaped response from Mayor Robertson to the federal government decision on the Kinder Morgan pipeline, all other video statements recorded anticipating other decisions, from November 1 to 29, 2016 December 13, 2016 Other property-related PDF file (340 KB) In regards to the adoption of the "character merit" designation, all the character merit appeals together with their address, submission application, and decision by the Planning Department's Heritage Group, from January 1, 2006, to November 10, 2016 December 13, 2016 Mayor/Council PDF file (12.7 MB) All expense claims, including supporting documentation such as receipts, submitted by or for Councillor Raymond Louie December 14, 2016 Financial/Agreement PDF file (20 MB) The 2016 bike share agreement between the City of Vancouver and CycleHop December 14, 2016 Other PDF file (500 KB) Copies of any communications, including emails, between the City of Vancouver and the China Investment Corporation, from January 1, 2015, to November 29, 2016 December 14, 2016 Other Property-related PDF file (4.89 MB) Information regarding any environmental assessments to assess the dangers to 3038 SE Kent Avenue in relation to the site preparation and building of 3010 Kent Avenue December 15, 2016 Financial/Agreement PDF file (77 KB) A copy of the most recent License Agreement and Modification Agreement between Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, City of Vancouver, and Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre December 15, 2016 Financial/Agreement PDF file (80 KB) The most recent land lease agreement between the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre and the City of Vancouver, including a map showing the property line between leased land and non-leased land with as much detail as possible December 16, 2016 Other PDF file (5.6 MB) Specified records related to the planning, implementation, and cost of the Royal Tour of the Duke and Duchess to Vancouver, from February 1 to October 31, 2016 December 16, 2016 Street/Traffic PDF file (355 KB) Data on daily usage and costs of electric vehicles (locations listed), March 1, 2015, to November 25, 2016 December 16, 2016 Other PDF file (150 KB) Copies of the subject lines of all emails sent and received by Councillor Raymond Louie in October 2016 December 22, 2016 Other Property-related PDF file (12 MB) All records or reports and/or information about the building condition of Roddan Lodge, 124 Dunlevy from the POSSE database from January 1, 2006, to December 6, 2016 December 22, 2016 Mayor/Council PDF file (101 KB) Copies of any emails sent or received by Councillor Kerry Jang between January 1, 2016, and December 8, 2016 with email addresses with the following formats:,, and December 22, 2016 Other PDF file (1.52 KB) Any communications or lobbying IdeaWorks had with the City from January 1, 2003, to December 31, 2004 when they were advocating for an end to the City's moratorium on slot machines December 22, 2016 Mayor/Council PDF file (100 KB) - Any and all expense records for costs claimed by Mayor Gregor Robertson for the trip to C-40 in Mexico City
- A list of all elected officials, staff, contractors, invitees, and friends/relatives who accompanied the mayor and any expenses claimed by them
December 23, 2016 Mayor/Council PDF file (4.4 MB) Mayor Gregor Robertson's daily calendar and agenda for September 10, 2016, to November 25, 2016 -
Release date Record type Request November 1, 2016 Other Property-related PDF file (299 KB) A copy of the current valid Operators Permit (As required under bylaw 5462c, section 21.17) for 634 East Georgia Street. November 2, 2016 Mayor/Council PDF file (760 KB) All correspondence between Mayor Gregor Robertson and his staff and Seattle Mayor Ed Murray and his staff, regarding Mayor Murray's trip to Vancouver in September, 2016. November 2, 2016 Financial/Agreement PDF file (199 KB) The amount of funding the City of Vancouver provides to HUB Cycling, for the fiscal year 2015 and fiscal year 2016 to date. November 3, 2016 Other Property-related PDF file (888 KB) Any documents related to an oil tank removal (environmental report, tank scan, tank removal permits, etc.) at 572 West 18th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, from January 1, 2004 to November 1, 2016. November 4, 2016 Other PDF file (492 KB) Regarding the online form "Report fraud and misconduct by City staff," a copy of all reports under specified categories, and the incident reports indicating the process by which the complaints were investigated, and the outcome. November 4, 2016 Other PDF file (5.2 MB) Any and all correspondence with the Peoples Republic of China consulate and Canadian Alliance of Chinese Associations regarding the Sept. 30, 2016 flag-raising ceremony, hospitality reception and related events at Vancouver city hall to commemorate National Day. Please also include records about city hall preparations for the event. November 4, 2016 Other PDF file (6.6 MB) Access to all formal and information requests by all individuals and community groups requesting a flag ceremony for Chinese National Day held on September 30. November 4, 2016 Financial/Agreement PDF file (7.4 MB) In reference to Vancouver's five live-work artists during their tenancies between January 1, 2015 to October 25, 2016: 1) A report (in a table) containing a description of the work produced, the name of the artist, and the studio number; 2) Any contractual or tenancy agreement signed by artists at the start of their tenancy in the city's five units. November 9, 2016 Other PDF file (636 KB) Heritage Density Report, by Coriolis Consulting, 2015. November 10, 2016 Other Property-related PDF file (2.3 MB) All records about the concept, design, wording, budgeting, procurement, approvals, production, manufacture, delivery and payment for the West End Sex Workers’ Memorial near St. Paul’s Anglican Church. November 16, 2016 Other PDF file (304 KB) List of all completed FOI requests from July 3, 2016 to Oct. 5, 2016. November 16, 2016 Mayor/Council PDF file (167 KB) All correspondence between Gregor Robertson and the Mayor’s Office and the Chinese government (and its Canadian and B.C. consulates/embassy), from August 8, 2015 to October 28, 2016. November 16, 2016 Other PDF file (155 KB) Copy of all official photos of flag ceremony held for Chinese National Day on September 30, 2016 at City Hall. November 17, 2016 Financial/Agreement PDF file (403 KB) Contract between the City of Vancouver and Donald Luxton and Associates for the City of Vancouver Heritage Action Plan – January 1, 2014 to October 31, 2016. November 17, 2016 Mayor/Council PDF file (187 KB) Copies of the subject lines of all emails sent and received by Councillor Raymond Louie in September 2016. November 21, 2016 Street/Traffic PDF file (674 KB) The rezoning permit approval and date of issuance in regards to the planned installation of a MOBI bike rack in front of 1255 Broughton Street, from January 1 to October 24, 2016. November 21, 2016 Street/Traffic PDF file (872 KB) Specified information regarding West End parking permits, and changes to West End parking due to MOBI bike racks and installation of bike lanes, for the years 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 (to date). November 21, 2016 Street/Traffic PDF file (131 KB) Records of incidents, including conflicts and accidents, between people on skateboards and cyclists, pedestrians and/or motor vehicles on designated city bike routes or protected bike lanes, from October 1, 2015 to October 1, 2016. November 21, 2016 Financial/Agreement PDF file (180 KB) Coin and Pay By Phone Parking Meter Revenues (monthly amounts) for May, June, July, August, September and October, 2016. November 24, 2016 Development /License Application PDF file (838 KB) All development and rezoning applications for 1546 West 12 Avenue, from January 1, 2014 to November 9, 2016. November 25, 2016 Financial/Agreement part 1 PDF file (659 KB)
Financial/Agreement part 2 PDF file (172 KB)
E&Y Correction Letter - Error Confirmation and Addendum PDF file (98 KB)
Copies of any third party analysis or reports done on the Brenhill Development land swap and the city owned property located at 508 Helmcken Street. November 25, 2016 Other Property-related PDF file (4.6 MB) Environmental report related to 1350 (1352/1356) Kingsway. November 29, 2016 Other Property-related PDF file (10.6 MB) All communication to/from 311, Development Services, Streets, Licenses & Inspections, Legal regarding Strata Plan BCS 1172 (Brava Brava Towers, 1155 Seymour St., 1199 Seymour St.) from Sep. 17, 2013 to Aug. 24, 2016. November 30, 2016 Financial/Agreement PDF file (591 KB) All outstanding uncashed/stale dated cheques/properties/tax overpayments that are greater than $500 issued by the City of Vancouver or affiliated depts. to vendors, businesses, or agencies issued between Jan. 1, 2000 and July 31, 2016. November 30, 2016 Other Property-related PDF file (162 KB) Underground Storage Tank Removal Form for 4930 Will Street, related to permit number FI412384, from 2015. -
Release date Record type Request October 4, 2016 Mayor/Council PDF file (180 KB) Copies of any e-mails sent or received by Councillor Raymond Louie between January 1, 2016 and September 16, 2016 with e-