Proactive FOI releases: previous years

How we process and release FOI requests

In compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of British Columbia, information in the records that falls under an exception or exemption in the Act, such as personal and confidential information, is severed from the record or "blacked out". Severed information in a document displays as a gray box. The section(s) of the Act applied to the severed information is in red text in the upper left corner of the grey box. 

Beginning in 2016, we post all FOI responses with the exception of those that contain personal, third party, or City confidential information. We update releases monthly. The original request for records is contained in the response letter.

Past information releases

Review FOI releases from:

Information released in 2023

Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.

Information released in 2022

Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.

Information released in 2021

Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.

Information released in 2020

Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.

Information released in 2019

Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.

Information released in 2018

Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.

Information released in 2017

Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.

Information released in 2016

Documents and data are organized based on the date of release. Select a month for the information released.